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Tot Adsl - Cant Get Overseas Sites Today


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Well internet is back but in my case it's extreeeeemely slow! Is anyone experiencing the same problems?



You're one lucky fellow :wai: Have a look at this one:


Ping 2163 ms, to Singapore!!!! And 65 kbps download speed, on goldcyber 2048/512. That's ~3% of nominal speed :o

(BTW, my system clock is set to CET, so the measurement is actually only a few minutes old.)

/ Priceless

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Well internet is back but in my case it's extreeeeemely slow! Is anyone experiencing the same problems?



You're one lucky fellow :burp: Have a look at this one:


Ping 2163 ms, to Singapore!!!! And 65 kbps download speed, on goldcyber 2048/512. That's ~3% of nominal speed :o

(BTW, my system clock is set to CET, so the measurement is actually only a few minutes old.)

/ Priceless

Getting worst and worst by the minute...

Took me 20 minutes and 5 time reloading the page to answer your post... :wai::P :jerk:

Reassuring that it's not only here though...I hate TOT

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are you sure you are getting google.com??? I've been trying since yesterday to get google.com and it automatically

goes to google.co.th


My google has been redirecting to the .co.th for months now. Google has a POP in Thailand so they are likely redirecting to closer servers for search.

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Same, same, same here.

I had so many problems, that my way of making this problem go away is to have 3 internet cornections. So now i use TOT, MAXNET and CAT. There is always one of them working, stupid way, but only way!

Well, you are a very lucky person to have all 3 where you live! Where I am, there is only TOT, and because I live so far from my nearest exchange, I am a mere ten miles out of the centre of Pattaya, hardly the back of beyond, I also have to suffer from only being able to have their slowest package  :o

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Same problem here ( Pattya TOT )

I've tried the TOT help lines in the vain hope of gettng some info but you won't be suprised to hear that both numbers were constantly engaged.

Sriracha hub - 038319183

TOT tech - 038416075

Call 1100, then press 9 for English. Get someone on the phone pretty much everytime, and some (not quite all) of the customer care people there actually speak pretty good English.

Interesting: I called after having a "working" ADSL connection, but not being able to connect to websites. I was told to hold the line for a sec & the person would investigate -- came back after a sec and said that there were ADSL problems nation-wide. Uhhh, I think by the time I called, there would not have been a need to "investigate" anymore, as things hadn't worked right for hours already.

On a side note, I wonder if they were playing around with selective filters (blockers) at the time? As far as I know, TT&T didn't have any issues, so it's not as if the backbone out of/into Thailand had a problem. And I could later get at some sites in some countries, and not others (Switzerland, Germany -- mostly newspapers/news pages).

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Anyone else having this problem with TOT ADSL? Can look at Thaivisa and other sites hosted here, but nothing outside the country. Has someone inadvertently flicked a switch or unplugged something vital at TOT HQ?

I have lived in Nong Don, Lam plai Mat, Buriram 1 year. I have had the slowest internet connection you could imagine since being here. Before I was with Maxnet in Hua Hin and it was ok you got what you paid for.

Here I have one service choice, TOT :o The last two weeks have been a nightmare on / off get Thai sites not anywhere else. I have complained so many times I've lost count, i started a log of downtime but could'nt keep up with it. My last complaint was given the answer this is a Thai network not for you farangs, I have tried to find a internet contact email address so to complain, but never found one. I think it would be overloaded anyway. I paid for a "fast" 2mbps Connection but it was a waist of time so i went down to 1mbps now same same, download speeds of 2 to 5 kb per sec. Their engineer came and showed me a speed test which returned 80 / 95kb I showed him my speed test and his answer was that site is not in Thailand this is our TOT speed test. So i asked him so this is only a 1 mbps connection in Thailand just to Bangkok, no answer, he said he did not understand and then said to my wife he only gets complaints from Farang about speed, surprise surprise!

Hurry up MaxNet or anyone else to cover this area.

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are you sure you are getting google.com??? I've been trying since yesterday to get google.com and it automatically

goes to google.co.th


My google has been redirecting to the .co.th for months now. Google has a POP in Thailand so they are likely redirecting to closer servers for search.

That depends on your browser's language settings (put English, or whatever language you prefer, at the top), and on preferences you set @ Google!

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are you sure you are getting google.com??? I've been trying since yesterday to get google.com and it automatically

goes to google.co.th


My google has been redirecting to the .co.th for months now. Google has a POP in Thailand so they are likely redirecting to closer servers for search.

That depends on your browser's language settings (put English, or whatever language you prefer, at the top), and on preferences you set @ Google!

Mine is English... always has been... It flat redirects .com to .co.th but in English. I imagine it is like I said - due to the POP.

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I am with maxnet here in chiang khong and thought things were pretty bad, but my problem is download/upload speed never usually better than 420kbits. Maxnet are not interested as they use a TOT telephone line and just say its an old line and needs replacing and not there problem.

A week ago TOT put a new line up passing where i live. When i told them about maxnet internet problems they said to change over to TOT internet on a new number on this new line. They also brought the papers around to the house and said they would deal with maxnet re. the agreement. Not done anything yet though.

But then i read all this bad stuff about TOT and it has seriously disturbed my equilibrium, So what do i do???? is TOT so bad,? Is this a temporary blip with TOT, shall i stay with Maxnet? ???????

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I've been with TOT for about 6 months now and I've complained on numerous occasions about the ridiculously slow speed. The other day, I asked the English-speaking customer service guy if, in light of my never-ending speed issues, I'd still get charged the B5000 early cancellation penalty and he said, "Probably not, sir".

Binnin' 'em sharpish. Hittin' True or KBC

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I had a contract with ToT (1mb/512k) and after 3 month I had to contract CAT (2mb/1mb) to ensure that I have 'some' stable

internet access. ToT is comparable with African Internet Service Provider which gets interrupted every hour for 5-7min. My Contract with ToT

will cease in 3 month and I can only emphasize not to use ToT at all.

I had to pay over 700 baht in phonecalls to ToT for 2 weeks to get a result. They always told me that my PC has the problem. I am a system administrator and I told them that their switch is broken, which they actively refused. It wasn't until the last day (of the 14 days) I was getting so angry that I drove up to them with 4 of my friends with me who had exactly the same problem and threaten them with a civil lawsuit, that they were looking into the problem themselves.

The result:

Switch was broken.

R.I.P. ToT

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I've been with TOT for about 6 months now and I've complained on numerous occasions about the ridiculously slow speed. The other day, I asked the English-speaking customer service guy if, in light of my never-ending speed issues, I'd still get charged the B5000 early cancellation penalty and he said, "Probably not, sir".

Binnin' 'em sharpish. Hittin' True or KBC

And I'm sure if you had asked him if chiang mai has 5 cm thick snow you would get the same answer.

My Tot connection,as well as everyone's,sucks big time.One time I got so worse that it disconnected about 30 to 40 times a day.So I went top their office with my modem log and got them so far to agree that they would cancel my bill from that month.

One month later they cut my line.Went to the office again and the same person who agreed to cancel my bill laughed in my face and said,if you not pay bill we cut line.

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I had both here in Pattaya - TOT and Maxnet (TT&T) at the same time. So I could compare them pretty well. To keep a long story short - TOT was a nightmare. Speeds at many streaming videos for instance with 2 - 8 KB download speed - so not possible to watch them. The same videos at Maxnet with the maximum of 222. Both lines were 2 Mbps. TOT was pretty usless for higher speeds with servers outside Thailand. And the TOT hotline tells you this - I think they are nerved too already... They told me that they know that Maxnet is better but that they cannot change it ;-)

On top of this not even the TOT telephone worked. There were many days without telephone. Then it always got disconnected from the power so that it lost the settings. With the TT&T telephone not a problem at all - never so far. It always worked and it never lost the settings because they did not disconnect the line.

And the best of all - this week I got a free Maxnet upgrade from 2 Mbps to 3 Mbps. Maxnet sells the 3 Mbps now for 590 + VAT. And I really get the 3 Mbps download speed - if the server on the other end provides it of course.

And my line quality:

SNR Margin 31/26 dB

Line Attenuation 6/3 dB

Data Rate 3072/512 kbps

Nothing to complain about :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The internet has never been that fast in Thailand, but last week it slowed down to a snails pace. So i carried out the usual speed test at

www.speedtest.net Before when i carried out a test, i would click on the Bangkok server to get the resuts. But now the Bangkok server had disappeared ! and you are diverted to the server in Penang Malaysia.

Maybe this is why international websites are so hard to obtain.

Anybody any ideas.

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The internet has never been that fast in Thailand, but last week it slowed down to a snails pace. So i carried out the usual speed test at

www.speedtest.net Before when i carried out a test, i would click on the Bangkok server to get the resuts. But now the Bangkok server had disappeared ! and you are diverted to the server in Penang Malaysia.

Maybe this is why international websites are so hard to obtain.

Anybody any ideas.

The missing BKK server has nothing to do with it.

Bandwidth can be checked also here : http://speedtest.adslthailand.com/

Not sure whether it is local or international bandwidth

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Agreed the international speed has been appalling over the last two weeks. I have been getting what can only be described as poor dial up speeds to international sites on my supposed 2mb connection.

Next month TRUE and MAXNET can provide service to my housing estate --- Ta ta TOT!

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Bandwidth can be checked also here : http://speedtest.adslthailand.com/

Not sure whether it is local or international bandwidth

Trying checking speeds to sites outside of Thailand: http://speedtest.net/

My "speed" this morning using some place in Penang barely moved the needle : 0.06 Mb/s download, 0.27 Mb/s upload

Using the Thai speedtest you suggested I get 1131 kbps and 426 kbps

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I am in Pattaya, speed is so slow! Normaly stream my Slingbox from UK to here at about 140kbs but recently only getting between 5kbs and 20kbs!

Some sites in Europe and US cannot download because so slow.

As I ned to connect to my UK servers to work I am in great diffuiculty!


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