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Looking For Advice On A Night Out In Bangkok


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I will be coming to Bangkok to meet with my Thai girl friend at the end of April and I want to take her somewhere that will make an impression.

If this was the U.S. then I'd take her to a nice dinner and broadway musical.

But I'll be in Bangkok and I don't have a clue.

Can you please recommend something I could do with a wonderful 46 year old woman that she would cherish? Someplace where you are expected to dress up and keep your cell phone Off?

I need advice from the experts.

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Where is your lady from? Is she middle class and used to fine dining etc or is she more of a rural lass who would feel a bit intimidated by overly westernised/hi-so venues. This makes a big difference to the place you would take her to. A very westernised bankok-ite would be hard to impress anywhere, but places like the Sky Bar and Vertgo at the Banyan Tree are good for the wow factor.

If it is all a bit new to her, she won't feel comfortable, so try and take her somewhere where she can feel like the big fish in the small pond rather than vice versa. I have made that mistake before and it ended up with me footing a big bill, a surly bf and a generally rubbish night. He would have much preferred something more low key and his style, no matter how much the place cost or the hi-so clientele.

Next time I go to Bangkok we are meeting up with some really good friends with ours (western girl/ thai bf) and me and the girls are going to go out for the night to a couple of posh bars and we are dumping them at a country bar. We will then all be meeting up later for a good old singalong! Very much looking forward to it!

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My Thai is an Isaan girl from Khon Kaen! Two years at the university but from a poor background. Her father and Grandfather are retired soldiers.

I would say she's had a simple life more than a country life. She reads and likes to expand her knowledge. Then again, she's not above having a good time. She's good at telling me "I see farang think too much!" Still, she's never been on a plane. She is definitely Not high maintenance, which makes spoiling her a lot more fun!

Hope this is enough information.

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Hi, well if she is a simple girl, I think some of the really fancy shmanzy places may be intimidating to her! Thais are a bit bigotted in terms of social class. So some places they may look down on an Isaan girl with a farang. I would suggest something fun and interesting, more than impressive and formal and all. May I throw out a really wacky suggestion? How about the top of Baiyoke tower? It's the tallest building in Thailand/Bangkok. On the top of the building is a restaraunt/buffet with really good food, that is not too expensive. I think it is like 800 baht a person or something. It is nice, but not intimidating fancy. On the bottom floor there is a shopping plaza so you can make a date of it and buy stuff. And to top off the evening you can go out on the roof platform on the top of the building. It rotates and you can cuddle and take in the view of Bangkok. here's a youtube of the view from the 83rd floor sky deck:

If she is not from Bangkok, then it is perfect because it gives you a complete panoramic view of the city. The view is quite stunning.

While on youtube I found video of the buffet restaraunt I was talking about:

Edited by submaniac
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Depends on who you want to impress I guess. For me Baiyoke is tastless tat for those not in the know and Vertigo is far more like a touch of class. From your videos Sub it would seem that you are familiar with taking someone from the countryside to somewhere that is bog standard impressive. Vertigo on the other hand requires a very different type of date and host :o

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Depends on who you want to impress I guess. For me Baiyoke is tastless tat for those not in the know and Vertigo is far more like a touch of class. From your videos Sub it would seem that you are familiar with taking someone from the countryside to somewhere that is bog standard impressive. Vertigo on the other hand requires a very different type of date and host :o

First, it isn't my video...someone else made it, but having been there I can say it adequately represents the place. And yes, Baiyoke is neither a world class, grand hotel, nor the finest restaurant in Bangkok. There is a difference in the finer things but not everyone can tell. I am not a wine drinker, so the difference between a bottle of wine from the liquor store or a very expensive bottle of vintage wine is lost on me. But for someone who can tell the difference, it is a world of difference.

Baiyoke is more akin to a "Holiday Inn" or "Motel 6" as opposed to a Trump plaza or Hilton. But it's ok. What I was concerned about is that in those finer places, the OP's girl may be a little intimidated. The Hi-So Bangkok types that frequent the really nice places are notoriously snooty. They can tell that she is not one of them from the way she talks, the lack of really expensive designer clothes, the hair styling, and everything else. The Hi-So's do not frequent Baiyoke. It's a decent place, and I think she will be more relaxed there, and find it interesting. The view from the sky deck really is stunning, and I never really appreciated Bangkok until I saw it from the skydeck. On ground level it's a mess, but from that height one can appreciate what a magnficent city Bangkok really is. And if you are on a date, well...you need something to do. It just so happens that on the ground is a shopping district. Every girl likes shopping, and it will give both of them something to do. Even if you don't buy anything, they can walk around and look and there's less pressure for conversation or for them to 'entertain' each other like they would at just a fancy restaraunt. I really think she will appreciate this more.

And as a proviso to the OP, I did not know you were going to stay at the hotel there too. It is really not a 'great' hotel. So don't blame me if it is not 5 star because I am telling you it isn't. It's OK. Not bad, not a hovel, not a hostel. But liveable, clean--no cockroaches and that sort of thing. When Baiyoke was built, the area it was in was a prime area of Bangkok. But as the years went on, the area has sort of fallen from its past glory. It is not an "unsavory" area and I would not be concerned about your safety. But it is not as nice as the Paragon area.

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Thanks again for the information. I think dinner at the Baiyoke is a safe bet. Fun. Different. Not intimidating.

I'll reconsider the hotel option based on your input. The Marriott has a resort hotel on the river. Very nice with a private ferry to take us across to Skytrain. It's in the 4,000 baht/night range, which is a little high for me. I can afford it but really hate to spend that kind of money when there are other things I can do with it. (For example, I'll stay happy in a 600 baht hotel and then spend 20 thousand baht for a computer for my Thai girl's son. Seems like a better use.)

But then again, sometimes you just have to "blow" a little.

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I'm sure she will appreciate the effort & thought you have put into it all, regardless of how fancy or expensive the places are. Don't forget to report back on the resteraunt. Sounds like it might be fun for our next trip to BKK :o

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I think sub's response is spot on. Isn't this supposed to be a romantic dinner that she will enjoy rather than a spectacle to impress her and make her feel uncomfortable and out of place?

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I can chuck a bit in about the Marriott and similar hotels and the background of the lady, though much younger.

My Japanese ex wife was never fazed wherever we went and seeing a beer at BT300 or so didn't matter. The decision to go to such a place was made beforehand, in full knowledge that it would be a certain price and one would not choose on the basis of price.

I also took my Thai girlfriend to the Marriott. It was her first time in such a hotel (we stayed 3 days). I had prepared her as much as was possible (we had been together a few years already). Check in was ok, from them taking the bags, checking in, going to the room etc. Hitting the pool was fine, robes were new to her as was the level of service but she did not have to think about anything so it was ok.

As we ordered a drink prior to a poolside lunch, the prices on the menu probably made her think although we had businesses here in Thailand where she saw what money we took and what we made. We lived well but this was not MK or just a mid range restaurant.

The first day was ok and before dinner I asked her how she felt and she was a little overwhelmed but her main worry was what the other Thais, mainly the staff, thought about her ordering things which, in relative terms, cost so much. I assured her they thought nothing (or perhaps little) and that their job was to assist wherever possible.

By day two, she was fine. I had succeeded in moving her line of sight from the price to the food description. We had a good stay.

What I am trying to get across is that if she is not used to spending money on that activity to that level, then it can be intimidating.

By the way, the Marriott does a passable buffet as well each evening on the terrace. You can take a dinner cruise but the food I have eaten on them is very poor.

As for the Marriott hotel, go to their website, join as a member and they will show you some codes to potentially get better rates. Googling Marriott and promotional codes (paying by Visa or Mastercard for instance) is advisable. Breakfast at the Marriott is well worth the experience but perhaps not worth it if not included in the rate as it is about Bt650++ per person.

Best of luck.

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I would go with the river-boat! But have never tried it. My wife and I did go up to the top of Baiyoke for a view and some drinks and had a nice time. Really if you have not been there you should check it out anyway. I enjoyed it more then she did though. She isnt afraid of heights or flying but is not at ease that high in a building. I would rule out any expensive dinners - (Banyon Tree) It is a sophisticated place but if your girlfriend is like my wife she is not going to be comfortable there. Ive been there and didnt feel comfortable myself, and know my wife would be even less so.

An attempt to treat her good could back-fire if she is not at ease. I doubt most rural thais would be at ease in restaraunts where the bill can exceed a month worth of food at home. Think about it.

Its not the place you go its the company you keep

Main thing ...Have a good time !

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the perfect place to take her would be "Gin Lom Choam Sapan" - located at samsen soi 3.

located on the chao phraya riverside with a stunning view of the new bridge....not hi-so, but with a mix of a variety of different groups of people...its is open air, live band with volume just right...and not to expensive...but will be a very memoreabe night out.

if you want to go all out there is Sirocco and Breeze which is run by the same owner...main patrons are expat business people.

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nothing to do with price and class


yearsssssssssssssss ago (not saying how many :o) I was taken to the Baiyoke buffet for lunch (completely free as the F&B manager wanted to date my friend and she asked me along). I went. had lunch.

a week or so later she tells me the guy wants to see her again, will I go with her. My response: as long as its not at the Baiyoke Tower!!

(and this was me at the time when I was a poor thai student, eating 25baht meals). I certainly wasnt impressed. Lets hope they have improved things over the years :D

going up for the view is cool though (as long as she doesnt get dizzy from the revolving floor) :D

what would I consider romantic and fun?

a guy took me outdoor rockclimbing once (I didnt quite climb up the wall...but it was a good fun day laughing at myself)

on another occasion - outdoor symphony in the park, with a picnic. (make the food non Thai and that could make it different for her)

another occasion I took some friends on the river. not the dinner cruise type thing, as I find that so busy and loud. but we hired a small little boat and did the river, and little canals on Thonburi side of Bangkok. passing through communities where no roads went in to, mail was still delivered by boats, and they had orchid farms along the water

very very nice day. Although a thai thing, I dont think the scenery would be common sight in Isaan.


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