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Australia Gives 1 Billion $ In Tsunami Aid


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$1B in tsunami aid coming from Australia

Last Updated Wed, 05 Jan 2005 12:40:43 EST

JAKARTA, INDONESIA - Australia boosted its pledge for tsunami relief to almost $1 billion Cdn on Wednesday, committing itself to the largest contribution from any single country to date.

* INDEPTH: Tsunami aid by the numbers

Australian Prime Minister John Howard. (AP file photo)

Prime Minister John Howard's promise includes $936 million in short-term relief grants and longer-term loans for the 11 Asian and African countries affected by the Dec. 26 earthquake off Indonesia, which sent devastating waves racing across the Indian Ocean.

At least 150,000 people died in countries, from Kenya in Africa to Indonesia in southeast Asia, and as many as 5 million have been left homeless.

* RELATED STORY: Camps needed for 500,000 on Sumatra

Australia had previously said it would contribute $56 million in aid.

The new pledge brings the total amount of aid promised by governments around the world to more than $3.7 billion Cdn.

Howard announced the new aid package in Jakarta, Indonesia, where he is to attend an international summit on relief efforts.

He called it "a historic step in Indonesian-Australian relations in the wake of this terrible natural disaster."

A short time earlier, Germany used a pan-European day of mourning for tsunami victims to announce an increase in its pledge for tsunami relief, to a total of $826 million Cdn.

Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's promise of aid, to be spent over the next five years, is 25 times more than the country's previous pledge of $33 million.

Other big international givers are Japan, with a pledge of $613 million Cdn, and the United States, which has promised $429 million.

Written by CBC News Online staff

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$1B in tsunami aid coming from Australia

Last Updated Wed, 05 Jan 2005 12:40:43 EST


it looks more and more like encreasing bids on eBay or some other auction! amazing this contest of "who'll give more" !

I wonder - what benefits Australia will loaf off for their position in the Indonesia and whole region for such generosity ?

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$1B in tsunami aid coming from Australia

Last Updated Wed, 05 Jan 2005 12:40:43 EST


it looks more and more like encreasing bids on eBay or some other auction! amazing this contest of "who'll give more" !

I wonder - what benefits Australia will loaf off for their position in the Indonesia and whole region for such generosity ?

Maybe some gratitude!!! :o

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good point made by british guy :


British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said his government, which has pledged 50 million pounds (94 million dollars) would not engage in a bidding war with other countries to see which could offer the most.

The easy part is pledging money, "the much more difficult part is to ensure that the money pledged is first paid and secondly is then spent wisely and in a coordinated way," said Straw, who was visiting southern Thailand disaster zones on Friday.

very well said !

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First and foremost it must be said that Australians deeply care about what has happened in the region. Most of our people have either been to or know someone who has been to these parts of south East Asia. It is a feeling of, that could have been me or that could have been my son or Johnny from next door who goes there twice a year. We who go to these parts often know the local people well and have grown to love them so much, that's mostly why public donations are the highest ever. We know that these poor people who have lost family and everything else can't just setup easy without help again. Anyhow the Government knows this too and responded correctly.

Not to bore you with OZ politics but we have always seen Indonesia as the single biggest threat security wise. We had the terrorist bombings in Bali that killed 88 Australians and that was directed at us. We often wonder what the bloody ###### did we ever do to anybody. This brings me to the second reason why our Government responded with such a healthy donation. We want Indonesia to know we care and that we are NOT anti Muslim anti everything Islam and anti Indonesia. It is better to show friendship and leadership during hard times and to prove to the Indo's that we don't care less what religion you are, we just want to help. We will strengthen our ties with Indonesia even more through this donation. We already have used and mostly get permission to use our own Police Forces to investigate any terrorist attacks in Indonesia. The whole donation thing will give our Country greater Security and closer ties with Indonesia and a great deal more co operation with them in the future.

The Australian Government has told the Indonesions that they can spend the money where it is needed. As the Prime Minister said, "they know where it's needed most" but it has to be approved by both Governments. The Indonesians will still need approval from the Australian Government on what they can spend it on. In other words they can't use the money to buy guns and use it to wage war against the Christians in Aceh.

Too much rambling from me now, sorry, but I can say that I am proud of my people and Government for all the help and donations they are giving. Thank you to all Australians.

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