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Integrated Laptop-webcam Not Working Anymore

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Hello all u Compu-Geeks,

I have an LG laptop (the biggest IT-mispurchase of my life, but thats another story) which has an integrated webcam. it worked properly since I started using the laptop 8 months ago.

2 days ago, when browsing the available updates, there was an "optional update" available which I accepted (unfortunately). since that moment, the computer obviously doesnt recognize the cam anymore.

the update was as follows:

"SONIX - other hardware - SONIX ST 50220 - USB VIDEO CAMERA"

can anyone help me and tell me (in words that a computer-dummie understands) why the cam is not working anymore ? or what do I have to do to make it run again ? can I somehow revoke/undo the update ?


There's one that totally screws my BlueTooth. :o

Roll back to the restore point (use Windoze help to find out about restore points) created when you did the update.

Don't click on the update again. :D

You'll have to re-install the updates you DO want, but you won't lose any work done since.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

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