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How I Beat The Pattaya Dentist Cartel


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You said you look after your teeth, so why so many trips to the dentist?

As many of us do, I go twice a year for a cleaning and check and that's one of the reasons my teeth stay in pretty good shape. If you're only going once every five years, like when you're finally in pain, then of course twice a year would seem like many to you. It's all relative, you see.

Banglamung in my experience will clean and check on one day and then if you need more work you'll need to come back on another day to see the specialist in the particular area. However, that's not uncommon in private clinics as well, because the dentist has another appointment following yours, or a different skill set from a specialist is needed.

But still cant see your reason for this thread.

Yawn. Then it can't possibly matter to you and you may remain in your current state of bliss. The intended audience for this thread understands the reason quite well.

great info just told misses she going for a clean as i will. no guilt i spend over million baht a year here a lot of that is tax.

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Inflammatory post deleted please see Thai Visa rules as follows:

5) Not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

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You didn't make it clear who you're talking to, but if it's me, you're sadly mistaken.

Maybe you're one of those sad people who live in Asia because you can't afford a life back at home. Maybe you're a person who eats off food carts to save money?

As usual there is always one person who has to spoil things and surprise surprise it is you Tropo.

Many people have found this thread useful and informative but you have to start insulting people as with most other threads you contribute to.

As JR Texas rightly said all these dentists are trained to the same standard and in even in the back of beyond I have never come across a doctor or a dentist who doesn't speak English to a reasonable level. Thats like saying private Doctors in the UK are better than the Doctors that work for the national health, same same but one is more expensive! Up to you as the thais would say.

Tropo is the only person I have ever put on ignore on this forum........If I want your opinion, I'll give it to you lol

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A lot of Bull without being helpful to our fellow mates: thanks for that.

Here’s my experience at Pattaya International PIC.

Cleaning 1,000

Extraction 800-1,000

Crown 8,000 / unit and you will need at least 3

Implant 70,000 / unit

Root canal treatment 4,000/root

Post (?) 3,000

X ray small 140 and big 700

I politely thanked the (very nice pal) doctor and ran for the exit…

Now the big question is how deep was I taken? How much should I pay at another decent dentist? Any recommendations?

Dang. 70k Baht for an implant! That's about what I paid in the US! My last cleaning was 2k Baht. Really nice dentist.

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i did a search on here for dentist somebody recommended pattaya clinic 100yds down from tukcom coming from sukumvit. only small having place. having 2 crowns done their fittings tomorrow, basic metal 5000 baht, gold 10000 baht. so far been exellent. one price list thai and english same.

same procedure in samui was 17000 for one.

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The only downside is that you have to get there early, about 8:00 AM, as they only take 40 patients per day, and it must be on a weekday; and you'll probably wait about 2 hours.

The only problem i can see with the idea, is a danger of anti farang sentiment increasing.

Just imagine if this idea caught on, and 20 of the patients were of European/American/Indian/Arabic origin, and then 15 Thais got told "sorry, but we have our 40 today" and are told to come back some other time. Or even just five non Thais a day turn up, and take the place of Thais? Now repeat that over, say a week. Thais are xenophobic enough....do we have to give them even more fuel to put on the fire?


That in my opinion by far the most relevant post in the thread. Luckily most people couldn't be ars_ed with the 8am thing to save such a small amount of money and other charges for other work have yet to be quoted, but the fall out from farangs going there on mass would be very bad indeed for Thai/Farang relations.

Agreed and they would also start a two tier pricing policy

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