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Live/work In Samui?..info Required Please!

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Hi all, i'm new to this forum and i'll apologise for the lengthy 1st post ok so please be gentle...lol.

Right, i'm just looking for some very basic information and your thoughts and nothing too complicated, well, not for now anyway ok.

I have been travelling to Samui for quite a while now, originally as an independant traveller then, after meeting a lovely local Thai girl it's been 1st and foremostly to go back and visit her and spend time with her. (i've now been 7 times and head back again in April)

We are now getting to the stage that we really find it harder and harder to be apart when it comes for me to leave and head back home to the UK. (sorry, this is sounding like some sad story, lol)

Now, she has no interest in coming over to the UK with me as she would never leave her family which i fully understand. So, the only option, if it even is an option(?) is for me to go to Samui to be with her.

Here's where the problems start i guess as this is where all the complicated things come along like visas, work permit's etc etc.

I'll be quite open in saying i only have a high school education meaning i have no degree which in return will probably make it nigh on impossible for me to have any remote chance of finding any employment there???

My girlfriend is not sure of any visa/work issues as she has never left Thailand thus never having encountered a situation such as this so she is as much use as a chocolate fireguard... :D .......

A hotel/resort manager said that he had spoken to his boss who actually OWNS the hotel/resort and said they MAY have some sort of position for me in the future in helping the reception and staff in general as when i stay there they always call on me to help the receptionists in dealing with any queries/problems that guests may have and be that link across the language barrier as their English is not great to say the least and also to basically deal with all the guests' queries/problems etc etc on a regular day to day basis. Now this was all very general talk at the time so i do not know anything else as of yet ok.

So basically i'm just asking anyone out there for any insight you may have on my situation, i'm not naive to think i could just swan into the country, get any job and live happly ever after, far from it in fact but if nothing transpires from this in the future i suppose it'll be a sad case of me having to call it all off and leave one very unhappy Thai girl i love behind..... :o

So, i wait in anticipation for any words of wisdom some of you people have to say

Thanks in advance of your replies...if any!!, lol.

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Hi all, i'm new to this forum and i'll apologise for the lengthy 1st post ok so please be gentle...lol.

Right, i'm just looking for some very basic information and your thoughts and nothing too complicated, well, not for now anyway ok.

I have been travelling to Samui for quite a while now, originally as an independant traveller then, after meeting a lovely local Thai girl it's been 1st and foremostly to go back and visit her and spend time with her. (i've now been 7 times and head back again in April)

We are now getting to the stage that we really find it harder and harder to be apart when it comes for me to leave and head back home to the UK. (sorry, this is sounding like some sad story, lol)

Now, she has no interest in coming over to the UK with me as she would never leave her family which i fully understand. So, the only option, if it even is an option(?) is for me to go to Samui to be with her.

Here's where the problems start i guess as this is where all the complicated things come along like visas, work permit's etc etc.

I'll be quite open in saying i only have a high school education meaning i have no degree which in return will probably make it nigh on impossible for me to have any remote chance of finding any employment there???

My girlfriend is not sure of any visa/work issues as she has never left Thailand thus never having encountered a situation such as this so she is as much use as a chocolate fireguard... :D .......

A hotel/resort manager said that he had spoken to his boss who actually OWNS the hotel/resort and said they MAY have some sort of position for me in the future in helping the reception and staff in general as when i stay there they always call on me to help the receptionists in dealing with any queries/problems that guests may have and be that link across the language barrier as their English is not great to say the least and also to basically deal with all the guests' queries/problems etc etc on a regular day to day basis. Now this was all very general talk at the time so i do not know anything else as of yet ok.

So basically i'm just asking anyone out there for any insight you may have on my situation, i'm not naive to think i could just swan into the country, get any job and live happly ever after, far from it in fact but if nothing transpires from this in the future i suppose it'll be a sad case of me having to call it all off and leave one very unhappy Thai girl i love behind..... :o

So, i wait in anticipation for any words of wisdom some of you people have to say

Thanks in advance of your replies...if any!!, lol.

Oh well, plenty views but no advice!!..never mind, i'll look elsewhere for anymore info on this...cheers.

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I think the lack of advice is based on the "where do we begin with this man" attitude.

You are one of 100,000 people a year who go through this thought process. Sorry to burst your bubble.

I've been trying to work out a logical way to live in Thailand for 10 years... and still don't live there! Now we are 2 years away from my thai GF and daughter having NZ citizenship. Once this is achieved we expect to:

a) have investments and a passive income from outside Thailand

:D Move to Thailand where I can live on a Spouse visa based on monthly income requirements being met

c) take a fixed sum of money to invest in a business in Thailand which will provide income for us eventually (and something to do :o )

d) If thai business fails, Cambodia invades Thailand and Thaivisa is banned - jump on a plane back to NZ where we are all citizens and have investments and income.

This 'official' plan has been 6 years in the making to date with 2 more years ahead before we can realise it.

So advice for you... ummm where do I start?

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I think the lack of advice is based on the "where do we begin with this man" attitude.

You are one of 100,000 people a year who go through this thought process. Sorry to burst your bubble.

I've been trying to work out a logical way to live in Thailand for 10 years... and still don't live there! Now we are 2 years away from my thai GF and daughter having NZ citizenship. Once this is achieved we expect to:

a) have investments and a passive income from outside Thailand

:D Move to Thailand where I can live on a Spouse visa based on monthly income requirements being met

c) take a fixed sum of money to invest in a business in Thailand which will provide income for us eventually (and something to do :D )

d) If thai business fails, Cambodia invades Thailand and Thaivisa is banned - jump on a plane back to NZ where we are all citizens and have investments and income.

This 'official' plan has been 6 years in the making to date with 2 more years ahead before we can realise it.

So advice for you... ummm where do I start?

Oh sorry, i do apologise ok!!

I did state that i was new to this right in my opening statement and was not looking for any in depth type of info and i was basically just "testing the water" so to speak so there's no need to take that sort of tone with me ok. :D

Judging by your response i'll not hold any hopes of anything constructive happening for me i guess. :o I know you're only saying based on your personal experience and i do appreciate that. :D

As i said already, i knew it would not be easy so i only wanted some sort of basic info on it to see how the land lies and that was all. If the news is bad news well so be it. The laws are the laws and like it or lump it there aint a thing i or anyone can do about it so we all have to just get on with it and put it all down to a long time (and money) wasted on an episode of life i guess!!

Cheers anyway and i wish you all the best.

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Oh sorry, i do apologise ok!!

I did state that i was new to this right in my opening statement and was not looking for any in depth type of info and i was basically just "testing the water" so to speak so there's no need to take that sort of tone with me ok. :wai:

Judging by your response i'll not hold any hopes of anything constructive happening for me i guess. :o I know you're only saying based on your personal experience and i do appreciate that. :D

As i said already, i knew it would not be easy so i only wanted some sort of basic info on it to see how the land lies and that was all. If the news is bad news well so be it. The laws are the laws and like it or lump it there aint a thing i or anyone can do about it so we all have to just get on with it and put it all down to a long time (and money) wasted on an episode of life i guess!!

Cheers anyway and i wish you all the best.

Wrong attitude. The idea is that you say you want to move to Thailand and all we on Thaivisa (particularly those currently residing in Thailand) flame you and tell you how difficult it is and how you're dreaming unless you have this and that and know this and that and can do this and blah blah blah...

Then you take it all on board but never accept defeat and work out a way you can do it - a way that works for your specific situation! It can be done, that's why so many farangs live in Thailand. It's just working out how, when and where (Why Samui?)

In my experience if you ask very specific questions you will get very specific answers. If you ask braod sweeping questions you will get... grief :P

Now wait til the old timers get on here and start work on you :D:D:D

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Oh sorry, i do apologise ok!!

I did state that i was new to this right in my opening statement and was not looking for any in depth type of info and i was basically just "testing the water" so to speak so there's no need to take that sort of tone with me ok. :burp:

Judging by your response i'll not hold any hopes of anything constructive happening for me i guess. :o I know you're only saying based on your personal experience and i do appreciate that. :D

As i said already, i knew it would not be easy so i only wanted some sort of basic info on it to see how the land lies and that was all. If the news is bad news well so be it. The laws are the laws and like it or lump it there aint a thing i or anyone can do about it so we all have to just get on with it and put it all down to a long time (and money) wasted on an episode of life i guess!!

Cheers anyway and i wish you all the best.

Wrong attitude. The idea is that you say you want to move to Thailand and all we on Thaivisa (particularly those currently residing in Thailand) flame you and tell you how difficult it is and how you're dreaming unless you have this and that and know this and that and can do this and blah blah blah...

Then you take it all on board but never accept defeat and work out a way you can do it - a way that works for your specific situation! It can be done, that's why so many farangs live in Thailand. It's just working out how, when and where (Why Samui?)

In my experience if you ask very specific questions you will get very specific answers. If you ask braod sweeping questions you will get... grief :burp:

Now wait til the old timers get on here and start work on you :D:D:D

ok, ok...point taken, lol. I admit it was a very broad sweeping question and i hold my hands up to that.. :wai:

I just did not want to ask lots of real specific questions right now (well, there are but too many for my 1st post, lol) and just wanted to get a general sort of opinion on how it all works and that was all, nothing more.

You ask why Samui? Well it's because she has lived/worked there for many years now and does not really want to have to move from there if need be as she is very happy in her job and her life and i would never want or try to disrupt that.

Oh, and i aint any silly young lad by the way who has fell for some 18yr old so called "bar girl" and suddenly has a dream...i'm 39 and she's 32 so we aint silly youngsters playing a game :P

Well, i look forward now to the "old timers" as you call them coming on and really giving me grief once i wake up tomorrow and check this site...oh the joys...ha ha... :jerk:

Once again, thanks for your insight for now and maybe catch you again at some stage regarding this ok. I only want to see how it all works then look more into the fine details, basically i'm wanting to crawl before i can walk and then take it at a stage by stage.

Cheers for now.....

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A hotel/resort manager said that he had spoken to his boss who actually OWNS the hotel/resort and said they MAY have some sort of position for me in the future .....

Even if they were sincere, it's quite likely that once they find out about the work permit hoops they will have to jump through then they will drop that idea like a hot potato

If all you want is general information then all you need to do is scroll back through pages of previous threads in the samui, business and perhaps general forums and read the responses to perhaps dozens of posts very similar to your own. This includes a couple of very recent posts from people asking generally about employment opportunities for ppl with no uni qualifications. There is also a Thaivisa forum search facility - see top right this page. Also a lot of relevant info outside Thaivisa - use google and yahoo to find it.

You also need to research visa issues (visa sub-forum). If you are not married to a thai then you will probably have to leave the country frequently to renew your tourist visa, etc.

I don't want to sound overly negative, but current economic/tourism conditions mean that it's the worst possible time to relocate.

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I'd just like to say thanks to the people who have sent me PM'S regarding this and giving me a more positive slant on things than a couple of the replies on the public forum. I now feel way more upbeat about my prospects than i was although i'm under no illusions that it's going to be easy i now have lots of new, positive ideas to work on now so that's cool!! :o

Anymore info or advice is always welcome of course but i've got ideas now whereas before i had nothing much to go on. :D

Cheers again...

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To give you a blunt but honest answer.

As long you have an secured and sufficient income from outside Thailand it CAN(?) be a great place to live. If not you will join the ten thousands of expatriates who make a 15 day border run.

And of course the hotel management will not go against your plan. Because you assist them for free and they don't like to upset or loose a good client. But the moment they have to employ you and arrange an WP and Visa, believe me, they will sing a completely different song.

On your next holiday you can try to ask them a job :o

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Not to seemingly want to pee on your parade, but you dont appear to have a clue as to what you want to do or how or why even ??!!

Ergo we were lead to believe your naivete indicated a lovestruck teenager - that was mine at first blush.

A 5,000 Baht per month job is hardly going to drive the love of your life crazy with desire - more than likely into some else arms.

Its magic that you have finally discovered true love - may there be many more - keep your day job.


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if you are a good salesman you could work in timeshares, there is a company called absolute that operate in samui. You rent a moped , drive around all day pulling over foreign couples and try to convince them to scratch a scratchcard. If they win :o you say to collect the free gift you must go to the office for an appointment, they are then pitched at to buy a timeshare. Getting them into the office is paid and if they buy its good money, i know a few people that do this and earn a decent crust ..average 35,000 baht per month.............i know someone who has done this for 4 years and is still surviving.

One question if your gf really loves you and wants to be together 4ever ..have family etc surely she would give the UK a crack? Better education for your kids , better propects for earning dosh? get away from the heat which most thai girls i know hate, get to see snow which they adore but never see and gets to have an experience she may never of had if she didnt meet youYou have been to Thailand 7 times, surely it is time for her to make a sacrifice, or at least try? It would not be easy with visas etc but if you got some dosh in the bank and you married her in thailand it could work.

all the best

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if you are a good salesman you could work in timeshares, there is a company called absolute that operate in samui. You rent a moped , drive around all day pulling over foreign couples and try to convince them to scratch a scratchcard. If they win :o you say to collect the free gift you must go to the office for an appointment, they are then pitched at to buy a timeshare. Getting them into the office is paid and if they buy its good money, i know a few people that do this and earn a decent crust ..average 35,000 baht per month.............i know someone who has done this for 4 years and is still surviving.

He could also turn tricks.

Edited by OriginalPoster
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Maybe train as a Divemaster/Instructor etc?

They get about 30,000 + a month (guesstimate)


Yeah cheers mate. This is the route i'm now going down. I've had lots of info from PM's here telling me that there ARE ways i can stay and i now have a solid contact already and will be meeting up in April when i'm back in Samui. :o

At least they were positive and replied in a normal civil manner unlike a certain few of the replies on this public thread that i could mention!!! :D

So, it's all good now and the wheels are in motion! :D Cheers anyway.

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if you are a good salesman you could work in timeshares, there is a company called absolute that operate in samui. You rent a moped , drive around all day pulling over foreign couples and try to convince them to scratch a scratchcard. If they win :D you say to collect the free gift you must go to the office for an appointment, they are then pitched at to buy a timeshare. Getting them into the office is paid and if they buy its good money, i know a few people that do this and earn a decent crust ..average 35,000 baht per month.............i know someone who has done this for 4 years and is still surviving.

One question if your gf really loves you and wants to be together 4ever ..have family etc surely she would give the UK a crack? Better education for your kids , better propects for earning dosh? get away from the heat which most thai girls i know hate, get to see snow which they adore but never see and gets to have an experience she may never of had if she didnt meet youYou have been to Thailand 7 times, surely it is time for her to make a sacrifice, or at least try? It would not be easy with visas etc but if you got some dosh in the bank and you married her in thailand it could work.

all the best

Hi Lix,

Cheers for your reply.

Yeah, i tried the timeshare thing once a while ago now in Cyprus and it was interesting to say the least!

The one i was in was impossible to make money as i was in the actual sales team....but seeing we were getting no-one in from the crew on the street there was no-one to even try to sell it to, lol. Then there were the threats of violence between rival firms and all this nonsense so i cut my losses eventually seeing there was no money to be made!!

I've now got things in motion for working there and have had more good/positive responses via priv messages from ppl and have a good solid contact who has been there seen it done it and has already gave lots of info about what i'm going to do.

Anyway, just on a final note. My G/F really does not want to move to the UK. She (unlike the ppl you know) does not want to see or be anywhere near snow for that matter... :o whilst i would not bother about moving whatsoever. In fact, the UK is so much doom and gloom right now no job even seems to be safe and it's depressing everytime you even look at a tv as everything's so negative about absolutely everything!!

Her son stays in Surat thani with her parents right now but will be moving to Samui later on this year to start work there so it's not ideal to get her to completely change all her plans right now whilst i'm very chilled and relaxed about moving.

Cheers again for taking the time to reply to me anyway. Good to see some people can actually talk in a civil manner on here! :D

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Maybe train as a Divemaster/Instructor etc?

They get about 30,000 + a month (guesstimate)


Yeah cheers mate. This is the route i'm now going down. I've had lots of info from PM's here telling me that there ARE ways i can stay and i now have a solid contact already and will be meeting up in April when i'm back in Samui. :D

At least they were positive and replied in a normal civil manner unlike a certain few of the replies on this public thread that i could mention!!! :D

So, it's all good now and the wheels are in motion! :D Cheers anyway.

Just to add, what I would say is train in the UK. Standard of tuition was far superior and the conditions, although testing (freezing and dark) make diving in the tropics seem so much easier.

Don't know if you're UK based but "Divein" in Peterborough were excellent when I trained, maybe 10-15 years ago. They used to have subsidised courses as you could get some sort of city and guilds/mickey mouse government qualification with them.

In a month or two you'll be qualified. All the best :o


Edited by RAZZELL
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