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I would appreciate it if you could please help me with these phrases :o



which i get as "can announce"



no clue

นี้ไง คนสวย


something about beauty.....

thank you, I appreciate it


เต้ๆ Could be a corruption of เท่ๆ = cool!

ได้ป่าว corruption of ได้หรือเปล่า = can [you] do it; is it possible

อ่ะห่ะ mimicking 'uh-huh', the English affirmative.

เรียบร้อยแล้วล่ะ = it's all taken care of; it's complete/done; I've done it already

นี้ไง คนสวย ... ไง is short for อย่างไร. = It's like this [don't you see], gorgeous. [Can't think of the most idiomatic translation for คนสวย in playful talk. Maybe somebody else?]

ก้อยังเม้นท์ได้นิจ้ะ = you can still make a comment; you could have made a comment anyway

I would appreciate it if you could please help me with these phrases :o



which i get as "can announce"



no clue

นี้ไง คนสวย


something about beauty.....

thank you, I appreciate it

I can only look in the dictionary which I suppose you have done.

First one, no word

ได้ป่าว you need to look a bit further if ได้ followed the verb it would be 'can/may etc.) but in front it puts it in the past tense 'has'

อะหะ doesn't need tone marks, but not found, just think it is English how does it fit?

เรียบรอยแล้ว come on everyone knows that surely. finished.

นี้ไง pronoun 'this' ไง is not a word. followed by a statement like that I should read it as 'stating the obvious' That's easy! beautiful men ก้อ is adj. to show that you are determined to have her ยัง meaning 'not yet' เม้นท์ cant find it and ได้ means 'able to'

In answer to a question like what's the story? That's easy, handsome people can have any one they want before something or somewhere or someone.

I don't mind 'flying a kite' like this it is good practise.

เต้ๆ Could be a corruption of เท่ๆ = cool!

ได้ป่าว corruption of ได้หรือเปล่า = can [you] do it; is it possible

อ่ะห่ะ mimicking 'uh-huh', the English affirmative.

เรียบร้อยแล้วล่ะ = it's all taken care of; it's complete/done; I've done it already

นี้ไง คนสวย ... ไง is short for อย่างไร. = It's like this [don't you see], gorgeous. [Can't think of the most idiomatic translation for คนสวย in playful talk. Maybe somebody else?]

ก้อยังเม้นท์ได้นิจ้ะ = you can still make a comment; you could have made a comment anyway

Thanks Meadish, I suspected that it was all slang. That เมนท์ again, why do they love it so? It proves that there is more to Thai than Thai.

I don't mind 'flying a kite'...

That could be taken into a totally different context, considering this is a Thai language forum. :o

I don't mind 'flying a kite'...

That could be taken into a totally different context, considering this is a Thai language forum. :o

That's true, I had forgotten that connotation, it is a good job that we are a polite circle, so most will not know it!

That เมนท์ again, why do they love it so?

Yes, funny isn't it? I wouldn't be surprised if everybody has stopped using it in 4-5 years though. :o

You mean like เบอร์ (short for number) in เบอร์โทร (phone number) or โล as in กิโล (kilometer or kilogram)?

IM, texting, and internet message board culture in Thailand is developing its own slang, just as in English. I don't think it's going away any time soon. On the contrary, I bet you'll start seeing it in dictionaries in 4-5 years!

Thanks Meadish, I suspected that it was all slang. That เมนท์ again, why do they love it so? It proves that there is more to Thai than Thai.

Yes, much like English, it has a certain je nais se quoi, doesn't it? :o

That เมนท์ again, why do they love it so?

Yes, funny isn't it? I wouldn't be surprised if everybody has stopped using it in 4-5 years though. :o

You mean like เบอร์ (short for number) in เบอร์โทร (phone number) or โล as in กิโล (kilometer or kilogram)?

IM, texting, and internet message board culture in Thailand is developing its own slang, just as in English. I don't think it's going away any time soon. On the contrary, I bet you'll start seeing it in dictionaries in 4-5 years!

No, I was thinking more along the lines of จ๊าบ for 'cool' and similar fashion words that have gone out of fashion. But fair point anyway, some stick, others don't.

Time will tell what happens to เมนท์.

No, I was thinking more along the lines of จ๊าบ for 'cool' and similar fashion words that have gone out of fashion.

Yeah, I didn't describe what I meant very well.

I think the word เม้นท์ might end up sticking because, like เบอร์ and โล, it has a pretty concrete meaning, and it solves a problem (it's easier to say and write than ข้อความคิดเห็น, or whatever the official translation of "comment" would be in Thai).


Personally, I can't see the RID taking on words such as เมนท์, จ๊าบ or เมาท์. Unless they release a special slang word addition!

Personally, I can't see the RID taking on words such as เมนท์, จ๊าบ or เมาท์. Unless they release a special slang word addition!

The word จ๊าบ (page 35) and เมาท์ (page 123, spelled เมาธ์) are included in the RID's "Dictionary of New Words, Volume 1", published in 2007.

No, I was thinking more along the lines of จ๊าบ for 'cool' and similar fashion words that have gone out of fashion.

Yeah, I didn't describe what I meant very well.

I think the word เม้นท์ might end up sticking because, like เบอร์ and โล, it has a pretty concrete meaning, and it solves a problem (it's easier to say and write than ข้อความคิดเห็น, or whatever the official translation of "comment" would be in Thai).

Good arguments, you may well be right.


Yes, I hate it, I mean if they can bugger about like this with half a word why the hel_l can they not say 'ment' I hate this half-ass approach, I am allowed to say that because I am a senior citizen. I bet they don't say เมนท์ either, it is much more likely to be เม๊นท์; on second thoughts that is probably the modern way of saying เหม็น! I assume it is kids on the internet, and I am a firm believer in jumping on deviation in kids strongly, if you don't do that they are not happy and have to be even more extreem to get attention.

I think that I am on the wrong forum, is there a wingeing forum? Is there something wrong with this programme I have edited out hel-l twice and it reappears.


Oh, I thought you were calling me ignorant, for not knowing that preposterous creation of internet-speak.

Now that I do know it, I rather wish that I didn't...

Oh, I thought you were calling me ignorant, for not knowing that preposterous creation of internet-speak.

Now that I do know it, I rather wish that I didn't...

Perish the thought I wouldn't call anyone ignorant, however I do realize that I am not very clear on this forum, I expect people to know what I am thinking without writing it.


Yes, I hate it, I mean if they can bugger about like this with half a word why the hel_l can they not say 'ment' I hate this half-ass approach, I am allowed to say that because I am a senior citizen. I bet they don't say เมนท์ either, it is much more likely to be เม๊นท์; on second thoughts that is probably the modern way of saying เหม็น! I assume it is kids on the internet, and I am a firm believer in jumping on deviation in kids strongly, if you don't do that they are not happy and have to be even more extreem to get attention.

I think that I am on the wrong forum, is there a wingeing forum? Is there something wrong with this programme I have edited out hel-l twice and it reappears.

Why would a Thai speaker pronounce the "nt" consonant cluster at the end of the word? Can you think of any Thai word where an "nt" consonant cluster is voiced at the end of a word?


Yes, I hate it, I mean if they can bugger about like this with half a word why the hel_l can they not say 'ment' I hate this half-ass approach, I am allowed to say that because I am a senior citizen. I bet they don't say เมนท์ either, it is much more likely to be เม๊นท์; on second thoughts that is probably the modern way of saying เหม็น! I assume it is kids on the internet, and I am a firm believer in jumping on deviation in kids strongly, if you don't do that they are not happy and have to be even more extreem to get attention.

I think that I am on the wrong forum, is there a wingeing forum? Is there something wrong with this programme I have edited out hel-l twice and it reappears.

How does one say "curmudgeon" in Thai?


Yes, I hate it, I mean if they can bugger about like this with half a word why the hel_l can they not say 'ment' I hate this half-ass approach, I am allowed to say that because I am a senior citizen. I bet they don't say เมนท์ either, it is much more likely to be เม๊นท์; on second thoughts that is probably the modern way of saying เหม็น! I assume it is kids on the internet, and I am a firm believer in jumping on deviation in kids strongly, if you don't do that they are not happy and have to be even more extreem to get attention.

I think that I am on the wrong forum, is there a wingeing forum? Is there something wrong with this programme I have edited out hel-l twice and it reappears.

Why would a Thai speaker pronounce the "nt" consonant cluster at the end of the word? Can you think of any Thai word where an "nt" consonant cluster is voiced at the end of a word?

Thats the point, they are not speaking Thai, I have a language also. It is just the G+T talking. โกรธง่าย ฉุนเฉียวง่าย

What is เมนท์ ?

Short for comment, they silence the last letter too, ignorant.

It's not ignorant. The Thai phonetic system doesn't allow words to end in consonant clusters. This is similar to English not allowing "ng" as the initial consonant sound of a word. Most English speakers new to learning Thai for example, have a hard time correctly pronouncing words that start with ง (such as งู, งาม, ง่าย, etc.).

Maybe a better example would be English words borrowed from tonal languages (such as the names of places, like Beijing or Shanghai). English doesn't have any way to represent tone, so we just don't pronounce or write it, similar to the way that Thai drops the final letters (or sometimes even whole syllables) of loanwords that would be difficult or impossible to pronounce using Thai phonetics.

There is already a lot of precedent for this in the many loanwords from Indic languages. For example:

  • สัมพันธ์
  • หงส์
  • การันต์
  • อนุสรณ์
  • ทรัพย์


It's only natural that Thai would re-use this mechanism when borrowing English words.

What is เมนท์ ?

Short for comment, they silence the last letter too, ignorant.

It's not ignorant. The Thai phonetic system doesn't allow words to end in consonant clusters. This is similar to English not allowing "ng" as the initial consonant sound of a word. Most English speakers new to learning Thai for example, have a hard time correctly pronouncing words that start with ง (such as งู, งาม, ง่าย, etc.).

Maybe a better example would be English words borrowed from tonal languages (such as the names of places, like Beijing or Shanghai). English doesn't have any way to represent tone, so we just don't pronounce or write it, similar to the way that Thai drops the final letters (or sometimes even whole syllables) of loanwords that would be difficult or impossible to pronounce using Thai phonetics.

There is already a lot of precedent for this in the many loanwords from Indic languages. For example:

  • สัมพันธ์
  • หงส์
  • การันต์
  • อนุสรณ์
  • ทรัพย์


It's only natural that Thai would re-use this mechanism when borrowing English words.

I know all about that I think that you miss the point, I am just having a rant.

I am interested in why Thais seem to not finish the words, are they given the correct phonetics I wonder. milk มิ ละ คะ

house หาวสะ comment คมเมนทะ :- กึ่งเสียงไนทุกกรณี

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