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One-2-call Top-up Card: 100 Baht: Picture On Card

syd barrett

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I attach a photograph copy of the One-2-Call 100 baht top up card. Why is this Nazi salute allowed? I think in Germany this is illegal?

You are on your own on this one Syd.

If it bothers you then top-up via a Siam Commercial bank account - easy, and no pictures :o

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No,it's not a Nazi salute,as the other arm should be by his side.I suggest it is a drawing of someone playing a game,or defending against the other object in the drawing.

The 'other arm' is making a Hitler moustache.

It's just plain old weird! Now i see the surgeon doing some operation...I think anything is possible!

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have all your guys failed to notice the surgeon waving a knife after cutting up his patient? enlarge the photo and look towards the bottom. weird stuff.


That demented cartoon surgeon represents Josef Mengele the Nazi Doctor and 'Angel of Death' known for his human experimentations.

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What I find extremely offensive is that they probably paid someone good money to draw that for them, Im thinking at least 10 or 20 baht.

But I also second the motion that it looks like a karate move and not a salute, although I have seen swastikas used in Thailand from time to time as decoration, but not by Nazis and not to promote fasicm!

P.S. The karate Nazis shirt says "Freedom" which at first I thought was the artists signature.

Edited by rideswings
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No,it's not a Nazi salute,as the other arm should be by his side.I suggest it is a drawing of someone playing a game,or defending against the other object in the drawing.

The 'other arm' is making a Hitler moustache.

It's just plain old weird! Now i see the surgeon doing some operation...I think anything is possible!

In a Nazi salute , the palm of the right hand would be facing the ground , not at right angles to it . :o

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What I find extremely offensive is that they probably paid someone good money to draw that for them, Im thinking at least 10 or 20 baht.

That's a bit excessive,don't you think?I was thinking more like 5 Baht...... :D And that's WAY to much for such crappy artwork.. :o

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have all your guys failed to notice the surgeon waving a knife after cutting up his patient? enlarge the photo and look towards the bottom. weird stuff.


That demented cartoon surgeon represents Josef Mengele the Nazi Doctor and 'Angel of Death' known for his human experimentations.

Syd, now I know that you have been smoking wacky backy and watching John Cleese programmes !

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..when i first looked I thought it seemed so silly to think that there is anything to do with Nazism in the graphics ....but the surgeon image is really ODD!

If you wanted to go down the subliminal route, you could say the cloud images are mushroom clouds.

Two people parachuting down on a love-heart emblem parachute = ??not a bloody clue??

The world is in the background..with some rainbow path leading to a house on a "cloud" = heaven??or something akin.

The t-shirt says "freedom" ..ok i realise that is freedom to do with the 1-2-call thing..but ....???

Some other things i cant quite make out well, but seems to be an aeroplane and a helicopter.

Before i just saw it as some graphics, not taking much note, but Im more intrigued to know what the artists interpretation is! Even if there is some suggestion regarding the Nazi era, I somehow doubt it would have been created to be negative or offensive. I guess it depends how the viewer interprets it.

..yow Chan Khit MAAK MAAK!! *bangs head*

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Are you for real mate? It is people like you which have all these harmless things censored and banned because you have looked into it too much.

Have a word.

I think it would have been better if the OP had presented the image in a less judgemental way.

Saying what he thinks he sees in the graphics and inviting others opinions.

Could turn out to be an interesting topic.

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No,it's not a Nazi salute,as the other arm should be by his side.I suggest it is a drawing of someone playing a game,or defending against the other object in the drawing.

The 'other arm' is making a Hitler moustache.

Finger is not on the lip but at the side of his face. Weird place to have a moustache.

Never in this world is that a Nazi Salute. Maybe he is dancing or doing karate.

A salute? :o:D

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..when i first looked I thought it seemed so silly to think that there is anything to do with Nazism in the graphics ....but the surgeon image is really ODD!

If you wanted to go down the subliminal route, you could say the cloud images are mushroom clouds.

Notice the accommodation block with gas pipes entering them from both sides. Then observe the three dogs following the VW Automobile (One bitch and two puppies).

Need I say more?

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