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Barking Mad


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I too get upset when dogs bark, but only if they're mine as I don't wish to disturb my neighbors. When other people's dogs bark (and they do), I'm not bothered at all.

If the Television is on and the National Anthem is playing, one of my dogs unfailingly lets out a nails-on-blackboard howl for the duration. I hastily mute the TV... unless, on occasion, some neighbors drop by at the designated time and request to behold this patriotic display.

Fortunately this display is prompted only by the Anthem; as soon as I mute the TV, she clams up and looks around to see where the band went.


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I won't even respond on your bla bla bla...you're not worth it...

I will respond on the fact that, to move to Thailand when you're retired there's nothing wrong with, why should it ...BUT, if the main reason is the cheap life....that's what I regret, because those people don't take life in Thailand as it is and those are the people complaining about several shings.....pffff exhausting! There a many other reasons to make it worth living here. So, actually you just didn't understand what I meant. I can't blame you...you're just you, right?!


Because you can't can you. You're one of those selfish so and sos who don't want to see they're causing misery to all n sundry.

So all those people who move here because it's cheap you have a problem with, because every single one of them complains and 'doesn't take life in Thailand'! What's up with you. Why have an issue with stuff like that, just let people do what they want and how they want as long as they're not upsetting others. I see you mentiond the guy was gay before. What's that got to do with the price of fish? You were quite clearly attempting to upset him by sticking the dagger in, but the point is, he can get it on with 5 guys a night if that's his bag, as long as he keeps himself to himself. Of course, you'd be the first to complain if his cohorts were barking like dogs wouldn't you. Nevermind, you're just being you, eh. :o

I knew this well adjusted, educated lady who was into her dogs and any sort of mention about dogs making noise, she'd immediately get on the defensive and bring up everything and anything else in the world that might make a noise. Quite childish and dissapointing really, and, like you, selfish :D

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After several weeks the other houses got occupied and most of the neighbours were glad that my dogs were there because it gave a safe feeling....

so dogs in another house gives them a "safe feeling"

lol :o

did you get that in writing too?

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Oh, I could go on writing and writing...I'm just too busy, have to take care of my dogs. The ones I took from the street because they were disturbing the neighbours...dam_n, I'm selfish...

Oh, yes, and by mentioning that someone is living with his young thai boyfriend...that makes me a gay-hater?! Wow then I must hate a lot of my friends...

Have a nice day, I will go on rescue dogs and try to give them a better life, they're worth it!

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If the Television is on and the National Anthem is playing, one of my dogs unfailingly lets out a nails-on-blackboard howl for the duration. I hastily mute the TV... unless, on occasion, some neighbors drop by at the designated time and request to behold this patriotic display.

Fortunately this display is prompted only by the Anthem; as soon as I mute the TV, she clams up and looks around to see where the band went.


Hey, even "I" would howl if the National Anthem came on! That is what the mute button on the remote is for! :D

As far as barking dogs are concerned ... WELCOME TO ASIA! It's part of the scene. :D:P

I've just come to ignore the barking dogs... sort of like the person living by a busy railway ignores the passing trains. Ear plugs also work.

What about the poor person who lives with someone who snores? The people who snore are ALWAYS the ones that fall asleep the first. :wai:

I like dogs, but not some of the street cures that live in Asia. They breed and dump their young everywhere. There is a REASON why baby pupies are so cute. Nobody would take them otherwise.

The problem is the street dogs wander around and they set off the home dogs behind fences... who then start barking. It is understandable and the home dogs are only doing their duty protecting the premises.

Of course, there are all the yappy little dogs that have to make up for their lack of size by being noisy... sort of like people.

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  • 6 months later...
Thais grow up with these sounds and you're right they don't notice, or at least react, to them.

There's a Thai expression that is often used to describe ignoring someone (usually a farang) complaining. A rough translation is that the complaints are as noticeable as barking dogs and crowing cocks IE they have switched off and don't notice them.

Buddhism teaches that it's your reaction to something that makes it annoying FOR YOU. Thias don't react, therefore many things just don't bother them. They're not bottling their emotions, they just don't care.

The reaction is not annoying, the action is. Buddhism does not teach me anything! Logic does! I just might add that the consequence to the reaction might be quite pleasant: dogs' owner charged for nuisance. Does B. teach people not to bother others?

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I must apologise to everyone I hadn't realised this thread has probably been churning over for ages :) still it IS a problem and I'm not sure about the 'cultural' arguement which seems, to me, to be 'used' as an excuse for anything and everything from not 'doing what they say they are going to do' to 'parking motorbikes on pavements' - it's 'cultural' hmmmm

Any animal is the responsibility of the owner - another Buddhist precept, personal responsibility, to oneself, neighbours and the world - because they ignore this precept... is it 'cultural'? I think not... they 'just don't care' about their neighbours and yes 'just don't care' is a good description but... that is not a Buddhist concept - compassion and responsibility is -

Otherwise it's a bit like the tail wagging the errr barking dog. Om Shanti

It's only farangs that use the cultural argument, for some reason seeing themselves as a spokesperson for Thai's.

The Thai's themselves couldn't give a shh.. or would even think about linking culture with barking dogs.

Mai Bpen Rai......sabai sabai.

When you say that "The Thai's themselves couldn't give a shh" you have stated it 100% correctly.

They don't give a shyt about the people who are disturbed by their barking dogs.

They don't give a shyt about the dogs (their own) other wise they would see that they are better taken care of.

There are always exceptions to the rule (any rule) but Thai's don't give a shyt about anything that does not affect them personally.

My wife lives in a sizeable vilage not to far from Chiang May and of the hundreds of times that I have been there I have never once seen any one pat the mangy dog that they have. It never comes to them looking for an affectionate pat or stroking.

It is just there because it is just there. I guess that is where the saying "a dogs life" has probably come from.

But on an earlier thread on the same subject there was info on an electronic device that emits a sound at a wave length not heard by humans and the dogs apparently feel very uncomfortable. The dog barks and the device seens out it's response. The dogs "those with any brains" relate their barking to the responce to the device. Just like cause, effect and consequences.

Edited by john b good
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You conradict yourself - you say:

'just means they aren't bothered' (i.e they are not worried about disturbance to neighbours) then you go on to say

'Being aware of, and considerate to, other people's feelings is a Thai cultural trait. It's called krieng jai'

Which is it? are they bothered their dogs disturb neighbours or not? we all know not and as you have demonstrated they are not following their 'krieng jai' are they???

Jeez you are hard work. Thais don't care and are not bothered by the noise from dogs. Do you understand? THEY DON'T CARE AND THEY ARE NOT BOTHERED. This must be the 4th or 5th time I've told you this.

So, if they aren't aware that dog noise bothers people, then there's no need to display krieng jai.

They DO care and they ARE bothered!!

2 examples:

My opposite neighbor has 3 dogs, 2 poodles. These poodles barked all day all night. I asked them friendly to take care of that..I did not hear them eversince.

My nextdoor neighbor has a dog which not only barks but also cries. One night I phoned him, got his wife online and she told me she also was disturbed, gave the telephone to her husband who was laying drunk in bed (and therefore never heard the dog) and made his stop barking

Ok one other one.

I know a farang who has many dogs and cats. Thai people come to ask Me if I can do something about it. They are sick and tired aout the day and night barking without any reason and also about the many cats that wander around shitting and peeing in their garden.

The Thai now went to the government to solve the problem.

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Thais grow up with these sounds and you're right they don't notice, or at least react, to them.

There's a Thai expression that is often used to describe ignoring someone (usually a farang) complaining. A rough translation is that the complaints are as noticeable as barking dogs and crowing cocks IE they have switched off and don't notice them.

Buddhism teaches that it's your reaction to something that makes it annoying FOR YOU. Thias don't react, therefore many things just don't bother them. They're not bottling their emotions, they just don't care.

Well said. It is similar to people who live next to trains or under airline flight paths. After a while you just don't notice. I DO know that Thais can sleep through noise that would keep just about everyone else awake though. Learning to deal with noise is similar to living with constant pain. You CAN teach your brain to ignore it. I know. I've done it. But, if you once let it get under your skin it is hard to ignore.

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There's a Thai expression that is often used to describe ignoring someone (usually a farang) complaining. A rough translation is that the complaints are as noticeable as barking dogs and crowing cocks IE they have switched off and don't notice them.

"see saw hai kwai fung" :):D

Edited by Donnyboy
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By the way, but only since this barking business came up again - If you own your house and you have a barking dog issue beware of posting on here (or other places we're probably not allowed to mention). I went to see a house for sale and the owner said there were no problems of the barking kind and I then (accidentally) found a thread on here where he confessed he was at his wit's end and couldn't stand it any longer. Needless to say I lost interest pretty quickly...

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By the way, but only since this barking business came up again - If you own your house and you have a barking dog issue beware of posting on here (or other places we're probably not allowed to mention). I went to see a house for sale and the owner said there were no problems of the barking kind and I then (accidentally) found a thread on here where he confessed he was at his wit's end and couldn't stand it any longer. Needless to say I lost interest pretty quickly...

How anyone can offer consideration and compassion to this anti-social,arrogant,selfish,ranting neanderthal is beyond me. If there was any justice in his moobaan they'd string him up and feed him to his revolting animals.

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This barking dogs thing really is a thorny problem and can occur almost anywhere in Thailand and whether it is cultural or whatever, it certainly does not seem to bother most Thais as much as it bothers the poor old farangs. Earplugs are available and can help to keep you asleep.

There clearly is no chance of a general solution to the problem like the municipality accepting the responsibility for clearing the streets of stray dogs or noise abatement laws so it’s an issue of personal salvation.

Has anybody tried the hand held sound devices which emit at a frequency that makes the dog uncomfortable and is supposed to shit it up ?

Since the poisoning dogs postings have been removed I suppose there is no chance of one suggesting poisoning the owners surviving ??? Just kidding !

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You can get Bark collars delivered to your door for $4.95 on Ebay! They start with an auditory warning, then move to a light electric shock.

Not sure on the morals of using these, but you could buy a load for all your neighbours. Do it in a friendly way, and they may well thank you for it. Instead of moaning, offer them a solution.

They also sell the high frequency collars on Ebay too for about the same price, but from what I've read, they're less effective. Simple Pavlovian principles of conditioning is the solution all round.

Now, if someone could point me in the right direction of where to buy a nag collar?

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I take my dog for a walk everyday. My neighbor's two dogs are confined to about a 5 square meter, concrete area and NEVER leave it. They never get any exercise at all. Their whole life will be in this small pen. They probably don't even know what grass feels or smells like. The owner bathes the dogs every 4 or 5 days but that seems to be the only attention they get. In my moobon, I seem to be the only one who takes their dog for a walk.

But I saw plenty of abuse of animals in the same fashion in America. My father just adopted a dog that was always fenced in and never got any loving. My father has had to work hard to get the dog to accept just being petted.

Dogs are like children, they are who they are because of mostly how they are raised (i.e., parents, owners).

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You can get Bark collars delivered to your door for $4.95 on Ebay! They start with an auditory warning, then move to a light electric shock.

Not sure on the morals of using these, but you could buy a load for all your neighbours. Do it in a friendly way, and they may well thank you for it. Instead of moaning, offer them a solution.

They also sell the high frequency collars on Ebay too for about the same price, but from what I've read, they're less effective. Simple Pavlovian principles of conditioning is the solution all round.

Now, if someone could point me in the right direction of where to buy a nag collar?

I know of these devices "bark collars" but it you seriously think that anyone here is gonna buy one you are going up a one way street "the wrong way"

There will be many caucasians here in the realm and the odd Thai who gives a shyt but the facts of the matter are that Thais just don't give a shyt.

Why they even have dogs is beyond me. The vast majority do not do not take care of their dogs, do not walk them apart from the ones like the old tart who walks hers so that it can shyt in front of some one elses property.

We are talking about a 4th world country here, not some place where that when you take your dog for a walk you also take a plasticg bag to collect the droppings.

Face the facts, it ain't gonna happen in our, or our childrens lifetime here in the realm.

Edited by john b good
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  • 4 weeks later...

Its so frustrating when you carn't do anything about a problem! My neighbour has been slowly collecting dogs over the past year. I think she has about 9 now. They are a constant annoyance with barking and howling when they go out (which is most evenings and early mornings)..Its so loud we have to go out. We can even hear them in the house above the sound of the TV. We also have been woken up in the early house by bouds of barking.

Once my wife told them about it (in a polite way) and the neighbour flew off the handle, saying she loved dogs more than people, we were dog haters, and she would rather her children died than her dogs! Many of the dogs fight with each other so have to be kept in cages or locken in seperate rooms in the house. There are some on chains in the garden. Now there is a persistant stink wafting over our fence. Yesterday she came home with yet another dog! These people are mad, and there is nothing we can do.

Our house in now up for sale, but when people come and look at it they hear the dogs barking like crazy and leave. ARRHHH.

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Get one of those loud speakers that the monks use and hook it up to a sterio player. Then play country and western music at full volume directed at her home. Vary the music selection until you find something she doesn't like. Maybe the dogs will even enjoy it and shut up.

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Get one of those loud speakers that the monks use and hook it up to a sterio player. Then play country and western music at full volume directed at her home. Vary the music selection until you find something she doesn't like. Maybe the dogs will even enjoy it and shut up.
Dogs love Slim Whitman. It's something to do with the yodelling.
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Gotta love those ugly Thai street dogs...






Actually, the street dogs are not usually the problem barkers. It's the little yappy dogs locked up by their owners. When a street dog comes walking by the yappy dogs get upset and it starts every dog in the neighbourhood barking.

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You can get Bark collars delivered to your door for $4.95 on Ebay! They start with an auditory warning, then move to a light electric shock.

Not sure on the morals of using these, but you could buy a load for all your neighbours. Do it in a friendly way, and they may well thank you for it. Instead of moaning, offer them a solution.

They also sell the high frequency collars on Ebay too for about the same price, but from what I've read, they're less effective. Simple Pavlovian principles of conditioning is the solution all round.

Now, if someone could point me in the right direction of where to buy a nag collar?

my solution: Bullet 45 Caliber (451 Diameter) 230 Grain Plated Round Nose or Remington 185 JHP on Glock 21 with Suppressor for the feeble minded... SILENCE!

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You can get Bark collars delivered to your door for $4.95 on Ebay! They start with an auditory warning, then move to a light electric shock.

Not sure on the morals of using these, but you could buy a load for all your neighbours. Do it in a friendly way, and they may well thank you for it. Instead of moaning, offer them a solution.

They also sell the high frequency collars on Ebay too for about the same price, but from what I've read, they're less effective. Simple Pavlovian principles of conditioning is the solution all round.

Now, if someone could point me in the right direction of where to buy a nag collar?

my solution: Bullet 45 Caliber (451 Diameter) 230 Grain Plated Round Nose or Remington 185 JHP on Glock 21 with Suppressor for the feeble minded... SILENCE!

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By the way, but only since this barking business came up again - If you own your house and you have a barking dog issue beware of posting on here (or other places we're probably not allowed to mention). I went to see a house for sale and the owner said there were no problems of the barking kind and I then (accidentally) found a thread on here where he confessed he was at his wit's end and couldn't stand it any longer. Needless to say I lost interest pretty quickly...

How anyone can offer consideration and compassion to this anti-social,arrogant,selfish,ranting neanderthal is beyond me. If there was any justice in his moobaan they'd string him up and feed him to his revolting animals.

Excuse me? What are you talking about?

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In my narrow soi with nothing but 2 story condos side by side and very little green space, there are quite a few dogs that live in the owners drive way 24/7. Yes they have frequent barking fits, sometimes at 4 am but generally if the owner is home they are told to shut up and it works. While I still find this annoying, it was also somehow comforting when I was stuck temporarily caring for a loud mother cat and her two screaming kittens. Of course they are not nearly as loud, but for sure the neighbors could hear their meowing (which they did a lot) and if I didnt get to the litter box in time or the kittens missed the target, I am sure they could smell unpleasant things at times as well. When I would feel bad about the annoyance this must be causing to my neighbors (who cook on their back porch right next to where the cats lived), I thought of their little yapping dog and didn't worry as much. I would have been much more stressed otherwise. Thankfully the cats have been transfered to a loving Thai family that may be better equipped to care for them, but I still tend to listen to my music loud and smoke outside. It all evens out.

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