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Has Pattaya Gone Completely On Tilt


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You're putting me off the place and I've never been there. Been coming to Thailand all through my twenties but never been to Pattaya. Planned to spend a week there in March to see what it's like, not so sure now - sounds more like England than England.

You should go Jack , for all of it's faults . it's still the best Night out in the world in my opinion , and I've had a few of those. :o

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A sad fact , but most of these pr1cks are wannabee hardmen due to the Footie violence they think is so cool. They couldn't give 2 fukcs about the football.

I'm a fairly muscualr , albeit short ( 5ft 8 ) brit in his late 30's with a shaved head , for my sins.

I'm one of the nicest guys you could meet for a beer ( honestly  :D ) .

But I occasioanlly get mistaken for one of these tossers , due to my looks.

On these occasions  wish I looked like a City Gent , but then again.... :D

As Dave would say another short arse! :D:D

Don't worry chonabot, I'm 5'8" also... another short arse! :D

My wifes 5'4" try calling her a short arse :o

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Year before last i was in soi pattyaland on st georges day

bunch of plastered pongolians started fighting each other in Pussy galore bar.

useless owner did nothing as always as they his bread and butter.

Spilled on to the street,all the girls had some entertainment.

civilised people appalled.

And they were all mates on a pub crawl for some guy called St george!!!

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There was a time years ago when a night out in Pattaya was enjoyed immensely by all because of the camarardarie enjoyed between lots of lads from different parts of the world all doing and enjoying one thing- The Pattaya nightlife. Nowadays it seems these people want something more, and are finding that they can get away with having a punch up.

I saw one guy get out his two koshes in a crowded bar and 'threaten' others with them for a joke. Sad sad idiot.

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There was a time years ago when a night out in Pattaya was enjoyed immensely by all because of the camarardarie enjoyed between lots of lads from different parts of the world all doing and enjoying one thing- The Pattaya nightlife. Nowadays it seems these people want something more, and are finding that they can get away with having a punch up.

I saw one guy get out his two koshes in a crowded bar and 'threaten' others with them for a joke. Sad sad idiot.

You don't get to many Punch ups around Walking st (not before 2am anyway) but i saw one last night . This girl grabbed another girls tits (they don't know eachother and she was very upset at the girl who grabbed her) then my friend said to her "what do you think you are doing, this is my friends wife (the husband did'nt even see it) then the thai girl just lashed out without warning and she hit my mate in the face with her shoe and then she was punching and kicking everybody (out of her face on drugs), It ended when after her fighting like a man she was then hit like one. Som nam na, :o

Edited by davethailand
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There was a time years ago when a night out in Pattaya was enjoyed immensely by all because of the camarardarie enjoyed between lots of lads from different parts of the world all doing and enjoying one thing- The Pattaya nightlife. Nowadays it seems these people want something more, and are finding that they can get away with having a punch up.

I saw one guy get out his two koshes in a crowded bar and 'threaten' others with them for a joke. Sad sad idiot.

You don't get to many Punch ups around Walking st (not before 2am anyway) but i saw one last night . This girl grabbed another girls tits (they don't know eachother and she was very upset at the girl who grabbed her) then my friend said to her "what do you think you are doing, this is my friends wife (the husband did'nt even see it) then the thai girl just lashed out without warning and she hit my mate in the face with her shoe and then she was punching and kicking everybody (out of her face on drugs), It ended when after her fighting like a man she was then hit like one. Som nam na, :o

Must of been the night for it.........there was a ruckus in Wonderful Bar 2 last night....guy had finished with one of the girls in there and didnt take kindly to the fact she was sat with a scottish guy. I/m sure the scottish guy thought he was in a "King Of The Cage" match, knees,elbows the whole lot. Broke the monotony of listening to the band anyway... :D

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I can't understand the logic of limited opening hours, particularly when put in the context of "trouble".

There's a raging debate in the UK at the moment re 24 hour opening for pubs. Most landlords would welcome the extra hours, but only until 2-3am. The police and licencing magistrates are generally in favour of the longer hours. Discourages binge drinking and gets around the problem of a load of aggressive, drunken <deleted> being thrown out onto the streets together at 11pm/midnight. The moral majority/minority preach otherwise, of course.

Hopefully, Pattaya and the rest of Thailand will understand that their opening hours are only likely to lead to more violence. It's called frustration.

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just returned to uk from pattaya..spent 3 weeks there,had no intention of being there all the time but due to natural disasters and so forth ended up spending the whole time there.

1.on no less than 4 seperate occasions i was accosted and verbally threatened by 50ish english males....i know my wife is pretty and i have a fair few friends there so i generally have a good time...but why me.if i was a wimp maybe i could understand it,but i am not...37 years 6'2" 100 kilos...are they just staying there so long they start to resent anybody who is enjoying themselves???

what really amazes me is the young usually get slated and i never saw one who didnt have a smile for me...so what is it to much song saem????

or are they just trying to impress dog ugly wives they have been with for the last twenty years??

have been 10 times before to thailand and have never once had any trouble anywhere!

2.the fXXXing idiots who sell fireworks in bars to over happy drunks who let them off without a care in the world!!

ref this if i could find the <deleted> who caused my wife to receive a medium burn to her back by letting one off virtually in the bar i would have extreme trouble keeping my thai smile!!!!

second point is a bit of a rage i know as "this is thailand" but anybody else noticed the first phenomena or dothey just fancy me???

schmokinnn :o

Although a relative newcomer to Pattaya/ Bangkok, (worked in SE for past 5 years) first impressions of Pattaya is rather low, the home of a rather un-cut class if undesirable tourist, red faced, drooping joweled alcoholics propping up beer-bars at 10 am in the morning or an younger version dressed in "diesal, von dutch, etc *designer gear* assuming, rather incorrectly that they are unigue in their originality, but will eventully end up like their older counterparts. I can fully sympatise with PM Thaksin who was trying to up-market Thailand with his elite card scheme but one tour around Pattaya you appriciate how misguided he was, as it is quite difficult to paint a sinking ship.

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Although a relative newcomer to Pattaya/ Bangkok, (worked in SE for past 5 years) first impressions of Pattaya is rather low, the home of a rather un-cut class if undesirable tourist, red faced, drooping joweled alcoholics propping up beer-bars at 10 am in the morning or an younger version dressed in "diesal, von dutch, etc *designer gear*  assuming, rather incorrectly that they are unigue in their originality, but will eventully end up like their older counterparts. I can fully sympatise with PM Thaksin who was trying to up-market Thailand with his elite card scheme but one tour around Pattaya you appriciate how misguided he was, as it is quite difficult to paint a sinking ship.

So you fitted in quite well then Billy boy ?


Edited by chonabot
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Re Daves comment

Saw plenty thai girls having a go when I lived there for two years,thats all thai culture albeit a low form.They have peculiar views on what is an insult,and how far they will be pushed by another BG.

Usualy its over ownership of a falang!

But really its the herding mentality of the "over the hill lager lout" ,that causes most of the trouble.

These guys are the lowest form of life in the UK inmho,The fact that they want to take their hols together shows what a boring unimaginative lot they are.

They come to drink themselves senseless as they do back home ,and to get a nice sexy girl ,for a couple of quid ,which is impossible back where they come from.

No problems with that,I just wish they would keep their inbred machismo and lager fired dutch courage under control.

Unfortunately many of the bars owners are guys like this who got a divorce or a compo payout and encourage these guys.

Although a relative newcomer to Pattaya/ Bangkok, (worked in SE for past 5 years) first impressions of Pattaya is rather low, the home of a rather un-cut class if undesirable tourist, red faced, drooping joweled alcoholics propping up beer-bars at 10 am in the morning or an younger version dressed in "diesal, von dutch, etc *designer gear*  assuming, rather incorrectly that they are unigue in their originality, but will eventully end up like their older counterparts. I can fully sympatise with PM Thaksin who was trying to up-market Thailand with his elite card scheme but one tour around Pattaya you appriciate how misguided he was, as it is quite difficult to paint a sinking ship.

So you fitted in quite well then Billy boy ?


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Although a relative newcomer to Pattaya/ Bangkok, (worked in SE for past 5 years) first impressions of Pattaya is rather low, the home of a rather un-cut class if undesirable tourist, red faced, drooping joweled alcoholics propping up beer-bars at 10 am in the morning or an younger version dressed in "diesal, von dutch, etc *designer gear*  assuming, rather incorrectly that they are unigue in their originality, but will eventully end up like their older counterparts. I can fully sympatise with PM Thaksin who was trying to up-market Thailand with his elite card scheme but one tour around Pattaya you appriciate how misguided he was, as it is quite difficult to paint a sinking ship.

So you fitted in quite well then Billy boy ?


No, actually I declined to join the elite card scheme as after some research, I believe it will be disolved withen two years. Other than that, yes I think I will adjust to life in Thailand although I don't believe I will be joining the throngs of expat tourists propping up beer bars, in my customery "Singa" or "Thailand" vest, playing mindless games which probally would have a "suitable for under 10's" on the box if bought back in Europe.

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".....the home of a rather un-cut class if undesirable tourist, red faced, drooping joweled alcoholics propping up beer-bars at 10 am in the morning ..."

Jeez, that's why I feel so at home! :o:D

Actually it is understandable why you would be so shocked by their demeanor, billy boy.

Everyone knows you fine British gentlemen never drink before "10 am IN THE AFTERNOON"

Pattaya has never been on a level IMO. Certainly not for everyone and if you don't like it, there are many options out there. Don't let the door hit you in the bum on the way out.....


Edited by WISteve
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Re Daves comment

Saw plenty thai girls having a go when I lived there for two years,thats all thai culture albeit a low form.They have peculiar views on what is an insult,and how far they will be pushed by another BG.

Usualy its over ownership of a falang!

But really its the herding mentality of the "over the hill lager lout" ,that causes most of the trouble.

These guys are the lowest form of life in the UK inmho,The fact that they want to take their hols together shows what a boring unimaginative lot they are.

They come to drink themselves senseless as they do back home ,and to get a nice sexy girl ,for a couple of quid ,which is impossible back where they come from.

No problems with that,I just wish they would keep their inbred machismo and lager fired dutch courage under control.

Unfortunately many of the bars owners are guys like this who got a divorce or a compo payout and encourage these guys.

Not all bar owners! :o:D

Edited by davethailand
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Re Daves comment

Saw plenty thai girls having a go when I lived there for two years,thats all thai culture albeit a low form.They have peculiar views on what is an insult,and how far they will be pushed by another BG.

Usualy its over ownership of a falang!

But really its the herding mentality of the "over the hill lager lout" ,that causes most of the trouble.

These guys are the lowest form of life in the UK inmho,The fact that they want to take their hols together shows what a boring unimaginative lot they are.

They come to drink themselves senseless as they do back home ,and to get a nice sexy girl ,for a couple of quid ,which is impossible back where they come from.

No problems with that,I just wish they would keep their inbred machismo and lager fired dutch courage under control.

Unfortunately many of the bars owners are guys like this who got a divorce or a compo payout and encourage these guys.

Not all bar owners! :o:D

you may have a point dave ...good chance maybe one was a bar owner...keeps own bottle behind bar,never saw him pay a bill,always there same time every night. just seems to much of a saddo to be owner but then you are probably right.

funnily enough one night another of the idiots was in the bar as i walked past and he didn't even recognise me when he looked ta me from 6 foot.the bar is on pattayaklang 16.


p.s.you would have thought it would be quiet there...would never have seen it myself except fo my room being about 20 foot away.

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At the end of the day when you get groups of lads together when  they're full of ale and theres birds around you're always going to get a bit of strutting and agry bargy no matter where they're from.

True... and a shame they can't put them all into an enclosed arena and arm them all with baseball bats... rather than have them disturbing everyone who just wants an enjoyable time.

Extremely well put, Ravisher......that's a bit like how I feel on this issue too.

I feel the same with racists/bigots (especially the pro-violence ones).....just put them in an enclosed arena/stadium and arm them and have them destroy each other...the world would be a much better place.



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True... and a shame they can't put them all into an enclosed arena and arm them all with baseball bats... rather than have them disturbing everyone who just wants an enjoyable time.

Extremely well put, Ravisher......that's a bit like how I feel on this issue too.

I feel the same with racists/bigots (especially the pro-violence ones).....just put them in an enclosed arena/stadium and arm them and have them destroy each other...the world would be a much better place.



Like Bushido .... And the last fcuker standing wins and gets to spend the next 3 months in hospital!!!

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I basically live in Pattaya half of my life, 6 Months there and 6 Months in Australia every year. I have many friends there mainly English and Aussies. I find most of the ex pats and regular visitors there are great guys who will do anything for you. The only time I ever see problems seems to be the 2 week visitors who may not have been there before and might want to carry on like bloody idiots. Those that live there rarely get into problems.

I compare my stay in Pattaya with my stay in Sydney. In Sydney we can drink until 6AM, in Thailand only 1AM. In Sydney it is very very boring drinking, in Thailand it is a paradise for fun, drinking, Go Go floor shows, dancing, eating etc. Who cares what time it closes it is much more quality time.

In Thailand I can walk home half pissed at 3 or 4AM and never get bashed, in Sydney you have a good chance of being beaten to death while waiting for a cab or while walking home from the bus stop.

I am a world traveller and I love drinking, fun and meeting all kinds of people. I find Pattaya is one of the cheapest and best places in the world, nothing beats it value wise. Pattaya is growing everyear, there is no chance of it ever closing down. The only changes I fear is that one day it might get too expensive for me to spend 6 Months a year there. Then it's back to boring sterile Sydney!

PS: I am in Sydney now and I think about being back in Pattaya all the time. :o

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IMHO, these three tenants of drinking have kept me out of trouble most of the time,

(or immediately got me into the sh .. when I departed from same)

1. Your back to the wall, eyes on your drink,

2. Never look at another drunks GF,

3. Never make eye-contact with ah rabid animal or stare-down a drunk,

I'd add try to resist getting involved in a fight between a drunk and his GF, this is a hard one, especially when some knucklehead starts wailing on the GF, at some point ya gotta do what ya gotta do ...

I love Pattaya and never miss an opportunity to have some fun there.

Whether the character of the place is changing I'm not sure, time will tell.

mod8(smoking%20pipe)a.gifbeer(pouring%20in%20mug)a.gif Cheers

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