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adjan jb

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Why hide behind an avatar name? Why not just use your real name? Of course that could be a problem if there was more than one person with the same name registered. It could lead to some humorous situations similar to the old..."Who is on first?" skit

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Why hide behind an avatar name? Why not just use your real name? Of course that could be a problem if there was more than one person with the same name registered. It could lead to some humorous situations similar to the old..."Who is on first?" skit

Too many nutcases on the net. « Hiding » behind a nickname is like wearing a condom. It’s safer.

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Why hide behind an avatar name? Why not just use your real name? Of course that could be a problem if there was more than one person with the same name registered. It could lead to some humorous situations similar to the old..."Who is on first?" skit

identity fraud is the main reason. online crims can do a lot with your name, surname, date of birth and geographical location.

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So far we have:




Fokker (my mother won’t like it)





Fritzl (I’m not Austrian)

George Butch

Le Cocke

Reynard le Fox


Claqueur (whatever it means)

Frotteur (see above)



General Topics

Le Coq schizophrène


Since I’m a music freak, I quite like King Crimson (btw, my avatar already wears a crimson shirt), Grateful Dead and Selim (Miles).

Maybe also: Léon, Barjot, Milo Minderbinder (from Catch 22), Bardamu (Journey to the End of the Night), ...

Actually Yossarian was my favourite but unfortunately it's already been taken.

I'm sure a few more ideas will come out when we meet at Tuskers.

Edited by adjan jb
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Why hide behind an avatar name? Why not just use your real name? Of course that could be a problem if there was more than one person with the same name registered. It could lead to some humorous situations similar to the old..."Who is on first?" skit

Too many nutcases on the net. « Hiding » behind a nickname is like wearing a condom. It's safer.

I guess I'm just too old to care. I'm too well known in other places to hide from anyone. If I wanted to go into hiding I certainly wouldn't play on the internet.

And, if I was worried about being safe I certainly would ride a bike or motorcycle in Thailand. In fact I probably wouldn't BE in Thailand. I'd be home hiding under the covers with a TV remote control, and waiting to die of old age and boredom.

Have fun with the name, though. I prefer things simple and catchy. I use March Brown as one internet name because a March Brown is a fly pattern I use for fishing.

How about "BANGLES"

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Since I'm a music freak, I quite like King Crimson (btw, my avatar already wears a crimson shirt), Grateful Dead and Selim (Miles).

Maybe also: Léon, Barjot, Milo Minderbinder (from Catch 22), Bardamu (Journey to the End of the Night), ...

Actually Yossarian was my favourite but unfortunately it's already been taken.

I'm sure a few more ideas will come out when we meet at Tuskers.

as a catch-22 fan i have to then recommend major major major major.

courtesy of wiki: He has the surname Major, and at birth his father gave him the first and middle names Major and Major, despite informing the mother that he had named the boy 'Caleb' in accordance with her wishes. She only discovers Major Major Major's real first and middle names when his birth certificate is required for him to enter kindergarten, and the shock leads to her death. The novel explains this was a joke on his father's part, and notes that it is not a particularly funny one. During the novel, it is revealed that he can never be promoted nor demoted, because the army has only one Major Major Major Major and Ex-PFC Wintergreen does not intend to let this change.

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as a catch-22 fan...

His heart cracked, and he fell in love. He wondered if she would marry him.

'Tu sei pazzo,' she told him with a pleasant laugh.

'Why am I crazy?' he asked.

'Perchè non posso sposare.' she answered.

'Why can't you get married?'

'Because I am not a virgin,' she answered.

'What has that got to do with it?'

'Who will marry me? No one wants a girl who is not a virgin.'

'I will. I'll marry you.'

'Ma non posso sposarti.'

'Why can't you marry me?'

'Perchè sei pazzo.'

'Why am I crazy?'

'Perchè vuoi sposarmi.'

Yossarian wrinkled his forehead with quizzical amusement. 'You won't marry me because I'm crazy, and you say I'm crazy because I want to marry you? Is that right?'


'Tu sei pazz!' he told her loudly.

'Perchè?' she shouted back at him, and smacked him loudly and flamboyantly on the chest with the back of her hand. 'Non posso sposarti! Non capisci? Non possso sposarti.'

'Oh, sure, I understand. And why can't you marry me?'

'Perchè sei pazzo!'

'And why am I crazy?

'Perchè vuoi sposarmi.

'Because I want to marry you. Corina, ti amo,' he explained, and he drew her gently back down to the pillow. Ti amo molto.'

'Tu sei pazzo,' she murmured in reply, flattered.


'Because you say you love me. How can you love a girl who is not a virgin?'

'Because I can't marry you'

She bolted right up again in a treatening rage. 'Why can't you marry me?' she demanded, ready to clout him again if he gave an uncomplimentary reply. 'Just because I am not a virgin?'

'No, no, darling. Because you're crazy.'


I wish I could be Yossarian.

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When I started this thread, I thought I could kill two birds with one stone: find an original nickname and have some fun (even at my expense) but I couldn't care less about what strangers think about me.

Hi Adjan**,

How about :


or :


or :


regards, ~o:37;

p.s. bonus literary points have been added to your account for the delicious quote from Heller !

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