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British Tourist Run Over And Killed By Pick-up Truck


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the truck hit and dragged his body for about 30 metres. Police are still hunting for the truck driver, who would not stop his vehicle.

Sick sick sick.

:o Sorry to hear about him. I had a friend, American Special Forces Green Beret. Went through the war in Vietnam, and survived. About 15 years ago was killed by a Thai long distance trucker who ran through a red light at a crossroads and hit my friends pickup truck in the side. The pickup truck was rolled over 4 or 5 times. The truck driver never stopped, but his truck was found nearby with the damage to the front of his truck obvious. Turned out the trucker was taking uppers to keep him awake because they were being paid per delivery, and the more runs and longer he drove the more money he made. Sad.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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yeah pity full price is only a few thousand baht & in this case I doubt it would get paid. Sadly, the culprit may not be caught. I hope this persons significant other has some support whilst in los....hopefully it wasnt just the two of them on holiday here or they may find themself all alone in this aweful situation.

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yeah pity full price is only a few thousand baht & in this case I doubt it would get paid. Sadly, the culprit may not be caught. I hope this persons significant other has some support whilst in los....hopefully it wasnt just the two of them on holiday here or they may find themself all alone in this aweful situation.

Yes , family and relatives must be devastated....

One of the point that you mention here is the cheap consequences faced by the culprit when caught. Should the law make the punishment very harsh, it might effect some behaviors ... When some criminals know that they have only a few chances to be caught, and if caught they will get away with a very sorry baby face, a few apologies and nothing more than a few thousand baht to pay , then it makes the crime affordable, if I may say. I don't say that tougher laws will erase instantly all crimes, and especially hit and run, but on some more reasonable persons, it will make them think twice before running away.... Or maybe, I am just dreaming....

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yeah pity full price is only a few thousand baht & in this case I doubt it would get paid. Sadly, the culprit may not be caught. I hope this persons significant other has some support whilst in los....hopefully it wasnt just the two of them on holiday here or they may find themself all alone in this aweful situation.

Yes , family and relatives must be devastated....

One of the point that you mention here is the cheap consequences faced by the culprit when caught. Should the law make the punishment very harsh, it might effect some behaviors ... When some criminals know that they have only a few chances to be caught, and if caught they will get away with a very sorry baby face, a few apologies and nothing more than a few thousand baht to pay , then it makes the crime affordable, if I may say. I don't say that tougher laws will erase instantly all crimes, and especially hit and run, but on some more reasonable persons, it will make them think twice before running away.... Or maybe, I am just dreaming....

It seems that luckily none of you have ever been in a car accident where someone has been run over. If you had you would comprehend why the driver didn’t stop.

Let’s rule out that the poor guy was deliberately run down, seeing as it was 1pm on the main road going through the town.

If it was an accident, the driver is going to prison, period!

A few years ago I was driving to work with my wife and three kids in the car. A 14 year-old school girl crossed the road in front of me. She ran diagonally away from me without looking. I tried to swerve and miss her but, there was a concrete wall on the right side of the road and as much as I tried I couldn’t avoid hitting her. She shoulder came through the laminated windscreen missing my wife’s face by inches. The girl then went over the top of the car. We all got out of the car, found the girl behind the car (I thought she was under it), put her in and drove her to the nearest hospital at break-neck speed. I had no idea of her condition so, I kept talking to her trying to keep her conscious. The government hospital released her after a few hours and said she could go home but, was obviously in a lot of pain. So, my wife and I decided to take her to a private hospital where she stayed for five days, had an operation on her shoulder and three pins were inserted.

Her poor father was amazed at the care and compassion that we showed her and couldn’t thank us enough. You would think that that would be the end of it, it wasn’t. we still had to deal with the police. The father told the BIB that he didn’t want to press charges but, the BIB had other ideas. I was told that the law in Thailand is that if convalescence exceeds 21 days it’s a criminal offense which meant that I had to go to court and face up to 2 years in prison and/or a 50,000 Baht fine!!!!!!

After a few more meetings I was ‘persuaded’ to take out an Assurance policy of an initial payment of about 20,000 Baht. And that was the end of that. If I had driven away I would be in prison now, for sure. I’m not rich enough to pay extortionate amounts of money to the BIB and probably neither is the pick-up truck driver. I think he knew what he’d done and the consequences.

My prayers go out to the poor guy from Manchester. RIP.

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The fine for fleeing the scene is .... 400 bt !!

A few days ago a guy driving a pick up hit my car on the side, backed up and fled ... I had time to write down his licence plate number, went to the police station and they tracked him down ... My insurance will not let him go easily as well ...

Condoleances to the family of this unfortunate tourist ...

They will get this guy for sure as his car is probably damaged and he will have to go somewhere to fix it (unless he does it himself)

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yeah pity full price is only a few thousand baht & in this case I doubt it would get paid. Sadly, the culprit may not be caught. I hope this persons significant other has some support whilst in los....hopefully it wasnt just the two of them on holiday here or they may find themself all alone in this aweful situation.

Yes , family and relatives must be devastated....

One of the point that you mention here is the cheap consequences faced by the culprit when caught. Should the law make the punishment very harsh, it might effect some behaviors ... When some criminals know that they have only a few chances to be caught, and if caught they will get away with a very sorry baby face, a few apologies and nothing more than a few thousand baht to pay , then it makes the crime affordable, if I may say. I don't say that tougher laws will erase instantly all crimes, and especially hit and run, but on some more reasonable persons, it will make them think twice before running away.... Or maybe, I am just dreaming....

It seems that luckily none of you have ever been in a car accident where someone has been run over. If you had you would comprehend why the driver didn't stop.

Let's rule out that the poor guy was deliberately run down, seeing as it was 1pm on the main road going through the town.

If it was an accident, the driver is going to prison, period!

A few years ago I was driving to work with my wife and three kids in the car. A 14 year-old school girl crossed the road in front of me. She ran diagonally away from me without looking. I tried to swerve and miss her but, there was a concrete wall on the right side of the road and as much as I tried I couldn't avoid hitting her. She shoulder came through the laminated windscreen missing my wife's face by inches. The girl then went over the top of the car. We all got out of the car, found the girl behind the car (I thought she was under it), put her in and drove her to the nearest hospital at break-neck speed. I had no idea of her condition so, I kept talking to her trying to keep her conscious. The government hospital released her after a few hours and said she could go home but, was obviously in a lot of pain. So, my wife and I decided to take her to a private hospital where she stayed for five days, had an operation on her shoulder and three pins were inserted.

Her poor father was amazed at the care and compassion that we showed her and couldn't thank us enough. You would think that that would be the end of it, it wasn't. we still had to deal with the police. The father told the BIB that he didn't want to press charges but, the BIB had other ideas. I was told that the law in Thailand is that if convalescence exceeds 21 days it's a criminal offense which meant that I had to go to court and face up to 2 years in prison and/or a 50,000 Baht fine!!!!!!

After a few more meetings I was 'persuaded' to take out an Assurance policy of an initial payment of about 20,000 Baht. And that was the end of that. If I had driven away I would be in prison now, for sure. I'm not rich enough to pay extortionate amounts of money to the BIB and probably neither is the pick-up truck driver. I think he knew what he'd done and the consequences.

My prayers go out to the poor guy from Manchester. RIP.

Cynical, I understand your point fully & of course if the collision occurred in the way you described it then its very unfair for the BIB to do what they do and the rest of the way it goes here.. ITS CRAZY AGREED.

HOWEVER....Your example just proves what I was saying all along, you at least STOP and render assistance, period. That was my point.

I have absolutely no idea how this collision involving this man took place, NOR would I rely on the media because in my great experience with media and their sensationalist ways of reporting, the old 'Never let the truth get in the way of a good story' springs to mind.

Having said that, if this poor fellow was run down by this grub & the grub just did the runner HE IS IN MY OPINON THE PITS! What an a.hole. What a tragedy and sad thing for the family of the deceased to go through.

Obviously there has been no follow up news on the culprit being caught, but as others have stated, what would we really expect? :o

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Sadly that kind of traffic behavior is very common. If a car or pickup hit a motorcyclist or pedestrian, they often just drive away if is dark. I've seen this myself. Often it is the driver of the car or truck who is to blame, because don't look carefully or even driving at the wrong side of the road because they didn't feel like driving an extra 100 meters to the nearest U-turn site. Many in this country are driving just like monkeys.

Amen to that! If they only paid 500bt to drive legally without the education then it is inevitable that this will be a common problem. The point is that Thais don't seem to register death - just look at the rubber necking when there's been an accident! Life is very cheap out here and taking responsibility for your actions is virtually unheard of .

Rest in peace

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Unfortunately some drivers dont realise when they have hit someone while driving, it can be quite innocent.



Very sad indeed.

Very silly to compare either of these cases to the one in Kan. The first one a wheel chair gets hooked to the front of a stationary prime mover (much larger than a pickup) and it drives off taking the wheel chair and its occupant for a high speed drive.

The second one, actually involved a car driver running over the top of someone who has already been knocked down and is laying flat of the road. At the time of the incident the driver was braking to avoid a number of cars that had stopped on the road in front of him & has obviously not seen the body on the road which had first been struck by one of the vehicles in front.

You are comparing apples to oranges and have little or no idea what you are actually talking about. Pity you dont leave your senseless comments for other more light hearted threads. :o

AND your polite, as usual, reply to Misere

Its good to see that your previous 'stupid' comments have been deleted, its a pity the intelligent & informative reply to your post also went.

It is very sad to see that you didnt get the message & that you continue to make pathetic comments in relation to this.

I presume you are a senior traffic scene accident investigator??

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^ Well harley, you seem to have taken acception to the way I am speaking with Miserere, however you are not privy to his original comments in relation to this tragic incident & naturally it would be wrong of me to repost what he said, but you are right I have no good manners to offer a person who comes in and said what he did. Naturally after the comment was deleted by the mods and rightfully so, he failed to acknowledge but rather started coming up with all this other lame information.

Is there anything else you wish to know?

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firstly must say am very sorry for this man and his family.

The biggest problem here is that in many cases,the owner of the offending vehicle will not have any insurance,or not the appropriate insurance,plus he will be piss poor.

thais never stop if they have caused an accident and i would suggest many farang who have lived here a long time would n't either(there will happily be exceptions)

other than the above i have no idea why they dont,except to say life is cheap here,whether it has anything to do with religious beliefs re reincarnation i dont know.

on a lighter note some bugger(thai) clipped the back of my supped up honda wave causing me to crash my bike,and fall flat on the road side.

I was turning into the front of my local bar,and nonchalantly brushed myself down and ordered a singh,and a lovely bar came over and cleaned me up.

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^ Well harley, you seem to have taken acception to the way I am speaking with Miserere, however you are not privy to his original comments in relation to this tragic incident & naturally it would be wrong of me to repost what he said, but you are right I have no good manners to offer a person who comes in and said what he did. Naturally after the comment was deleted by the mods and rightfully so, he failed to acknowledge but rather started coming up with all this other lame information.

Is there anything else you wish to know?

No ...but thanks anyway.

No I didn't see the deleted reply/post. It, as I believe you, must have been too absurd/disrespectful/inane to be published. But I feel there is all too often too much sparring here and this takes us off topic and usually ends up in exchanges between the protagonists. And here I am .....doing exactly what I am critical of.!


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The only thing that is shocking is this does not happen more often. Most accidents are not ever reported so its impossible to know the true numbers.

The driving here is outrageous. There is no respect for pedestrians. I live by a beautiful park and have almost been ran over trying to cross the street to get there multiple times, lately its become impossible. In a gated residential neighborhood I have almost been ran down multiple times. I approached security and asked them, their response, "We don't tell them to slow down anymore, nobody will listen to us" end of story.

Even when there are sidewalks they are either badly designed, dangerous with holes and such, or turned into stall markets that force pedestrians into the street.

Victims family, sorry this happened, may your loved one rest in peace.

Install speed bumps!

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British tourist run over and killed by pick-up truck in Kanchanaburi

KANCHANABURI: -- A British tourist was run over and killed by a speeding pick-up truck here Wednesday afternoon, police said.

Police identified the tourist as Quinn Turner, 52, from Manchester.

Police said the accident happened at 1 pm on the Saeng Xuto Road in Muang district.

The tourist was crossing the road the when the truck hit and dragged his body for about 30 metres. Police are still hunting for the truck driver, who would not stop his vehicle.

-- The Nation 2009-02-18

This seems to be the accepted norm in Thailand, so I can only assume that there's no real penalty for fleeing the scene of an accident. In countries with, well...let's say a diffent approach to law enforcement, that is a very serious offense. I suppoose the hit and run drivers rely on the apathy of the BIB when the bribe potential is poor. (There's no sense getting of our a$es and trying to investigate it if there isn't a pretty good chance that we can stuff some instant cash in our pockets.)

Ater many years of living here, I have concluded that this country is hopelessly lost and without a chance of real improvement.

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