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Drugs Imbalance?


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2 news reports of clubs being raided in the last 2 nights. What surprised me was the percentage of females to males who were caught.

At Insomnia, there were 40 busts of whom only 6 were men, at Mixx, there were 43 arrests with only 2 males

Does this mean that the ladies have much more disposable income in Pattaya?

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2 news reports of clubs being raided in the last 2 nights. What surprised me was the percentage of females to males who were caught.

At Insomnia, there were 40 busts of whom only 6 were men, at Mixx, there were 43 arrests with only 2 males

Does this mean that the ladies have much more disposable income in Pattaya?

As I can read from the Mixx report is that it was mostly methamphetamine,probably ice, which is a cheap drug made from ingredients like toilet cleaner,lighter fuel,drain unblocker and more of those delicious stuff.I guess the foreigner mostly stay away from that crap.

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2 news reports of clubs being raided in the last 2 nights. What surprised me was the percentage of females to males who were caught.

At Insomnia, there were 40 busts of whom only 6 were men, at Mixx, there were 43 arrests with only 2 males

Does this mean that the ladies have much more disposable income in Pattaya?

Where did you see these numbers? Were they caught with small amounts of drugs (i.e. for personal use), or were they selling? I didn't see anything in the news clippings forum or here in the Pattaya forum. Could you provide a link to the articles in question?

The fact that more women were arrested does not necessarily mean that more women had drugs on them than men, it means that more women were caught with drugs. For example, perhaps the police favor interrogating women over men because they believe that women will put up less resistance.

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2 news reports of clubs being raided in the last 2 nights. What surprised me was the percentage of females to males who were caught.

At Insomnia, there were 40 busts of whom only 6 were men, at Mixx, there were 43 arrests with only 2 males

Does this mean that the ladies have much more disposable income in Pattaya?

Where did you see these numbers? Were they caught with small amounts of drugs (i.e. for personal use), or were they selling? I didn't see anything in the news clippings forum or here in the Pattaya forum. Could you provide a link to the articles in question?

The fact that more women were arrested does not necessarily mean that more women had drugs on them than men, it means that more women were caught with drugs. For example, perhaps the police favor interrogating women over men because they believe that women will put up less resistance.

Here & here.

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2 news reports of clubs being raided in the last 2 nights. What surprised me was the percentage of females to males who were caught.

At Insomnia, there were 40 busts of whom only 6 were men, at Mixx, there were 43 arrests with only 2 males

Does this mean that the ladies have much more disposable income in Pattaya?

Where did you see these numbers? Were they caught with small amounts of drugs (i.e. for personal use), or were they selling? I didn't see anything in the news clippings forum or here in the Pattaya forum. Could you provide a link to the articles in question?

The fact that more women were arrested does not necessarily mean that more women had drugs on them than men, it means that more women were caught with drugs. For example, perhaps the police favor interrogating women over men because they believe that women will put up less resistance.

They were caught by the ever popular p*ss test method. There was no reports of any drugs actually found on their persons

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I should imagine mostly women being caught under the influance is because they are ladies of the night, what else do you think most of em do? I should imagine a large % are alcoholics and drug users, especialy due to there line of work.

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Look around at the farangs here, hardly the 'beautiful people'. The prospect of getting shagged by the 200kg sweaty Gunther would be enough to put anyone on Yaba or worse. Probably the only way most of these girls can stomach it.


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2 news reports of clubs being raided in the last 2 nights. What surprised me was the percentage of females to males who were caught.

At Insomnia, there were 40 busts of whom only 6 were men, at Mixx, there were 43 arrests with only 2 males

Does this mean that the ladies have much more disposable income in Pattaya?

As I can read from the Mixx report is that it was mostly methamphetamine,probably ice, which is a cheap drug made from ingredients like toilet cleaner,lighter fuel,drain unblocker and more of those delicious stuff.I guess the foreigner mostly stay away from that crap.

Meth is not cheap in Western countries and plenty of people take it all over the world - all nationalities. Also, it is not physically addictive, but people keep taking it because they enjoy it, even though it is very bad for you- something like ice cream (to simplify a lot).

Edited by Ulysses G.
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<br />
Look around at the farangs here, hardly the 'beautiful people'. The prospect of getting shagged by the 200kg sweaty Gunther would be enough to put anyone on Yaba or worse. Probably the only way most of these girls can stomach it.
<br /><br />Agree<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Agree as well.. And a lot of them think they are Julio Iglesias.

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This only a urine test. Hardly conclusive of guilt. There are many legal substances that cause a false positive. The police assume any positive is guilty and seem to demand a large payout to be released.

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I would consider that the female metabolism and physiology may also affect how it's much more likely drugs can be detected in their urine. This combined with the drinking styles, ie. guys drink (mostly) beer and hence piss like racehorses and flush the system faster. Ladies drink (mostly) shots and spirits or more tellingly soft drinks, soda and fruit juices. This combined with the fact that they must always go the the restrooms in a group and queue for a piss means they would have the reactants in their urine longer.

Comments that these are all ladies of the night that need drugs for certain farang liaisons within their chosen profession only indicates the narrow-mindedness and ignorance of those posting such drivel.

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Look around at the farangs here, hardly the 'beautiful people'. The prospect of getting shagged by the 200kg sweaty Gunther would be enough to put anyone on Yaba or worse. Probably the only way most of these girls can stomach it.


Agree as well.. And a lot of them think they are Julio Iglesias.

Certainly the most plausible explanation as opposed to some sort of nonsense regarding non-existent physiological difference or lining up at the toilet holding the speed in their system longer.

Additional supplemental explanation as to the disparity in the numbers being caught out might simply be that there were many more females than males in the club at the time.

Edited by sriracha john
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It's simply because of the venue the cops decided to raid.. Both Insomnia and Mixx both cater to farang tourists and expats looking for or with Thai female company... Thai men are simply a minority in these places... Thai females are probably the largest demographic in these clubs with farang guys being a close second depending on the time of year etc..

If the cops raided a more predominantly Thai disco/club there would be a far larger proportion of Thai men there and therefore a higher percentage of Thai male drug users.

Of course they could raid a club in Boyztown and then the proportions would be almost exclusively male.. But I'm not sure that 'poppers' are illegal here :o

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Certainly the most plausible explanation as opposed to some sort of nonsense regarding non-existent physiological difference or lining up at the toilet holding the speed in their system longer.

Additional supplemental explanation as to the disparity in the numbers being caught out might simply be that there were many more females than males in the club at the time.

And there we have it; as first reported on the pages of TV and soon to be picked up by the global newswires...

Thai internet forum denizen sriracha john declares there's NO physiological difference between the human male and human female despite the obvious differences of "inboard" versus "outboard" plumbing and the gender unique effects it has on urination in the social domain. Despite the obvious benefits of google, wiki and other online repositories of information, the self-styled King of online keyboard pontification says blokes and women are all the same, end of. Although showing very, very strong signs of not getting out much, the venerable srj does have a staggering +23,000 posts on one forum so this must be accepted as fact and judging by the amount of online forums on or about Thailand, may only be the tip of his unparalelled internet-based knowledge. His primary reasoning for this astonishing revelation is based on the assertion that women in the local sex trade must consume a greater amount of drugs in order to dumb down the horror of being bedded by foreign gentlemen who are challenged in both the youth and looks department.

It is expected that as more women of all classes become aware of this staggering discovery, queues will begin to form outside gents public toilets globally as women stand up for their rights (and to take a leak) and then dally inside, discussing the graffiti, ambient lighting, where the sofa should go and trade suggestions on how to aim at the gutter-type urinal more prevalent in high-traffic male rest rooms.

The following chart is only one of many that srj's assertions now challenge.


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Perhaps your wiki research can come up with something more plausible than drinking beer versus coke increases the rate of urination to such a degree that it is reduces drug ingestion in beer drinkers to untraceable amounts of drug ingestion versus coke drinkers.

You can get a free pass on trying to prove that waiting an additional 10 minutes in a queue is sufficient to turn an otherwise negative drug screen result into a positive, but only because it's more absurd than your first contention.

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Yaba is basically Meth & Caffeine mixed to-gether (probably accounts for the color) & with more than 500 Drug dealers arrested in Bangkok alone just for February , this would suggest there is one heck of a market available .

As to more females , well , that usuually depends on demographics & the urine testing is not that accurate & ironically , caffeine used to be used as a masking agent.

With the profits that are made from illicit drugs there will always be a big market everywhere. The Socio economic background of the user usually is the guide for the type being used.

The scourge of all Society & the dealers the lowest of the low. Traders in misery & death. IMO


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Some of you guys are so far removed from reality that it's comical. Imagine this scenario....Lek the 20 year old 43kg pretty girl from Isaan is under pressure to send a few bob home to village so that the family can take care of her kid and get sloshed with the leftovers. Only option is to have a sexual encounter with Helmut from Duisburg who is 65, weighs 220kg, smells like he's pissed himself (but pays her well) and has just asked Lek if she does 'O' Levels as well as taking it up the back door! Now I don't know about you lot but if I were Lek......Metamphetamines, Yaba, Opium and a bottle of Mekong would be required at a minumum to do the deed. It's no suprise to me or many other visitors to Pattaya why women might be more prone to dallying in drugs than men in this fine city :o

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The reason that more women than men are caught in such raids in overpriced money grabbing establishments such as this one is simple , single Thai women are allowed in for free and only pay about a third or less for a drink than a Farang male who goes in looking to pick these women up ,also Thai men find it hard to gain entrance to these clubs as they are only after the tourist money and don't want Thai men causing trouble , so there is an imbalance of numbers of single available Thai women to Farang men, if you look at similar raids held in Thai clubs the ratio of male to female patrons and posotive drug tests is much closer because they all have to pay the same to get in and drink.

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Some of you guys are so far removed from reality that it's comical. Imagine this scenario....Lek the 20 year old 43kg pretty girl from Isaan is under pressure to send a few bob home to village so that the family can take care of her kid and get sloshed with the leftovers. Only option is to have a sexual encounter with Helmut from Duisburg who is 65, weighs 220kg, smells like he's pissed himself (but pays her well) and has just asked Lek if she does 'O' Levels as well as taking it up the back door! Now I don't know about you lot but if I were Lek......Metamphetamines, Yaba, Opium and a bottle of Mekong would be required at a minumum to do the deed. It's no suprise to me or many other visitors to Pattaya why women might be more prone to dallying in drugs than men in this fine city :o

Why so many people in pattaya think that they are superior to others?

Oh yeah and before I forget it,your last night stand was because she loves you but I guess you knew that already.

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Comments that these are all ladies of the night that need drugs for certain farang liaisons within their chosen profession only indicates the narrow-mindedness and ignorance of those posting such drivel.

Very true - typical Western delusions. :o

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It's no suprise to me or many other visitors to Pattaya why women might be more prone to dallying in drugs than men in this fine city :o

Oh... you are only a visitor. Sorry, you really had me going there for a moment. Didn't want to fall into that castigating the newbie trap.

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