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Winner In The Thaivisa Tag Competition 2009

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We are happy to announce the winner in the Thaivisa Tag competion 2009:

The winner is: sensei with 5254 tags

Price: 10,000 Baht cash

On second place was:

Condo_bk with 2237 tags

Price: A Thaivisa Polo shirt

Third was:

toybits with 1555 tags

Price: A Thaivisa Polo Shirt

Fouth was:

Cuban with 1512 tags

Price: A Thaivisa Polo Shirt


The winners will be contacted via PM later today.


I decided not to even try this competition as there was always going to be somebody with WAY too much time on their hands, and at 5254 tags I was right.

Congrats sensei and spend the money wisely (I.E. on beer)

I decided not to even try this competition as there was always going to be somebody with WAY too much time on their hands, and at 5254 tags I was right.

Congrats sensei and spend the money wisely (I.E. on beer)

i decided not to even try this competition as I had no bloody idea what george was on about. :o

By the way george its priZe not priCe

I decided not to even try this competition as there was always going to be somebody with WAY too much time on their hands, and at 5254 tags I was right.

Congrats sensei and spend the money wisely (I.E. on beer)

i decided not to even try this competition as I had no bloody idea what george was on about. :o

By the way george its priZe not priCe

No No No. 10,000 Baht is the price for winning, he has to pay George

I decided not to even try this competition as there was always going to be somebody with WAY too much time on their hands, and at 5254 tags I was right.

Congrats sensei and spend the money wisely (I.E. on beer)

i decided not to even try this competition as I had no bloody idea what george was on about. :o

By the way george its priZe not priCe

No No No. 10,000 Baht is the price for winning, he has to pay George

Exactly. This is Thailand, where people pay to do volunteer work.

Thanks, everyone!

I have to warn you. Tagging is habit forming.


I tagged this one too!

I did my part and added my first ever. :o

We are testing a new version of the tagging software, and it is currently only available to Advanced members (over 500 posts).

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks George for letting me know.

One issue I have is the 10,000 Baht Tagging competition that was announced a few weeks ago I find this a little unfair to those like myself who spent some time tagging for the benefit of TV to now be told we can no longer tag in the final weeks of the competition due to a software upgrade. :D

Any news on who got the 10,000 baht or how we are notified of this.

Thanks Shaun.

Strange :o the winner only had 356 posts my Tagging stopped at least 1 week before the dead line :D

Topic here http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Tag-Button-t246173.html

Thanks, everyone!

I have to warn you. Tagging is habit forming.


I tagged this one too!

By my estimates, you averaged one tag every 7 minutes 30 seconds. If you slept 8 hours each night, then it would be every 5 minutes you were awake. Truly incredible!

Thanks, everyone!

I have to warn you. Tagging is habit forming.


I tagged this one too!

By my estimates, you averaged one tag every 7 minutes 30 seconds. If you slept 8 hours each night, then it would be every 5 minutes you were awake. Truly incredible!

Does that include the time he apparently could not post Tags due to the software upgrade issue something odd here indeed.


Thank you, George!

I have just checked my account online and I would like to inform you that I have already received the prize money.

Allow me to say thank you for your generosity and your ingenuity in coming up with this experiment/project. I certainly hope that what I did helped the forum and rest assured that you haven't seen the last of my tagging activities.

More power to you and to Thaivisa.com!



condolences to Condo_bk

who did a tremendous effort but ended up with a tshirt.

i wonder if he pulled out half way


By my estimates, you averaged one tag every 7 minutes 30 seconds. If you slept 8 hours each night, then it would be every 5 minutes you were awake. Truly incredible!

Does that include the time he apparently could not post Tags due to the software upgrade issue something odd here indeed.

No, I did not take that into account. Estimating that he only had three weeks before the change of policy restricting tagging to members with more than 500 posts, then my figure is adjusted to an average of one post about every 3 minutes 50 seconds (again assuming 8 hours of sleep each night).

No, I did not take that into account. Estimating that he only had three weeks before the change of policy restricting tagging to members with more than 500 posts, then my figure is adjusted to an average of one post about every 3 minutes 50 seconds (again assuming 8 hours of sleep each night).

One every 4 minutes for 16 hours per day? :o

Somebody has been very clever with their computer, methinks. :D

Well done sensei! :D

Thank you, George!

I have just checked my account online and I would like to inform you that I have already received the prize money.

Allow me to say thank you for your generosity and your ingenuity in coming up with this experiment/project. I certainly hope that what I did helped the forum and rest assured that you haven't seen the last of my tagging activities.

More power to you and to Thaivisa.com!


You're the one who should be thanked for generosity. You provided 3000 more tags than your nearest rival.

I just knew there would be some fanatic doing the competition justice so I gave up after a few days. I can see now I made the right choice.

Who's going to be tagging the threads now?

I'd like to know how many tags were added during the whole competition?

Hello neverdie,

I copied all the tags in the tag cloud page and pasted it into a word document.

It required 55 pages for 2291 lines.

Word count result: 28,434

If there are 2 words for each tag, that would be 14217 tags.

Somet tags are just single words while the others are three or more.

It must be close 14217.

Yes, I have a lot of time in my hands...

  • 2 months later...

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