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Dumb Car Drivers Cause Accidents


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I think its amazing that with only fractions of a second viewing that anyone could seriously comment on that video. I would want to know what the speed limit is for the stretch of road.

The bloke in the car is definately a dillberry, crawling across a hwy like that, changing lanes like that....was it in bkk :o

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I think its amazing that with only fractions of a second viewing that anyone could seriously comment on that video. I would want to know what the speed limit is for the stretch of road.

The bloke in the car is definately a dillberry, crawling across a hwy like that, changing lanes like that....was it in bkk :o

he could of avoided it. agreed i'm making assumptions based on 7 secs of video but looks to me he was just hard on the brakes and that's it. target fixation.

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Yes well hes definately not going around anything with the brakes jammed on like all beejebus!

Also he would of seen alot more than we did, perhaps he was predicting the <deleted> in the car was going to do something he didnt end up doing.

Bet that hurt

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All i gotta say is that in spit second situations like that you tend to panic slightly when a solid object is in front of you. you are thinking 'can i stop in time'. 'shit, whats in the other lane will it splat me if i change lane'. :D

Believe me unless you have been there you do not really know. i HAVE and many people including some on this forum concluded it was my fault (police and the guys insurance thought different. his insurance paid for repairs) :D . I know i was partially to blame as you have some blame in pretty much any accident. My accident was slightly different because i was in the outside (fast) lane and the truck sped out of a side soi across 2 lanes into the 3rd then started slowing for a u-turn..............blam straight up the back. (on going back to the scene my skid marks are only about 30-40ft from the soi. the witness said the guy revved it straight across into the 3rd lane)

and if the guy had kept on going at the speed he came out of the soi it would not have been a problem...but he lifted off the gas pedal :o .

Any way.. yes accidents like this can be avoided but it can be very difficult to do it successfully.


Edited by thaicbr
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The biker is definately at fault here, for not reading the road, he has an intersection or U turn point in front of him, he carries on at great speed i n the fast lane, meanwhile the white car is trying to cross over to get to the u-turn, when its safe [other traffic has passed him] he makes the manovere, only to be hit by an idiot on a speeding bike, if you check the film you will see the car was in the white lines of the 3rd lane when the bike hit it, ,

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Lickey I don't see a junction or u-turn in front. I see an open road. i also see the rear of the car in the 1st lane, going very slowly into what looks like a bus stop.

'when its safe [other traffic has passed him] he makes the manovere'

well it wasn't safe because a bike landed in his back window. I agree that the Biker was going to fast and that he possibly could have steered around the car. but if you look again it all happened in about 3-4 seconds also look at the angle of the car and the the 1st second of the clip the car was in the middle lane then suddenly swerved into the inside lane. They were both at fault but the driver of the car put its self and the occupants in the way of oncoming traffic and as such was the cause of the accident.


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Guest Bellini
Well, I think it could have been avoided, especially as that is fairly normal for Thai roads....

I see nothing in that video to indicate that it was taken on a Thai road. Perhaps in the Americas, maybe the USA?

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There must have been some reason the car wanted to go where it did, im not disputing that, the fact is the biker was going to fast at the time caused the accident, the fault is with the biker, he has little or no abbility to ride defensivly, specially near a hazard point, if a biker cant read the road then he will soon be brown bread!!

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mY FAVOURITE A UK road safety clip

To all you cagers out there bloody watch it... the video that is :D:o


SO LICKEY 'There must have been some reason the car wanted to go where it did' ...ITS OK THEN.......JEEEESUS thats gotta be one of the dumbest statements i have seen on TV this week :D . AND please tell me where a hazard point is because i don't see one. the fact is a car crossed into his lane with out looking properley . THATS what CAUSED the accident. IF YOU LOOK IT WAS A 3 LANE HIGHWAY AND THE BIKER WASNT GOING A LOT FASTER THAN THE OTHER VEHICLES, if he was going faster at all (check out the bike and the black car, about the same really). BUT THEY WERE CARS SOOOO THATS OK THEN. please LOOK AT THE UK CLIP.

Edited by thaicbr
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The first clip doesnt work 'malformed video"

2 nd clip, who knows what happened? traffic light faliure perhaps?

3rd clip, yes, think bike campaign,

Ops clip, the hazard point is 4 lanes into 3, and a bus stop, its just stopped raining and cars have lights on, the white car was slow i agree, because it couldnt get over in time at a safe speed, And it was indicating!!

There are no skid marks on the road from the bike suggesting that the road was moist, as others have said, it could have been avoided even at that speed, a side swipe its a lot less painfull for the rider and the bike.

Iwould say to any driver/biker, use your power of observation and watch for hazards, ride defesnsivley, [everybody is out to get you]

Happy Biking 1 and all, Lickey.

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The biker is definately at fault here, for not reading the road, he has an intersection or U turn point in front of him, he carries on at great speed i n the fast lane, meanwhile the white car is trying to cross over to get to the u-turn, when its safe [other traffic has passed him] he makes the manovere, only to be hit by an idiot on a speeding bike, if you check the film you will see the car was in the white lines of the 3rd lane when the bike hit it, ,

1. If you compare the speed of the bike and the speed of other vehicles, it's not that much faster.

2. The video was taken in a country that drives on the right. As such, the bike was in the 'slow' lane

3. The white car is trying to pull over on the side of the road at what looks like a bus stop. There was no U-turn or intersection. Think of those idiots on Thai roads that are on the very right side of the road and suddenly cross 3-4 lanes of traffic just to take a turn. The difference is that they do it faster here than what was shown on the video.

Conclusion: they were both at fault.

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Cum on people. The closing speed would have been huge and the reaction time for the rider 2 tics! At first the rider probably thought the car was moving into the middle lane at some distance only to discover the <deleted> knuckle was moving into the right lane at 10kph. His reaction time was to slow but my guess is some of us would have ended up in the same situation if we were him!

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