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Travel Upcountry - Egde Gprs Best For Net?


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I'll be traveling up country for 2/3 months (Nakon Sawan and northwards), moving around a bit, and need a reliable internet for my laptop. Is an unlimited GSM GPRS/EDGE account way to go with a USB modem stick or what else is there? By travels will be over before 3G is ever available. What are the best packages prices wise now. Appreciate all your ideas on this.

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You can use a USB GPRS/EDGE modem, or just use your mobile phone.

Whatever package is best for you will depend on your usage pattern!

Unlimited costs around 1000 Baht/month, but I guess this only makes sense if you are more then 5 hours online every single day!

Not sure how much you would use, but my advice would be as follows:

Get a one2call "netsim". Costs 210 Baht.

This gives you 30 hours of internet for 99 Baht/month. On top of this you can subscribe to for example 50 hours extra. Costs 214 Baht. So you are getting 80 hours for 300 something Baht/ month. (added bonus, a 300 Baht top up gives 90 days validity on the netsim!)


On top of that I would also take a Dtac simcard as back-up. You'd need to put on 200 Baht/month to keep it alive (I think, can be 300 Baht).

So your total cost is maximum 600 Baht, you have excellent reliability, when AIS (which would be your main access) is slow or not working, just pop in the Dtac sim.

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Well I've tried the EDGE modem using both DTAC and AIS and they are useless, averaging 56k or nothing at all throughout day. Occasionally at low usage times it creeps up a bit.

What about CDMA? Is this a better faster option and does it work. Hotels have wireless up this way and everyone I've used is only working 30% of time and slow. Is there any internet beyond Bangkok of any reliability?

I'm thinking of trying CDMA but not willing to fork out 10000b for a modem if ther service is as bad as everything else? Any comments on service is appreciated?

Another question, how does one pay for CDMA accounts after buying an aircard? Can foreigners buy them easily?

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Well I've tried the EDGE modem using both DTAC and AIS and they are useless, averaging 56k or nothing at all throughout day. Occasionally at low usage times it creeps up a bit.

What about CDMA? Is this a better faster option and does it work. Hotels have wireless up this way and everyone I've used is only working 30% of time and slow. Is there any internet beyond Bangkok of any reliability?

I'm thinking of trying CDMA but not willing to fork out 10000b for a modem if ther service is as bad as everything else? Any comments on service is appreciated?

Another question, how does one pay for CDMA accounts after buying an aircard? Can foreigners buy them easily?

You would be surprised at the number of people using EDGE or GPRS.

I have been using it for years and I live up country.

Mind you I have only been waiting for a land line since we started building the house back in 2003 and it still has not arrived.

Granted that it does not work at warp factor 5 and that CDMA is not available nationwide yet and probably never will be the EDGE/GPRS is an acceptable option considering the alternative is a satellite link at a higher cost and nowhere near as reliable.

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Well I've tried the EDGE modem using both DTAC and AIS and they are useless, averaging 56k or nothing at all throughout day. Occasionally at low usage times it creeps up a bit.

What about CDMA? Is this a better faster option and does it work. Hotels have wireless up this way and everyone I've used is only working 30% of time and slow. Is there any internet beyond Bangkok of any reliability?

I'm thinking of trying CDMA but not willing to fork out 10000b for a modem if ther service is as bad as everything else? Any comments on service is appreciated?

Another question, how does one pay for CDMA accounts after buying an aircard? Can foreigners buy them easily?

Strange, while not blistering fast, it works much better for me then what you are getting!

This is at 18:45 on Dtac, Singapore based Thai Visa test:

Last Result:

Download Speed: 138 kbps (17.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 60 kbps (7.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

Latency: 1410 ms

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 6:47:11 PM

Latency is higher then then normal, mostly it's around 700 msec. AIS is usually faster...



Very little difference between local test and USA test, so speed currently most likely limited due to high load on the local cell tower.

Still at 130 kbps down and 60 -70 kbps up better then dial-up...

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