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Us Dollar Came To The Gunfight With A Knife

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The Lesson continues:

Here are LivinLos ' comments:


Jan 7th: The USD has one long term direction.. ALL my comments were based not on 'playing' the markets (both up and down as you seem to do) but on trends and long term investing / protection of assets. How precisely can the us pay back its debt (or even service it shortly) ?? it cant at current dollar price levels..

Luckily for me my asset hedge is not another fiat currency but commodity based..

2006 dollar >1.60 / Euro and possible >1.80.. 2006 gold >$800

March 12th: Metals again.. I said silver when it was around 6.50.. I missed its bottom as some elliot wave data indicated it could drop a sub 6.. took a small one at high 6's and 150k at 7.22.. Watch silver for min 10 this year.. Gold is making dollars but trading sideways against anything not continually falling.. bit more sideways action on Gold IMHO..

Oil at 55.. Heading for 60 ?? I think oil at 80 will be a figure we see inside of 24 months.. Commodities are the ticket for 2005

On March 16th:


The dollar plummeted on the news of $58 billion trade deficit number. The number will only worsen with now record crude. Should dollar rebound from all time low of 81, the most upside we see is 200 DMA of 86.

So Harm.. Just curious.. what was your average $ purchase price and whats your stop loss and or exit strategy ??

March 18th: Sorry to piss in the pool, but I wouldn't take dollars (for an investment not a trade) anywhere from here to the ghost of christmas past...

April 4: This in itself does not mean Harm's short term (day or monthly) position is incorrect but what it does mean is the world will need to get used to > $40 per barrel and seeing 70 within a couple of year timeframe is very very possible.. Then if one of many possible damaging factors come into play 100 coule well be the norm before this decade is out..

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Comments from G


on Jan 8th: Short term rise... Great for forex traders drawing lines on their graphs, meaningless for long-term investors.

Actually I think it's better to paint the USD bills black than green. A good way for America to remind the world that oil prices are still in USD.

March 18th: Harmonica, Seems like Dec. 2003 might have been too early to close your short.

And, IMHO, that you opened your last long too early as well. Your resistance line still holds.

If I were you I'd stick to that last short until I'm convinced the resistance is breached.

March 19: "Kahunas"? "Strength and Character"? Mr. USD is suffering from a terminal disease! To recover he needs some serious foreign implants!

March 19: Harmonica, if you'd add a support line (80,81), it'll be possible to see some convergence behaviour. Altough only two points for this support.

My guess? it'll bounce up and down between that support and the pink resistance line for 30-40 days, then we should expect something dramatic, either a big dive or a takeoff (I give more chances for the dive).

March 19: I am already invested in Euro. Not directly, but most of my income is currently based on Euro. And spending in baht. So, I am in the market. In the past I balanced it by holding a certain amount of $ to minimize risk. Not this time

Anyway, the last thing I'd say about the market is that it's easy to predict. No way.

But I'd like to ask you one thing - why no Stoploss? What will happen if it falls and you're not there? Or will you sit 24 hours a day watching the screen?

But will "she" be able to climb past the 84/85 barrier? Or hit her head against it and fall back down? If I were Ms. $, I would put on my helmet soon!

March 24th: dollar is excited and thrilled, however on the second floor he will have to face the Ninja squad; all those japanese and chinese investors, no longer his good companions..

We all have our little sins, don't we? Viewing the EUR/USD online chart today,I

saw a nice crash of the Euro. The momentum was very nice, it didn't seem like it'd stop soon.

So, I really hate to do that, and even more hate to admit that, but bought myself some nice amount of $, sold them about 20 minutes later, made quick 500 baht and off home. A tiny profit, I admit, and certainly do NOT recommend these games

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kreon, Ravisher & Toastwars

Kreon on Feb 27:

its all about common sense, aways make sure you have a balanced potfolio, the old adage, never put all your eggs in one basket


Terminator: March 14th: There are of course a few simple but effective tools that have stood the test of time, sorry Harmonica, - Fibonacci numbers, Japanese candlesticks and tealeaves are definitly not included on that list!


bangkokian: March 15th: While I see your sound logic

Take heed that Natural disasters are about to click,

so I'd say sell your dollars quick!



March 18th: Buy Dollars at 1.48 Euro... if it goes to 1.52 Sell and leave it for a very long time...



March 18th: America has already sold it's assets and leased them back, I doubt they have much that anyone else wants.

No manufacturing and a losd of junk service industries that are becoming increasingly overpriced and uncompetetive, the market vision has failed and Bush is still burying his head. How long before the bankers start to panic over the size of the deficit once that panic sets in the spector of wild inflation will kick in to a country that has no recent experience of this problem and all ###### will break loose, Leave the dollar well alone.


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Comments from Jaidam


April 2: Hi harmonica,

Just wondering if you've reconsidered your crude oil price forecast.Shame I can't find the thread but if I remember correctly you stated that you expect the price of crude to drop to 10$/barrel.

Although a chart sceptic I cant help but notice that your crude oil chart is going in the opposite direction.Up.This is unsurprising as oil is in short supply.Opec pumping to near capacity already.World population increasing and wealth increasing.No realistic alternative to fossil fuels.Bear in mind that the middle east is also relatively stable at the mo.

I see forecasts for crude going as high as 105$/barrel.That I find very possible.


April 3: Harmonica certainly talks a good fight.

Seems a bit cruel to laugh at his misadventures on the futures markets though.But I cant help it!!

April 3: Harmonica,

I'm long and I like it!!

Shell oil.Jaidam is currently long 2.600 shares.Average purch price 394.92p.Price at friday close 475p.

Any weakness in Shell price and I will consider taking some covered warrants.The S306 June 500 Shell call looks interesting.

Always happy to hear your contraian views Mr.Harmonica.

Good luck.

April 6th: The $10 barrel forecast within 3/5 years seems to be popular with members of TV.

If you have some spare time and a stiff drink handy read this.


This explains why you will soon see a $200+ barrel price.

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Comments from thaianan, bartender100 and Khun Larry


April 3: He buys a quart of Valvoline 10W-40 motor oil when he's long oil and sells it when he's short oil.

He pawns his public high school gold-plated school ring when he's short gold and gets it back when he's long gold.

He is a major trader all right!

On the net a pauper can sound like a millionaire but unfortunately a harmonica ain't a Stradivarius and his numerous posts reveal his true financial situation.

I have more in my wallet than he has in his one bank account and have more in my three bank accounts than he will ever make in his lifetime especially if he actually believes oil will go to $10 and gold to $250 and the dollar isn't a dead currency.

God I love it so! snicker...


Bartender 100:

April 4: U.S. light crude hit a record $57.79 a barrel, surpassing Friday's high of $57.70, which was triggered by a forecast that prices could spike above $100 due to robust global demand and tight spare capacity.

Better to go long now


Khun Larry:


That is like shorting land in Manhattan.

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First of all, good to see you here again, Harmonica... :D

I am really flattered you quote me so many times, even if it's not in order to show how correct I am. :D

As for fundamentals and FX rates -

in case you haven't noticed, there have been some slight political/econimic developments in Europe recently - I think even you cannot deny the implications on the currency.

As for our friend, Mr. USD... Will his glory be long lasting? :D

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First of all, good to see you here again, Harmonica... :D

I am really flattered you quote me so many times, even if it's not in order to show how correct I am. :D

As for fundamentals and FX rates -

in case you haven't noticed, there have been some slight political/econimic developments in Europe recently - I think even you cannot deny the implications on the currency.

As for our friend, Mr. USD... Will his glory be long lasting? :D

Greetings to you, G.

Actually I did not just pick your name out without reason -- you've been an integral part of the discussion. There were many others who spoke but their analysis was insignificant as they were only mouthing off without any real knowledge base.

Your points of view always had substance and, right or wrong, they are necessary and I welcome them.

Names were mentioned to underscore the insanity of mob thinking -- that's all!

In future when it is my turn to be wrong -- and that time will come, as sure as night and day, you are welcome to quote me and expose my folly!

OK? :D

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As for fundamentals and FX rates -

in case you haven't noticed, there have been some slight political/econimic developments in Europe recently - I think even you cannot deny the implications on the currency.

As for our friend, Mr. USD... Will his glory be long lasting? :D

Here again then is an example of how reticent & exasperatingly herdlike you can be -- why do I say this? :D

The political/economic developments are NOT the CAUSE! These political, cultural and economic occurrences unfold in line with the developing Trend. The Trend is the sole generator of incidents, which when they do occur, always seem to be the reason -- but it is usually the Media and hotshots in high places who pour on the coal and propagate misconceptions galore.

Anticipating your next question, "what causes the Trend?" .....

The Trend is generated by Mass Social Mood -- that's right, its the psychological stance of the collective human investor, trader, player etc. -- this collective social stance is what is readily viewable on charts -- their footprints, aka "what they really do as opposed to what they say", which we all know is usually a crock. Hehehehe

Check the chart in the next post as to a HUGE misconception, which is readily abundant here at TV.

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As for "reticent " and "exasperatingly " - sorry, my first language is not English - I will have to check the meaning in the dictionary. :o I understood "herdlike" allright but with your permission I will choose to ignore this "compliment" :D

and back to the discusson -

What you say is: Mass Social Mood => Trend => Events

As we know, trends are not infinite, right? They last for some time and then they break. Sometime quite suddenly. A simplified example where one can see that in tech. analysis is a breaching of a support line.

So, if MSM => Trends, it means that the behaviour pattern of MSM can change suddenly, quickly. We are talking about masses. Your model implies adrupt "jumps" in MSM, not caused by Events - something I do not accept.

You specified MSM as an the group of investors/trader/players. However events in the world are not generasted only by this group.

People do not have euqal power in generating events and in affecting the FX market. A poor person does not have the same effect on the market as a wealthy investor - but they both have equal vote in political decisions.

I got much more to write on this subject - but work is waiting - will continue later.

Edited by ~G~
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I understood "herdlike" allright but with your permission I will choose to ignore this "compliment" :o 

Well said, G. :D

I shall attempt to answer the points you raised on the subject of MSM within a day or two.

For now, here is the chart I promised -- some comments about it follow.

We are all familiar with the Media's fixation on Crude Oil prices and the continual barrage of statements about how stocks go down when Crude goes up etc. -- magazines, business publications, newspapers, taxidrivers, Harvard grads etc. AND numerous Thaivisa members have stated unequivocally many a time that

when Crude oil prices rise, stocks decline!

This is in fact a deeply ingrained belief. But why have these fellows not examined the evidence?

It is available to everybody, rich or poor, to see and inspect.

And what is this evidence?

It is the history of the last 20 years of stock and crude oil prices, which I present below.

Don't worry about the veracity of the chart -- you can get your own from Reuters, stockcharts, Prophet.net or any number of US Gov sites.

When I showed this to a western woman (astute investor) she said she'd love to grab CNBC talking heads and whack them over the head with a saucepan.

Here it is:


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Harm, do you think the dollar will get even stronger? Maybe even back to a 1-1 ratio with the euro?


I do think the dollar will get considerably stronger over time and will possibly surpass that ratio in the future.

The next correction will be a wave 4 correction of intermediate-term duration (a few weeks). When will it start? I don't know just yet but it will most likely take the form of a triangle on the weekly chart.

Then we will go higher to complete this first large segment which began on December 30th.

After that we will have a really big correction; I mean .... a correction that could retrace 38 to 62% of the entire move.

Then, when this completes we will see the Dollar rise for months in gigantic strides that will be a sight to behold & to "fundamental" Thaivisa members will appear to be an apparition and a coming of Moses.

As the trend develops there will be more clarity and more info -- right now it truly is party time for us, yangpuss. I am absolutely enjoying the fruits of my labor and am on an extended vacation from (Chiangmai) a vacation from a vacation (California) in Phuket.

Please note that the market could signal that my interpretation of the wave sequences is erroneous, in which case I will have to adjust my analysis from time to time. Such is the nature of this game. The biggest expert in Elliottwave Theory has the current Dollar rally as a Primary Wave 2, but my own work calls it an even larger Primary wave 5.

I am sticking to my own analysis but would be a fool not to consider the fact that Robert Prechter is the premier Elliottician on the planet and deserves considerable respect.

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While the trade gap and budget deficits keep rolling there is simply no solution for the dollar.. I have said it before.. Its not 'government control' no amount of intervention will work in the end (Remember Britan crashing out of the exchange rate mechanism.. Soros made his name there)..

Read this for a laugh http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/03/11/business/usecon.html

The United States trade deficit soared in January to its second-highest level ever, defying predictions that a weakened dollar and lower oil prices would improve the American trade picture.


Instead, U.S. consumers continued to buy foreign-made goods at a record pace, including cars, electronics and business equipment, pushing the deficit up 4.5 percent from December to $58.3 billion, the U.S. Commerce Department said Friday.


The deficit rose as Chinese textile and apparel shipments surged, reflecting the end to global quotas and the beginning of what eventually may lead to China taking over as much as 70 percent of the U.S. textile and apparel market.


The Bush administration said that the trade figures showed the strength of the American economy and its role as an engine of global growth.


"We view these figures as an affirmation that we're growing faster than our trading partners by as much as 2 percent, and we need them to take steps so they can grow and buy our products,"

HA HA HA Yeah its a sign of the strenght of the US economy that 70% of America's textile trade will be owned by China !!! HA HA HA Nothing to do with the free money the fed has been pumping into the economy ?!?! People are not buying these consumer goods with interest free money they dont own and cannot pay back.. Of course not..

The weakened dollar was also expected to spur export growth, but the effects were muted. It helped lift exports by 0.4 percent, but not enough to offset the import growth of 1.9 percent.
So even as they try to boost exports imports still rose nearly 5x as fast !!! Heading for the shithouse..

The fed has made its bed.. It had a stock market bubble.. Instead of letting it have a small bursting and correction it flooded the markets with money.. This made a credit bubble and housing bubble (that we see now) it also made consumption spiral out of control..

Now we have a dollar with no direction but to go but down.. Once it need high interest rates to prop it up the housing market will collapse and US bancrupcies will soar as people cant make thier repayments..

When you have a party and bender you have a hangover.. You can keep partying for another day or another week but it only makes the final hangoer all the worse.. this one is gonna need a stomach pump..

Metals again.. I said silver when it was around 6.50.. I missed its bottom as some elliot wave data indicated it could drop a sub 6.. took a small one at high 6's and 150k at 7.22.. Watch silver for min 10 this year.. Gold is making dollars but trading sideways against anything not continually falling.. bit more sideways action on Gold IMHO..

Oil at 55.. Heading for 60 ?? I think oil at 80 will be a figure we see inside of 24 months.. Commodities are the ticket for 2005

Hocus-pocus, hehehehe :D :D

:o Deeg eet mahn, let's have some rum!

Buy Dollars! A man's got to know his own limitations, but every once in a while he comes face to face with a towering opportunity -- like the one shaping up since December in the US Dollar -- and he's got to be prepared to stick his dick on the line, and not put numerous eggs in multiple baskets like little old lady, kreon -- and take THAT one, big swing.

Patience is a virtue in a BEAR market! Hehehehehe :D

For my buddy kreon -- a multimillionaire in students and/or cash .... I send my regards & best wishes.

Multiple baskets, kreon? Hehehehe


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After several installments of conversion/shipping out since December,  my last 1.2 mil Baht converted to USD and shipped out last week.

I now own zero Euros, zero Yen, zero Aussie $, zero sissy francs and only about 150K Thai Baht -- to cover expenses.  No Real Estate, no commodities (except for a remaining play on Gold)

So as you can see -- ALL eggs in one basket.

That is, ALL eggs bet on the US Dollar LONG.  The BIG SWING has been taken!  Actually started swinging in December!

Let the games begin!

If I end up at the Salvation Army, at least come and visit me -- and bring some fresh brewed coffee; no more Nescafe for me, thanks.

The $ has finished whittling on that piece of wood!

:D  :D

Look at the dates of these posts. Good Lord, even I'm impressed by myself! :o:D

This one was posted within a day of the March 11 bottom after which the Dollar exploded. See the large red arrow at the bottom of the chart?

OK, that's enough rubbing it in to the critics for now. :D:D


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The head of the snake is in trouble -- I mean deep trouble and he's hurting. Should I feel sorry for him?

Morons are losing leaders left and right and now, their #1 man is exposed, faltering, flailing, running for cover and soon, he'll start making excuses.

Who or what am I talking about?

Warren Buffet!

Here's the article from Jon Markman @ MSN: (only partially produced here)


How Buffett tripped over the dollar

The greenback's big rally against other currencies has proved Warren Buffett -- and other dollar bears -- wrong. Here's what Buffett missed.

Six months ago, the value of the U.S. dollar was on the firing line as it plunged to a record low vs. the euro. Amid fears that a united Europe would surmount the spendthrift United States as a safe haven for financial assets in a tumultuous world, investors worldwide -- led by noted Nebraska sourpuss Warren Buffett -- heaped scorn on our currency and scolded U.S. lawmakers to get the federal deficit under control.

But a funny thing happened to all those dollar bears. Their contempt for U.S. economic freedoms hasn’t amounted to a hill of bill of beans, and their positions have been smoked. The dollar has rallied massively since the start of the year against all other currencies, reflecting a swift, stunning paradigm shift in the way that global political risks are priced.

Buffet, who reportedly lifted his bet against the buck to a position of $22 billion and counting in the first quarter this year, isn’t sounding quite so smug anymore. Normally an equity investor with liberal social views who rarely made forays into the foreign exchange markets, he has had his head handed to him by more experienced currency players . Although his anti-dollar attack worked from 2002 through 2004, since then he has been forced to pay for attempting to mix politics and money.

Berkshire investors suffer

An uncharacteristic earnings growth setback at his Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A, news, msgs) conglomerate in the first quarter was attributed to this wrong-way wager against the greenback in favor of other currencies -- including the euro, Swiss franc, Australian dollar and British pound. The second quarter is concluding with an even worse tone for the position. It’s not fair to assume that the dollar’s rally will continue, but it has shown typical American scrappiness in its comeback against doomsayers and ill-wishers .



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The head of the snake is in trouble -- I mean deep trouble and he's hurting. Should I feel sorry for him? 

Morons are losing leaders left and right and now, their #1 man is exposed, faltering, flailing, running for cover and soon, he'll start making excuses.

Who or what am I talking about?

Warren Buffet!

Here's the article from Jon Markman @ MSN:  (only partially produced here)


How Buffett tripped over the dollar

The greenback's big rally against other currencies has proved Warren Buffett -- and other dollar bears -- wrong. Here's what Buffett missed.

Six months ago, the value of the U.S. dollar was on the firing line as it plunged to a record low vs. the euro. Amid fears that a united Europe would surmount the spendthrift United States as a safe haven for financial assets in a tumultuous world, investors worldwide -- led by noted Nebraska sourpuss Warren Buffett -- heaped scorn on our currency and scolded U.S. lawmakers to get the federal deficit under control.

But a funny thing happened to all those dollar bears. Their contempt for U.S. economic freedoms hasn’t amounted to a hill of bill of beans, and their positions have been smoked. The dollar has rallied massively since the start of the year against all other currencies, reflecting a swift, stunning paradigm shift in the way that global political risks are priced.

Buffet, who reportedly lifted his bet against the buck to a position of $22 billion and counting in the first quarter this year, isn’t sounding quite so smug anymore. Normally an equity investor with liberal social views who rarely made forays into the foreign exchange markets, he has had his head handed to him by more experienced currency players . Although his anti-dollar attack worked from 2002 through 2004, since then he has been forced to pay for attempting to mix politics and money.

Berkshire investors suffer

An uncharacteristic earnings growth setback at his Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A, news, msgs) conglomerate in the first quarter was attributed to this wrong-way wager against the greenback in favor of other currencies -- including the euro, Swiss franc, Australian dollar and British pound. The second quarter is concluding with an even worse tone for the position. It’s not fair to assume that the dollar’s rally will continue, but it has shown typical American scrappiness in its comeback against doomsayers and ill-wishers .


:o  :D

If I remember correctly Warran Buffett has said several times he is a long-term dollar bear....infact I remember him explicity giving a cloudy view of the near-term dollar weakness when he was talking about the dollar late last year.

I believe the recent dollar strength is more on the heals of poor data on the EU front (problems with the consitition) than any fundamental change the in current account deficit that has plagued the US. The attractiviness of US investments (high interest rates) can only last so long.

The Dollar is still significantlly weaker against the Euro than it was 5 years ago. Weather this causes an increase in THB/USD...is another story...but I'd say it's more of a weakness in the THB than USD strength....I think the Thai economy and spending might be in an even worse state than the US, couple this with hedge funds and we might see the increase in THB/USD Harmonic is talking about...to 50 by the end of the year?


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I believe the recent dollar strength is more on the heals of poor data on the EU front (problems with the consitition) than any fundamental change the in current account deficit that has plagued the US. The attractiviness of US investments (high interest rates) can only last so long.

It is not clear if the problems in the EU will be solved or get worse. If the EU proves to be a failure, then as big as the US deficit is, there will not be many choices for the major banks as to which currency to hold.

The world might continue to finance the overwhelming US deficit for a long time, given no alternatives.

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Poor Warren: :D:o

You might remember that Warren Buffet loaded up on Silver in 1998. After 7 years Silver is still below its peak of $7.40 that February.

The Silver fever of the past year prompts the observation that silver's cash price of $6.30 on Jan 4, 2005 is exactly where it was trading in 1974, over 30 years ago. If you are still in your chair read that sentence again.

Of all the poor inflation hedges, silver is the poorest .

And who else is heavily into Silver and has caught the fever too?

Why, its that stubborn, recalcitrant and verbose friend of mine, Mr. LivinLOS. :D

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Thanks for the heads up on Buffet

Regarding the CM D.B.C.

No worries.

Im the founder..... not only will you get in

Ecpect a RED carpet

Excellent news, Maka. Thanks! As always, I'll bring some fine, exotic beers, chilled and waiting to be opened @ the drawbridge! :o

How are you making out with your stash of Dollars? Converting to Thai Baht slowly & gradually, I hope? If you're still in Heaven, aka Hawai, perhaps you don't need to worry about this too much, unless of course you have maintenance expenses here in LOS.

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Poor Warren:  :D  :o

You might remember that Warren Buffet loaded up on Silver in 1998.  After 7 years Silver is still below its peak of $7.40 that February.

The Silver fever of the past year prompts the observation that silver's cash price of $6.30 on Jan 4, 2005 is exactly where it was trading in 1974, over 30 years ago.  If you are still in your chair read that sentence again.

Of all the poor inflation hedges, silver is the poorest .

And who else is heavily into Silver and has caught the fever too?

Why, its that stubborn, recalcitrant and verbose friend of mine, Mr. LivinLOS.  :D


Article on Warran still being long on the dollar. To be clear...I'm not really a Buffett fan. I am however long on NZT/USD. The interest rate differential is attrative.


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Buffet will be first to admit - he did poorly last year. As for dollar vs bht I see it leveling out in the 50(s). As for the Euro vs dollar - euro will drop under a $ within a year perhaps as low as 80cents for 1 euro. :o

With such predictions, I take it all your money is in the $ then?

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Thanks for the heads up on Buffet

Regarding the CM D.B.C.

No worries.

Im the founder..... not only will you get in

Ecpect a RED carpet

Excellent news, Maka. Thanks! As always, I'll bring some fine, exotic beers, chilled and waiting to be opened @ the drawbridge! :D

How are you making out with your stash of Dollars? Converting to Thai Baht slowly & gradually, I hope? If you're still in Heaven, aka Hawai, perhaps you don't need to worry about this too much, unless of course you have maintenance expenses here in LOS.

Yes still here on Maui and holding the USD close to the vest, trickling baht into Thai economy 'till the 50+ range. :o

Captain of the Bridge has been notified of, and is anxiously awaiting, your imminent arrival. If your plans alow, stop by here 1st on your way there.

Miss Baht is doing her little time consuming war dance before she attacks 42..

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Buffet will be first to admit - he did poorly last year. As for dollar vs bht I see it leveling out in the 50(s). As for the Euro vs dollar - euro will drop under a $ within a year perhaps as low as 80cents for 1 euro. :o

With such predictions, I take it all your money is in the $ then?

Sterling actually, but never the less with all the horrid euro news I dare say euro is going to continue to drop.

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Thanks for the heads up on Buffet

Regarding the CM D.B.C.

No worries.

Im the founder..... not only will you get in

Ecpect a RED carpet

Excellent news, Maka. Thanks! As always, I'll bring some fine, exotic beers, chilled and waiting to be opened @ the drawbridge! :D

How are you making out with your stash of Dollars? Converting to Thai Baht slowly & gradually, I hope? If you're still in Heaven, aka Hawai, perhaps you don't need to worry about this too much, unless of course you have maintenance expenses here in LOS.

Yes still here on Maui and holding the USD close to the vest, trickling baht into Thai economy 'till the 50+ range. :o

Captain of the Bridge has been notified of, and is anxiously awaiting, your imminent arrival. If your plans alow, stop by here 1st on your way there.

Miss Baht is doing her little time consuming war dance before she attacks 42..

:D Will try to arrange my trip via Heaven -- meanwhile go ahead and take a look at the Thai Baht chart I'm about to post in the regular Thai Baht thread started by "thedude" -- trying to keep items in a chronological sequence and in their respective closets for easy reference.

Enjoy your stay and regards to your family.

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During his lambasting by the euro and other lowly currencies and wallowing in misery at the threshold of ignominious defeat, the photo of his 1985 accomplishment, shown below, kept the $ from the brink of throwing in the towel -- as he was overheard, alone and in a dungeon, singing his song, just prior to his DECISION firing on all cylinders:

I miss you so much, I can’t stand it

Seems like my heart, is breaking in two

My head says no but my soul demands it

Everything I endure, reminds me of you

I miss you so much, in this house full of shadows

While the rain keeps pouring down, my window too

When will the pain recede to the darkness

From whence it has come and I’m feeling so blue

Ain’t goin’down no more

Sometimes it feels like, I’m going to h*ll

Sometimes I’m knocking, on your front door

But I don’t have nothing, to sell no more

Seems like the spirit, is pushing me onwards

I’m able to see, where I tripped and went wrong

I’ll just have to guess, where my soul will find comfort

And I miss you so much, when I’m singing my song


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