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Non imm b and 90 day visa runs

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Here's a thing:

I have a Multi Non Imm B here on Koh Samui. I am (apparently) required to leave the country every 90 days to renew it. I therefore have entry stamps every 90 days in my passport.

My friend here has a non imm B but his entry stamp gives him a full year. He does not have to leave the country every three months. He has been doing this for 12 years, no problem.

Both of us are in our thirties and British. Both teaching EFL.

What's the deal here? Does one have to do the visa run every 90 days or am I being (more) stupid (than usual)? :o

I apologise in advance if this question has been answered elsewhere but I looked hard and couldn't find it. I am, as my name suggests, a little slow. :laugh:

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The longest entry permit that a border immigration point can issue is 90 days.  To obtain an extended entry permit, you need a qualifying employer (at least 4 Thais employed, and 2 million baht capitalization per work permit), and a qualifying salary, as well as a work permit.

I understand that for language schools, work permit entitlements are based on number and size of classrooms, instead of Thai co-workers.



Indo-Siam Group

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