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Eea Family Permit / Residency Permit

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• Wife + Child on EEA Family Permit.

• Myself a Dual National

• Thai wife, Thai passport

• Daughter Thai with British Birthrights, Thai Passport (will get Brit in Thailand)

Have a Thai wife and our daughter in UK on an EEA Family Permit as I am one of the fortunate few whom have dual nationality Dutch / British.

My story so far,

I have my family with me here in the UK and now it’s coming around to the time where the missus needs a well earned return journey to Thailand.

I submitted their passports to the home office with the intension of getting a Residency Permit in April 2008. Now I have booked 44 days of work which aren’t flexible dates as I have a job in the forces. I not only have to get myself a visa for the time span but I am faced with the dilemma whether to re-apply for another EEA family permit (which was achieved with ease) for the wife if they haven’t completed the application for residency permit and they are CURRENTLY only considering applications that were submitted in February to state the obvious that’s a year turn around.

Having wrote my email it seams obvious that my choices are.

1. wait for the Residency Permit to get considered and hope I get it before April the date I set my holiday.

2. re apply for another family permit in Thailand and resubmit the passports when we return to the UK.

3. find out if you can extend an EEA Family permit in BKK.

I guess it’s a case of suck it and see but its frustrating to say the least that the applications are taking a whole year to get considered.

If anyone has been in a similar situation or can reflect on EEA Family permits I be happy to hear from your ideas thoughts etc etc.


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some 2-3 weeks before holidays call the home office for the passport - they might dig it up and send you together with residency card. Otherwise in bangkok family permits are priority and take 3-4 days (take with you a confirmation letter from the Home Office about your application).

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some 2-3 weeks before holidays call the home office for the passport - they might dig it up and send you together with residency card. Otherwise in bangkok family permits are priority and take 3-4 days (take with you a confirmation letter from the Home Office about your application).


Yeah I tend to agree seems like the only viable option. It’s a boring wait for the turn around I think it would have been nice to have been advised of the huge huge wait involved, originally it was 6-7 months now its 12 unreal…


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Decisions Decisions


• Wife + Child on EEA Family Permit.

• Myself a Dual National

• Thai wife, Thai passport

• Daughter Thai with British Birthrights, Thai Passport (will get Brit in Thailand)

Have a Thai wife and our daughter in UK on an EEA Family Permit as I am one of the fortunate few whom have dual nationality Dutch / British.

My story so far,

I have my family with me here in the UK and now it’s coming around to the time where the missus needs a well earned return journey to Thailand.

I submitted their passports to the home office with the intension of getting a Residency Permit in April 2008. Now I have booked 44 days of work which aren’t flexible dates as I have a job in the forces. I not only have to get myself a visa for the time span but I am faced with the dilemma whether to re-apply for another EEA family permit (which was achieved with ease) for the wife if they haven’t completed the application for residency permit and they are CURRENTLY only considering applications that were submitted in February to state the obvious that’s a year turn around.

Having wrote my email it seams obvious that my choices are.

1. wait for the Residency Permit to get considered and hope I get it before April the date I set my holiday.

2. re apply for another family permit in Thailand and resubmit the passports when we return to the UK.

3. find out if you can extend an EEA Family permit in BKK.

I guess it’s a case of suck it and see but its frustrating to say the least that the applications are taking a whole year to get considered.

If anyone has been in a similar situation or can reflect on EEA Family permits I be happy to hear from your ideas thoughts etc etc.


From the time frames the residence cards should already have been with you. As it is overdue I would call the number that is on the letter that you got when you send in the passports and ask them why their is a delay of more then 3 months (needs to be issued within 6 months). Also send them an email and request under the freedom of information act the total number of aplications made, total number of applications processed, number of staff processing, all training and upskilling that has been delivered to processing staff etc for every month between the period between april 2008 and now. This may sound strange but it will make them work a whole lot faster as they hate to have to deliver that information as they can't.

Just threaten with the ICO straight away

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From the time frames the residence cards should already have been with you. As it is overdue I would call the number that is on the letter that you got when you send in the passports and ask them why their is a delay of more then 3 months (needs to be issued within 6 months). Also send them an email and request under the freedom of information act the total number of aplications made, total number of applications processed, number of staff processing, all training and upskilling that has been delivered to processing staff etc for every month between the period between april 2008 and now. This may sound strange but it will make them work a whole lot faster as they hate to have to deliver that information as they can't.

Just threaten with the ICO straight away

I think I might start to go down that route; it’s funny that I haven’t heard as many posters here as I first imagined I might.

I hasten to add that there are particular posters that give a lot less advice than they might have once upon a time. (chewed on that for a while...)

As for the periods of time I was ill advised by the UKBA I was originally told 6 months for a EEA family permit having contacted them at a date just prior to posting this originally.

I have written to the UKBA asking specifics you mentioned I will endeavour keep you posted.

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From the time frames the residence cards should already have been with you. As it is overdue I would call the number that is on the letter that you got when you send in the passports and ask them why their is a delay of more then 3 months (needs to be issued within 6 months). Also send them an email and request under the freedom of information act the total number of aplications made, total number of applications processed, number of staff processing, all training and upskilling that has been delivered to processing staff etc for every month between the period between april 2008 and now. This may sound strange but it will make them work a whole lot faster as they hate to have to deliver that information as they can't.

Just threaten with the ICO straight away

I think I might start to go down that route; it’s funny that I haven’t heard as many posters here as I first imagined I might.

I hasten to add that there are particular posters that give a lot less advice than they might have once upon a time. (chewed on that for a while...)

As for the periods of time I was ill advised by the UKBA I was originally told 6 months for a EEA family permit having contacted them at a date just prior to posting this originally.

I have written to the UKBA asking specifics you mentioned I will endeavour keep you posted.

have send you in PM an email that had the required result after just 24 hours of sending it. They really don't like it when they have to give information

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I hasten to add that there are particular posters that give a lot less advice than they might have once upon a time. (chewed on that for a while...)

Any advice, any members gives, is free and in their own personal time. It's upto them how much they want to give and how much time they spend giving it.

The problem with advice giving is that the goal posts are always changing, for example the new fees. So usually, it is only those people who are currently going through a process, or those who do it for a living, that can give upto date and current advice.

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Dearest Erikr, Moss, mrbojangles, and remaining forum,

As advised By Erikr I Emailed the wonderful and ever helpful UKBA, I had a number of emails to chose from and trying to glean any relevant information of the web sites is a thankless task to say the least.

So having armed my self with a working email address and a complex letter requesting the return of my documents within a specific time, reasons of their failure to complete my application with in the time lines laid down by themselves and a request under the information of freedom act requesting 101 point on staffing, training and application numbers etc. I set to work and compiled a letter.

I fired off my email and three days later I had a knock on the door, a recorded letter requesting further information of how I was exercising treaty rights etc so I recorded a reply back and fingers crossed all will be well.

(3 months payslip, a translation of our marriage cert, NHS card/appointment letter for the daughter to prove her residency, an employee referral to bolster my exercising of treaty rights) Might sound lame but I wasn’t imagining I would require these at posting and its not requested in the Application.

If none of this makes sense and you find your self in a similar situation then please PM me and I will give copies of the letters I wrote and address’s I have used, a BIG thanks to Erikr for his input hopefully it will have saved me hours or even days bouncing around BKK trying to reapply for another EEA Family permit.

Pilgrim, Its late, I write badly…

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  • 2 weeks later...
Dearest Erikr, Moss, mrbojangles, and remaining forum,

As advised By Erikr I Emailed the wonderful and ever helpful UKBA, I had a number of emails to chose from and trying to glean any relevant information of the web sites is a thankless task to say the least.

So having armed my self with a working email address and a complex letter requesting the return of my documents within a specific time, reasons of their failure to complete my application with in the time lines laid down by themselves and a request under the information of freedom act requesting 101 point on staffing, training and application numbers etc. I set to work and compiled a letter.

I fired off my email and three days later I had a knock on the door, a recorded letter requesting further information of how I was exercising treaty rights etc so I recorded a reply back and fingers crossed all will be well.

(3 months payslip, a translation of our marriage cert, NHS card/appointment letter for the daughter to prove her residency, an employee referral to bolster my exercising of treaty rights) Might sound lame but I wasn’t imagining I would require these at posting and its not requested in the Application.

If none of this makes sense and you find your self in a similar situation then please PM me and I will give copies of the letters I wrote and address’s I have used, a BIG thanks to Erikr for his input hopefully it will have saved me hours or even days bouncing around BKK trying to reapply for another EEA Family permit.

Pilgrim, Its late, I write badly…

well guess they got to much to hide haha

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