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Has Pattaya Gone Completely On Tilt


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But don't ya just love it when these wannabe hardnuts come unstuck. I remember back in my youth, a gang of guys were going to give some guy a kicking in a dance hall. The guy was a bigun, and he just stood there in front of about 20 of these guys with a cup of coffee in his hand (yep, coffee)... and said calmly, "Ok, it's your choice, two at a time or all together... but I promise you, the first one I get hold of is going to get this cup rammed down his throat!" The crowd dispursed like sheep. :o

A guy I used to know made my favourite quote in a similar situation when a jerk threatened him with a baseball bat:

"You've got a choice, Chuck. The bat goes down your throat or up your ass."

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[to pnustedt : you ever tried the water on any beach in Pattaya? it's not much worse than any two days blocked toilet!

Yes, certainly have, together with very young children. No problem for cooling off. However, if we're swimming will normally use the hotel pool. The Hard Rock has a particularly nice pool with artificial "beach". We also often go out to one of the islands and have a barbecue where the water is sweeter! :D

The Hard Rock pool is great, especially if you have kids. I could stay there all day. Sometimes funny to watch the guys who have brought their "guest" back for the night the following day. Girls getting tossed in the air by some lovestruck guy. Hey, its all good fun though. :o

Hard Rock, yes I would recommend it to anyone looking for a decent hotel.

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I was in King Kong soi 6 one night when a 6'3" 260-lb falang was giving one of the girls a hard time and wouldn't let up.

The owner, 5'7" 140lbs, came over and took care of it in 35 seconds.

A muay thai kick in the goolies, the big guy doubled over and got straightened up with a smash to the mouth and was finished off with a shot to the stomach that must have bruised his spine. He couldn't get out of there fast enough.

The girls clapped as he ran down the soi.

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I was in King Kong soi 6 one night when a 6'3" 260-lb falang was giving one of the girls a hard time and wouldn't let up.

The owner, 5'7" 140lbs, came over and took care of it in 35 seconds.

A muay thai kick in the goolies, the big guy doubled over and got straightened up with a smash to the mouth and was finished off with a shot to the stomach that must have bruised his spine. He couldn't get out of there fast enough.

The girls clapped as he ran down the soi.

Yeah sure sounds like a fun time :o

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I was in King Kong soi 6 one night when a 6'3" 260-lb falang was giving one of the girls a hard time and wouldn't let up.

The owner, 5'7" 140lbs, came over and took care of it in 35 seconds.

A muay thai kick in the goolies, the big guy doubled over and got straightened up with a smash to the mouth and was finished off with a shot to the stomach that must have bruised his spine. He couldn't get out of there fast enough.

The girls clapped as he ran down the soi.

I already told you , I'm 5ft 8 not 5ft 7.


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I think a lot depends on where you go.. I've been in Pattaya with the Mrs. but there's no way I'd take her into some areas. Err.. make that: "pretty much all areas" Or at least those that have nightlife. :o

I also don't think any particular nationality is worse than others. They're all pretty much the same demographic, just different flavour of passport..



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My point is that if you are dumb enough to expect a nice quiet holiday with the missus in the bars of Pattaya - a resort famed for and built on its wild night life- then you deserve everything you get.

To suggest that Pattaya is somehow 'going to the dogs' is a nonsense. Its always been there.

Edited by ProfessorFart
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Been going there a long time.....usually avoid the areas where these guys hang out.

Last time in November I was in Electirc blue and this 50ish Pommy guy was telling me how he had nutted a loud mouth yank....didnt impress me but didnt make me wanna stay for another drink....dont need that B******T

I do agree that they do seem to be growing in number and that is not good for any area where they settle....There was the recent case where a known(in europe) UK soccer hooligan (clean skin in Thailand though) was shot by a couple of Thai guys, I dont think it was because they didnt like his face which they have altered.

Thats the problem, some of these guys arent moving there to enjoy the lifestyle but rather to carry on in nefarious dealings that it is to hard for them to do back in Blighty

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My point is that if you are dumb enough to expect a nice quiet holiday with the missus in the bars of Pattaya - a resort famed for and built on its wild night life- then you deserve everything you get.

Done that for 10 years with my wife (British) and two daughters. The holidays were always sublime. Stayed in 4-5 star hotels and trod the paths of every soi in Pattaya. Walked the beach promenade most nights after a meal. Never ever had one bad experience. The bars then were open until dawn and we as a family would often taxi home just before daylight.

There is of course a major difference in holidays re- a family and a single guy holidaying in Pattaya. I have had both. And without a shadow of a doubt enjoyed Pattaya more with my family.

My first trips with the family were back in 1985-95 Families then were treated with respect, bar girls would pick my daughters up and hug them,befriend them,take them shopping, etc. etc. Most bar girls had sons/daughters back home living with there parents, so it was easy for them to relate to children.

Ask me now if i would take a young family to Pattaya and I would quickly anwser NO. Why! Nothing to do with the Thai's, its the hardcore element of male farangs that are choosing to make Pattaya there destination and bringing with them there western attitudes.

The early closing, i am certain fuels the hardcore element in them. And i truly believe it will get worse.

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At the end of the day what the he11 did you expect? Pattaya isn't Frinton. If you wanted to stroll down the Promenade with your misus then why go to Pattaya?

I have no sympathy for you whatsoever and get a little p1ssed off with people who whine about Pattaya being brash. Its a bit like moaning that Blackpool or Las Vegas is too gawdy when its that very gawdyness which makes them what they are.

Get over it and do some research before you go next time.


proffessor fart..been to pattaya 6 times before total of about 4 months and no trouble at all...just how much research do i need to do???

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Been going there a long time.....usually avoid the areas where these guys hang out.

Last time in November I was in Electirc blue and this 50ish Pommy guy was telling me how he had nutted a loud mouth yank....didnt impress me but didnt make me wanna stay for another drink....dont need that B******T

I do agree that they do seem to be growing in number and that is not good for any area where they settle....There was the recent case where a known(in europe) UK soccer hooligan (clean skin in Thailand though) was shot by a couple of Thai guys, I dont think it was because they didnt like his face which they have altered.

Thats the problem, some of these guys arent moving there to enjoy the lifestyle but rather to carry on in nefarious dealings that it is to hard for them to do back in Blighty

Within reason that may be true, however do not underestimate the knowledge and ability of the Thai police and in particular Thai immigration police to 'convince' certain people that staying in Thailand is not in their best interests. Does not matter if they are married either. One bar owner of a certain daytime, drinking den in Jomtien, married to a Thai with kids is now residing in another country due to the immigration police taking a severe disliking to him and what he was up to.

Furthemore, I know for a fact that they have a handle on almost every 'grey' long term resident in Pattaya and what they are up to. When serious <deleted> happens, why do you think that within days they have invariably made arrests and solved the crimes?

Edited by Digger
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Been going there a long time.....usually avoid the areas where these guys hang out.

Last time in November I was in Electirc blue and this 50ish Pommy guy was telling me how he had nutted a loud mouth yank....didnt impress me but didnt make me wanna stay for another drink....dont need that B******T

I do agree that they do seem to be growing in number and that is not good for any area where they settle....There was the recent case where a known(in europe) UK soccer hooligan (clean skin in Thailand though) was shot by a couple of Thai guys, I dont think it was because they didnt like his face which they have altered.

Thats the problem, some of these guys arent moving there to enjoy the lifestyle but rather to carry on in nefarious dealings that it is to hard for them to do back in Blighty

Within reason that may be true, however do not underestimate the knowledge and ability of the Thai police and in particular Thai immigration police to 'convince' certain people that staying in Thailand is not in their best interests. Does not matter if they are married either. One bar owner of a certain daytime, drinking den in Jomtien, married to a Thai with kids is now residing in another country due to the immigration police taking a severe disliking to him and what he was up to.

Furthemore, I know for a fact that they have a handle on almost every 'grey' long term resident in Pattaya and what they are up to. When serious <deleted> happens, why do you think that within days they have invariably made arrests and solved the crimes?

No doubts about that Digger....now if only they could stop them getting in, in the first place... :o

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I think you've hit the nail bang on the head there SEAtramp. The bottom line is that what you see every weekend in the UK because of limited opening hours is now appearing in Thai resorts.

Before the clampdown it was still there but just more diluted.

Not nit-picking here with your last sentence ProFessor but, from my observations i never saw any unruly behaviour pre-clampdown days.

I have however noticed/witnessed since the 2am closing a distinct change in the attitude by westerners. Do not at this time remotely feel it is of Magaluf proportions, and hope this is not what it will become. Christ i chose Pattaya initally to get away from that crap.

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I've read this thread with interest as I visited Pattaya for the first time last week. I live and work in Thailand and I'm English.

I took my TGF with me for a couple of days at the beach, she had been before and liked it.

I loved the place because it was just like being back home. I love living in Thailand but you can't beat a good night out on the ale in Enlgand. It's a completely different atmosphere than anywhere else.

Sometimes I get sick of listening to ex-pats whining about this and that in various bars in BKK. That's not my idea of a fun night out. Also, going to girlie bars can get a bit boring sometimes.

But Pattaya was different, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We went to a group of bars with a kickboxing ring in the middle and the bar girl behind the counter said to my GF 'Your bf is English isn't he?'. There were plenty of other English lads in there and it made for a great atmosphere. Everyone was getting hammered and having a good time.

True, there were big groups of blokes the same age of me, but so what???? If you're English you're used to it and can have a laugh!!!

I'd definitely go there again when I feel homesick. It's great.

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I've read this thread with interest as I visited Pattaya for the first time last week. I live and work in Thailand and I'm English.

I took my TGF with me for a couple of days at the beach, she had been before and liked it.

I loved the place because it was just like being back home. I love living in Thailand but you can't beat a good night out on the ale in Enlgand. It's a completely different atmosphere than anywhere else.

Sometimes I get sick of listening to ex-pats whining about this and that in various bars in BKK. That's not my idea of a fun night out. Also, going to girlie bars can get a bit boring sometimes.

But Pattaya was different, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We went to a group of bars with a kickboxing ring in the middle and the bar girl behind the counter said to my GF 'Your bf is English isn't he?'. There were plenty of other English lads in there and it made for a great atmosphere. Everyone was getting hammered and having a good time.

True, there were big groups of blokes the same age of me, but so what???? If you're English you're used to it and can have a laugh!!!

I'd definitely go there again when I feel homesick. It's great.

Leftcross....what we are talking about here is not the average Pom who likes an ale and a laugh....we are talking hardcore thugs from the UK....I am sure you know the type...

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You've been reading too many tabloids gburns!!!! I didn't see any trouble, although there were plenty of blokes who looked 'handy'. Maybe I do?? Who knows eh???

No worries mate, maybe you do look "handy"....I dont know and therefore I dont pass judgement on you....but when you have a few more Pattaya trips under your belt then you maybe aware of the concerns that have been raised here.

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Not nit-picking here with your last sentence ProFessor but, from my observations i never saw any unruly behaviour pre-clampdown days.

I have however noticed/witnessed since the 2am closing a distinct change in the attitude by westerners. Do not at this time remotely feel it is of Magaluf proportions, and hope this is not what it will become. Christ i chose Pattaya initally to get away from that crap.

SEATramp, I was actually saying that the clampdown has probabaly been a key factor to this as you 're going to have a lot of drunken blokes all turned out of the bars at the same time. Its probably always been there but now as its all compressed into kicking out time its more noticable.

Another factor is that with the strong pound over the past few years, many blokes are now forsaking 2 weeks in the likes of Benidorm, Magaluf etc for a longer trip to Pattaya and all of its attractions.

There have been hardcore UK (and other esp Scandinavian and German) thugs in Pattaya for as long as I can recall.

One reason it will never get like the shitty resorts on the Med with their mass brawling etc. is that at the end of the day everyone is getting laid!

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fair point gburns.

and prof fart has hit the nail on the head. back in england 99 per cent of the scrapping is caused by lads chasing lasses, but out here everyone can get hooked up with no problems. it takes the sting out of a good night out.

and for all the non-english .... footy lads usually fight footy lads so no worries there

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One reason it will never get like the shitty resorts on the Med with their mass brawling etc. is that at the end of the day everyone is getting laid!

LOL Yes. Bloody ###### that fact had almost been lost with me. Never a truer word spoken. So now i have to wonder (even moreso) why this element is creeping in!

I have put it down to the early closing. But i'm sure there is more to it. I cannot put my finger on it though. Although my last 3-4 visits i saw confrontations that involved the participation of Welsh guys. Has that any bearing on matters!

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I was in King Kong soi 6 one night when a 6'3" 260-lb falang was giving one of the girls a hard time and wouldn't let up.

The owner, 5'7" 140lbs, came over and took care of it in 35 seconds.

A muay thai kick in the goolies, the big guy doubled over and got straightened up with a smash to the mouth and was finished off with a shot to the stomach that must have bruised his spine. He couldn't get out of there fast enough.

The girls clapped as he ran down the soi.

I already told you , I'm 5ft 8 not 5ft 7.


But you weren't wearing your boots! :o

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You're putting me off the place and I've never been there. Been coming to Thailand all through my twenties but never been to Pattaya. Planned to spend a week there in March to see what it's like, not so sure now - sounds more like England than England.

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Jack, Pattaya is always such an emotive issue for some reason. It s a holiday resort end of story. Go expecting anything else and you will be dissapointed. Go expecting everything you associate with a holiday resort and you'll have a blast.

I liked Lefthook's post on Pattaya. Sums it up nicely.

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