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Going Native.......


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In my home country I lived all my adult life in an apartment in a city. When I visit my family up country in my home country I'm happy when at evening I feel the vibrant city again. So I see no reason why I should like to stay in some village in Thailand.

Even living in a 20 million Bath mansion with all modern comfort is far less attractive for me than my 3 bad/bedroom apartment with European kitchen and bathroom with a bath (my wife prefer it)in the outskirts of Bangkok. who BTW have almost no traffic, but have all the shopping possibility's at hand when needed. And that's the most important, I know when I need something I can have it at hand. i don't have to drive 20 or 50 k to find it. IMHO a city give me a freedom that you can't find in a village. Not yet to mention the lack of privacy in a village community surrounded by family members.

And like an another poster said when a local Thai market is only 500 m away and their is some park or I can sit near the river at only 1k further, so why I should live in a village. I don't frequent bars or nightclubs I did not do that in my home country so why should I do it over here.

When go to dinner most of the time we eat Thai or Japanese, but at home I eat European and my wife Thai food, I just don't like Thai food that much.

And yes I confirm myself to the Thai society when I'm outside my home, but inside my home I keep my own culture and eat my own food and decorate it in a European style, and my Thai family knows that in my home its my culture and my social rules and they have to behave accordingly, as I do when I'm in their home. And my wife understand and agree with it, because she like I feel happy and comfortable. Because when she stay more than 30 years in Europe she could do the same in our home.

In short I'm a Fleming living in Thailand with respect for Thai culture, but I see no reason why I should become native inside my home, because I'm not, and I'm rather proud of my cultural inheritance.

The only thing I do is wearing Chinese pants in Thai Silk at home like I do already 30 years,(very difficult to find this moment). That's how far adopting Thai lifestyle go's at home :o


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In short I'm a Fleming living in Thailand with respect for Thai culture, but I see no reason why I should become native inside my home, because I'm not, and I'm rather proud of my cultural inheritance.

The only thing I do is wearing Chinese pants in Thai Silk at home like I do already 30 years,(very difficult to find this moment). That's how far adopting Thai lifestyle go's at home :o

Do you still walk around your house with your shoes on ?

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Do you still walk around your house with your shoes on ?


My wife is very happy that I come from a Pacific culture where we never wear shoes or slippers in the house. When we were kids we would watch TV & ask our mom why were those folks wearing shoes in the house & even putting them up on the bed or couch :D

In short I'm a Fleming living in Thailand with respect for Thai culture, but I see no reason why I should become native inside my home, because I'm not, and I'm rather proud of my cultural inheritance.

Funny but Belgium is where I always wanted to go for years & never made it.

I actually had a trip booked & cancelled due to work. I loved watching the spring classics for years.

Johan Museeuw & Peter Van Petegem

I wanted to see them ride...... :o as well as ride Flanders myself.

Ah well

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I just thought that some posters seem to revel in the fact that they live a rural life in a Thai village. Just what they can possibly enjoy about this is beyond me.

I am sure plently will come and knock this, but really its each to their own, but it certainly is not for me...

Different strokes for different folks, if we were all the same just think how boring it would be.

Personally I'm not sure the rural life would be my thing either. I was fairly close to it in central Viet Nam and there were the odd times I really missed some of the "comforts" of a more cosmopolitan location. Having said that I'd probably give it a go in the right circumstances.

Korea is actually a country never be spoken of here.

At least under an expat view of things

Wait a minute. There was once an arrest of corrupt politicians seen in the news. And the fights in parliament. Is that Korea?

Is that a fact? Obviously you've missed the recent thread on living in the country. Mai bpen rai, I'm sure you enjoy your life in isolation. It might come as a shock to your system but some of us, whilst being based in Thailand, worlk elsewhere in the world.

And yes you are correct corruption is part of life here just like in Thailand except they arrest the ones that get caught not allow them to leave the country. Yes, there was also a bout of fisticufs in their parliament recently certainly adds a bit of spice to those mind numbing debates politicians of all nations seem to love so much. So you see, despite your assertions to the contrary, you are not totally ignorant of the world outside Thailand.

btw I actually mentioned Viet Nam in my reply. You are not getting you geography all muddled up are you? Korea is the dangly bit up near Japan, Viet Nam is the long skinny bit the other side of Laos and Cambodia. Those two are east of Thailand, if you are up early morning east is towards the sunrise.

No need to be so aggressive. I was just wondering, how it is over there. Have really seen a lot of Asia. But going to Korea has never crossed my mind. Can you recommend a holiday over there?

And what has this to do with Vietnam and geographic???

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Funny but Belgium is where I always wanted to go for years & never made it.

I actually had a trip booked & cancelled due to work. I loved watching the spring classics for years.

Johan Museeuw & Peter van Petegem

I wanted to see them ride...... :o as well as ride Flanders myself.

Johan Museeuw & Peter van Petegem stopped already a few years ago, we have new heroes, the most famous and popular is Tom Boonen. He have the status of demi god in Flanders.

I have to restrain myself to right a long eulogy about this wonderful sport.

maybe some video's are more interesting for you



and one week later Paris-Roubaix the hel_l cCassic in of Northern France where they still speak Flemish


Winner last year was TOM BOONEN.

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Do you still walk around your house with your shoes on ?

YES. it a habit almost impossible to get rid of. Even my wife does

YES, its a habit almost impossible to get rid of, even my wife walk around in the house with her shoes on.

Thai visitors always surprised when they see it, buts as I said its our house and therefore our rules. Once I told my Thai guests that they must keep their shoes on, its was very funny to see their reactions. It took a while before they realised I was joking :o

Also I give female visitors 3 kisses on the cheek and the men a handshake as its tradition back home.

They should accept it as a part of my culture. When I visit them I Wha. After a while they seems to accept it and regard me as a family member who is a little bit Thingtong.

And maybe I am :D

I don't mind, because its give me some breathing space to escape from some Thai traditions.

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Johan Museeuw & Peter van Petegem stopped already a few years ago, we have new heroes, the most famous and popular is Tom Boonen. He have the status of demi god in Flanders.

I have to restrain myself to right a long eulogy about this wonderful sport.

maybe some video's are more interesting for you



and one week later Paris-Roubaix the hel_l cCassic in of Northern France where they still speak Flemish


Winner last year was TOM BOONEN.

Yes thanks I know they retired. They were my favorites as the last of that gritty

breed ( in my mind)

Yes Boonen is great too. I watched him from the beginning when he was domestique for Hincapie on postal. Remember that Paris Roubaix when Hincapie fell in the ditch & Boonen went on to his first podium there? 3rd I think?

Anyway dont want to go too far OT

Thanks for the links!

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Do you still walk around your house with your shoes on ?

YES. it a habit almost impossible to get rid of. Even my wife does

Have you ever spent a hot season in Thailand?

Yes in March,April, May and June, I think that's the hot season right? :o

And of course I don't wear shoes all the time inside, I only mean I don't take them off when I go inside. We take them of after we unpack the groceries and took a shower or a bath. Of course in the shower I don't wear them also :D , there I wear boots.

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Johan Museeuw & Peter van Petegem stopped already a few years ago, we have new heroes, the most famous and popular is Tom Boonen. He have the status of demi god in Flanders.

I have to restrain myself to right a long eulogy about this wonderful sport.

maybe some video's are more interesting for you



and one week later Paris-Roubaix the hel_l cCassic in of Northern France where they still speak Flemish


Winner last year was TOM BOONEN.

Yes thanks I know they retired. They were my favorites as the last of that gritty

breed ( in my mind)

Yes Boonen is great too. I watched him from the beginning when he was domestique for Hincapie on postal. Remember that Paris Roubaix when Hincapie fell in the ditch & Boonen went on to his first podium there? 3rd I think?

Anyway dont want to go too far OT

Thanks for the links!

You welcome, no problem at all, happy to give them.

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Only the ones with no pride would go native.

What ignorance.

I would like to live in a rural area when I retire although no more than say 10 km from a large town.

Are you saying you would do your best to evolve backwards so you could blend in with the lowest of the people around in the village? Otherwise you aren't really going native...you are just moving to the country side. Which is fine.

Read, then reply.

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