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Shocked By Thai Staff Verbal


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'"businesorry to hear....you made the right decision....working with the ignorance and arrogance, the deceitfulness, the laziness and much more of the thai workforce must make any normal, responsible businessman and human being sick! all the best! "'

Above is a quote from another poster to a topic about a farang owner closing his business in Pattaya due to staff problems.

I was quite a takenback from this reply.Actually a bit shocked.

I have never owned a business, but i plan to own one in Pattaya in the future.

Having being a regular tourist to pattaya over the years my opinion as a customer point of view is that some, not all thai employess are not motivated ,however i find thais who are employed in big companies such as McDonalds etc have a better work ethic than their counterparts in smaller businessses.

I dont understand the quote about ignorance and arrogance?

I realise that if i bought a business that i would find it difficult but really any difficult more than managing staff in your own country?

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LOL,I really cant believe it ! JD I was actually thinking of you as i was writing it,and lo and behold,i see i was thinking right about you.

i SEE you cant leave me alone,actually my last post was i think last August 2008 where you were once writing the same reply.

Are you following me or is that just a cut and paste reply you have for everyone?

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I invite the readers to look at your threads ... including this one

I wont go into a long detailed story,but im going to tell a Young Thai guy that i done a few favours for to give me his land up in Khon Kaen area.

The land is about 3 acres long but very close to all amenties,value is at over a million baht.

I have done this thai guy a lot of favours and i know he had a nervous breakdown when his parents were killed and he was in hospital a long time which resulted in him forgetting things and at one stage drinking etc.

But i have looked after him and he owes me something.

I have already suggested he sign all of it over to me but he is reluctant and im trying to pressure him to give me 50%.

or for the most part any of them :o

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Look,if my post is really interfering with your life,I will delete it.

I would hate to see someone take it personally and to heart so to speak,i hope it hasnt upset you.

I would rather you take out your anger on me than some innocent old lady so please feel free to pm me like you did last August if you want it deleted and i will do that.

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I've had businesses in Thailand for years and it is the most frustrating country to do business in that I have come across.

They are the laziest people I know.

They lie all the time (telling you what they think will appease you rather than the truth).

You cannot motivate them, even with money. They like the idea but prefer less money and no work.

They would rather have a plasma TV and a hole in the roof rather than fix the house up.

They will rob you. You are westerner. You have money tree. You have unlimited money.

They actually believe they are smarter than us. Honestly, they actually believe it.

They don't know how anything works. How does TV/washing machine/car/vacuum work ? Answer: magic (this is the truth).

You already know they are never on time.

You cannot instil in them that some things are critically important. If they don't think so, they will do it their way and tough if you lose out.

Mostly boys but many girls as well will say they are "family mafia" to threaten you. In business you will be threatened in some form.

They will never work for the business if their interests do not come first.

They do not understand that you have to sell something to make a profit and pay salaries. The connection between sales and profit does not exist.

They have absolutely zero loyalty to their employer. None whatsoever.

I could go on and on. The best advice I can give you is to enter into business only when you are able to nearly sack the entire staff and still struggle through the day. If the business idea is completely reliant on the Thai staff, change it or think again.

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I must say that the staff I have at present are magnificent, no other word for it. Conscientious, hardworking, loyal and 100% trustworthy. Took me a while to get there but now I'm totally comfortable with leaving them alone for a few weeks at a time to go to Issan with the wife. While we are away business never suffers, in fact at times it's better than when I'm there!!

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I have only heard horror stories of people who have engaged in business here .

There is a strong reason why LOS has had very little progress in the last 20 years when the bulk of the population has been dummed down over the last few generations.

Best advice I was given was to come here with enough cash to not have to work or if you do need to work do it outside of Thailand.

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I've had businesses in Thailand for years and it is the most frustrating country to do business in that I have come across.

They are the laziest people I know.

They lie all the time (telling you what they think will appease you rather than the truth).

You cannot motivate them, even with money. They like the idea but prefer less money and no work.

They would rather have a plasma TV and a hole in the roof rather than fix the house up.

They will rob you. You are westerner. You have money tree. You have unlimited money.

They actually believe they are smarter than us. Honestly, they actually believe it.

They don't know how anything works. How does TV/washing machine/car/vacuum work ? Answer: magic (this is the truth).

You already know they are never on time.

You cannot instil in them that some things are critically important. If they don't think so, they will do it their way and tough if you lose out.

Mostly boys but many girls as well will say they are "family mafia" to threaten you. In business you will be threatened in some form.

They will never work for the business if their interests do not come first.

They do not understand that you have to sell something to make a profit and pay salaries. The connection between sales and profit does not exist.

They have absolutely zero loyalty to their employer. None whatsoever.

I could go on and on. The best advice I can give you is to enter into business only when you are able to nearly sack the entire staff and still struggle through the day. If the business idea is completely reliant on the Thai staff, change it or think again.

couldnt agree more with u on this...

Could tell u many storeie about what u are talking about...My wife owned a company with 6 employees and she made money, but the employees were useless. She was carring them..I worked for her office for 3 months to automate it with no luck the employes refused to do the work,,,

She sold the company and moved with me over seas and now sees how I work overseas, she is now back in thainla starting her company up agan with a different approach...

I remember an expat that owned a business and believed if he payed more and treated the thais better they would be devoted employes,,WRONG, he eventually sold the business and a chinese person bought it...

They droped there salary and worked them 7 days a week and treated them like shit.

This the thai workers understood...

Chinese thais control the country for a reason, And i have seen this over and over again in many business in thailand...

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I've had businesses in Thailand for years and it is the most frustrating country to do business in that I have come across.

>>They are the laziest people I know.

They lie all the time (telling you what they think will appease you rather than the truth).

You cannot motivate them, even with money. They like the idea but prefer less money and no work.

They would rather have a plasma TV and a hole in the roof rather than fix the house up.

They will rob you. You are westerner. You have money tree. You have unlimited money.

They actually believe they are smarter than us. Honestly, they actually believe it.

They don't know how anything works. How does TV/washing machine/car/vacuum work ? Answer: magic (this is the truth).

You already know they are never on time.

You cannot instil in them that some things are critically important. If they don't think so, they will do it their way and tough if you lose out.

Mostly boys but many girls as well will say they are "family mafia" to threaten you. In business you will be threatened in some form.

They will never work for the business if their interests do not come first.

They do not understand that you have to sell something to make a profit and pay salaries. The connection between sales and profit does not exist.

They have absolutely zero loyalty to their employer. None whatsoever.

I could go on and on. The best advice I can give you is to enter into business only when you are able to nearly sack the entire staff and still struggle through the day. If the business idea is completely reliant on the Thai staff, change it or think again.<<

>>Yes ,but what would you know .You worked in the beer bar industry and bar girls and their ilk are all of the above and more .

When i needed a service done by Thais in renovating my Condo and other things ( even fixing my camera and lap top) it has been done efficiently and cheaply .

Edited by Thaifan2
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Yes ,but what would you know .You worked in the beer bar industry and bar girls and their ilk are all of the above and more .

When i needed a service done by Thais in renovating my Condo and other things ( even fixing my camera and lap top) it has been done efficiently and cheaply .

Yes but the difference is that those people you hired worked for themselves and were not employed by a farang.

First of all they probably were smarter then the average thai only because they were able to start an own business and second they didn't get feeded by a farang.

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3 restaurants, a total of 20 thai employed, a big mobility, but at the end I'm quite happy of my staff. Somebody is working with me 4 years. Only small problems easy to manage.

So, better don't generalize about the local manpower. Sound a bit racist too...

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worked in pattaya for nearly 10 years in the real estate biz both for somebody and then as a joint venture on a start up company, yes you do scratch your head as to why they do things a certain way and yes there are many lazy un-motivated staff who cannot see the big picture and understand that but face facts, if they were that sharp and good at it then you wouldn't be starting a business in the first place...believe me I was extremely critical and had no time for any fools that I was working with or had working for me and used to curse on a daily basis but I think it's all down to education and the fact that they are working for a foreigner and just don't like it sometimes....

back in the u.k and work in the city now, in the company I work for there are people who are just as bad as the ones I mentioned above!!

I get back to if they were that clever and good at business then you as a foreigner wouldn't have your business most probably to start with!

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I've had businesses in Thailand for years and it is the most frustrating country to do business in that I have come across.

They are the laziest people I know.

They lie all the time (telling you what they think will appease you rather than the truth).

You cannot motivate them, even with money. They like the idea but prefer less money and no work.

They would rather have a plasma TV and a hole in the roof rather than fix the house up.

They will rob you. You are westerner. You have money tree. You have unlimited money.

They actually believe they are smarter than us. Honestly, they actually believe it.

They don't know how anything works. How does TV/washing machine/car/vacuum work ? Answer: magic (this is the truth).

You already know they are never on time.

You cannot instil in them that some things are critically important. If they don't think so, they will do it their way and tough if you lose out.

Mostly boys but many girls as well will say they are "family mafia" to threaten you. In business you will be threatened in some form.

They will never work for the business if their interests do not come first.

They do not understand that you have to sell something to make a profit and pay salaries. The connection between sales and profit does not exist.

They have absolutely zero loyalty to their employer. None whatsoever.

I could go on and on. The best advice I can give you is to enter into business only when you are able to nearly sack the entire staff and still struggle through the day. If the business idea is completely reliant on the Thai staff, change it or think again.

Maybe you should start a new bussiness in Nigeria then you will find out what lying and laziness means.When you have a staff working for you,you should be there with them when they start in the morning to supervise them,but you want them as cheap as possible with a university degree.If they have no loyalty maybe you should look in the way you treath them.I can go on and on.

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