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Tics Or Ticks House Infested

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hi all.

i've moved into a larger house that the previous owners had dogs.

we've been here for about a month and have forever been finding nasty little red creepies that have been identified as tics

in the last 2 days no less than 24 of them have been captured and put in a little bottle with nail polish remover in to kill them

i've sprayed each room with assorted insect sprays and we still keep finding them.

i think there are "new born" as there so small and hunting for some blood to suck. i've even found 2 creeping up the sheets on the kids beds !!

we do not have pets.. grass is short so i suspect a nest left from the prevois dog owner. :o

how do i exterminate these dam_n things !!

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I've found the dog flea and tick powder to be pretty effective, they crawl in the cracks and lay their eggs so powder all the cracks. Also, wash your walls with some kind of bleach solution as they like to move into any tiny little cracks there too

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