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The Alphabet Game


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"Q" is for...................... coffee1.gif

As you all know there are no "Q's" in Thailand only the traffic "Q's" shopping check out "Q's" and then the most famous of all

The Songkran "Q'"


Win w00t.gif

Edited by Kan Win
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Are you gonna need us to teach you the alphabet, david48? tongue.png

Maybe we should start an alternate version in Thai, from ก ไก่ to ฮ นกฮูก.

It's 4.30 in the morning here in Australia.

Yesterday everything went wrong ... ermm.gif

Went to visit my 91 year old Uncle in the Nursing home as I promised him a drive out and about ... flat tyre. His wife has gone up and he never had kids … so I’m it for here in the City he lives in.

No Problem ... I have one of those pressure can inflators with the rubber foam inside.

Fat chance that worked because the plastic wheel trims, one of which had a sharp edge, had rubbed against the valve stem and sliced a neat hole in that ... sad.png

The spare had air ... but the spanner to undo the nuts was missing (and that HAS to be my fault because I owned the car for yonks and used the spanner last). Luckily my neighbour had one and it fitted.

Heaps of other things also crashed that day ... it was just one of those days!

So it's Friday night ... the footie is on TV ... well, that's if you had a TV that worked.

Mine had been playing up but I usually got the solenoid to engage ... but not tonight, it just kept making this crackling sound.

I had a spare TV because my neighbour was tossing his for a new plasma (it was working then) so I grabbed it ... because I live near the Ocean, maybe inside has corroded a bit ... got sound, but no Picture!

So just lay on the bed, listening to the Footie on the Radio ... fell asleep … about 8.30pm.

Awake at 3 am ... came to post here and have forgotten my ABC's (for a second time).

I prostrate myself at the Camera Courts mercy and please that I had a <deleted> of a day, poor judgement got the better of me and, even though I am a repeat offender I will try and temper my enthusiasm in the future.

Can I stay a while and play a bit longer?

As a penance ... I will change my by-line for a week smile.png

OH ... MaxwellsDemon, can you rescue the situation and post the appropiate letter photo? ... I promise to 'Like' it ... whistling.gif

I wouldn't dare suggest what that letter is though!

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Hi David,

Helping hands are on the way. clap2.gif

Took this photo today just to help you out

Z is for


Win w00t.gif

P.S the next letter is ..............................

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C is for Counting Coffins


Not such a great photo ... but a great story because it captures a slice of Thailand we normally would never see.

It's a Coffin Temple, where people go to lie in the coffins (for a fee) and hope that their 'prayers are answered'.

Thank you to my Alphabet Advisor ... whistling.gif

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