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How do you show monthly income

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Hello, Sa bai dee

 I am curious as to what the Thai Immigration requires as

"monthly income" in light of these new changes that may

require "falangs married to a Thai" to show 40,000bt monthly

income to get a 1 year non-immigrant 0 visa.

I was on a mission, I had everything worked out, then this

crap happens. I was planning on just getting my non-Imm-O

by placing only 200Kbt in a Thai bank then just live off the

interest of money I have in the US - about  30Kbt / month.

This is huge $$ where I want to live upcountry. Way overkill

for my lifesyle planned there, Thai boxing full time.

Anyways I am thinking if all I need to show for a 1 year

visa is that I will have a guaranteed 1,000USD a month

coming in then can I somehow just say look - I have

250,000USD in my US bank - wont this fill their requirement?

Or does the $$ HAVE to come from a pension or some other

outside source? Is there someone on the retirement visa

which requires 65,000 a month doing something along these


I can just keep saving up til I get the 40,000 bt a month income

mark but what happens later when they raise it to 60K etc????

I'd like to just say "Hey Look Somchai, I am solvent, let

me stay". I plan never to touch the 250K and leave it to

my children, just live off the interest.

thanks for any help, appreciate.


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I seriously doubt that is the intent or meaning of the regulation.  I believe it allows those without the full 400k in a bank account to live here with income; just as in the case of retirement visas.  The word "and" I believe should be "or".  If you recall this same error was made when the retirement visa was changed to 800k a couple of years ago.  In support of this personal interpretation I submit, from the same article, the requirement for support of a child that does word it this way.  The requirements have been the same for both in the past and believe they still will be in final version.  The whole idea of the bank deposit was to provide insurance that you can provide the years support even if you were not employed.  I see no reason to change my take by what was published in that article.

Evidence must comprise proof of parenthood by birth certificate, plus records showing that the parent has cared for the child already. A financial statement must be provided showing not less than 400,000b in the bank or earnings of at least 40,000b per month.
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I was going to apply for a 1 year Marriage visa, extending my 1 year Non-O that ends in October.

Right now I need 200/250k in a Thai bank + proof of income, even though i have documents of 600k income certified by both my embassy and the Thai foreign affairs office in BKK, the document alone not enough, I was told I needed both not one of the other..

But I'm 99% sure that applies for the retirement visa too, 800k in a Thai bank and certified proof of income in some way..  I'm under the aquired age of 55 so that's not an option for me either.

I guess the only way to know 100% is to personally talk to the Imm. Office yourself if your here in Thailand, or the Thai Embassy in the US.

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Thanks Whip, I am in the US and called the Thai Embaasy

in Washington DC and the only requirement was 200,000

baht in a thai bank. I asked about any income requirement

and they said "none". Again for a Non Imm 0 (marriage visa).

I called a few weeks apart with the same answer.

The # is (202) 944-3608 extention 767 if anyone needs it.

I wonder if they treat different nationals differently?



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Right now I need 200/250k in a Thai bank + proof of income, even though i have documents of 600k income certified by both my embassy and the Thai foreign affairs office in BKK, the document alone not enough, I was told I needed both not one of the other..

What you need is the money in the bank.  That is all they need to issue the marriage support extension as long as you are living together and wife signs that you are supporting her.  The income is only a question on a form and you do not need certification from your embassy of anything.  It is only the 'long stay' retirement visa that you have the option of using either/or, or both.

The money in the bank assures that you have the amount required to porvide support for the period of the visa.

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It seems the people who works inside the Imm.Office don't even know sometimes what the current rules are..

The official I talked to told me I had to have both for the marriage extention.. and asked how old I was, then told me I was to young for the 55 year required for the retirement visa..  :/

It is very confusing to say the least when even personal contact with the authorities gives you the wrong answer.. that their own people don't keep up to date with the current rules.

But it seems it will be solved for me now, I managed to get my sister to buy my car that she's been using during my stay here, so now I will have the money transfered over here within the next 7-10 days. :o

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