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Stolen Adsense Cheques

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Well, have any members had any experiences with stolen Adsense cheques? I have spent the last week or so searching through all the different places that my mail gets delivered to and finally contacted google to cancel the cheque and have it reissued. Much to my surprise they emailed me back and informed me that it has already been cashed, :o

After a bit of googling I have found that stolen google cheques is quite rampant across the second world so its not a big surprise that this has happened in LOS.

So, has anybody else had this situation and what did they do about it? Currently I have emailed Google back and tried to find out where my cheque was cashed. I should then be able to hit that bank up to try and recover my money and/or issue a police report...

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i nearly had this with clickbank once !

but if they have been cashed, the theif must be increadibly thick! ... was the same when by ATM card was stolen and the theif didnt withdraw money, just transfered to there own account lol ......

but you must make a police report first at the Tourist Police, who will issue you with a report which you can scan and send to google. But the police WILL NOT investigate for you, you have to do yourself and get the name and then pass to the police

how much where the CHQ for?

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I should then be able to hit that bank up to try and recover my money and/or issue a police report...

For your adsense income lost cheque, just to be safe I'd make sure you have your work permit and thai personal tax in order before involving the police...could easily backfire on you.

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I can tell you for nothing, speaking as an adsense recipient, that work-permits for adsense cheques will be near-nonexistant for most folk, unless they head major website building companies.

Most in the adsense seen are independents who aren't keen to dive into the beauracracy of thai law :o

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I can tell you for nothing, speaking as an adsense recipient, that work-permits for adsense cheques will be near-nonexistant for most folk, unless they head major website building companies.

Most in the adsense seen are independents who aren't keen to dive into the beauracracy of thai law :o

Exactly, flying under the radar. Bit of a catch 22 then isn't it(breaking the law, but seek protection under the law), file a police report and you pop up on the radar, heck you even walk into the radar monitoring station and declare your presence and vital statistics :D

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A way round it is to be vague about the cheque itself. Not actually say its from google, more like from a friend in the states who owes you money :o

That way the police don't have alarm bells ringing at the thought of a farang actually making money while in Thailand :D

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I should then be able to hit that bank up to try and recover my money and/or issue a police report...

For your adsense income lost cheque, just to be safe I'd make sure you have your work permit and thai personal tax in order before involving the police...could easily backfire on you.

How about Google? I guess it could back fire on them as well once the word gets out they're paying illegal workers etc.

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I doubt it. What goes on outside the almighty US is another persons business.

For surely you could say the same thing about the wealthy expats living off interest payments, stocks and shares and the like.

Cyberspace isn't in the 'real world' it's impossible to pin down.

However if the person is a US citizen then there might be something to what you say.

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I guess you’re right Jim it’s a bit of a stretch but I was more thinking from a Thai perspective and whether the local government here would have a case if they would object to Google paying money to expats in Thailand who are not supposed to work without work permit etc.

Not sure how much money is being paid in Thailand but I assume if it’s a large enough sum they would not want to miss out on tax etc.

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Did receive my Adbrite checks so far with no problem but the Siam Commercial Bank refused the last 105$ check with the comment that no checks are processed below 150$. That after 45 minutes waiting of course. Haven't tried another bank yet but the last check took two months to get deposited on our account after deducting a 600 Baht fee.

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