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How Secure Is Your House?


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I thought this subject deserved wider circulation.

I have posted a video (6meg) from a US news channel in the video forum, link here.

There is also a wiki on the subject. Bump Key - Lock Bumping.

There are many other sources on this subject - including You Tubes on making the keys etc.

Time for better locks....

Take a dog !!

I have 2 Bangkaew dogs the Thais don't come near them. They are all real afraid of the dogs, while my dogs are raised well and when i walk with them they will not bite anyone. I have seen a Thai guy climb a three when I approached with my dogs (they were leased). They really don't like this breed of dog. For them they are killers and will attack anything anytime. While the reality is that my dogs don't attack anyone when walking free they just do their thing sniff around a bit. When someone tries to break in that might be an other thing.

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It was quite big news here in the US last year, esp the ones from Kwickset.

So if you have the older series of Kwickset, change it !!!

I'm sure there are some others brands out there also, just don't remember at the moment

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Poisoning those dogs is the norm here in Thailand

Our 3 maids are all heavy sleeper, so ...

at the moment....my mom is thinking about installing 4 mini-emergency/escape alarm boxes throughout the house.

---u know, the one with an easy to reach -pull latch.....................That will sure blast off THEIR EARS!!!! :o...(the thief that is)

Edited by teacup
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You can just do the best you can to deter theives and if they do get in I plan to make it one of the most painful mistakes of their lives. I worked hard for what I have and I'll be damned if i will let some lazy lowlife get his hands on it.

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Poisoning those dogs is the norm here in Thailand

Our 3 maids are all heavy sleeper, so ...

at the moment....my mom is thinking about installing 4 mini-emergency/escape alarm boxes throughout the house.

---u know, the one with an easy to reach -pull latch.....................That will sure blast off THEIR EARS!!!! :o ...(the thief that is)


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A simpler key rig used for ages with locksmith(if you don't happen you have a masterkey is to take the appropriate key for the company & get a blank jiggle the key in the slot for 5 seconds or so. It will leave an imprint of the cut code file to fit & your in like flint. I used to work with a former locksmith that worked for the courts in Palm springs California. the guy was amazing. never saw a lock he couldn't pick even an un breakable (supposedly) Benz a Bmw & magnetic code keys are even easier to break than the conventional. He used to be an ex thief & was offered a chance to work for law enforcement or jail.I worked autobody & their is virtually nothing I can't get into as that trade it is required when the customer drops off the car & forgets the key is under the floormat & no spare. That & working with PS. justice dept for a while.

If a thief wants in they will get in . All you can do is make it harder for them to do the deed or have a little surprise when they don't activate a sensor before the turn that key.

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Unless you have put your own locks in your house, and chose good ones, chances are the locks you have got are shit. Bump keys can be made out of any key, just grind it down and voila.

If your street all has PVC doors put in by the council chances are your key will be the same aligned as everybody elses. Make copy of your key, grind it down. Bump away.

Lockpicking is a piece of piss on 80% of locks too because they are cheap locks to save money so have no security pins etc.

edit: I do not condone breaking in to other peoples houses. Only wanke_rs do that.

Edited by scottyd
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A simpler key rig used for ages with locksmith(if you don't happen you have a masterkey is to take the appropriate key for the company & get a blank jiggle the key in the slot for 5 seconds or so. It will leave an imprint of the cut code file to fit & your in like flint. I used to work with a former locksmith that worked for the courts in Palm springs California. the guy was amazing. never saw a lock he couldn't pick even an un breakable (supposedly) Benz a Bmw & magnetic code keys are even easier to break than the conventional. He used to be an ex thief & was offered a chance to work for law enforcement or jail.I worked autobody & their is virtually nothing I can't get into as that trade it is required when the customer drops off the car & forgets the key is under the floormat & no spare. That & working with PS. justice dept for a while.

If a thief wants in they will get in . All you can do is make it harder for them to do the deed or have a little surprise when they don't activate a sensor before the turn that key.

Are you actually using locks now beardog?

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A simpler key rig used for ages with locksmith(if you don't happen you have a masterkey is to take the appropriate key for the company & get a blank jiggle the key in the slot for 5 seconds or so. It will leave an imprint of the cut code file to fit & your in like flint. I used to work with a former locksmith that worked for the courts in Palm springs California. the guy was amazing. never saw a lock he couldn't pick even an un breakable (supposedly) Benz a Bmw & magnetic code keys are even easier to break than the conventional. He used to be an ex thief & was offered a chance to work for law enforcement or jail.I worked autobody & their is virtually nothing I can't get into as that trade it is required when the customer drops off the car & forgets the key is under the floormat & no spare. That & working with PS. justice dept for a while.

If a thief wants in they will get in . All you can do is make it harder for them to do the deed or have a little surprise when they don't activate a sensor before the turn that key.

Are you actually using locks now beardog?

Got that right . Our house is in lockdown at 6pm we have 4 drive bys by 4 patrol units a 38 special & I am looking for a nice 12 gauge semi auto. We are getting clearance to get my 9mm. up from the U.S. in July. The cops have made no bones about shooting to kill & give the piece to my gal to avoid extra redtape.

I am glad you had lots of pots in your previous thread. It will be a long time before I see another frying pan & we cleared the area of bricks & other things that can hurt. what I need more than a high power cannon is a 22-25 cal pistol with stinger shot(same as a #8 birdshot round that won't go barreling into the neighbor house. I hate the lockdown but I was a little to trusting before. And this neighborhood around the area is happy to have the heat permeating the area. Usually I would hate the extra attn- but do to unfortunate circumstances & blatant stupidity thinking it is ok to keep the door without the hasp on it till 10 pm I like the police rolling their lights all the time. That and a second dog yippin. If their is a second time I will be ready & in a couple more months my girl will be a good shot as well. a 38 close range tough to miss a 12 gauge close range can't miss no matter how lousy you are of a shot. That & all 3 flare guns are hidden in the house(one in my internet desk!)

3 komoes caught 2 to go & 2 court appointments to appear at 1 for the minor & 1 for the thieves of age. :o

Edited by Beardog
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^ Okay Beardog, sounds like you have it all in hand.....I would of expected a couple of throwing stars and a Samurai Sword or two, but the main thing is the GRUBS won't catch you sleeping again.

I am also available for hire, if needed & come with excellent references. I also have several kills etched into my belt.


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I actually don't have any doors on the house & the windows are the timber ones, no glass, which I leave open at night to let the warm summer breezes keep the house cool.

I have a seriously shitty attitude tho & thus far no-one has dared to step inside. I don't sleep well & can easily do backflips from my bed to almost any of the entry points into the house from where I lay & wait.

As I said, bring it on! :o

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I actually don't have any doors on the house & the windows are the timber ones, no glass, which I leave open at night to let the warm summer breezes keep the house cool.

I have a seriously shitty attitude tho & thus far no-one has dared to step inside. I don't sleep well & can easily do backflips from my bed to almost any of the entry points into the house from where I lay & wait.

As I said, bring it on! :o

I am envious! Our Pad used to be like that. I got all the blade gear but after careful deliberation I decided a knife might be a bad choice in a gunfight! Hopefully it never deteriorates to that. The chances are slimmer as the cops com at random times & they would have to be lucky- that & extra cellphones hidden with speed dial to the officials. Nothing new -went through this before in the U.S. Only difference is here the guns might not be real. But I would sure hate to be wrong & misconstrue a real one for a fake if the lights are out.

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Saw this report on cable news(CNN), seem one house/home is not very safe/secure at all. Go to there web site:www. lockBump.com It does give some hint on how to better protect your home and love one.

Edited by BigSnake
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Our house is in lockdown at 6pm we have 4 drive bys by 4 patrol units a 38 special & I am looking for a nice 12 gauge semi auto. We are getting clearance to get my 9mm. up from the U.S. in July. The cops have made no bones about shooting to kill & give the piece to my gal to avoid extra redtape.

I am glad you had lots of pots in your previous thread. It will be a long time before I see another frying pan & we cleared the area of bricks & other things that can hurt. what I need more than a high power cannon is a 22-25 cal pistol with stinger shot(same as a #8 birdshot round that won't go barreling into the neighbor house. I hate the lockdown but I was a little to trusting before. And this neighborhood around the area is happy to have the heat permeating the area. Usually I would hate the extra attn- but do to unfortunate circumstances & blatant stupidity thinking it is ok to keep the door without the hasp on it till 10 pm I like the police rolling their lights all the time. That and a second dog yippin. If their is a second time I will be ready & in a couple more months my girl will be a good shot as well. a 38 close range tough to miss a 12 gauge close range can't miss no matter how lousy you are of a shot. That & all 3 flare guns are hidden in the house(one in my internet desk!)

3 komoes caught 2 to go & 2 court appointments to appear at 1 for the minor & 1 for the thieves of age. :o

Omg people, sounds like reports from suburbs of Johanesburg.

That's another beauty of living in Japan - no crime, especially no burglaries. Nobody would be a fool to break into anybody's house for possessions that cost 30$ a piece to city concil to dispose of.

Doors are not locked even in large cities. I lock mine 1-2 nights a week, when I remember, then my baby unlock while playing with the knob.

If I were to leave Japan, it would cost me about 1000$ to have furniture, fridge, TV, electronics, bed, table...taken away for recycle.

Wide open door for a year would not attract a soul to think of even glancing why has the door been open for months.

Even a banner "Please come in, take what you want" would not bring in a single person, ever.

In free magazines, people who need a TV, fridge, stereo, bicycle, whatever, for free, advertise and give the range how far they are willing to travel for pick up the goods (not more than 3-5km radius).

Some even say "those ready to deliver to my door or nearby will be given priority".

One, looking after a bike for free even warned "Please, no folding bikes".

Edited by think_too_mut
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....I would of expected a couple of throwing stars and a Samurai Sword or two, but the main thing is the GRUBS won't catch you sleeping again.

Never arm your attacker - such stars can be thrown back, the Romans developed a very clever weapon - just a simple spear, however the pointy end was a long thin metal rod fitted to a heavy wooden staff - after hitting the enemy or being embedded in the ground the metal rod would bend rendering the spear useless, it can't be thrown back.

As we have strayed from locks, does anyone else consider the use of honeypot traps to identify people with less than friendly intentions? I have not done so as I'm not protecting anything is this situation yet, but have considered leaving something that appears to have value in an easily accessible location than then cover the area with IR cameras to identify the people that I need to be aware of. Getting filmed evidence before the event means I can publish their in the act images later.

Not a safe enviroment we live in, so things like this will happen.

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does anyone know if you can legally buy a gun that only fires blanks? something like a starting pistol they use for races?

Might not be such a good idea if the offender has a real gun! Doh. I am sure you heard it before. Never pull a gun out unless your going to use it....unless it's your Gdoor if it shoots blanks you can't get in to much trouble! :o

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I thought this subject deserved wider circulation.

I have posted a video (6meg) from a US news channel in the video forum, link here.

There is also a wiki on the subject. Bump Key - Lock Bumping.

There are many other sources on this subject - including You Tubes on making the keys etc.

Time for better locks....

Take a dog !!

I have 2 Bangkaew dogs the Thais don't come near them. They are all real afraid of the dogs, while my dogs are raised well and when i walk with them they will not bite anyone. I have seen a Thai guy climb a three when I approached with my dogs (they were leased). They really don't like this breed of dog. For them they are killers and will attack anything anytime. While the reality is that my dogs don't attack anyone when walking free they just do their thing sniff around a bit. When someone tries to break in that might be an other thing.

I lived on an estate where we had a farang who used to walk about with his pit bulls smirking at the Thais running away in fear. he used to really enjoy it. Till one day on his march around the estate a Thai came out of his house with a very large machete and proceeded to chop this pit bull into little bits. The big faang of course did nothing.Evidently he had scared this guys daughter and had laughed as she ran away crying. Walking round with dogs that scare people isn't big and it's not funny.

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Poisoning those dogs is the norm here in Thailand

Our 3 maids are all heavy sleeper, so ...

at the moment....my mom is thinking about installing 4 mini-emergency/escape alarm boxes throughout the house.

---u know, the one with an easy to reach -pull latch.....................That will sure blast off THEIR EARS!!!! :o ...(the thief that is)

Teacup, I always enjoy your posts but I worry about you now--are you schizophrenic, or what--you're either 'here in Thailand' or 'here in U.S'--come on which is it??

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Poisoning those dogs is the norm here in Thailand

Our 3 maids are all heavy sleeper, so ...

at the moment....my mom is thinking about installing 4 mini-emergency/escape alarm boxes throughout the house.

---u know, the one with an easy to reach -pull latch.....................That will sure blast off THEIR EARS!!!! :o ...(the thief that is)

Teacup, I always enjoy your posts but I worry about you now--are you schizophrenic, or what--you're either 'here in Thailand' or 'here in U.S'--come on which is it??

Schizophrenic think so, hi-so is the most likely scenario.

Cuban, you would have to work backwards regarding my comments to beardog & work thru this thread back to the one where he was attacked in his home to work out what I was on about.

You are correct, it is a bad idea to arm your attackers.

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"There is also a wiki on the subject. Bump Key - Lock Bumping."

Bumping has been around a long time, and I'm surprised that you've just read about it.

An MIT engineer wrote an excellent paper regarding this, how to do it, and how to prevent it. Unfortunately, it was written years ago, and I don't believe you had the chance to do a peer review.

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That's another beauty of living in Japan - no crime, especially no burglaries. Nobody would be a fool to break into anybody's house for possessions that cost 30$ a piece to city concil to dispose of.

There's plenty of crime in Japan, just all organised under the banner of Yakusa.

And that's the way the Japanese like it, better the devil you know, after all.

That's the real reason opportunist crimes like break-ins and burglaries are uncommon.

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I lived on an estate where we had a farang who used to walk about with his pit bulls smirking at the Thais running away in fear. he used to really enjoy it. Till one day on his march around the estate a Thai came out of his house with a very large machete and proceeded to chop this pit bull into little bits.


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I thought this subject deserved wider circulation.

I have posted a video (6meg) from a US news channel in the video forum, link here.

There is also a wiki on the subject. Bump Key - Lock Bumping.

There are many other sources on this subject - including You Tubes on making the keys etc.

Time for better locks....

Take a dog !!

I have 2 Bangkaew dogs the Thais don't come near them. They are all real afraid of the dogs, while my dogs are raised well and when i walk with them they will not bite anyone. I have seen a Thai guy climb a three when I approached with my dogs (they were leased). They really don't like this breed of dog. For them they are killers and will attack anything anytime. While the reality is that my dogs don't attack anyone when walking free they just do their thing sniff around a bit. When someone tries to break in that might be an other thing.

They will poison your dogs first,done it to my friend. :o:D:D

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I thought this subject deserved wider circulation.

I have posted a video (6meg) from a US news channel in the video forum, link here.

There is also a wiki on the subject. Bump Key - Lock Bumping.

There are many other sources on this subject - including You Tubes on making the keys etc.

Time for better locks....

Take a dog !!

I have 2 Bangkaew dogs the Thais don't come near them. They are all real afraid of the dogs, while my dogs are raised well and when i walk with them they will not bite anyone. I have seen a Thai guy climb a three when I approached with my dogs (they were leased). They really don't like this breed of dog. For them they are killers and will attack anything anytime. While the reality is that my dogs don't attack anyone when walking free they just do their thing sniff around a bit. When someone tries to break in that might be an other thing.

I lived on an estate where we had a farang who used to walk about with his pit bulls smirking at the Thais running away in fear. he used to really enjoy it. Till one day on his march around the estate a Thai came out of his house with a very large machete and proceeded to chop this pit bull into little bits. The big faang of course did nothing.Evidently he had scared this guys daughter and had laughed as she ran away crying. Walking round with dogs that scare people isn't big and it's not funny.

I do think its funny if i have them leashed and am far away from the guy and he still climbs a tree. I have never used my dogs to scare anyone intentionally. Even if i tell them 10 times he wont do a thing and show them how well behaved he is its always.. he is bangkaew thus evil. I have to find it funny else its annoying because he can never walk free even with a muzzel they still run away in fear. The problem is he is a curious dog and likes ppl so he will approach them. So i can do two things laugh about it how they condemn a whole breed of dogs, or get annoyed with it.

IF i had known the dogs were feared like that i would never have accepted them from my mother in law.

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