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What on earth is making these stupid dogs bark all night? its driving many people NUTZ. It seems a city-wide problem - any solutions (apart from those which extend to euthanasia of the said dogs or just moaning about the inconsiderate nature of the dogs owners etc.) - anyone else feel the same? yap yap yap arghhhhh!

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Thais grow up with these sounds and you're right they don't notice, or at least react, to them.

There's a Thai expression that is often used to describe ignoring someone (usually a farang) complaining. A rough translation is that the complaints are as noticeable as barking dogs and crowing cocks IE they have switched off and don't notice them.

Buddhism teaches that it's your reaction to something that makes it annoying FOR YOU. Thias don't react, therefore many things just don't bother them. They're not bottling their emotions, they just don't care.


The worst offending dog owner in my village is my farang neighbor who has three large dogs that never seem to shut up.

Yet one night last year my small dog woke me up about 3am because three suspicious looking characters were wandering around between our houses.

His useless fleabags slept through the whole thing.


There are quite a few barking dogs around our moo bahn. I walk around and I see dogs barking in cages , with the owner away at work or whatever.....I think many are simply distressed and I try to see the point of this - I mean it could be logical if an intruder couldn't actually see the dog in the cage, so why have a guard dog that can't even run around the yard? Ever notice those Minah birds too in a cage they can't turn around in and exposed to the blazing sun?

A lot of people say it's 'the culture'. Sorry, I think it's plain old stupidity and cruelty and it's very difficult to solve a problem when these two factors are rampant. Any type of complaint (especially from a farang) will usually be met with hostility, with the end result being that there is a chance you might find things in the future that start to add to your annoyance.

It's a difficult one.


I must apologise to everyone I hadn't realised this thread has probably been churning over for ages :o still it IS a problem and I'm not sure about the 'cultural' arguement which seems, to me, to be 'used' as an excuse for anything and everything from not 'doing what they say they are going to do' to 'parking motorbikes on pavements' - it's 'cultural' hmmmm

Any animal is the responsibility of the owner - another Buddhist precept, personal responsibility, to oneself, neighbours and the world - because they ignore this precept... is it 'cultural'? I think not... they 'just don't care' about their neighbours and yes 'just don't care' is a good description but... that is not a Buddhist concept - compassion and responsibility is -

Otherwise it's a bit like the tail wagging the errr barking dog. Om Shanti


One alternative is to do something really bad to those dogs and see if their owners "care about it" or not. Do let us know.

The other smart alternative is to move away to somewhere else.

Its a tricky situation eh.

I must apologise to everyone I hadn't realised this thread has probably been churning over for ages :o still it IS a problem and I'm not sure about the 'cultural' arguement which seems, to me, to be 'used' as an excuse for anything and everything from not 'doing what they say they are going to do' to 'parking motorbikes on pavements' - it's 'cultural' hmmmm

Any animal is the responsibility of the owner - another Buddhist precept, personal responsibility, to oneself, neighbours and the world - because they ignore this precept... is it 'cultural'? I think not... they 'just don't care' about their neighbours and yes 'just don't care' is a good description but... that is not a Buddhist concept - compassion and responsibility is -

Otherwise it's a bit like the tail wagging the errr barking dog. Om Shanti

It's only farangs that use the cultural argument, for some reason seeing themselves as a spokesperson for Thai's.

The Thai's themselves couldn't give a shh.. or would even think about linking culture with barking dogs.

Mai Bpen Rai......sabai sabai.

Any animal is the responsibility of the owner - another Buddhist precept, personal responsibility, to oneself, neighbours and the world - because they ignore this precept... is it 'cultural'? I think not... they 'just don't care' about their neighbours and yes 'just don't care' is a good description but... that is not a Buddhist concept - compassion and responsibility is -

Responsibility to neighbours is not a Buddhist precept. Buddhist precepts are all about personal responsibility; for example, don't kill, steal etc. One result of accepting personal precepts is that you live in harmony with your neighbours. Thais aren't upset about barking dogs and see no reason to control their barking. This doesn't mean they don't care, it just means they aren't bothered.

NOW it's nearly only farangs who get upset about barking dogs. If Thais don't mind barking dogs, why would they think they have to shut them up?

Buddha taught it's your own reaction to things that causes your own misery. The thing doesn't cause your misery but you reaction does. Thais don't react to barking dogs and do not see them as a problem. Farangs react though.


Hi again - I'm afraid you're wrong - personal responsibility includes responsibility to care and be care-ful to others and that includes being 'neighbourly' and caring about your neighbours welfare and comfort - definitly Buddhist concepts - sorry to disagree again but I have been a Buddhist for many years and all Buddhists should be very aware of the reaction of others to whatever they do - part of mindfulness. Anyway barking dogs are a nuisance right? Let's leave Budhhist thought out of it and I guess we are not going to stop the dogs anyway! peace

Hi again - I'm afraid you're wrong - personal responsibility includes responsibility to care and be care-ful to others and that includes being 'neighbourly' and caring about your neighbours welfare and comfort - definitly Buddhist concepts - sorry to disagree again but I have been a Buddhist for many years and all Buddhists should be very aware of the reaction of others to whatever they do - part of mindfulness. Anyway barking dogs are a nuisance right? Let's leave Budhhist thought out of it and I guess we are not going to stop the dogs anyway! peace


You called responsibility for others a Buddhist PRECEPT in your previous post (post #8). I said it's not a precept. You said I'm wrong. You have now changed 'precept' to 'concept' in the post above. <deleted>.

Mindfulness means accepting that the only reality is now. It's observing that reality. You seem to think mindfulness means observing others - strange.

You seem to have a Goa-beach concept of Buddhism with a 'om shanti' here and a 'peace' there - Hippy.

Being aware of, and considerate to, other people's feelings is a Thai cultural trait. It's called krieng jai. Only a fool though would say that cultural traits aren't influenced by group religious beliefs. You seem to be saying that.


barking dogs suck... last time a dog barked at me i barked back and scared the thing half to death...hahaha...i don't think it's ever experienced something like a farang barking and it had no clue what to do from there.


You think you have problems. ALL Thai dogs love barking at my wheelchair. Some in a friendly manner and others a little more worryingly. I have noticed that at some temples the dogs bark little and greet me well at others they bark like mad. Is this a reflection on their monkish companions imparting budhist principles to the dogs.


I've been here 6 yrs now and I notice the crazy barking peaks 2x per year. The first one is in February and then I hear another one in Aug/Sept. As far as I can tell this is the time when they're at their horniest and seeking to get laid. It just goes like this every yr at these time. One time some 'dog experts' (not our dear Nienke... this was several yrs ago) tried to tell me, "No this isn't the season for that..." But in lieu of their 'expert' knowledge, I can tell you by observation that I have lived all around parts of this city and these are the peak times in my experience.... all followed by pregnant soi dogs in the months that follow.


I'm disappointed that you use <deleted> in what I was trying to keep as a respectful and polite debate.

You conradict yourself - you say:

'just means they aren't bothered' (i.e they are not worried about disturbance to neighbours) then you go on to say

'Being aware of, and considerate to, other people's feelings is a Thai cultural trait. It's called krieng jai'

Which is it? are they bothered their dogs disturb neighbours or not? we all know not and as you have demonstrated they are not following their 'krieng jai' are they???

By the way I am not a hippy or have a Goa mentality (although I lived in India - working - for a year) I'd be grateful if you left your petty judgements out of it.

BTW Om Shanti is not Buddhist and was profered with jai dee!


PS technically I used the wrong word - not one of the 5 precepts BUT definitly one of the 8 noble paths concepts - falls under 'Right Action' and 'Right Mindfulness' however it is phrased personal responsibility for ones actions ( to oneself) and others is intrinsic in the Buddhist path - isn't that right Rover? woof woof (he agrees)


You conradict yourself - you say:

'just means they aren't bothered' (i.e they are not worried about disturbance to neighbours) then you go on to say

'Being aware of, and considerate to, other people's feelings is a Thai cultural trait. It's called krieng jai'

Which is it? are they bothered their dogs disturb neighbours or not? we all know not and as you have demonstrated they are not following their 'krieng jai' are they???

Jeez you are hard work. Thais don't care and are not bothered by the noise from dogs. Do you understand? THEY DON'T CARE AND THEY ARE NOT BOTHERED. This must be the 4th or 5th time I've told you this.

So, if they aren't aware that dog noise bothers people, then there's no need to display krieng jai.


While we are on the subject of dogs........I have just cleared 8 mounds of dog crap from the lawned area outside the perimeter fence of my garden (I live in a Moo Baan where residents regularly walk their dogs, using this place as a toilet stop). As I was cleaning it up a Thai lady and our poodle came walking past. The poodle squatted and did its business in the area I had just cleared - the Thai lady looked on obliviously despite having watched me clear up the earlier mess. :D:o

Not as maddening as the constant barking granted, but still bloody annoying when you garden constantly smells like a public convenience!



You conradict yourself - you say:

'just means they aren't bothered' (i.e they are not worried about disturbance to neighbours) then you go on to say

'Being aware of, and considerate to, other people's feelings is a Thai cultural trait. It's called krieng jai'

Which is it? are they bothered their dogs disturb neighbours or not? we all know not and as you have demonstrated they are not following their 'krieng jai' are they???

Jeez you are hard work. Thais don't care and are not bothered by the noise from dogs. Do you understand? THEY DON'T CARE AND THEY ARE NOT BOTHERED. This must be the 4th or 5th time I've told you this.

So, if they aren't aware that dog noise bothers people, then there's no need to display krieng jai.

You have missed my point entirely - even if 'they don't care' they SHOULD - that's the whole point... and I know many Thai's who DO CARE and ARE BOTHERED about the noise and agree it's pure selfishness on their fellow countryman's part - I'm not sure if you don't want to understand or are just being awkward and rude for the fun of it - either way this is the last time I respond to you on this topic.

You have missed my point entirely - even if 'they don't care' they SHOULD - that's the whole point... and I know many Thai's who DO CARE and ARE BOTHERED about the noise and agree it's pure selfishness on their fellow countryman's part - I'm not sure if you don't want to understand or are just being awkward and rude for the fun of it - either way this is the last time I respond to you on this topic.

Thank Buddha.

You've been barking up the wrong tree matey.

While we are on the subject of dogs........I have just cleared 8 mounds of dog crap from the lawned area outside the perimeter fence of my garden (I live in a Moo Baan where residents regularly walk their dogs, using this place as a toilet stop). As I was cleaning it up a Thai lady and our poodle came walking past. The poodle squatted and did its business in the area I had just cleared - the Thai lady looked on obliviously despite having watched me clear up the earlier mess. :D:o

Not as maddening as the constant barking granted, but still bloody annoying when you garden constantly smells like a public convenience!


I can relate. :D

When we told our pet nanny that she had to carry plastic bags on walks and scoop the poop and bring it back home to dispose of it, she thought we were joking. Amazing...


I'm going through this same "barking dog" situation at the moment with 5 shitzus on one side of me and another 5 mixed dogs about 50m away, plus assorted visiting hounds during the night. It's frustrating but little seems to be able to be done. I disagree about Thais not being bothered as my (Thai) wife speaks with neighbours and the topic comes up frequently. The problem is that Thais are generally non-confrontational and therefore give the impression that "it does not bother them". In our village, I know of 3 dogs who have been cruelly poisoned, obviously by people who got irked but didn't have the balls to confront the owner or just got a brush off if they did.

Myself and my wife have done the same (confronted the owners, not poisoned the dogs) and got the brush off so now we are trying to get the Tessabaan to deal with it. After 2 visits to them and 2 reports filed, no luck so far but we will persist. One thing I have learned is that confronting them as a farang in an attempt to educate the owner and subsequently losing your cool through frustration has absolutely no effect whatsoever......

Cheers & I hope you get a decent resolution.


One thing I have learned is that confronting them as a farang in an attempt to educate the owner and subsequently losing your cool through frustration has absolutely no effect whatsoever......


And, I'm sorry to say can result in much more hassle than simply barking dogs! Some Thai's do not take kindly to farang's complaining to them personally or to others about them (whatever our right) and can sometimes be quite nasty as a result.....and you won't see it coming.


We don't seem to have a problem with barking dogs, the only thing annoying me is ... forgive the spelling ... took-gae ... the lizards that warm up with a crescendo and then call "took-gae ... took-gae ... took-gae ..."

They sometimes wake up my 5 month old.

The worst offending dog owner in my village is my farang neighbor who has three large dogs that never seem to shut up.

Yet one night last year my small dog woke me up about 3am because three suspicious looking characters were wandering around between our houses.

His useless fleabags slept through the whole thing.

So funny!!!! :D

I think you are talking about my dogs now...not sure ofcourse because my old, sick frustrating internet-addict farang neighbour wrote me a letter before (without any name..;the coward) that my dogs are disturbing!!!

Well, let me tell you something to those are interested. I moved into my house about 8 months ago with my 3 dogs that I brought from Belgium. These house were just finished so I was the first to move into 1 of these houses.

After several weeks the other houses got occupied and most of the neighbours were glad that my dogs were there because it gave a safe feeling....

Then that old, sick frustrating internet-addict farang moved into one of the houses with his young thai boyfriend. He came from a condominium in town and wanted to live in the suburbs...it's nice he...the suburbs...green scenery, thai life...

Actually, he had to move from the condominium because he had several problems with his neighbours overthere...how on earth is that possible?!!!! :o

So, I want you to know that we have some streetdogs here and yes, I love dogs more then some people...having a neighbour like mine makes it more clear isn't it?!

I feed the dogs and I even took 4 dogs from the street because most shelters have no more space to take them in. The main reason I took those dogs from the street was because someone dropped them there, I have a guesthouse in that mooban and the dogs were barking all night because they were afraid. Now they sleep in my guesthouse at night and during the day they can play outside and we can sleep again at night! :D

My own dogs stay at home, they have enough space to be there, they're used to a life in Belgium....with less space. They do bark, if they hear something that's suspicious...they just try to protect their territory right?!! I'm a single mum with a 2 yr old child, I feel much safer with my dogs around. When there is a lot of fireworks, I have to admit they go crazy...it makes them afraid! I live 50m from my bussiness, so if they start to bark to long I will go and make them shut up...

My neighbour contacted Care for dogs...with the complaint about streetdogs!!! He wanted them to pick up the dogs....WHY?!!

I'm feeding and petting those dogs...they are happy now and they can stay till they die! Care for dogs has just no room for more dogs! I'm taking care of those dogs, the government isn't doing anything and a lot of thai just don't have the money for spaying or the knowledge...

I wonder, we all want to live in Thailand because it's soooo nice...but then..;when we live here we want to change all kind of stuff...like the streetdogs! they were here before us remember...this is Thailand!!! Maybe my neighbour can go to the temple to ask them not to use fireworks anymore because it freaks out the dogs!!! hehe :D

I also want to mention, that we had some burglars around a couple of weeks ago...well, they tried to get into different houses...except mine, so I'm very sure my dogs did what they had to do.

Besides that, my neighbour wrote in his mail to care for dogs that the dogs will get poisoned.;not by him but by other people...he was acting so worried, yeah right! It's not difficult to find people and pay them a few thousands to throw poison...I went to the police (tourist AND thai) and made a complaint about this neighbour. So, if any dogs get poisoned (or children who play around and get in contact with the poison) they will investigate! (I have the advantage having some thai friends with the police) always usefull!

People like this shouldn't live in a mooban...but somewhere isolated, without having any contact with neighbours or social life...the only reason people like this want to live in Thailand is because it's cheap and they survive here with their pension...very sad!

I wish more foreigner would do something to help streetdogs instead of complaining all the time....



Well, I don't live in a moobaan - just a regular Thai village with small roads and quite a few dogs around, both strays and 'owned'. My dogs are confined to my garden, unlike most of the neighbouring ones! I worry more about my dogs barking than ANY of my Thai neighbours do (I'm almost the only foreigner in the area). My attitude is that we live in Thailand and this is the way things are here. I'm not enjoying the pollution at the moment, but again, this is something that the Thais obviously don't care enough about to really make improvements. Anyone who thinks that we have the right to change anything is really barking up the wrong tree. Having said that, I do work with one of the dog charities here and am able to take neighbourhood female dogs for sterilizing, so at least I'm doing my bit to keep the barking population down.

The worst offending dog owner in my village is my farang neighbor who has three large dogs that never seem to shut up.

Yet one night last year my small dog woke me up about 3am because three suspicious looking characters were wandering around between our houses.

His useless fleabags slept through the whole thing.

So funny!!!! :D

I think you are talking about my dogs now...not sure ofcourse because my old, sick frustrating internet-addict farang neighbour wrote me a letter before (without any name..;the coward) that my dogs are disturbing!!!

Well, let me tell you something to those are interested. I moved into my house about 8 months ago with my 3 dogs that I brought from Belgium. These house were just finished so I was the first to move into 1 of these houses.

After several weeks the other houses got occupied and most of the neighbours were glad that my dogs were there because it gave a safe feeling....

People like this shouldn't live in a mooban...but somewhere isolated, without having any contact with neighbours or social life...the only reason people like this want to live in Thailand is because it's cheap and they survive here with their pension...very sad!

blah blah blah. What a bunch of diatribe. The short of it is if you want dogs in a moobahn then control them and keep them quiet. Why are most dog owners so <deleted> selfish!

It's you that should move away from the moobahn disturbing all n sundry with your yapping mutts and if you feel the need to have them because you feel threatened then perhaps you should abscond back to interesting Belgium.

And what's so sad about living in Thailand on a pension? Many here on TV do just that, which is exactly what I'll be doing when my time comes. What a strnage individual... something akin to the wangker farang that has moved in next to me recently :o


I won't even respond on your bla bla bla...you're not worth it...

I will respond on the fact that, to move to Thailand when you're retired there's nothing wrong with, why should it ...BUT, if the main reason is the cheap life....that's what I regret, because those people don't take life in Thailand as it is and those are the people complaining about several shings.....pffff exhausting! There a many other reasons to make it worth living here. So, actually you just didn't understand what I meant. I can't blame you...you're just you, right?!



I too get upset when dogs bark, but only if they're mine as I don't wish to disturb my neighbors. When other people's dogs bark (and they do), I'm not bothered at all.

If the Television is on and the National Anthem is playing, one of my dogs unfailingly lets out a nails-on-blackboard howl for the duration. I hastily mute the TV... unless, on occasion, some neighbors drop by at the designated time and request to behold this patriotic display.

Fortunately this display is prompted only by the Anthem; as soon as I mute the TV, she clams up and looks around to see where the band went.

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