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Help Me Find Some Land

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Any province will do, though I am in Phetchabun now and like it. I would like to find land with the following in mind:

  1. Documents: NS3 or chanote. It seems lower documents will go bye bye if one simply wants a homestead on a large piece of land and is not running a farm or business.
  2. High altitude hoping to find cooler weather. For reference Phetchabun city is near sea level and often tops 33C (90+F) during the *cold* season--undesirably hot.
  3. Privacy by way of purchasing a giant quantity of rai for a buffer zone. Would consider a small amount in a remote, out of the way area not likely to be developed.
  4. Scenic/wooded rather than clearcut dry grasslands baking in the sun.
  5. Reasonable pricing in line with what a local would pay for the same thing.
  6. Do not want to be in a place with a “burning season” with bad air seasonally. Was sight seeing in Chiang Rai last March and the smoky air was a horrifying experience.

Do not require electricity or public water. I don’t think it is the type of land most people buy so it seems very difficult to find. I think I could run classified ads until I am blue in the face and it will be totally futile. Any ideas how to go about finding such a place?

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Any province will do, though I am in Phetchabun now and like it. I would like to find land with the following in mind:

  1. Documents: NS3 or chanote. It seems lower documents will go bye bye if one simply wants a homestead on a large piece of land and is not running a farm or business.
  2. High altitude hoping to find cooler weather. For reference Phetchabun city is near sea level and often tops 33C (90+F) during the *cold* season--undesirably hot.
  3. Privacy by way of purchasing a giant quantity of rai for a buffer zone. Would consider a small amount in a remote, out of the way area not likely to be developed.
  4. Scenic/wooded rather than clearcut dry grasslands baking in the sun.
  5. Reasonable pricing in line with what a local would pay for the same thing.
  6. Do not want to be in a place with a "burning season" with bad air seasonally. Was sight seeing in Chiang Rai last March and the smoky air was a horrifying experience.

Do not require electricity or public water. I don't think it is the type of land most people buy so it seems very difficult to find. I think I could run classified ads until I am blue in the face and it will be totally futile. Any ideas how to go about finding such a place?

Khao Yai may be? Will be expensive though. Or in the Mae Hong Son/Pai area?

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It seems to me that the OP is putting restrictions on him/herself that may a tad unrealistic.

Sob a Gor is the deed title to avoid in Thailand. Can only (officially) be handed down to family members. Cannot be sold or used as collateral against a bank loan. All other titles are bought and sold freely, by Thais. There are restrictions on use and mineral rights for all other titles up to chanote. But....Plant 1 rai of mango on your land and you are a mango farm. line your boundary with banana trees and you're a banana plantation. The chance of these usage issues coming up are remote in the extreme. IMHO. Too many Hi-So Thais have too much at stake here.

Scenic woodlands brings it's own problems, with humidity, insects and the local fauna.

A local wouldn't buy "scenic woodlands"....accept to slash/burn and grow maize, sugar or soya. But I understand your fears about not paying a "Falang price".

Khao Yai is the place to be young man.......Naaaa.....although you could do worse.

Byoung2's idea is your best bet.

Your only restrictions should be going through an English speaking Thai law firm and all transactions going through the land registry office. Do I live on your piece of land? Here's the view from my "back yard"



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I was very interested in a very nice wooded parcel of land. The price was right and it was exactly what I wanted. My wife thought everything was in order and all that remained was to close the deal. My wife's brother heard what we were going to do and came rushing over. He was quite excited and said that there were restrictions on the land. Not even one tree could be cut and that the land was in essence useless for anything except picnics.

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I was very interested in a very nice wooded parcel of land. The price was right and it was exactly what I wanted. My wife thought everything was in order and all that remained was to close the deal. My wife's brother heard what we were going to do and came rushing over. He was quite excited and said that there were restrictions on the land. Not even one tree could be cut and that the land was in essence useless for anything except picnics.

There's laws about cutting down trees on private land in Thailand? The mind boggles...

Were they old teak trees?

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I was very interested in a very nice wooded parcel of land. The price was right and it was exactly what I wanted. My wife thought everything was in order and all that remained was to close the deal. My wife's brother heard what we were going to do and came rushing over. He was quite excited and said that there were restrictions on the land. Not even one tree could be cut and that the land was in essence useless for anything except picnics.

There's laws about cutting down trees on private land in Thailand? The mind boggles...

Were they old teak trees?

There is some very serious laws about cutting down trees in Thailand - particularly Teak!!, not only about which trees can be cut down, but who can cut them down / transport them etc....serious business indeed!

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There is some very serious laws about cutting down trees in Thailand - particularly Teak!!, not only about which trees can be cut down, but who can cut them down / transport them etc....serious business indeed!

I don't doubt that. But are they followed as closely as the laws against running scams in BKK :D or as closely as the laws against drugs :o ?

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