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Pervert On A Van


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god all you guys who say " confront a thai and you will be in trouble.." are you just plain cowards?

Rambo is a real pus compared to Straight Dave. When is the movie coming out? :D

would not say he was a pus

and just so you know he was a fictional charecter

duno is hel_l be making anymore flicks- the last one was too much

but one thing his first movie showed is how badly ex -service men get treated when they are no longer needed

the reason you attmept to insult me is obvious

do not blame either yourself nor your parents for lack of abilty to do the right thing and choose to back of

its your nature, a shame but so many are the same as you, but it aint your fault

but try not put down guys who remind you of this perceived weakness

they \we are not better , just differnet

i am coward in some ways because i fear not doing something more than doing something! go figure

Dave, were you a poet in a previous life by chance? :)

funny you should ask man

as a kid ( still am) i had this out there habit of writing on all hotel walls

" if i die before i wake, please give my cheesy knob a shake"

do you like it? touches something deep within us all, dont you think so man?

and have you ever noticed how all these guys who wanna believ in that balony about previous lifes were

always kings, queens, lords, etc

never janitors, street sweepers, bums?

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Maybe he's been watching clips on Youtube in Japan of men touching up women on public transport there. It's massive there. They even have clubs you can go to with a mock up of a train carriage and a girl wearing a school uniform stands in it and men pay to go and touch her up. That's Japan for you!

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I would disagree, while many has the Chinese size of breast's there is some strain of blood in the country where the women has more than enough, even when slim... usually they are not of the ultra-white complexion, but that isn't either a selecting factor for many foreigners.

But I digress...:)

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I would disagree, while many has the Chinese size of breast's there is some strain of blood in the country where the women has more than enough, even when slim... usually they are not of the ultra-white complexion, but that isn't either a selecting factor for many foreigners.

But I digress... :D

I know, TAWP, I was just adding a little levity to the discussion. :) I have a Thai lady friend who is very well endowed, and they aren't fake. I think she takes after her British father's side of the family. :D

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You don't say how good your Thai language skills are. In my opinion, the correct solution would have been to start speaking so that everyone could hear you, about how offensive you find it when people behave improperly on a van. Use specific examples that you just witnessed, but do not incriminate the individual. Don't look at him, point or confront him.

He will know you are speaking about him, the woman will know you are speaking about him, and in point of fact everyone else who witnessed the scene will probably know you are speaking about him. But he can still slink away believing that it might have just been a coincidence, the woman can still keep thinking maybe it was just her imagination, and you won't have directly challenged anybody who might have a knife or a gun. But everyone will remember how embarrassing the incident was.

Subtlety is the key here, and you need to speak the language well enough to pull it off. I could do it in English. I doubt I could pull it off in Thai. However, given my lack of cultural and linguistical knowledge, I think I would have done nothing rather than the direct confrontation idea you chose. That is a very Western reaction and not one I would recommend in Asia. In contrition for doing nothing, I might redouble my efforts to learn Thai so I could respond appropriately the next time I came across a similar circumstance. I could also ask my Thai instructor what she would recommend.

My opinion, don't do something like that again. You got lucky this time, but it wasn't smart.

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Do you honestly think if he has a predilection for touching strange women you have stopped him?

People who do this sort of thing are cowards. They get away with it because people don't confront them. Maybe he won't be quite as confident next time and might just be too worried to even try.

I think I might have woken the woman. A Thai would never interfere in such a situation, as they're fixated on the idea of never interfering, no matter what annoying things are going on, unless it's their immediate family.

I agree that what TAWP did could have caused the other guy to seek revenge (for losing face), and an angry Thai could do anything in revenge (stick a knife in someone from behind, or hire someone else to do a dastardly deed). So, for that reason, I admire TAWP's courage for doing what he did. Few farang, and no Thai would have done what he did.

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