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Hi guys !! I am recovering from a severe gout attack !!!Does anyone have advice to combat this terrible ailment ??

I know I drink far too much beer & eat far too much red meat !! These are the loves of my life & I can't give them up !! Homeopatic solutions would be best as I have also had ulcers !! come on guys some of you must suffer from gout & have some advice for me !!

I live in Prakhonchai & would appreciate any addys for tablets ( homeopatic or otherwise ) in the area !!

have pity on me -- i haven't had a beer for over a week now !!

Thanx lads !!!!

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Hi guys !! I am recovering from a severe gout attack !!!Does anyone have advice to combat this terrible ailment ??

I know I drink far too much beer & eat far too much red meat !! These are the loves of my life & I can't give them up !! Homeopatic solutions would be best as I have also had ulcers !! come on guys some of you must suffer from gout & have some advice for me !!

I live in Prakhonchai & would appreciate any addys for tablets ( homeopatic or otherwise ) in the area !!

have pity on me -- i haven't had a beer for over a week now !!

Thanx lads !!!!

I have had gout for a few years now, The only thing to fix it is "Orudis SR 200", works like a charm, one pill and pain disappears next day.

I bought mine on prescription in Australia but your local pharmacist may have it.



Ha Irish join the club I've just had a week off the booze due to gout. Life's a bitch and I enjoy liquid refreshments + combined with high blood pressure and high cholesterol I cant eat or drink the things I love.

Try any of the local pharmacies they can offer several different tablets for gout (I'm at work so I dont know th exact name sof the ones I've been given over the years)


Thanx for info so far lads !! have been on the web & see a site www.icuremygout.org Here they suggest baking soda !! Check the site out !! Very interesting !! Now where to get baking soda in Prakhonchai .......


There's only one cure for gout. It's called Allopurinol. I know, I've got gout and take one of these magic pills every day and this prevents an attack from happening I've tried anti-inflammatories and they just don't work - not for me anyway. Not sure about cost and availability in Thailand though - I get mine on prescription here in the UK. Hope this is of some use.


cherries is an old wives tale, but it wont hurt. it has to be almost pure cherries, dark only. drink lots of water to try to thin out the toxins. keep your feet elevated so the toxins which end up in your big toe can make their way out of your body. lots of water. stay away from shellfish, anchovies. any medication you take for gout must be taken the first day, or it will do nothing to help. tylenol for inflamation is ok. stay off the red meat at least a week, and try fish or white chicken instead.


I was told by several Thai 'experts' not to eat chicken, probably old wives tales, then again they were rather old....


It would appear that eating cherries is perhaps not an old wives tale after all

A study of 10 healthy women who consumed Bing cherries was conducted to assess the physiologic effects of cherry consumption.

“The women aged 22-40 y, consumed two servings (280g) of cherries after an overnight fast. Blood and urine samples were taken before the cherry dose, and at 1.5, 3 and 5 h postdose. Plasma urate decreased 5 h postdose, mean +/- SEM = 183 +/- 15 micro mol/L compared with predose baseline of 214 +/- 13 micro mol/L (P < 0.05). Urinary urate increased postdose, with peak excretion of 350 +/- 33 micro mol/mmol creatinine 3 h postdose compared with 202 +/- 13 at baseline (P < 0.01). Plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) and nitric oxide (NO) concentrations had decreased marginally 3 h postdose (P < 0.1), whereas plasma albumin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha were unchanged. The vitamin C content of the cherries was solely as dehydroascorbic acid, but postdose increases in plasma ascorbic acid indicated that dehydroascorbic acid in fruits is bioavailable as vitamin C. The decrease in plasma urate after cherry consumption supports the reputed anti-gout efficacy of cherries. The trend toward decreased inflammatory indices (CRP and NO) adds to the in vitro evidence that compounds in cherries may inhibit inflammatory pathways.”

1. Jacob RA, Spinozzi GM, et al. Consumption of cherries lowers plasma urate in healthy women. J Nutr. 2003;133(6):1826-1829


Marmite? bugger, i thought it was the 6 chang lights a night as sweat replacement therapy in this hot dry times, also been having lots of marmite as salt and energy back-up, and atacks of gout every 2/3 weeks, doc gives me injection and tabs and right as rain in 2 hours, cortezone and steroid i think injections are,

So Dave, what you suggest giving up, the sherbets or the marmite??

Cheers, Lickey..

Marmite? bugger, i thought it was the 6 chang lights a night as sweat replacement therapy in this hot dry times, also been having lots of marmite as salt and energy back-up, and atacks of gout every 2/3 weeks, doc gives me injection and tabs and right as rain in 2 hours, cortezone and steroid i think injections are,

So Dave, what you suggest giving up, the sherbets or the marmite??

Cheers, Lickey..


Seriously, although I don't suffer, a number of friends have told me that Marmite(not sure of that other Aussie copy :D ) is supposed to be the worst thing to trigger goat.

I'm no expert, so I will continue with the Marmite&Beer diet :o:D



I was diagnosed with Gout by Martin and a few of the local drunks in the Farang Connection.

Martin slipped me a tablet called POX 109 (no sh*t that is it's name), and it worked like a charm. They can be bought in any pharmacy in Thailand for peanuts. They come in a green oblong box with a picture of a knee joint or something on them.

When I was back in the UK my Gout flared up again so I went to the quacks and he gave me some pills for it, but I cant remember the name. They did work after a few days but were not as effective as the pills I got off Martin.

So try POX 109, they are dirt cheap and work quickly.

Oh and by the way, I got raging drunk at the time, so you can have a drink.


Marmite? bugger, i thought it was the 6 chang lights a night as sweat replacement therapy in this hot dry times, also been having lots of marmite as salt and energy back-up, and atacks of gout every 2/3 weeks, doc gives me injection and tabs and right as rain in 2 hours, cortezone and steroid i think injections are,

So Dave, what you suggest giving up, the sherbets or the marmite??

Cheers, Lickey..


Seriously, although I don't suffer, a number of friends have told me that Marmite(not sure of that other Aussie copy :D ) is supposed to be the worst thing to trigger goat.

I'm no expert, so I will continue with the Marmite&Beer diet :o:D


The aussie copy as you called is Vegimite and like Marmite it contains a great deal of salt

Dont listen to any of this shi_te about what to eat to cure it.Eatin nothing will cancel the uric acid that settles to the knees or feet, causing the pain. Each case individual is unique in what will trigger the attacks and build up of acid. Finding out the culprit in any case is often a long winded process as the experts will test you with each food and have to get seperate urine tests and readings for each food until they find the trigger.

In Australia we have a preventative drug called progout which you take all the time, and another called progout which you take only when you are in the throes of an attack. I havent had an attack for years and i am actually not even taking anything at the moment but keep the medication handy in case. I think this is due to my bugger-all intake of meat and red wine.

Im not sure if they have the medication here, i suspect not, but the name is ALLOPURINOL, maybe not much use in thailand tho.

all the best

Dont listen to any of this shi_te about what to eat to cure it.

Hi ozzieoverseas/Fred2007

Im not sure I have read anything about what to eat to cure Goat, but only what too keep away from, but anyway thanks for your input,mate (I was joking about the Aussie copy BTW)


Do I understand this right, Martin has given you the pox?? :o:D:D:D


Do I understand this right, Martin has given you the pox?? :o:D:D:D


Dave to set the record straight on the POX question.

I do believe Martin uses protection, when handling food....

I have to admit I was skeptical at first with the name of them but the big guy came through for me on that one.



OY YOU LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can I have my say?

Pox 109 is a wonderful cure for gout. Well not cure, but it relieves the pain. My wife now swears by it as does Aussie George of Farang Connection fame.


Ok thanx for all the advice guyz !! As I thought, I couldn't get allopurinol etc in Prakhonchai - but I found baking soda & am trying it !! so far so good !! will let you know how it goes !!

Once again THANKS to all !!!

Ok thanx for all the advice guyz !! As I thought, I couldn't get allopurinol etc in Prakhonchai - but I found baking soda & am trying it !! so far so good !! will let you know how it goes !!

Once again THANKS to all !!!

Get on the POX 109, it's a wonder drug as Martin says. I forget how much it is but less than 100 baht a packet.


Ok thanx for all the advice guyz !! As I thought, I couldn't get allopurinol etc in Prakhonchai - but I found baking soda & am trying it !! so far so good !! will let you know how it goes !!

Once again THANKS to all !!!

Get on the POX 109, it's a wonder drug as Martin says. I forget how much it is but less than 100 baht a packet.


You get 4 packets for 100฿

But if you come to the Farang Connection, you get two free tablets with every 6 pints :o

Dont listen to any of this shi_te about what to eat to cure it.Eatin nothing will cancel the uric acid that settles to the knees or feet, causing the pain. Each case individual is unique in what will trigger the attacks and build up of acid. Finding out the culprit in any case is often a long winded process as the experts will test you with each food and have to get seperate urine tests and readings for each food until they find the trigger.

In Australia we have a preventative drug called progout which you take all the time, and another called progout which you take only when you are in the throes of an attack. I havent had an attack for years and i am actually not even taking anything at the moment but keep the medication handy in case. I think this is due to my bugger-all intake of meat and red wine.

Im not sure if they have the medication here, i suspect not, but the name is ALLOPURINOL, maybe not much use in thailand tho.

all the best

I agree only one thing triggers my gout and that is oranges . havn:t eaten an orange for a year and no probs best cure or preventative is drink lots of water and I never had any trouble about drinking beer my only problem is the orange


Allopurinol is generally not available in pharmacies (at least not in the town in which I live), but is certainly available in the hospital pharmacy.

Cost is about TBH150 for 100 tablets.

And I highly recommend it.

Allopurinol is generally not available in pharmacies (at least not in the town in which I live), but is certainly available in the hospital pharmacy.

Cost is about TBH150 for 100 tablets.

And I highly recommend it.

Sorry that I missed you at the old Brit's place. Back on topic. I take allopurinol for the gout I USED to have. I only take a 100mg tablet per day. I bought mine at a Thai pharmacy on soi Chaiyapruk in Jomtien. A bottle of 1,000 100mg tablets for about 600 baht. Regular pharmacies selling small doses rip you off big time. I eat and drink whatever I like. If I feel a twinge of gout coming on, I double the dose for a couple of days.


Vitamin C a 'gout preventer'

Vitamin C a 'gout preventer'

From the BBC website


Gout is a type of arthritis

Men who get plenty of vitamin C may boost their resilience to the painful joint disease gout, work suggests.

In the 20-year study of nearly 47,000 men, daily supplements of the vitamin found in sprouts, peppers and oranges appeared to cut gout risk.

The US researchers believe vitamin C has a dual action - easing inflammation and lowering uric acid levels in the body that go awry in gout.

The findings are published in Archives of Internal Medicine.

Experts warned that the news should not be taken to mean that it was fine to lead an unhealthy lifestyle and pop a vitamin pill to counteract this.

There are a number of risk factors for gout, including taking certain medications, drinking too much alcohol, being overweight and eating an unhealthy diet high in meat.

Although the condition is more associated with Victorian times, the numbers with gout have been increasing over the last 30 years and currently about 1.5% of the UK population has the condition.

In the study, 1,317 of the men, who were all health professionals, developed gout.

Compared with men who did not take vitamin C supplements, those who took 1,000mg to 1,499mg per day had a 34% lower risk of gout and those who took 1,500mg per day had a 45% lower risk.

This was irrespective of other gout risk factors such as diet and alcohol use.

Lead researcher Dr Hyon Choi, of Boston University School of Medicine, said there were good reasons to believe that vitamin C was having a beneficial effect on the men.


Vitamin C appears to reduce levels of uric acid in the blood - a build up of this naturally occurring compound can form crystal deposits in and around joints, leading to the pain and swelling associated with gout.

It does this by increasing the expulsion of uric acid from the body by the kidneys.

Dr Choi said: "Given the general safety profile associated with vitamin C intake, particularly in the generally consumed ranges as in the present study, vitamin C intake may provide a useful option in the prevention of gout."

Generally, people should be able to get all the vitamin C they need - 40mg a day - by eating a varied and balanced diet.

UK experts say taking 1,000 mg or less of vitamin C supplements a day is unlikely to cause any harm. Gastrointestinal effects such as diarrhoea have been reported with doses over 1000 mg/day.

Rheumatologist Dr Michael Snaith, also of the UK Gout Society, said: "Vitamin C may reduce the frequency of attacks and provide a degree of protection. But that does not mean to say that taking whacking great amounts of vitamin C is going to eliminate gout.

"It would be unwise for people to think they can compensate for eating and drinking too much by taking vitamin C with their pint of beer."

  • 2 weeks later...

Bloody hel_l, i'm only 29 and i get gout attacks every single month...i know its due to the beer and my fat self..Coffee triggers my G attacks all the time so i avoid them like the plague now.. At first i thought was just an ankle sprain due to an old footy injury..but when my big toe swelled up i knew it was gout..

Since I figured going to the doctor would just be a huge waste of money, I went online and found the usual baking soda and cherry combo..tried it and it works..

Only thing i did wrong at first was to soak my ankle in ice water, instantly making the area hard and more painful, probably due to the crystals getting more solidified due to the cold...

Tried warm - hot water and it definitely helped reduce the pain..


Uric acid is nearly insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether, but soluble in solutions of alkaline salts. In other words, it becomes soluble in alkaline water. Arthritis and gout are caused by uric acid deposited between the joints, non-dissolved due to the low alkalinity of an older person's blood. Drinking acid free alkaline water will gradually elevate one's blood pH and the gout will disappear naturally.

  • 3 weeks later...
Hi guys !! I am recovering from a severe gout attack !!!Does anyone have advice to combat this terrible ailment ??

I know I drink far too much beer & eat far too much red meat !! These are the loves of my life & I can't give them up !! Homeopatic solutions would be best as I have also had ulcers !! come on guys some of you must suffer from gout & have some advice for me !!

I live in Prakhonchai & would appreciate any addys for tablets ( homeopatic or otherwise ) in the area !!

have pity on me -- i haven't had a beer for over a week now !!

Thanx lads !!!!

Go to local Pharmacy ask for INDOMATHECIN . You can get 2 sizes 25 or 50. When you feel first twinges of pain take 2 x 25 or 1x 50 until inflammation subsides. I can't live without them GRIMLEYBOB

  • 1 year later...
Marmite? bugger, i thought it was the 6 chang lights a night as sweat replacement therapy in this hot dry times, also been having lots of marmite as salt and energy back-up, and atacks of gout every 2/3 weeks, doc gives me injection and tabs and right as rain in 2 hours, cortezone and steroid i think injections are,

So Dave, what you suggest giving up, the sherbets or the marmite??

Cheers, Lickey..


Seriously, although I don't suffer, a number of friends have told me that Marmite(not sure of that other Aussie copy :D ) is supposed to be the worst thing to trigger goat.

I'm no expert, so I will continue with the Marmite&Beer diet :o:D


Aussie copy = Vegemite!

Both Marmite & Vegemite Have a high Folic Acid content,Im not sure if there may be a connection to Gout,or not?


Gout is an idicaator of a liver not working so well any more. The liver stops producing the enzymes that break down purins in certain foods these are also found in vegetables as well as meat including chicken. The kidneys get overloaded by the rise in uric acid once the purins are converted.

Drinking lots of water helps because you are hydrated and this keeps the uric acid in solution.

When I got back on my thyroid medication my gout attacks stopped. By taking thyroid I reved up my metabolism and theis helps make everything work better.

Good luck it hurts like hel_l.

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