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Thai Tongue Twisters


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No, that's a common Thai tongue-twister. It's basically the same dish, which lends a certain charm to the phrase.

I know, I am trying to master it, but the 'two' comes from the morning and evening aspect, the topic is ordering dishes, so I have destroyed the tongue twisting element. Sorry to be such a pedantic jerk. Can you say it? I find they are easier if you can picture the words the ไครขายไข่ไก่ is no longer a problem.

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I can say it easily, but after a lot of practice as I went about testing countless random Thais on it, and other examples. (Hardly any of them have been able to say that one smoothly, but then that is the nature of tongue-twisters. Anyway, they are good fun, and a great way to break the ice with strangers.)

The one that gives me the most trouble is: กล้วยตานีปลายหวีเหี่ยวหิ้วหวีไปหิ้วหวีมา

Yet, many randomly sampled Thai people have been able to nail that one quite smoothly on first go-round.

Edited by mangkorn
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ระนองระยองยะลา (say 3 times)

ยักษ์ใหญ่ไล่ยักษ์เล็ก (say 3 times)

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This is one we often use in Thai training seminars with younger people to ทำโทษ people who come in late:-

หมึกหกรดมุ้ง มุ้งเลอะหมึกหมด

I, of course, can say them all perfectly, confident in the knowledge that it can never be tested here!

I notice that in this the tones are not too difficult, what makes a good tongue twister? The reason that the tones are arranged, normal, 1,2,3,4, instead of, 1,2, normal, 3,4, is said to be เพราะคล่องปากมากกว่า (four modifiers in a row!) I guess tongue twisters need to be ไม่คล่องปาก

Edited by tgeezer
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This is one we often use in Thai training seminars with younger people to ทำโทษ people who come in late:-

หมึกหกรดมุ้ง มุ้งเลอะหมึกหมด

That's a good one, Jay. And if they can't say it correctly, do they have to go sit in the corner? :o

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This is one we often use in Thai training seminars with younger people to ทำโทษ people who come in late:-

หมึกหกรดมุ้ง มุ้งเลอะหมึกหมด

I, of course, can say them all perfectly, confident in the knowledge that it can never be tested here!

I notice that in this the tones are not too difficult, what makes a good tongue twister? The reason that the tones are arranged, normal, 1,2,3,4, instead of, 1,2, normal, 3,4, is said to be เพราะคล่องปากมากกว่า (four modifiers in a row!) I guess tongue twisters need to be ไม่คล่องปาก

Right!... it's definitely not คล่องปาก and when you say it fast (normally trying after hearing someone say it once), most of the words end up getting ผวน'ed (that's a new term in English! :o) so you end up with things like

หมึกหกหมดรุ้ง ลุงเมอะหมึกหมด ... and other permutations.

I think maybe because the two tones are kind of at extremes from each other, it stands out a lot more when they become สับสน

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