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Sickening Story


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these sickos need a lengthy jail term and/or rehabilitation not castration.

Absolute nonsense. It's a well know fact that many of these tw_ts offend again & again. Castrate them and allow infection to set in; make them pay them really pay for their crime; rapists don't deserve the opportunity to rehabilitate. :o

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these sickos need a lengthy jail term and/or rehabilitation not castration.

Absolute nonsense. It's a well know fact that many of these tw_ts offend again & again. Castrate them and allow infection to set in; make them pay them really pay for their crime; rapists don't deserve the opportunity to rehabilitate. :o

Just curious.  Which criminals do deserve the opportunity to rehabilitate and which do not?

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Just curious. Which criminals do deserve the opportunity to rehabilitate and which do not?


IMO he was never a criminal in the first place; he should have been in the New Year Honours List. For those who are unaware of what the New Year Honours List actually is: http://www.honours.gov.uk/lists/2009honours.aspx

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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At the risk of speaking for mc2, I really don't think he (her) is defending any rapist. The phrase "monsters" kind of sums it up.

I think the point is that capital mc2 believe capital punishment is barbaric, no matter the crime. There are other ways to mete out punsihment.

yes, that is what i meant.

any of you with daughters? sisters or so? I bet if something that tragic as what happen to this thirteen years old girl, you will totally want to become "barbaric" :o Im not saying I wish it happen to them tho, but place your self in the other side. The VICTIM side.

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Yes, it is sickening but the same kind of thing goes on in Farangland everyday. Thought i would elighten you if you didnt know.

The topic under discussion is the rape of a child by seven adults in Thailand.

Now I accept that you might be predisposed to clouding this bad news item from Thailand but your suggestion that such attacks take place in Farangland everyday is nonsense.

I can't remember the last time I heard of any such attack in any of the corners of Farangland I've lived in, that such attacks take place is probably without doubt - But that they take place every day utter hogwash.

Well I can confirm its happening in my part of farangland. A last survey by the government showed that their is every day a girl is raped in school. In the capital continues Gang rapes of several day's is not so uncommon, Police statistics confirm it, but is not published in newspapers because its not political correct to tell that a certain population are the main culprits. Its also a fact that the raped women of that group dare not go public because it will mean that they become outcasts in their family and society, due to the fact that its regarded as always the woman's fault that she is being raped. There are raping at public buses, trams, trains and metro stations; In some parts of towns people don't walk anymore after sunset. And this is happening in every major town in in Northern farangland's on a daily bases.

I even dare to make the bold statement that the rape and crime rate in LOS is lower than in Farangland.

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At the risk of speaking for mc2, I really don't think he (her) is defending any rapist. The phrase "monsters" kind of sums it up.

I think the point is that capital mc2 believe capital punishment is barbaric, no matter the crime. There are other ways to mete out punsihment.

yes, that is what i meant.

any of you with daughters? sisters or so? I bet if something that tragic as what happen to this thirteen years old girl, you will totally want to become "barbaric" :o Im not saying I wish it happen to them tho, but place your self in the other side. The VICTIM side.

Anyone is going to get upset at any crime committed against them or their family.  That does not mean all people welcome capital punishment.

Personally, I am against capital punishment, whether that is cutting off the hand of a thief or executing a murderer.  However, technically, chemical castration is a form of capital punishment, and I have no problem making a rapist, especially a repeat offender, a mental eunuch, incapable of anger or aggression. Hi s body may be untouched, but his mentality is calmed down.

Edited by bonobo
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Yes, it is sickening but the same kind of thing goes on in Farangland everyday. Thought i would elighten you if you didnt know.

The topic under discussion is the rape of a child by seven adults in Thailand.

Now I accept that you might be predisposed to clouding this bad news item from Thailand but your suggestion that such attacks take place in Farangland everyday is nonsense.

I can't remember the last time I heard of any such attack in any of the corners of Farangland I've lived in, that such attacks take place is probably without doubt - But that they take place every day utter hogwash.

Well I can confirm its happening in my part of farangland. A last survey by the government showed that their is every day a girl is raped in school. In the capital continues Gang rapes of several day's is not so uncommon, Police statistics confirm it, but is not published in newspapers because its not political correct to tell that a certain population are the main culprits. Its also a fact that the raped women of that group dare not go public because it will mean that they become outcasts in their family and society, due to the fact that its regarded as always the woman's fault that she is being raped. There are raping at public buses, trams, trains and metro stations; In some parts of towns people don't walk anymore after sunset. And this is happening in every major town in in Northern farangland's on a daily bases.

I even dare to make the bold statement that the rape and crime rate in LOS is lower than in Farangland.

I'm only having difficulties with some of these posts because I'm trying to work out where the hel_l 'FARANGLAND' is? Are we comparing thailand against the rest of the world with these statements?....If so then theres no wonder the crime rates are much lower in Thailand where theres only 63 million people compared to the billions of people in Farangland (assuming your talking about all the other countries where farangs originate from?....Why havent I seen this destination on any of my maps, whats going on henry?, please help.

Irregardless of whatever the rates of this type of crime are OR whereever they are occurring it is a dispicable crime.....One world wide case is too many in my opinion. Crimes like this make me feel physically ill.

Regarding convicted Offenders of these crimes, some people will argue that they can be rehabilitated HOWEVER the risk of them re-offending is too high to expose the decent & innocent people of society to. Naturally the do-gooders will disagree and argue strongly against, until one of their own is raped, after that its amazing how quickly things change.

Why are the good people living in fear, locked away in their houses at night while the villians roam the streets?

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..Sorry to ask again from the first post i made, but it hasnt been answered in any way...does anyone know what what is in place here for the victims after a reported has been made? What happens? What councilling/support system is there (if any)?

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..Sorry to ask again from the first post i made, but it hasnt been answered in any way...does anyone know what what is in place here for the victims after a reported has been made? What happens? What councilling/support system is there (if any)?


I asked this question today at lunch, and I was told that, excpet for a few exceptions, not much is done in the way of counselling or any sort of support system.

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Yes, it is sickening but the same kind of thing goes on in Farangland everyday. Thought i would elighten you if you didnt know.

The topic under discussion is the rape of a child by seven adults in Thailand.

Now I accept that you might be predisposed to clouding this bad news item from Thailand but your suggestion that such attacks take place in Farangland everyday is nonsense.

I can't remember the last time I heard of any such attack in any of the corners of Farangland I've lived in, that such attacks take place is probably without doubt - But that they take place every day utter hogwash.

Well said guesthouse. Thanks for pointing out that fact cos nobody had gotten it innit

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..Sorry to ask again from the first post i made, but it hasnt been answered in any way...does anyone know what what is in place here for the victims after a reported has been made? What happens? What councilling/support system is there (if any)?

I asked this question today at lunch, and I was told that, excpet for a few exceptions, not much is done in the way of counselling or any sort of support system.

Maybe this group could inform you of what was available for victims of this crime:

The Rape Crisis Center is the lastest service initiative of APSW. ... 501/1 Dechatungka Rd. Sikan Donmuang Bangkok 10210 Thailand Tel. 00 662 929-2301-07 ...

They have a website: http://www.apsw-thailand.org/Kanitnaree_EN.htm

I'm not sure if I can post this here....hopefully I dont get a slappin for it....just trying to help.

Edited by neverdie
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Im glad to see that neverdie, thank you.

I hope that when a case is reported that the police and/or medical practitioner who examines is aware of this facility and informs the victim/parents and offer to contact the facility for the victim. Would also be nice to read if the police person who interviews the victim is trained in how to question a rape/sexual abuse victim.

Rape/sexual abuse/domestic abuse etc, will never be stamped out, so in my opinion, the next best thing is to make reporting easier for the victim, and offering after support/care.

Nothing worse for someone who took the brave step of reporting to be subjected to further abuse, embarrassment, and shame, by the police and/or medical examiner by a lack of understanding in how to handle the situation. A reason also why after reporting some victims will drop the case against their abuser. The trauma of reporting and all the stress and upset that go with it can often be too much to endure.

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Nothing worse for someone who took the brave step of reporting to be subjected to further abuse, embarrassment, and shame, by the police and/or medical examiner by a lack of understanding in how to handle the situation. A reason also why after reporting some victims will drop the case against their abuser. The trauma of reporting and all the stress and upset that go with it can often be too much to endure.

100% accurate observation.

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Just watching Thai news eating dinner and saw the most sickening report. 7 Thai men raped a 13 year old girl in a deserted house near khon khen (how ever you spell that).

I have seen a few news stories like this in recent months and i know of 2 thai friends who were raped when young. My GF tells me that it is not uncommon for ladies walking alone to get bundled into cars and gang raped. She tells me rape is a huge problem in Thailand and is always scared of walking alone. I know this happens all over the world and is not exclusive to Thailand, but is this a major problem here? Should we be more concerned for our partners safety here than in our home lands?

It sickens me to think that 7 grown men coordinated and carried out such an evil act.

thoughts ? Experiences? Knowledge?

This was front page headlines of the Thai newspapers this morning. Yes, it is sickening but the same kind of thing goes on in Farangland everyday. Thought i would elighten you if you didnt know.

I can't remember the last time I heard of any such attack in any of the corners of Farangland I've lived in, that such attacks take place is probably without doubt - But that they take place every day utter hogwash.

Do you read the papers from back home much Guesthouse?

'They don't see it as rape. They just see it as pleasure for them'

Rose George

The Guardian, Saturday 5 June 2004

As the Metropolitan police reopen 2,000 cases in a major investigation into gang rape, Rose George reports on a grim taboo

[ ]

A year ago, I wrote an article in Guardian Weekend about gang rapes, tournantes, in France. In interviews, I confidently told people that nothing similar was happening in the UK. I was wrong. Last year, the following allegations were reported in the press: the gang rape of a 17-year-old girl in Bedford by four men aged 17-19 (the police decided not to proceed); the rape of a 12-year-old girl by four teenagers in Feltham (all were acquitted); the rape of an 18-year-old by three paratroopers who, it was said, recorded the incident on their mobile phones (no charges were brought). A group of young men in Greenwich filmed their "rape" of a 15-year-old schoolgirl and entitled the video Lethbridge X-rated Part One (they pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse).

[ ]

This year, the Old Bailey heard the case of seven men accused of raping an 18-year-old at gunpoint "as a punishment". The girl said she had been kept prisoner in a flat in Sudbury, Suffolk, where one man told her, "If you want to go home, you have to do me and my friends." After two trials (the first was thrown out for legal reasons) lasting eight weeks, the jury decided the girl wasn't telling the truth, despite the evidence of an electricity bill that proved the address of the flat.

[ ]

The Metropolitan police are worried - enough to examine the statistics on 123 incidents in three London boroughs, involving over 900 assailants (including four gang rapes around the same school). Enough for Sapphire, the Met's three-year-old specialist rape unit, to recognise gang rape as a separate phenomenon, needing specific attention.

[ ]

I doubt his figures, and so does everyone I talk to. "Gang rape is really common," says a youth worker in Hackney. "Girls won't talk about it because they think it's normal and there's nothing they can do about it." Met commander Andy Baker, who used to be in charge of street crime, says, "It's been going on for years. Before I was a policeman, I'd see boys coming out of a shed and a girl following later. Now, I'd know what that was, and so would you."

[ ]

The Haven's database has collected details from 2,000 clients from in and around London. It doesn't make for optimistic reading. Among victims aged under 16 who visited in 2001 and 2002, 25% had had multiple assailants, compared with 13% among over-16-year-olds. Kids raping kids. The figures show a rise in gang rapes by a third between 2001 and 2002. "We recorded 206 in two years," says Peter Trail, an epidemiologist with the Health Protection Agency charged with collating the Haven's statistics. "A lot of people in the field are angry about this, but they won't speak."

I have only read the first page of this thread, so I am not responding to the rest of the comments yet. I lived in Thailand for 4 years, and studied gender violence in SEA. I have no interest in covering up or excusing gender violence anywhere, including the West. As much as all women everywhere have to be concerned, there is NO WAY that these crimes are the same everywhere. First of all, in SEA and most of Asia, it is a STIGMA for a woman to report rape, hence more than 70% of rapes are not even reported. Secondly, the occurence of gang rapes in SEA is shocking. It is frequent, and almost always blamed on the woman, and more often, the girl. In Cambodia, it is a sport. Please do not ignorantly claim that rape crimes and violence against women is the same everywhere, because that's like saying the wind blows wherever you're from.

*edit added: To the second poster above, to get a much clearer comparison it is necessary in this case to note the ethnicity of gang rapes in the examples above, especially tournantes. Gang rapes unfortunately have a much higher frequency in male dominated, traditional cultures, and that is an unfortunate fact.

Edited by kat
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Just watching Thai news eating dinner and saw the most sickening report. 7 Thai men raped a 13 year old girl in a deserted house near khon khen (how ever you spell that).

I have seen a few news stories like this in recent months and i know of 2 thai friends who were raped when young. My GF tells me that it is not uncommon for ladies walking alone to get bundled into cars and gang raped. She tells me rape is a huge problem in Thailand and is always scared of walking alone. I know this happens all over the world and is not exclusive to Thailand, but is this a major problem here? Should we be more concerned for our partners safety here than in our home lands?

It sickens me to think that 7 grown men coordinated and carried out such an evil act.

thoughts ? Experiences? Knowledge?

This was front page headlines of the Thai newspapers this morning. Yes, it is sickening but the same kind of thing goes on in Farangland everyday. Thought i would elighten you if you didnt know.

I can't remember the last time I heard of any such attack in any of the corners of Farangland I've lived in, that such attacks take place is probably without doubt - But that they take place every day utter hogwash.

Do you read the papers from back home much Guesthouse?

'They don't see it as rape. They just see it as pleasure for them'

Rose George

The Guardian, Saturday 5 June 2004

As the Metropolitan police reopen 2,000 cases in a major investigation into gang rape, Rose George reports on a grim taboo

[ ]

A year ago, I wrote an article in Guardian Weekend about gang rapes, tournantes, in France. In interviews, I confidently told people that nothing similar was happening in the UK. I was wrong. Last year, the following allegations were reported in the press: the gang rape of a 17-year-old girl in Bedford by four men aged 17-19 (the police decided not to proceed); the rape of a 12-year-old girl by four teenagers in Feltham (all were acquitted); the rape of an 18-year-old by three paratroopers who, it was said, recorded the incident on their mobile phones (no charges were brought). A group of young men in Greenwich filmed their "rape" of a 15-year-old schoolgirl and entitled the video Lethbridge X-rated Part One (they pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse).

[ ]

This year, the Old Bailey heard the case of seven men accused of raping an 18-year-old at gunpoint "as a punishment". The girl said she had been kept prisoner in a flat in Sudbury, Suffolk, where one man told her, "If you want to go home, you have to do me and my friends." After two trials (the first was thrown out for legal reasons) lasting eight weeks, the jury decided the girl wasn't telling the truth, despite the evidence of an electricity bill that proved the address of the flat.

[ ]

The Metropolitan police are worried - enough to examine the statistics on 123 incidents in three London boroughs, involving over 900 assailants (including four gang rapes around the same school). Enough for Sapphire, the Met's three-year-old specialist rape unit, to recognise gang rape as a separate phenomenon, needing specific attention.

[ ]

I doubt his figures, and so does everyone I talk to. "Gang rape is really common," says a youth worker in Hackney. "Girls won't talk about it because they think it's normal and there's nothing they can do about it." Met commander Andy Baker, who used to be in charge of street crime, says, "It's been going on for years. Before I was a policeman, I'd see boys coming out of a shed and a girl following later. Now, I'd know what that was, and so would you."

[ ]

The Haven's database has collected details from 2,000 clients from in and around London. It doesn't make for optimistic reading. Among victims aged under 16 who visited in 2001 and 2002, 25% had had multiple assailants, compared with 13% among over-16-year-olds. Kids raping kids. The figures show a rise in gang rapes by a third between 2001 and 2002. "We recorded 206 in two years," says Peter Trail, an epidemiologist with the Health Protection Agency charged with collating the Haven's statistics. "A lot of people in the field are angry about this, but they won't speak."

I have only read the first page of this thread, so I am not responding to the rest of the comments yet. I lived in Thailand for 4 years, and studied gender violence in SEA. I have no interest in covering up or excusing gender violence anywhere, including the West. As much as all women everywhere have to be concerned, there is NO WAY that these crimes are the same everywhere. First of all, in SEA and most of Asia, it is a STIGMA for a woman to report rape, hence more than 70% of rapes are not even reported. Secondly, the occurence of gang rapes in SEA is shocking. It is frequent, and almost always blamed on the woman. In Cambodia, it is a sport. Please do not ignorantly claim that rape crimes and violence against women is the same everywhere, because that's like saying the wind blows wherever your from.

*edit added: To the second poster above, to get a much clearer comparison it is necessary in this case to note the ethnicity of gang rapes in the examples above, especially tournantes. Gang rapes unfortunately have a much higher frequency in male dominated, traditional cultures, and that is an unfortunate fact.

Does Thailand have the death penalty for rape?I believe it is so for murder.It's always a sickening feeling when you read shocking stories like this.I for one,would like to see the death penalty applied for rapists.How could a man live his life knowing someone that raped and murdered his daughter/wife/sister,was still alive,and could do it again one day?I do not advocate torture,and believe the death penalty should be carried out in a humane way,ie lethal injection. :o

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..Sorry to ask again from the first post i made, but it hasnt been answered in any way...does anyone know what what is in place here for the victims after a reported has been made? What happens? What councilling/support system is there (if any)?

Less and worse than nothing is done, I supported a friend by going to the police to help her report her rape, the police turned around and threatened ME after leering at the victim while she told her story. Nothing is done of course and forget counselling and support, don't make me laugh, how does everyone not know this already? This is THAILAND.

How can so many people see such a completely different place? This stuff happens all the time here, and women rarely report it and when they do they suffer abuse and for no reason since the police do nothing about it.

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Where I come from, sometimes when the 'rapist' is caught in action, the police are never involved. It's in such times that I feel no mercy for 'rapists' being burnt to death after their genitals are fried right before their eyes. But then again one can never know the story behind the circumstances that led to the 'rape' and so 'mob-justice' (as it's referred) is never justice at all.

On the other hand it would serve as an example and caution to men not to be found alone in the company of underage girls.

Perhaps ....PERHAPS , Thailand could just learn from this?

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While calling for 'exotic' punishments or the death penalty for Rapist might ease one's own frustrations they almost certainly would not reduce rape attacks and may also create an increased risk of murder where the rapist murders the victim in order to reduce the chances of being identified. Add to that the fact that most rapes take place within families and we get into the realms of victims giving evidence against parents/siblings/relatives who are then to face viscous punishment under the law.

One does not have to be liberal to see the folly of such punishments - a modicum of intelligence alone ought to suffice.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Of course but in situations where it is a brutal rape from a stranger caught red handed... well losing his weapon of choice seems like common sense to me. I don't know about this family business though, all my experience here in Thailand is with talking to women that have been raped by taxi drivers, laborers and strangers. I think being raped by your family member is something most wont tell anyone.

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Thank her lucky stars(in a twisted kinda way) she doesn't live in Saudi Arabia....

JEDDAH – A 23-year-old unmarried woman was awarded one-year prison term and 100 lashes for committing adultery and trying to abort the resultant fetus.

The District Court in Jeddah pronounced the verdict on Saturday after the girl confessed that she had a forced sexual intercourse with a man who had offered her a ride. The man, the girl confessed, took her to a rest house, east of Jeddah, where he and four of friends assaulted her all night long.

The girl claimed that she became pregnant soon after and went to King Fahd Hospital for Armed Forces in an attempt to carry out an abortion. She was eight weeks’ pregnant then, the hospital confirmed.

According to the ruling, the woman will be sent to a jail outside Jeddah to spend her time and will be lashed after delivery of her baby who will take the mother’s last name.

From here...

http://www.saudigazette.com.sa/index...0090208287 35

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To a certain degree agree that saying something like this happens everywhere can come across as blindly defending Thailand. But for so many people on this forum, this is the very first developing country they have ever been to, much less lived in and they so often come across as thinking these things are unique to Thailand.

every day we have headlines about an other case of rape/incest among the religious orthodox communities here; OR murder 'protecting the family honour' among the arab/druze/beduin groups.... in the past few years more is being reported, more is being made visible to the eye, but still, among many ethnic groups here, similar to thailand in every way.

i would hazard a guess that thailand, like israel even five or ten years ago, will slowly change and catch up; education programs in schools, once unheard of here, are now part of every 13 yr olds (boys /girls separately) 'life education' seminars although among the religious and arab im not sure if that program is being carried out in reality. these programs are taught by educators on subjects like rape, child abuse, incest birth control (abortion illegal here w/o medical committe permission)... ten years ago, unheard of.

people who come from the european/american/aussie etc countries are used to politically correct speech, pro active action, strong education formal and non formal, and separation of themselves from previous 'ethnic' or 'religious' codes. however, many of us live in countries that are second world ie first world economics but third world in other areas like ecology, women's rights, children's rights, education etc. and witness first hand the slow changes in attitudes among htese areas.

the fact that this rape even made the news is proof of 'bringing things out to the public'. in the past, im sure something like that wouldnt have even been reported. thailand has a long way to go, but by educating your own children and wives (and husbands, yes, i work hard explaining to anon (thai husband) about rape/child abuse -- not the victim's fault etc) you are helping educate others, since every daughter /wife/child talks to her/his friends.... i know. my daughters bring their friends over and they ask me questions that they are unable to ask their own parents due to religious/ethnic non tolerance to these subjects. i'm sure it made a difference at least once.

a better approach then belabouring the fact that thailand is a primitive and backward country unlike farangland (whereever that is since my farangland is different then most of yours)-- start education at home. if something does happen, be prepared that it is a more difficult fight then u might have in 'farangland' for instance: when i was a house mother a girl was molested at night by an intruder to the dorm. the girl also had a reputation as a 'mattress' for the group so the police were not totally convinced about the molestation. also, here, until recently, the victim had to go in the same room as the perpetrator and point him out and say, 'he did it'. how many 12 yr old/18 yr old/40 yr old women are willing ot go in the same room as their rapist and say 'this is he'? fortunately, through lobbying, now in israel u dont have to go in the room, u can do it like in the states, from a one way window.

i wouldnt be MORE afraid in thailand than any where else. just more aware, and educate my kids as much as i can. hope that all made sense.



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I can't remember the last time I heard of any such attack in any of the corners of Farangland I've lived in, that such attacks take place is probably without doubt - But that they take place every day utter hogwash.

Do you read the papers from back home much Guesthouse?

Well it's clear you did not read my post.... shot from the hip again eh!

I read what you wrote Guesthouse. The purpose of my reply and posting of the article documenting the epidemic of gang rape in what I believe is your home country, much of it involving the rape of minors by adults, was to point out the sheer ignorance of your being unable to recall the last time you heard of any such attack in any corners of farangland. The implication of that statement is very clearly that such events are exceeding rare back where you come from, which, as I documented, is just plain wrong. Furthermore, the article points out that the metropolitan police are reopening 2,000 cases involving gang rapes. Please correct me if I am mistaken, but I believe they are responsible for policing the greater London area. If that is correct, those cases are for just one metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, meaning that there are undoubtedly large numbers of similar cases in other parts of the country. Bearing in mind that the UK is just one relatively small component of 'farangland', it seems evident that you do not have a leg to stand on when call 'utter hogwash' the idea that such attacks take place every day in 'farangland'. If anyone doubts that, just Google some keyword combos such as 'child adult gang rape', etc. and view the results. To document this is not to underplay any such problem in Thailand, but only to point out the ignorance of those, like you, who somehow think that this is something that is unique to Thailand, which is exactly what you implied.

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What I find odd on this forum is that whenever anything bad happens in Thailand someone will say that it also happens elsewhere. Is that what the forum is for to compare Thailand to other countries and therefore in some way justify it?

We live here in Thailand for many reasons (some good some bad) but overall we make a choice, that does not mean we have to accept that everything going on here is Ok.

A gang rape anywhere is reprehensible but saying it happened elsewhere does not make it ok.

That's true but often with these stories, on Thaivisa, there's an unstated air that anything that happens (and especially anything bad that happens) in Thailand happens because it's Thailand. In some sense, what happens in the West is just what happens, it's just the way things are but what happens in Thailand is all too often understood by many to be a flaw specifically in the "Thai character" (at least in as much as it's imagined by some of the people who post here). I think some people have the urge to say that women are gang-raped in every country not because they're trying to justify it but because they want to point out that this isn't a stick with which to beat Thailand; it's a stick with which to beat all our countries.

Well said. I might add that a review of some of the comments here reveal an extreme ignorance of the situation vis-a-vis gang rape of adults and minors in western countries.

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Ok this is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous, if 7 men RAPE a CHILD in the U.S. or Canada there is going to be a motherfooking MANHUNT to catch the dirty evil bastards, no question!! The same happens in Thailand and NOTHING is done. See the difference yet? By god!

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Ok this is ABSOLUTELY ridiculous, if 7 men RAPE a CHILD in the U.S. or Canada there is going to be a motherfooking MANHUNT to catch the dirty evil bastards, no question!! The same happens in Thailand and NOTHING is done. See the difference yet? By god!

This is one major difference, In Thailand if a girl gets raped nobody seems to care, its not a big deal. I take it that it is such a common occurrence that people are actually bored by the news of another rape. Certainly nobody cares to take a stand against the criminals who rape children here, some end up in jail but its rare.

Maybe some of the people who are defending this as some kind of attack against Thailand can give a example of a girl reporting a rape to a police station only to have the very police she reports it to go ahead and rape her too. Certainly American Police are corrupt but when they are finally proven corrupt there is hel_l to pay and everybody, even there own buddy's are happy to see them receive justice. Here a cop can do no wrong, they don't do anything to protect the public, and mostly they pull over motorcycles and collect fines that are off the books.

There is a undercurrent of rape and molestation in this country that is not comparable to any other country on earth. If anyone ever looked into how many boys are molested here they would be absolutely shocked and this is even less reported. It does not take a rocket scientist to know that many of the Lady Boys became confused about their sexuality because they were molested. Certainly some Lady Boys are born that way and happy to be transgenders but many are victims of rape and molestation. It makes me angry, then I'm just sad about the entire situation, I have no tolerance for oxygen thief's who hurt kids, 0!

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Simple punishment - execution. Violent crimes such as this are equal to murder.

No they're not, what a stupid point of view. To kill her would make the crime MUCH worse. You devalue her life by saying this.

I don't think the victim would think along these lines, she still has a full life to lead.

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..does anyone know what what is in place here for the victims after a reported has been made? What happens? What councilling/support system is there (if any)?

The Rape Crisis Center is the lastest service initiative of APSW. ... 501/1 Dechatungka Rd. Sikan Donmuang Bangkok 10210 Thailand Tel. 00 662 929-2301-07 ...

They have a website: http://www.apsw-thailand.org/Kanitnaree_EN.htm

there are a couple of centres that I know of. one is the above as shared by neverdie. however very limited knowledge is available to the general public.

Im not sure there is a system in place but what is needed is a trigger where once the victim goes to hospital for treatment, the psychologists are alerted, or referrals is made right away. (I know that they will alert the police when there are crimes related injuries).

now being a bit of a mod - Im going to ask everyone to refrain from comments condoning violence and hatred. I know everyone will have differing degree of emotions about rape and other crimes

but do remember that from the forum rules:

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing prostitution (including bargirls and barboys), referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. You also agree not to post negative comments criticizing the legal proceedings or judgments of the Thai Court of Law.
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