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Well chaps the time has come, I'm quitting this forum, not because I don't value the conversations and information I find here - I do, I value them immensely.

It's because I value free discussion and hearing other people's views that I enjoyed this site and it's because I value free discussion and hearing other people's views that I am quitting.

I questioned the decision to remove what I regard as a very valuable post and within minutes my own post was deleted - Upsetting someone for (politely and respectfully) criticizing their decision is, it would seem, a deletable offence.

Well that's not the kind of respect of other people's views I'm looking for, so goodbye, and good luck - a special good bye to those of you I have had head to head battles with on this site, I enjoyed that immensely, and I might add, I have gained insight and respect for you views.

But we none of us can do that if we are not allowed to discuss.

10:10 and Out


Edited by GuestHouse
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You are free to discuss aids and all it's problems in the health forum guesthouse.

Your post was closed due to you discussing moderation issue in the forum which you now is not allowed. i believe you received a pm from another mod as well. So i'm not alone with the same idea.

Your idea that the health forum doesn't get read is totally out of the blue. Lot's of user like myself as well use the "View new posts link" on the top on the right . It gives you all posts since your last logon.

So they will see yours also.

Just because you feel like it should be there or here is better doesn't make it so. Maybe you could post it in the jokes forum as well ??? :o

I don't think we're being unreasonable here. I you feel this way, up to you.

Thanks for your contribution to thaivisa.


PS: by the way your post isn't deleted. It was closed and moved to the health forum.

Edited by Darknight
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Shame mate, but I have to agree with the mods here. I don't think its that hard to follow the rules and if you had issues with placement of a topic I think you should have contacted the mods and who knows maybe they would have agreed with you. As for free speech- this isn't - only becomes free speech when you own your own forum.

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In the last 15 yrs or so I've seen literally hundreds of people "resign" from message boards, newsgroups, irc, etc, etc. It loses its effect after about the third time you see it. If you get so upset about the placement of your topic or posting then its a sign you're starting to take the whole thing too seriously and you probably need a break.

I've had topics moved and posts deleted. Did I agree? No, I didn't, but cest la vie.... it's not a big deal. I'm not that deluded to think that something I post in an online forum will drasticly change the world, so I let it go and move on, as do most people here.

So go take a break, think it over and if it bothers you still after a while you probably don't have the temperment to deal with these places, and its probably best to find a new hobby, or start your own forum where you get your own way all the time, or isn't that what you're criticizing the admins for doing?

In short, get over it.


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Well chaps the time has come, I'm quitting this forum, not because I don't value the conversations and information I find here - I do, I value them immensely.

It's because I value free discussion and hearing other people's views that I enjoyed this site and it's because I value free discussion and hearing other people's views that I am quitting.

I questioned the decision to remove what I regard as a very valuable post and within minutes my own post was deleted - Upsetting someone for (politely and respectfully) criticizing their decision is, it would seem, a deletable offence.

Well that's not the kind of respect of other people's views I'm looking for, so goodbye, and good luck - a special good bye to those of you I have had head to head battles with on this site, I enjoyed that immensely, and I might add, I have gained insight and respect for you views.

But we none of us can do that if we are not allowed to discuss.

10:10 and Out

:o it's very easy :

you are the boss, than you set the rules and execute them!

you are not the boss, then you follow them - or are executed!

that's how simple life is!


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