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I Don't Get It, After 1,5 Years...


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I've met my Thai girlfriend 1,5 years ago on my vacation to Thailand. Since then i've been there a few times ( fuc_king alot of money ) and lately, she was here in the netherlands on a visit. We talked alot and promised to each other to start a future here. She just got back last friday the 20th and got the Inburgeringsexamen NL at the embassy. And now we'r talking on Skype or MSN and she starts to hesitate like: honey i'm not sure. Money of Survival is will choose number 2. When I sad goodbye to her at the airport we made a promise. I will stick to it, but someway in my head i was thinking she does change her mind again ) I'm going bad financial here because of the crisis. I don't want to loose her though. What am i supposse to do to give her some confident? What's going on in the brain of thai lady? ( She is from the south ). I'm sure alot more guys experienced it. Anyhow she's not a bargirl, but a decent young lady.


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we communicate in english, she can speak the dutch a little. She was here not so long ago, 6 days. She doesn't want to talk to me yet. She thinking about it i think. Very strange, since we agreed and talked about future here. I understand it's a change of culture, but why do they have problem here, and i don't have problem with thailand? Is it there culture?

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A total of 1.5 years isnt enough time to know somebody inside out.My suggestion is to say you will see her when you go to Thailand and see how it goes.


The crap you said,that she isnt a bar girl means jack shit in Thailand,learn from that.

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It's possible that she suddenly realises that this is it, the big leap. Not only committment to a guy but in a foriegn land far away from her family and friends. Maybe she's getting cold feet over it, maybe she just needs a little time to think thngs over. These people are not like many of us who think nothing of jumping on a plane for a new life someplace else. Some of these people have seldom been out of their province let alone country.

It's a massive step in the dark for her, give her a bit of breathing space and if she doesn't come through for you don't think bad of her, it just wasn't to be.

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she starts to hesitate like: honey i'm not sure. Money of Survival is will choose number 2. When I'm going bad financial here because of the crisis. I don't want to loose her though. What am i supposse to do to give her some confident?


Maybe this is the reason she has gone cold on you.

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Don't talk like there are a 1000 more. We love each other, I'm not thinking of another wife. She is not that strong on physical that's what i allready found out.

What do you mean "we love each other" ? Maybe you love her alright but she's obviously not feeling the same as you right now .

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If it were me I wouldn't want to live in the Netherlands either. :o


What do you mean "we love each other" ? Maybe you love her alright but she's obviously not feeling the same as you right now .

Diden't you read? she called him HONEY!!!


what's wrong with chicks in the NL?? i herd there really hot.

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If it were me I wouldn't want to live in the Netherlands either. :o

Yes you are right. If i do it, it's only for the little social security you have here.

Anyhow it still seems the best option, also for the future.

It seems she is better know, it take times i realize. Let's hope for the best.

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she starts to hesitate like: honey i'm not sure. Money of Survival is will choose number 2. When I'm going bad financial here because of the crisis. I don't want to loose her though. What am i supposse to do to give her some confident?


Maybe this is the reason she has gone cold on you.

Sad to say this is probably correct and don't forget shr can't nip out to a street vendor

for rice and noodles nor will she ever get warm. There is no world outside of Thailand to a Thai.

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Many ladies have 3 options .

1 $$$ Money

2 $$$$$$ More Money

3 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Love you many HANDSOME MAN

Oh , sorry , you have the exception to the general rule , hope so for your sake , think you are not well off now ? A lesson learned every day , well , for some . :o

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You say you have known her for 18 months, during that period what is the total number of weeks you were together in Thailand....??? How many weeks did she spend with you in the NL........???

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Let it run a while, if she really wants you she will come to you, if not cut your losses and move on. :o


ths half right i would say just cut your loses and forget her

Edited by mhatami
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I love it, these guys never stop, is mankind (i.e males) just completely and utterly retarded or just partially? Im not a complete buffoon and clueless but so many of you are... hmmm this should really be the topic of serious debates around the world. I know reading this the op just doesn't get it at all and will never understand what Im saying here....

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It's possible that she suddenly realises that this is it, the big leap. Not only committment to a guy but in a foriegn land far away from her family and friends. Maybe she's getting cold feet over it, maybe she just needs a little time to think thngs over. These people are not like many of us who think nothing of jumping on a plane for a new life someplace else. Some of these people have seldom been out of their province let alone country.

It's a massive step in the dark for her, give her a bit of breathing space and if she doesn't come through for you don't think bad of her, it just wasn't to be.

^^ What he said.

And don't forget that many Thai's are nowhere near as independant (sod the spelling) as us westerners.

When I first came to Thailand I came on my own and when I tell that to the majority of Thai's that look at me as though I must be a bit odd, they just cannot fathom it. They seem to think as though I must have been some kind of social leper or something to actually go to another country with hoardes of friends and family.

Thai's tend to have family and friends very close all the time. Whereas farangs often prefer to be more solitary (asides from socialising).

Bear that in mind and then think that maybe the girl is maybe just a tad terrified about going to another country with somebody she has not known that long, without family and friends.

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I've met my Thai girlfriend 1,5 years ago on my vacation to Thailand. Since then i've been there a few times ( fuc_king alot of money ) and lately, she was here in the netherlands on a visit. We talked alot and promised to each other to start a future here. She just got back last friday the 20th and got the Inburgeringsexamen NL at the embassy. And now we'r talking on Skype or MSN and she starts to hesitate like: honey i'm not sure. Money of Survival is will choose number 2. When I sad goodbye to her at the airport we made a promise. I will stick to it, but someway in my head i was thinking she does change her mind again ) I'm going bad financial here because of the crisis. I don't want to loose her though. What am i supposse to do to give her some confident? What's going on in the brain of thai lady? ( She is from the south ). I'm sure alot more guys experienced it. Anyhow she's not a bargirl, but a decent young lady.


If a girl is in love with a guy, she will go anywhere with him, anyplace, anytime and willing to build a future together without the demand that the guy has to have money upfront first.

Strange that she calls you Honey. Many girls of ill repute use terms like, Honey, Love, Dear and God Bless.

I wager you paid for her trip to the Netherlands and she saw that you are having financial problems. That’s what’s going on in the mind of this Thai woman. If you’re not looking too good as a financial prospect, than she will soon move on and seek some other mug willing to fall stupidly in love and part with his assets for a bit of long term hot totty.

Lets face it, there is no romance in this case, her relationship with you is strictly a business partnership, especially if you are older than the girl.

The word now out on the street is, don’t get involved with Thai women, especially during this world economic crisis.

They are desperate, looking for easy ways to obtain lots of money quickly and becoming more deceitful and cunning.

Your emotions and feelings are irrelevant to her; it’s money number 1.

Chuck this Thai money number 1 girl in and find a decent girl in Holland.

Edited by sassienie
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Ya... you COULD do that. You know explain it to the op clearly and all... or you could be vague and critical like my previous post since both our posts won't make a dam_n bit of difference to the op and he will just careen towards disaster like the other million retards that come here and "fall in love".

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