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Horny Rabbit!

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We have this buck rabbit, he is my daughters pet.

He is a fiesty chap with loads of character, however he has recently become quite aggressive.

I was playing with him earlier with a balloon and to my surprise he mounted the said balloon and tried to "relieve himself". Unfortunately he popped the balloon before he 'popped' himself.

So I am left wondering if his recent aggressive behaviour is down to his hormones running rampant, after all he is probably a teenager in rabbit years now and so must be gagging for it.

So what to do? I don't want to get him a 'real' girlfriend because I don't want my apartment looking like a scene from Watership Down, but I am thinking that if he is not so fussy to try it on with a balloon then maybe he will be 'satisfied' with the rabbit equivalent of a blow up doll. Obviously it cannot be anything inflatable because he will get a bit carried away with his sharp claws but what about a stuffed doll rabbit as a 'girlfriend'?

Any advice would be appreciated becasue I do feel sorry for him, after all I was a randy (not getting it) teenagermyself once.

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i suggest u get him neutered. male rabbits at sexual maturity can become quite nasty to people, biting and actually agressing. getting a female will just mean that he will spend time alternately humping her, and possibly being nasty to her, since rabbits are social animals and a buck can service more then one doe. his hormones will be like this for the nest seven years, plus he may be a very dominant male, since i've seen pleasant bucks, but in the group, they are the ones getting beaten up by the others.

it also depends on breed. when we had angoras and lion face types, the males were very docile. i suspect the larger breeds, the regualr white/brown rabbits, the males and does with litters were quite aggressive. lop ears were very nice also.



edit: forgot to mention that if he has run of the house, he may, like male cats, spray mark his areas too.

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