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How I Beat The Pattaya Dentist Cartel


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you are a hero JSixpack! there is no doubt about it. that's why i don't understand why the few thai friends i have call people like you "farang kee nok" and make me feel ashamed although i don't socialise or have any connections with those kind of farangs :)

Thank you. A number of members have expressed their appreciation for this particular tip.

Funny, the Thais I talk to seem to understand perfectly the choice of paying less for the same dental work. They also understand waiting around, as Thais are always waiting around for something. And at Banglamung, the staff and indeed the Thai patients waiting were all considerate and polite. I felt very welcome. (Public hospitals are much more business-like than private, however; you aren't going to be fawned over, if you need that.) So far as I know, Thais never call me derogatory names of any sort, not that I'd care anyway. I'm regularly wai'd and saluted in fact. However, after living in Thailand for years, I know which Thais are worth dealing with and how to deal with them, using good manners, sincerity, and politeness at all times, with a dash of humor.

Perhaps your problem is that you are associating with the wrong sort of Thais, such as most of those in the bar trade, who have learned a jaded perspective. In any event, I'm surprised that a man of your accomplishments and apparent self-confidence would need to open his wallet and then assume the fetal position should some ignorant, low-class, uneducated, jaded street Thai throw out an obviously self-serving comment against a farang. Best thing to do I'd say is try to meet some more normal Thais who don't work near any beer bars or go-gos, if you have to suffer so.

Actually the farangs seem far more judgemental than the Thais. Who'd think they'd give a flip who goes to a public hospital for dental worik? I don't care where THEY go. It's entirely not their concern, but they try so very hard to make it their business. I love the way they're always trying to spend someone else's money, too. :D

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Pattaya dentists, like other businesses here, follow cartel-like price fixing. That is clear from the fact that they all charge about the same prices, in nice round numbers. And those prices are relatively too high, especially for farangs.

Now, the price at a PTY clinic for teeth cleaning supposedly starts at 400 baht. I take great care of my teeth, and they hardly need a 6-month cleaning, so that's what I should pay. Yet inevitably, after a quick routine cleaning, I'm charged 700-800 baht. (Forget BP or PI hospital prices, which reach 1,200 with a lot of little tacked-on charges: the cotton, the water, the needle, mileage on the drill bit, laundering the face covering, whatever).

This kind of constant sharp pricing in PTY is wearing and I like to try to beat it whenever possible.

Which I did in this case. Banglamung Hospital has got a dental clinic, so I got my teeth cleaned there for B280 and got three small cosmetic fillings for B600. The quality of the work was as good I've gotten in a clinic. The only downside is that you have to get there early, about 8:00 AM, as they only take 40 patients per day, and it must be on a weekday; and you'll probably wait about 2 hours. I spent my 2 hours, each time, reading a book and listening to my MP3 player.

To use a Thai public hospital such as Banglamung, it really, really helps to speak basic Thai or go w/ a Thai friend, but you could probably survive w/o either if you're well-mannered, tolerant, and patient, and maybe have phrase book to show phrases in Thai. All my experiences at Thai public hospitals have been pleasant, except for the getting up early and waiting. Most doctors do have a smattering of English.

Now, as a recent thread attests, many of our besotted PTY punters will be highly concerned about the cuteness of the dentist. We need a site for comparing photos, do we not? I can tell you that I had a root canal done at St Louis (BKK) by a HOT young thing and not only did she overcharge but did lousy work to boot. An incompetent dentist can do a helluva lot of damage. So I don't give a shit what a dentist, or a surgeon, looks like. But at Banglamung--sorry, guys (and lesbians I guess)--I just couldn't see much behind the dental masks and head coverings, though the "fillings" lady, a Chula grad, had very nice eyes. If those aren't good enough for you, then you'll just need to drool elsewhere (pun intended) and pay 3-4 times more for said drooling. What about fixating on some young female patients out in the waiting room? The public hospitals usually have large crowded waiting rooms, so there's bound to be one or two there.

Anyway--take THAT, overpriced Pattaya private dental clinics and hospitals! :)








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you are a hero JSixpack! there is no doubt about it. that's why i don't understand why the few thai friends i have call people like you "farang kee nok" and make me feel ashamed although i don't socialise or have any connections with those kind of farangs :)

Thank you. A number of members have expressed their appreciation for this particular tip.

Funny, the Thais I talk to seem to understand perfectly the choice of paying less for the same dental work. They also understand waiting around, as Thais are always waiting around for something. And at Banglamung, the staff and indeed the Thai patients waiting were all considerate and polite. I felt very welcome. (Public hospitals are much more business-like than private, however; you aren't going to be fawned over, if you need that.) So far as I know, Thais never call me derogatory names of any sort, not that I'd care anyway. I'm regularly wai'd and saluted in fact. However, after living in Thailand for years, I know which Thais are worth dealing with and how to deal with them, using good manners, sincerity, and politeness at all times, with a dash of humor.

Perhaps your problem is that you are associating with the wrong sort of Thais, such as most of those in the bar trade, who have learned a jaded perspective. In any event, I'm surprised that a man of your accomplishments and apparent self-confidence would need to open his wallet and then assume the fetal position should some ignorant, low-class, uneducated, jaded street Thai throw out an obviously self-serving comment against a farang. Best thing to do I'd say is try to meet some more normal Thais who don't work near any beer bars or go-gos, if you have to suffer so.

Actually the farangs seem far more judgemental than the Thais. Who'd think they'd give a flip who goes to a public hospital for dental worik? I don't care where THEY go. It's entirely not their concern, but they try so very hard to make it their business. I love the way they're always trying to spend someone else's money, too. :D

I think it is a great idea--no matter whether you are rich or poor--to take a stand and do what you think is right. If a "cartel" exists, and it most likely does, find a way to beat it. You did.......your solution is good advice.

I have been to private dentists, dentists at a two different universities (where they train dentists), and dentists at local public hospitals. I actually don't see a great deal of difference between them other than MONEY and TIME.

But, one time I was in a very isolated place in Thailand and needed to have a filling.......got in the chair, the young female dentist said, "are you ready?" I said, "yes." Then she STARTED DRILLING WITHOUT ANESTHESIA!

I started screaming in pain and she leaned over and said, "no problem farang......just small pain."

I found out they were short on medicines and that was why she was drilling without having given me an injection.

Anyway.........people should appreciate the advice.

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I thought that was normal in Thailand, last year I had my six front teeth rebuilt without anesthetic.

The way it was explained to me is that an anesthetic is only required if the dentist will touch the nerve of the tooth but in Europe they give them as standard to bump up the cost - surprise surprise.

To be honest if a friend hadn't warned me first I would have probably been really shocked and demanded anaesthetic, the work I had done didn't hurt but it was a bit strange actually feeling them drilling and poking around.

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you are a hero JSixpack! there is no doubt about it. that's why i don't understand why the few thai friends i have call people like you "farang kee nok" and make me feel ashamed although i don't socialise or have any connections with those kind of farangs :)

Thank you. A number of members have expressed their appreciation for this particular tip.

Funny, the Thais I talk to seem to understand perfectly the choice of paying less for the same dental work. They also understand waiting around, as Thais are always waiting around for something. And at Banglamung, the staff and indeed the Thai patients waiting were all considerate and polite. I felt very welcome. (Public hospitals are much more business-like than private, however; you aren't going to be fawned over, if you need that.) So far as I know, Thais never call me derogatory names of any sort, not that I'd care anyway. I'm regularly wai'd and saluted in fact. However, after living in Thailand for years, I know which Thais are worth dealing with and how to deal with them, using good manners, sincerity, and politeness at all times, with a dash of humor.

Perhaps your problem is that you are associating with the wrong sort of Thais, such as most of those in the bar trade, who have learned a jaded perspective. In any event, I'm surprised that a man of your accomplishments and apparent self-confidence would need to open his wallet and then assume the fetal position should some ignorant, low-class, uneducated, jaded street Thai throw out an obviously self-serving comment against a farang. Best thing to do I'd say is try to meet some more normal Thais who don't work near any beer bars or go-gos, if you have to suffer so.

Actually the farangs seem far more judgemental than the Thais. Who'd think they'd give a flip who goes to a public hospital for dental worik? I don't care where THEY go. It's entirely not their concern, but they try so very hard to make it their business. I love the way they're always trying to spend someone else's money, too. :D

You started this thread, but so far you've only been able to come up with the price for a clean and some minor fillings and how you saved a massive 220 baht assuming your transport there was free.

How much for a crown, inlay, onlay, root canal, implant etc? Perhaps you have some evidence that the quality of major dental work is not substandard?

Without some accurate pricing information no one is ever going to know if it's a good idea to leave at the crack of dawn with a good book to wait in line all morning for dental treatment at a third world public hospital.

Edited by tropo
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Go to 2nd road. Cross to the other side at soi 15 off walking street. You will walk straight into soi 17 (off second road) You will be going behind the high school. You will see a Sikh temple on your right. Keep walking. After a bit you will be behind tuk com. Keep walking. The road curves around and just before you get to Sai 3 (3rd road) you will see a dentist office on the right. Cleaning is 300. They speak thai if you like to speak thai and english if you like english. If you hike out to Banglamung unless you live there you are wasting your time.

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Another cheap charlie farang being a burden on "Thai" public services!! :)

So some needy Thai person missed out on their (limited) opportunity at the dentist that day because of your vanity - Jeeez!, no wonder you feel so good about yourself!

Buddy,I'm with him. I'm sick of their 2 tier pricing,it's just wrong and bad for tourism in the long run. But please keep on giving your short time friends 2,000 bt :D mr. millionare (bt)

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I'm absolutely amazed that a Farang would travel to Banglamung to be there by 8 am and hang out for hours to save 220 baht minus travelling costs.

Piece o' cake. How about going to a gym and butch up? I'm in great shape myself. But it's true that many farangs, like yourself, evidently, are pretty much wimps compared to the Thais.

you are a hero JSixpack! there is no doubt about it. that's why i don't understand why the few thai friends i have call people like you "farang kee nok" and make me feel ashamed although i don't socialise or have any connections with those kind of farangs :)

You've got nerve mr. walking ATM. 90% of thais treat us like walking atm idiots and the moment your not a sucker, your cheap. I don't play their game............but you do!!!!!Ha :D

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I'm absolutely amazed that a Farang would travel to Banglamung to be there by 8 am and hang out for hours to save 220 baht minus travelling costs.

Piece o' cake. How about going to a gym and butch up? I'm in great shape myself. But it's true that many farangs, like yourself, evidently, are pretty much wimps compared to the Thais.

you are a hero JSixpack! there is no doubt about it. that's why i don't understand why the few thai friends i have call people like you "farang kee nok" and make me feel ashamed although i don't socialise or have any connections with those kind of farangs :)

You've got nerve mr. walking ATM. 90% of thais treat us like walking atm idiots and the moment your not a sucker, your cheap. I don't play their game............but you do!!!!!Ha :D

You didn't make it clear who you're talking to, but if it's me, you're sadly mistaken.

Maybe you're one of those sad people who live in Asia because you can't afford a life back at home. Maybe you're a person who eats off food carts to save money?

I've lived in SE Asia for 10 years and I know when to pay what, and damned if I'm going to grovel in a 3rd world public hospital to save a couple of hunded baht for questionable dental work when there are dozens of clean, modern clinics right on my doorstep with talented dentists at moderate prices.

My dentist in Pattaya has a comprehensive price list on the reception counter top. It's simple... pick it up and read the prices. If they are too high, walk out. It doesn't get much more transparent than that anywhere.

I can tell you the exact cost of all dental work performed there. I'm still waiting for someone to come back with prices for Banglamung Hospital's dental work other than a clean.

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You didn't make it clear who you're talking to, but if it's me, you're sadly mistaken.

Maybe you're one of those sad people who live in Asia because you can't afford a life back at home. Maybe you're a person who eats off food carts to save money?

I've lived in SE Asia for 10 years and I know when to pay what, and damned if I'm going to grovel in a 3rd world public hospital to save a couple of hunded baht for questionable dental work when there are dozens of clean, modern clinics right on my doorstep with talented dentists at moderate prices.

My dentist in Pattaya has a comprehensive price list on the reception counter top. It's simple... pick it up and read the prices. If they are too high, walk out. It doesn't get much more transparent than that anywhere.

I can tell you the exact cost of all dental work performed there. I'm still waiting for someone to come back with prices for Banglamung Hospital's dental work other than a clean.

From JR Texas (threads getting mixed up): Maybe a bit off topic, but many expats live in small towns in the middle of nowhere and must use the local dentist at the local hospital. It has nothing to do with being cheap and everything to do with time (takes me 5-6 hours to get to Bangkok).

One good thing about Thailand is its medical care, including dentistry. It might surprise you to know that young dental school graduates are given assignments at random after completing their academic program.

They are sent to places all over Thailand to work for one year (maybe longer.....not sure).......some end up in Nowhere, Thailand.......others end up in Bangkok, Phuket, or Pattaya. It is a random draw.

So, my point is that the young Thai dentist that is working on you in Pattaya has the same training that the young Thai dentist in Nowhere, Thailand has, and the training is excellent for the Third World.

In addition, some of these "newbies" in the hinterland want the opportunity to work on a farang :) maybe I should rephrase that.....no, its fine. :D

In many cases they make a special appointment for the farang.......normally after all the Thais have been taken care of.

Price in the hinterlands? To clean your teeth cost about 200-300 baht..........a filling cost about 300 baht.

If you need anything more sophisticated done like a root canal, I would definitely go to one of the best dentists in Bangkok or Pattaya, etc.

Why? Because they probably have more sophisticated equipment and can respond better to an emergency situation.

But for minor treatments, I think the public hospital dentist is fine.

I have never had a problem with my local hospital dental clinic except for that one time that I already mentioned when the dentist decided to start drilling before giving me an injection.....ouch!

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You didn't make it clear who you're talking to, but if it's me, you're sadly mistaken.

Maybe you're one of those sad people who live in Asia because you can't afford a life back at home. Maybe you're a person who eats off food carts to save money?

As usual there is always one person who has to spoil things and surprise surprise it is you Tropo.

Many people have found this thread useful and informative but you have to start insulting people as with most other threads you contribute to.

As JR Texas rightly said all these dentists are trained to the same standard and in even in the back of beyond I have never come across a doctor or a dentist who doesn't speak English to a reasonable level. Thats like saying private Doctors in the UK are better than the Doctors that work for the national health, same same but one is more expensive! Up to you as the thais would say.

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As usual there is always one person who has to spoil things and surprise surprise it is you Tropo.

Many people have found this thread useful and informative but you have to start insulting people as with most other threads you contribute to.

So how you've come on here to spoil it all by spouting nonsense.

The only insults on here were FROM the OP.

The OP has not given any useful info on dental costs at Banglamung public hospital.

We're still waiting.

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You've got nerve mr. walking ATM. 90% of thais treat us like walking atm idiots and the moment your not a sucker, your cheap. I don't play their game............but you do!!!!!Ha :)

You didn't make it clear who you're talking to, but if it's me, you're sadly mistaken.

Maybe you're one of those sad people who live in Asia because you can't afford a life back at home. Maybe you're a person who eats off food carts to save money?

I've lived in SE Asia for 10 years and I know when to pay what, and damned if I'm going to grovel in a 3rd world public hospital to save a couple of hunded baht for questionable dental work when there are dozens of clean, modern clinics right on my doorstep with talented dentists at moderate prices.

My dentist in Pattaya has a comprehensive price list on the reception counter top. It's simple... pick it up and read the prices. If they are too high, walk out. It doesn't get much more transparent than that anywhere.

I can tell you the exact cost of all dental work performed there. I'm still waiting for someone to come back with prices for Banglamung Hospital's dental work other than a clean.

No I was talking to Naan. I see your point and agree. My point is I'm sick and tired of them attempting to Buffalo me and I don't take it anymore. I'm not a cheap charlie but I get pissedoff at being made a fool of. I guess I'm a little hypersencative because of the way tthe thais always try to turn it around on you and that if yiu don't knuckle under your cheap.............................P.S their the cheapskates!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... usually :D

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  • 2 months later...

A lot of Bull without being helpful to our fellow mates: thanks for that.

Here’s my experience at Pattaya International PIC.

Cleaning 1,000

Extraction 800-1,000

Crown 8,000 / unit and you will need at least 3

Implant 70,000 / unit

Root canal treatment 4,000/root

Post (?) 3,000

X ray small 140 and big 700

I politely thanked the (very nice pal) doctor and ran for the exit…

Now the big question is how deep was I taken? How much should I pay at another decent dentist? Any recommendations?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Where's a good place to get my bottom wisdomteeth pulled out?
I'm going to be in Pattaya next month.

I am 6 foot tall, strong, fit and healthy.........and a complete wimp when it comes to the dentist.

I'd been to the dentist once in the last 25 years, prior to going to a place in Bkk last year. Just having a clean and polish left the dentist chair in bits where my finger nails had pulled it apart.

Can anyone point me in the direction of a good quality dentist in Pattaya? Preferably reasonably priced, but I'm more concerned with getting out of there without being terrified.

Flame away; make fun at my expense and laugh at my phobia :) but please also give me your views on the best dentist to visit.

I'm with you two. No offence to anyone who would but I'm not gonna go all the way up to Banglamung at 7am to save a couple of hundred baht and a lot of posters have said you get good dental work done in Pattaya at reasonable prices so please share. Memorial and the one on soi 17 close to 3rd road have been mentioned but there must be others, please share.

Edited by Johan78
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I just returned from Bangkok last week whilst there I went to Bangkok Smile for a quote for two crowns, one of them requires a pin (I think this means the crown will be screwed onto it) Total cost was going to be 39,000THB, I thought that was expensive but from reading this post maybe it was ok?

I will be in Pattaya in the New Year so I'm also looking for recommendations for Dentist's.

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What I would like to know is why farangs who don't want to pay overrated prices are called 'cheap charlies'

Not all farangs who live in Thailand have a lot of money, some work here on low wages and some are here because they can have a better standard of living in Thailand than they could in their own country with the income that they have.

Thanks for the info about Banglamung hospital and I will also be going there next time I need work doing.

Hi Icequeen

Because some farangs are snobs and hi-so wannabees,thinking about money,money money all the time,not knowing that there are plenty of farangs who considerably wealthier than them but dont boast.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Pattaya dentists, like other businesses here, follow cartel-like price fixing. That is clear from the fact that they all charge about the same prices, in nice round numbers. And those prices are relatively too high, especially for farangs.

Now, the price at a PTY clinic for teeth cleaning supposedly starts at 400 baht. I take great care of my teeth, and they hardly need a 6-month cleaning, so that's what I should pay. Yet inevitably, after a quick routine cleaning, I'm charged 700-800 baht. (Forget BP or PI hospital prices, which reach 1,200 with a lot of little tacked-on charges: the cotton, the water, the needle, mileage on the drill bit, laundering the face covering, whatever).

This kind of constant sharp pricing in PTY is wearing and I like to try to beat it whenever possible.

Which I did in this case. Banglamung Hospital has got a dental clinic, so I got my teeth cleaned there for B280 and got three small cosmetic fillings for B600. The quality of the work was as good I've gotten in a clinic. The only downside is that you have to get there early, about 8:00 AM, as they only take 40 patients per day, and it must be on a weekday; and you'll probably wait about 2 hours. I spent my 2 hours, each time, reading a book and listening to my MP3 player.

To use a Thai public hospital such as Banglamung, it really, really helps to speak basic Thai or go w/ a Thai friend, but you could probably survive w/o either if you're well-mannered, tolerant, and patient, and maybe have phrase book to show phrases in Thai. All my experiences at Thai public hospitals have been pleasant, except for the getting up early and waiting. Most doctors do have a smattering of English.

Now, as a recent thread attests, many of our besotted PTY punters will be highly concerned about the cuteness of the dentist. We need a site for comparing photos, do we not? I can tell you that I had a root canal done at St Louis (BKK) by a HOT young thing and not only did she overcharge but did lousy work to boot. An incompetent dentist can do a helluva lot of damage. So I don't give a shit what a dentist, or a surgeon, looks like. But at Banglamung--sorry, guys (and lesbians I guess)--I just couldn't see much behind the dental masks and head coverings, though the "fillings" lady, a Chula grad, had very nice eyes. If those aren't good enough for you, then you'll just need to drool elsewhere (pun intended) and pay 3-4 times more for said drooling. What about fixating on some young female patients out in the waiting room? The public hospitals usually have large crowded waiting rooms, so there's bound to be one or two there.

Anyway--take THAT, overpriced Pattaya private dental clinics and hospitals! :)

Try Pattaya Dentist 32/14 SOuth Rd, I go there. Good cleaning 500 baht. 038-424222

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As usual there is always one person who has to spoil things and surprise surprise it is you Tropo.

Many people have found this thread useful and informative but you have to start insulting people as with most other threads you contribute to.

So how you've come on here to spoil it all by spouting nonsense.

The only insults on here were FROM the OP.

The OP has not given any useful info on dental costs at Banglamung public hospital.

We're still waiting.

No, you're still waiting.

We can all see that it's all overall a cheaper gig. Government Hospitals almost always are.

It's you that needs to eat some humble pie now and stop giving the OP a hard time.

I think too many times the wealthy types out there need to get off their high horse and walk with the charlies for a distance to see what it's like.

Early mornings are not to be feared, they're good for the soul so get out there and get walking :)

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there's a third option, rather than going to overpriced clinics or being a burden on public hospitals... go to a private hospital that doesn't cater to farangs! Their prices are better since they are aiming at thai people who could easily go elsewhere. I go to Piyathai hospital in Si Racha for all my medicals, had a surgery there, dental, the works. And the prices were super low with extremely good service. Yanhee in bangkok has a very good and cheap dental clinic too.

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Now, as a recent thread attests, many of our besotted PTY punters will be highly concerned about the cuteness of the dentist. We need a site for comparing photos, do we not? I can tell you that I had a root canal done at St Louis (BKK) by a HOT young thing and not only did she overcharge but did lousy work to boot. An incompetent dentist can do a helluva lot of damage. So I don't give a shit what a dentist, or a surgeon, looks like. But at Banglamung--sorry, guys (and lesbians I guess)--I just couldn't see much behind the dental masks and head coverings, though the "fillings" lady, a Chula grad, had very nice eyes. If those aren't good enough for you, then you'll just need to drool elsewhere (pun intended) and pay 3-4 times more for said drooling. What about fixating on some young female patients out in the waiting room? The public hospitals usually have large crowded waiting rooms, so there's bound to be one or two there.

There is a small private dental surgery hidden away not far from Banglamung hospital. No English written on the window, only Thai. They are superquick, extremely efficient, all three of those that worked on my filling, a few months ago, are pretty.

Never been before but I went in and registered, was in the chair withimn a few minutes , had a fillling removed and replaced. I was out in 20 minutes.

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there's a third option, rather than going to overpriced clinics or being a burden on public hospitals... go to a private hospital that doesn't cater to farangs! Their prices are better since they are aiming at thai people who could easily go elsewhere. I go to Piyathai hospital in Si Racha for all my medicals, had a surgery there, dental, the works. And the prices were super low with extremely good service. Yanhee in bangkok has a very good and cheap dental clinic too.

I am with you bigtime, i get great service at Phaithai hospital,

currently i am getting implants done,

also some correction dental treatment that other clinics in pattya have stuffed up.

the dental doctor is second to none in my opinion,and cannot help me enough.

if anyone should want to speak to a farang there, there is a guy called Gavin (from Scotland) he works there as a PR i am sure he will help you with any enquirys.

Gavin no is 08-97500-293.


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The only downside is that you have to get there early, about 8:00 AM, as they only take 40 patients per day, and it must be on a weekday; and you'll probably wait about 2 hours.

The only problem i can see with the idea, is a danger of anti farang sentiment increasing.

Just imagine if this idea caught on, and 20 of the patients were of European/American/Indian/Arabic origin, and then 15 Thais got told "sorry, but we have our 40 today" and are told to come back some other time. Or even just five non Thais a day turn up, and take the place of Thais? Now repeat that over, say a week. Thais are xenophobic enough....do we have to give them even more fuel to put on the fire?


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