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A Man's Scent


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Do women really get attracted by a man's scent? There is this girl i was seeing recently (and one in the past)that said she absolutely loved my scent...this is kinda weird to me, because i dont smell anything. :D

or maybe i stink and i dont know it?...i dont seem to ever associate a scent with any girl ive been with...but some taste dam_n sweet! :D

so what's up, is the Axe deodorant working its magic or what? :o

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Lol.. so basically you want to know if Axe advertisement of woman attraction is right? hahahahahahahaha you are funny! Well, I have no idea what is the best male deo, I do know about perfumes which are really more important (unless your smell quite strong.. ) Umm haven't happen to me really to be in that situation, but sometimes when you pass by a guy in a club or so, and he seems to miss the deodorant, it is quite unattractive! ew! ... If you don't have many problems with that, then any normal deodorant will do the work plus a nice perfume.. uhmm! Thats cool.. :o

I used to LOVE Hugo Boss - Spirit but they stop making it many years ago.. shame really I still remember the smell of that perfume, I had it for me with no particular reason really.. :D

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i hope you're not wearing the chocolate version :o

smells are probably my number one controlling factor in the guys i am attracted to. i have met very good looking guys whom i have had no sexual attraction to simply because their smell didn't do it for me. i love the smell that my boyfriends leave on the pillow, in their clothes- it's an aphrodisiac. i like cologne occasionally but really just prefer their natural smell (keep using the deodorant though of course).

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I miss sniffing Mr sabai's neck : (

I even brought his aftershave home with me but it just doesn't smell the same when it isn't on him...

Smells seem to recall memories more than anything else. When you smell something memorable it draws you back to the place where you smelt it...much more so than seeing something

ok :o I know...but kittung!!

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so it appears a guy's scent can be an unwritten, almost subliminal factor in the attraction between two people...i really can't smell anything on myself scent wise.

could it be that a guys scent is actually the pheromones being emmitted and fitting into the girls sensory perception channels? kinda like a jigsaw puzzle, some scents will fit and some won't?

ok now im getting paranoid, and keep sniffing myself (that just doesnt sound right)....i think its time to change the sheets.

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Personal odor is important, some guys smell bad and don't even know it, but I always assume that is down to hygiene.

To me, nothing sexier than the smell of a slightly sweaty guy..... but of course, that all depends on how the sweat was worked up, doesn't it? :D

***edit for afterthought*** and on the man in particular of course :D

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yeeeees smell it is......

i seem to be attracted to ' field hand' types simply cause their sweat is natural i.e. they sweat all the time, so body odour doesnt smell 'off', since its constantly emmiting out all the 'poisons'. men that are sedentary also sweat, but it is like decayed matter coming out of their bodies, so smellier.

i also, for instance, absolutely loooove the smell of horses after theyve had a work out.... sexiest smell in the world, and im not alone in thinking hta either...

i prefer mens perfumes if at all since mens perfumes are based often on bergomot and other essences that are woodier/spicier. womens are based on florals . for some reason ive noticed that thai men prefer florals also... finding the mens' fragrances too heavy or 'mai hom'. this because i did the buying for many thai men in the kibbutz store, they consistently asked for certain brands of cheap body sprays that were womens' versions, for themselves. for their wives they always chose the most flowery cheap perfumes.

anon prefers women's deoderants like powder scented ones or similar. it takes him forever in drugstores when looking for a deoderant as he has to sniff them all, and wont even look in the direction of mens' styles-- israeli men prefer really strong heavy smells, also in their colognes and deoderants so anon wont use them.

types of smells are also as someone said 'olfactory cues' so therefore cultural also. i associate certain scents with my mother: lilac for instance. so have always liked and felt 'at home' when smelling lilacs.

howver body smells are also imprinted in us. most mothers, without realizing it, can smell their baby among others (try sniffing your baby's neck and then an other baby's neck. u recognize your baby by the smell. when new born it is often recommended to put a used smelly shirt of daddy's in the crib also, to get baby used to daddy's smell. rather like we do with puppies /dogs other pets, when leaaving htem in strange environment. the scent is familiar.

goats and sheep recognize their young by sound and scent. not visual. so when a kid is born, u can often foster it to another mother by rubbing the other mother's colustrum all over the baby and allowing the foster mother ot lick the kid. i've seen it work several times.

probably mroe then u will ever want to know about scent and smell.



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Many times I've had ladies tell me that I smell good & I always reply "I taste even better" :D SLEEZY I KNOW but always manages to get at least a nervous laugh.

Thats an old line, neverdie. Frankly, I'd be surprised if it DID work :o

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...hmmm, just thinking, maybe this is where the thai sniff kiss came from.

I think the Thai nose is SUPER sensitive! My bf seems to have a much more developed sense of smell than I.

From what i gather the Thai Hom sniff kiss comes from when parents would sniff their children to see if they were clean. This then became associated with caring and showing affection. As it is generally seen as improper in Thai society to show open affection between couples, the way that couples can show affection and care discreetly in public is through the sniff-kiss. Sniff-kissing in private between couples is demonstrating true care and affection for the other person. I feel cared for in a way that is very different from being kissed with the lips when im given a Hom. At first it felt alien and strange to give one back, but now is second nature.

I dont know if that is 100% the origin of the sniff-kiss though. Maybe someone else can enlighten/elaborate.

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Many times I've had ladies tell me that I smell good & I always reply "I taste even better" :D SLEEZY I KNOW but always manages to get at least a nervous laugh.

Thats an old line, neverdie. Frankly, I'd be surprised if it DID work :o

Old line for an old man sbk....guess im not taking you home tonite :D

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they did a study I saw on TV , a man with little smell, a man with very strong smell, and a male gorilla smell , all rubbed their smells onto some fabric.

double blind test

The items were passed around to the ladies and were asked which they found more attractive smelling.

most preferred the gorilla smell.

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Maybe it is the hair oil patklang? My female thai friends like to put an oil from a small bottle into their hair, is quite a strong smell?

For me I don't like any perfume smell & my husband is the same. We save a fortune of aftershave & perfume :D & only use neutral deoderant too. Hubby does like my shampoo smell though, I use the Aussie brand & their shampoo for hair long enough to swish smells divine :o

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Many times I've had ladies tell me that I smell good & I always reply "I taste even better" :D SLEEZY I KNOW but always manages to get at least a nervous laugh.

Thats an old line, neverdie. Frankly, I'd be surprised if it DID work :o

Old line for an old man sbk....guess im not taking you home tonite :D

Haha somehow I don't think you are that old. but, no, you probably aren't taking me home tonight :D

Besides, young guys are still more than capable of using the same tired old lines as older guys :D

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Many times I've had ladies tell me that I smell good & I always reply "I taste even better" :D SLEEZY I KNOW but always manages to get at least a nervous laugh.

Thats an old line, neverdie. Frankly, I'd be surprised if it DID work :D

Old line for an old man sbk....guess im not taking you home tonite :D

Haha somehow I don't think you are that old. but, no, you probably aren't taking me home tonight :D

Besides, young guys are still more than capable of using the same tired old lines as older guys :wai:

Once you see ole neverdie, smell ole neverdie & see how ole neverdie moves....nothing else will matter. Until then :o

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i think someone mentioned chocolates in here? :o

[has no clue what this thread is about...but I was drawn to the thread and saw chocolates mentioned]

when /where can I get more chocs :D

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