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How Do Most Of The Tatooed Types Make A Living Here?


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I am under 30 and stay here on tourists visas. I currently have a 60 day visa. Often travel to Phnom Penh for renewal.

It is hard to stay here when you're as young as I am. But I think it is possible if you piece together all these tourist visas and trips to neighboring countries.

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I always enjoy these threads. Although not shaven headed I firmly come into the category of heavily tattooed 40+ living in Thailand. If you saw me in a cafe in a tee shirt you might well judge me harshly. But when I am in a shirt or suit for work you would not know about the tattoo's therefore leaving you the difficult job of judging me for who I am not my body art.

I recognise that this requires a bit of effort in that you would have to talk to me but you might be quietly surprised that someone with tattoo's is intelligent, well read and articulate. If I happened to roll up my sleeves during a conversation would you then re-appraise your view?

To answer the other part of the question I have a successful business employing 20 people in Thailand which allows me the freedom to live in this country.

I understand that there are many tattooed thugs out there but look at it this way; at least you can see them coming. Its the sociopaths with no visible clues you need to worry about.

So you are a "wanna be" thug, or just look like a thug, but r not a thug? Confused, I am

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personally hate tattoos,cant see why anyone would want to do that to their skin,but it is a fashion/culture thing,it also looks ugly and can send out the wrong impression,but its more important to hear what comes out of someones mouth cos that really tells you who they are.

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Reading today the news on Gavin Mann dying in the motorcycle accident at the weekend and then seeing his picture from an article earlier when he struck a bar girl over the head with a beer bottle, it made me wonder how do people like him survive in Thailand?

There are several like him, whether in Pattaya, Bangkok or some of the Issan towns. In Molly Malones during the afternoon and evenings in Bangkok, its mainly 40+ year olds with shaved or balded heards many with Tatoos just like Gavin Mann. I don't want to sound patrinising but I am just wondering what most people live on? I was talking to one such skiknhead in Chiang Mai not so long ago and he was a trades man in the UK, worked his guts out, saved up all his overtime money and then came out here to live for a year or two (his money has now run out after 6months)...I am wondering if its the same story for others...They don't look like English teachers....they don't look busy or devious enough to be involved in organised crime.

For me, I've realised how expensive Thailand is becoming especially without work. I've worked very hard over the past several years but without work I no longer feel like drinking regularly or going down to the girlie bars. I've calculated that to have a reasonable life here with fairly cheap accommodation, but including a couple of girls a week, drinking 4-5times per week would cost somewhere between 50,000-70,000 baht per month depending on how generous and prudent you were. That's why I am wondering how so many people who give the appearance of being pretty poor manage to live here for so long.

If many are tradesmen who've made it in the boom time back in the UK, then surely once their monies out, then they'll be heading back to the job seekers benefit and Thailand will be losing at least one niche of girlie bar customers..

If your idea of a "reasonable life" includes drinking four or five nights a week and visiting "girlie bars" then I don't really think you are in a position to start judging other people. Back home, there'd be plenty of people who'd call you a loser, too.

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im 23 i own a condo i can afford better than singha wife beaters and ive never worked more than 40hours a month in thailand, i know at least 25 person that are the same. some way younger.

This is the internet.... you can be what you want.

personally hate tattoos,cant see why anyone would want to do that to their skin,but it is a fashion/culture thing,it also looks ugly and can send out the wrong impression,but its more important to hear what comes out of someones mouth cos that really tells you who they are.

When I got my tatoo's I made sure I only got them on my face and neck....but they don't look out of place, they seem to match my missing teeth, poor body hygiene & shittty attitude :o . Ohh I also got tatoos on my knuckles the words hate and love on their respective hands......I'm a fairly original type of guy.....DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT! :D

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im 23 i own a condo i can afford better than singha wife beaters and ive never worked more than 40hours a month in thailand, i know at least 25 person that are the same. some way younger.

This is the internet.... you can be what you want.

personally hate tattoos,cant see why anyone would want to do that to their skin,but it is a fashion/culture thing,it also looks ugly and can send out the wrong impression,but its more important to hear what comes out of someones mouth cos that really tells you who they are.

When I got my tatoo's I made sure I only got them on my face and neck....but they don't look out of place, they seem to match my missing teeth, poor body hygiene & shittty attitude :o . Ohh I also got tatoos on my knuckles the words hate and love on their respective hands......I'm a fairly original type of guy.....DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT! :D

not my place to have a problem,and no i dont care,each to their own,but showing bodily tattoos wil always draw a response,negative or positive,sounds like you might have a problem though :D

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im 23 i own a condo i can afford better than singha wife beaters and ive never worked more than 40hours a month in thailand, i know at least 25 person that are the same. some way younger.

This is the internet.... you can be what you want.

I am a Saudi prince with a harem of eunichs.

Funny, I always think of you as more of a Queen... :o

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Well do not suppose I will get any invites to your Pimm's evening when you hold a BBQ beside your pool down at the little old villa.

Been reading with interest the two sides of the tattoos argument. Your okay with them or you don't like to look at them.

I am a extremely short haired adult male, why....find in warm climates it suits me by being cooler.

Have lots of Thai tattoos on my back, which were done at my TGF insistence after I had an accident.

No drink was involved in the accident, it was for the tattoos though.

No one knows about the tattoos unless I take my shirt off which is only done before retiring.

Live here at the behest of my company only working 6 months of the year in the oil exploration business with all the Ex-Pat benefits (BUPA, Pension, International flights)

I detect a touch of envy in your post with a hint of anger/resentment......can only sum it up thus.

"Who are those tattooed THUGS drinking BEER all day in MY country, in My town. I have WORKED all my days and CANNOT do what they do MUST be CROOKS the whole lot of them. Well just LOOK at them, lowlifes.

"Come along Carruthers nothing here too see old boy"

Now I may be wrong and you are full of the milk of human kindness, a lonely Samaritan looking out for the fallen :o

Edited by tmd5855
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Why would you want a harem full of eunichs? One eunich or two are enough to guard and take care of the women in the harem. But the women are the whole point of the harem, not the eunichs

OK, I am not actually into eunichs, just thought it sounds funny, a Saudi prince with a harem of eunichs.

Funny, I always think of you as more of a Queen...

Don't be such an ass, Master.


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I detect a touch of envy in your post with a hint of anger/resentment......can only sum it up thus.

"Who are those tattooed THUGS drinking BEER all day in MY country, in My town. I have WORKED all my days and CANNOT do what they do MUST be CROOKS the whole lot of them. Well just LOOK at them, lowlifes.

"Come along Carruthers nothing here too see old boy"

And that is as close to the truth as we'll ever get.

Definition : Lowlife.

A person perceived as being lower down the social pecking order than the observer.

Any person that doesn't conform to the observer's set of standards.

A person who lives a lifestyle significantly different from that of the observer.

To those hi-so observers I say "Don't look right now but you are being observed". :o

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i have many tattoos.

i can never understand how a mans tattoos can offend othersor cause you to be judged by others.

I have a shaved head to but i also have money.

and i'm not a criminal.

surely with tatts and no hair there must be something wrong with me.

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There's nothing wrong with you waikhru, you live your life how you wish and are comfortable with. As PattayaUnited says it is the others who are burning themselves up over it.

As the old phrase goes "Honi soit quy mal y pense" literal translation being "Shame be to him who thinks evil of it" more usually thought of as "Evil be to him who evil thinks".

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Didn't it used to be the long haired louts that were undesirable, how things have changed!

I know a number of very decent people who have short hair and tattoo's, but i also know a number of the same that are not decent. Each to their own.

Cheers, Rick

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come to think of it.

the monks who do my tatts have more tattoos then me,they have no hair also.

they must be bad to.

You make a good point.

Take the safforn robes away, put them in jeans stripped to the waist with flip flops

Have them walk past some farng inhabited premises, observe the scorn and sneers as these Holy men are now deemed unworthy.

Good thought provoking post

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For many years I have thought that the majority of under 50 year old Farangs living in Thailand long term, cannot be legit.

Many are behind the financial backup of bars, massage parlours, restaurants, drugs and escort agencies.


Well you are consistent. :o

What a load of generalised nonsense. You seem to think that anyone under the age of 50 living in Thailand is not legit, you are clearly not moving in the right circles if you have come to this conclusion.

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OK I have just read the first page of the thread and have to go out.

In the title of the thread it says

Lay abouts enjoying beer and girlie bars in Thailand

and then

Reading today the news on Gavin Mann dying in the motorcycle accident at the weekend and then seeing his picture from an article earlier when he struck a bar girl over the head with a beer bottle, it made me wonder how do people like him survive in Thailand?

There are several like him, whether in Pattaya, Bangkok or some of the Issan towns. In Molly Malones during the afternoon and evenings in Bangkok, its mainly 40+ year olds with shaved or balded heards many with Tatoos just like Gavin Mann. I don't want to sound patrinising but I am just wondering what most people live on? I was talking to one such skiknhead in Chiang Mai not so long ago and he was a trades man in the UK, worked his guts out, saved up all his overtime money and then came out here to live for a year or two (his money has now run out after 6months)...I am wondering if its the same story for others...They don't look like English teachers....they don't look busy or devious enough to be involved in organised crime.

For me, I've realised how expensive Thailand is becoming especially without work. I've worked very hard over the past several years but without work I no longer feel like drinking regularly or going down to the girlie bars. I've calculated that to have a reasonable life here with fairly cheap accommodation, but including a couple of girls a week, drinking 4-5times per week would cost somewhere between 50,000-70,000 baht per month depending on how generous and prudent you were. That's why I am wondering how so many people who give the appearance of being pretty poor manage to live here for so long.

If many are tradesmen who've made it in the boom time back in the UK, then surely once their monies out, then they'll be heading back to the job seekers benefit and Thailand will be losing at least one niche of girlie bar customers..

I have to laugh MAO :o:D

Is that 'Pot calling Kettle black' or what?

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There are several like him, whether in Pattaya, Bangkok or some of the Issan towns. In Molly Malones during the afternoon and evenings in Bangkok, its mainly 40+ year olds with shaved or balded heards many with Tatoos just like Gavin Mann. I don't want to sound patrinising but I am just wondering what most people live on?

I've calculated that to have a reasonable life here with fairly cheap accommodation, but including a couple of girls a week, drinking 4-5times per week would cost somewhere between 50,000-70,000 baht per month depending on how generous and prudent you were. That's why I am wondering how so many people who give the appearance of being pretty poor manage to live here for so long.

I have a shaved head and one tattoo. I work 28/28 on a drilling rig in the Caspian Sea which pays me just over $200,000 a year. That's what I live on. :o

50 - 70000 baht a month? I give my wife that for the housekeeping. :D

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I have a shaved head and one tattoo. I work 28/28 on a drilling rig in the Caspian Sea which pays me just over $200,000 a year. That's what I live on. :o

50 - 70000 baht a month? I give my wife that for the housekeeping. :D

So you only work 6 months a year? Well done. Don't they throw you off the rigs if you don't have at least one tattoo :D

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