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Dear Mr. NeverDie


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^ In your dreams! Literally! :o

edit: that was in response to neverdie's post!


Motto of the day: Dont drop the soap?


Ladies often don't understand 'communications' of their men. Here is a little example of men not understanding men either. Thought it might make you feel a little bit better.

Construction worker on the 5th floor of a building needed a handsaw. So he spots another worker on the ground floor and yells down to him, but he can't hear him. So the worker on the 5th floor tries sign language. He pointed to his eye meaning "I", pointed to his knee meaning "need", then moved his hand back and forth in a hand saw motion. The man on the ground floor nods his head, pulls down his pants, whips out his chop and starts masturbating. The worker on 5th floor gets so pissed off he runs down to the ground floor and says, "What the fuc_k is your problem!!! I said I needed a hand saw!". The other guy says, "I knew that! I was just trying to tell you - I'm coming!"

nice one,and thanks for the short memory,good clips i'd not seen before.alex lah might like to see the clips,if he's logged in

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OK, got some questions for neverdie since he did offer to answer all our male related questions.

1. Why is it if I ask my husband to do something (easy even, like get the milk out of the fridge) and he's standing right next to me he can't hear me but if he's in the other room with the door closed and the tv on I could whisper "How about a steak and a bj" and he'd hear every word?

2. Is there something wrong with my husband, he noticed my shoes the other day. "Cute shoes" he said. Whats up with that?

and finally 3. Why is it that my husband can never find something if its right in front of his face but can strip apart and repair his outboard engine without ever losing a piece?


To revert on No. 1, I could ask the same about my missus and her selective hearing. I will admit I have also gone semi selective because of the frustration she causes me.

I am never complimented on anything I wear. If I comment on anything she is wearing, perhaps if new, she goes on the defensive as if I want to know how much it cost :D

As for No. 3, well I know I expect things to be either where I left them or where they should be. Today I could not find the salt or pepper and had to telephone her. They were on the window sill behind the microwave. NOw why didn't I assume they would be there and not with the other condiments ? :D

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:o torrenova, that is a Thai thing, I suspect, not a woman or man thing.

Between my husband and our staff and the complete inability to put anything away in the same place twice in a row, I spend my days searching for stuff :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Im surprised none of the ladies have been asking quesitons. :D

im still in shock at your daily activity post. waaaaay too much information neverdie!

Ahhh 'the don' finally joins us here.

I was just kidding about my daily activities.....theres no way I could keep it up to myself :o

....but hey this is my dream, so move over lady :D

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Well, i am enjoying this repartee..

Keep it going.

Numero uno question -

When i am a wirlling durvish - how should he react?

Dear ole Patsycat.....in my mind ur one sexy gal....SO HE SHOULD GO WILD, WILD I SAY!

ps: i edit to assume you are talking about the dance?

Edited by neverdie
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Oh my God, neverdie got his own column.... :D

Ok Dear Abby...errr neverdie, here is question for you:

Generally I try to avoid doing business with people who openly cheat on their wifes and boast about it (seriously!). If they can't be honest with them how could I expect them to be straight with me? Do you think I should relax my criteria or stick to this principle? Just curious to hear what is your take on this.

Thanks in advance! :D

neverdie deserves his own column -and when he die's his body should go to science for in depth study!

and when women start to understand men fully they will no longer be women

and visa versa

" if our own mind was capable of understanding itself..

it would no longer be human"

why thankyou valentinob29....may I ask what the b stands for mr valentino, is that for bangers (bangkok)? :o

b= because I love you cute mr neverdie!

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Oh my God, neverdie got his own column.... :D

Ok Dear Abby...errr neverdie, here is question for you:

Generally I try to avoid doing business with people who openly cheat on their wifes and boast about it (seriously!). If they can't be honest with them how could I expect them to be straight with me? Do you think I should relax my criteria or stick to this principle? Just curious to hear what is your take on this.

Thanks in advance! :D

neverdie deserves his own column -and when he die's his body should go to science for in depth study!

and when women start to understand men fully they will no longer be women

and visa versa

" if our own mind was capable of understanding itself..

it would no longer be human"

why thankyou valentinob29....may I ask what the b stands for mr valentino, is that for bangers (bangkok)? :D

b= because I love you cute mr neverdie!

I am sure you do :o

Have you been to anymore Bangkok orgies lately :D , you filthy animal

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  • 4 months later...
3. Why is it that my husband can never find something if its right in front of his face but can strip apart and repair his outboard engine without ever losing a piece?

You just aren't looking hard enough if you believe that. Half the time when we go to the shops to buy something that is "broken" it's really just rolled under a bench somewhere and we're afraid to admit we can't find it.

Edited by cdnvic
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OK, got some questions for neverdie since he did offer to answer all our male related questions.

1. Why is it if I ask my husband to do something (easy even, like get the milk out of the fridge) and he's standing right next to me he can't hear me but if he's in the other room with the door closed and the tv on I could whisper "How about a steak and a bj" and he'd hear every word?

2. Is there something wrong with my husband, he noticed my shoes the other day. "Cute shoes" he said. Whats up with that?

and finally 3. Why is it that my husband can never find something if its right in front of his face but can strip apart and repair his outboard engine without ever losing a piece?



There is a reason he asked about the shoes. There are always more of them...


And surprisingly enough, us guys DO know where our stuff is... even in a chaotic mess.


The selective hearing is an old trait we learned as a child... like... "Time for bed" is ignored, but "Who want's ice cream?" isn't.

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About number 3:

It's a man thing. When we put stuff away ourselves we know where to find it, whatever the mess. The ladies seem to want to clean up things always, so then we man can't find " where it was " because in our mind we have a fixed position of the object. ( That's why In mess, like picture above, we can find our stuff ). But woman tend to complain because they can't stand for a mess, while a man doesn't care much. Clear logic is missing in a mans brain;)

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Isn't SBK's husband Thai? Its funny how some things seem to cross cultural boundaries, isn't it? :)

Even more odd that he's picked-up on American vernacular.

Why is that odd? We've been married 20 years, he speaks fluent english and I have never dumbed my english down for him. He speaks American vernacular quite well, thank you. While some people obviously don't seem to mind, I don't see the interest in a relationship with someone I cannot communicate in an intelligent manner with.

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While some people obviously don't seem to mind, I don't see the interest in a relationship with someone I cannot communicate in an intelligent manner with.

Bingo! Give that gal a kewpie doll. Most relationships based only on a physical nature are bound to fail. Good communication is the glue that bonds long term relationships together.

I'm sure sbk's husband and I would get along famously. We both enjoy fishing.

In reply to BEENTHEREDONETHAT... Yes, it is a Nor-vise and I do tie a lot of tube flies. I just tied a bunch more salmon flies on Q-tips yesterday. Luckily I still have a big box of the old Q-tips because the new ones are made of paper and don't work as tubes.

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Why don't you lot RACK OFF.....This is Dear Mr Neverdie...what part of that are you missing, huh :)

The Circle is Complete...hel_l hath frozen Over...This should be the start of the "Ask Neverdie" daily column. Maybe the Nation or the BKK Post will pick it up. I can see it now....First, Thai Visa next step...THE WORLD!!!!!

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OK, got some questions for neverdie since he did offer to answer all our male related questions.

1. Why is it if I ask my husband to do something (easy even, like get the milk out of the fridge) and he's standing right next to me he can't hear me but if he's in the other room with the door closed and the tv on I could whisper "How about a steak and a bj" and he'd hear every word?

2. Is there something wrong with my husband, he noticed my shoes the other day. "Cute shoes" he said. Whats up with that?

and finally 3. Why is it that my husband can never find something if its right in front of his face but can strip apart and repair his outboard engine without ever losing a piece?


On a cheery note you havent trained him properly! :D

On a serious note;

1.When you ask him something get his attention first and keep eye contact until he answers to voice requests. So it may be one of two things. He is either thinking and cannot hear you or he has toned you out and needs a little jolt to gain his attention. Worse case scenario he may be used to ignoring you. Retrain him nicelt. You get more bees with honey.

2. Men will never understand a woman's desires for shoes but if you explain it more ie.. why the shoes have a weird design or color because it matches something you wear he may come to understand that your choices are for a purpose. Lastly he may not like the shoes so explain to him why you do.

3. On experience I can tell you that my transition from single to having a girlfriend the places I used to put things, when I go back, they are not longer there for my girlfriend has moved them. On the other hand you do not dabble in his mechanical areas therefore he knows where ever he has laid something it is still there when he comes back tommorow.

Hope this helps.

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Dear astute ever logical Mr Neverdie,

Why is it that men complain that women talk too much, but then go on to waffle about this or that for hours at a time.

Ie: I always see a regular group of men who gather at a cafe for a chat. Sometimes ive been invited to join in with them. Nice guys, but one hour max and im usually exhausted by the chitter chatter. Even if i go off to do my shopping or some errand or other, when i pass them a couple of hours later, there they still are! (Maybe its just the subject matter that doesnt stimulat me much. Or maybe they keep the chatter safe when im around, and the juicy talk picks up again after i leave. :D)

Big bunch of gossips they are too btw..and on that subject...

Why do men say women gossip (when they arent actually gossiping anyway!), then go ahead and "gossip" like fish wives? :D Ie: Start to tell my bf about something that happened. He looks at me sideways and asks if its gossip stuff, cuz he doesnt like to hear gossip stuff. I give him a poke in the side and tell him its NOT gossip! I DONT gossip! After i tell my story he says..see..i knew it would be gossip. :D Well..after that..he starts to tell about his day or something that happened..in MUCH more detail and for far longer than I would... and bah.. well..you get the picture...

MEN! :)

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Dear astute ever logical Mr Neverdie,

Why is it that men complain that women talk too much, but then go on to waffle about this or that for hours at a time.

Ie: I always see a regular group of men who gather at a cafe for a chat. Sometimes ive been invited to join in with them. Nice guys, but one hour max and im usually exhausted by the chitter chatter. Even if i go off to do my shopping or some errand or other, when i pass them a couple of hours later, there they still are! (Maybe its just the subject matter that doesnt stimulat me much. Or maybe they keep the chatter safe when im around, and the juicy talk picks up again after i leave. :D)

Big bunch of gossips they are too btw..and on that subject...

Why do men say women gossip (when they arent actually gossiping anyway!), then go ahead and "gossip" like fish wives? :D Ie: Start to tell my bf about something that happened. He looks at me sideways and asks if its gossip stuff, cuz he doesnt like to hear gossip stuff. I give him a poke in the side and tell him its NOT gossip! I DONT gossip! After i tell my story he says..see..i knew it would be gossip. :D Well..after that..he starts to tell about his day or something that happened..in MUCH more detail and for far longer than I would... and bah.. well..you get the picture...

MEN! :)

Generally speaking Eek, men don't talk about other women's fannies in the presence of their gf's / wives.

Perhaps you are just a good conversation killer. Perhaps just, they see you coming and say "Look out, here comes Eek again, better to start talking boring stuff - and she will go away quickly."


Expect us to talk about shoes sizes and sales at Tops all the time.

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