I few, like myself, think it's tragic, but at the same time you have to acknowledge that the stupidity of it makes you want to laugh out of a sense of the totally absurd.
Like shaking your head and laugh, but not because it's funny. It's not.
The West built bloated social welfare states, and now, they can’t afford anything. Toss in the issue of an aging population and low birth rates. The West is in decline.
A good deal of what we/you/anyone is told has bees 'scientifically settled', is on 'fact'; bunkum. Simply made up by white-coats.
Can't you see Scottie, that you ae being duped, hoodwinked and hoaxed all at the same time? What is it that makes you such a believer in utter nonsense?
Nature has the answers we seek. A walk through the forest would do some people the world of good. Especially the white-coats.
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