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Spirits And Ghosts In Thailand


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Good thing this dead thread was resurrected seeing how it's close to Halloween.

When my wife first came to the USA, every bump and sound she heard at night convinced her they were caused by ghosts. One day she was burning incense because she was afraid the ghost of her deceased ex had followed her. I calmed her down and told her that was impossible. He'd have to have a visa to get into the country, and the embassy never gives visas to ghosts.

Earlier in this thread someone mentioned Thais never talk about ghosts in social gatherings. Not so. The subject seems to be a pretty common topic of discussion among groups of family and friends in Thailand.

lSorry Amerithai, I must differ with you. Some spirits have instant visas. To explain . . .

About 15 years ago before my wife died, she began the procedures to be the habitat of one or more spirits. In that same year we returned to the States to visit relatives. While there one night, my sisters car began blowing its horn. Inspection brought out nothing, so we concluded it was a similar signal from another car passing by. (My sisters car was one of the first that used a card for unlocking, starting. etc.) Nothing more was thought about it until we returned home. Her mentor, who was the possessor (or possessed) of six (6) spirits came to visit. She said at that time she had sent one of the spirits which she was preparing to send into my wifes body over to see how she was doing and the spirit had told her it had caused a horn to blow to greet its future home! Before this time no one had even thought of the incident and the only thing that was raised after her announcement was the hair on the back of my neck. My wife went on to become the home of 3 spirits and I began to travel. I told her of my love but five people(?) in the same bed was too much. You may take this with as many grains of salt as you wish, but it is true. I was there.

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