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I Don't Get It, After 1,5 Years...


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A 21 yo pretty girl from our small issan town has been to Ozz, Switzerland,sweden,UK, and USA, in other words, she has travelled free in exchange for you know what,,,

Perhaps the OPs GF has got the travel bug now, let her go, and if you still want a thai girl, find one that has her own legitimate buisness already,

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Sorry Bart, many falangs learned it the hard way - guess it's your turn now. Just a few days ago, a Thai friend of mine who comes from Pathumthani went to Germany to visit her boyfriend. The last week before she flew out of Thailand she spent in Bangkok in my condo.

Hope you'll get the clue.

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A total of 1.5 years isnt enough time to know somebody inside out.

How long would you say is long enough? I don't think you can ever know someone 100% inside out, but I think 1.5 years is long enough to have a pretty good idea.

Unless i am mistaken they havent lived for 1.5 years,he sees her and they keep in touch by phone.Expect to be ripped off if only 1.5 years and thats any girl not just thai

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A total of 1.5 years isnt enough time to know somebody inside out.

How long would you say is long enough? I don't think you can ever know someone 100% inside out, but I think 1.5 years is long enough to have a pretty good idea.

1.5 year if living together or dating, sure. Not 1.5 year of knowing someone on a distance and meeting sometimes for vacations.

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so you just said she isnt really interested in you physically(if thats not what u said, you really cannot communicate in english) and now you are going broke and trying to get her to leave her beloved country, while you have a hard time communicating since you both have bad english(i can hardly understand your first post)

Well, lose some weight, get some surgical enhancement and maybe then you'll be worth it?

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For any Thai lady, the transition of settling in the Netherlands would be very difficult. If she would make a half hearted move after thinking about it a long time, than from the beginning on the problems of adapting to a completely different type of life would weigh heavily on her, and she might soon regret her decision.

It ain't easy, and if she wants it, she should want it 100%

Money of Survival is will choose number 2.

Not sure what you mean by that. In case it means that there is a second guy who could be an alternative for her, cut loose right away. You are not a piece of merchandise that has to be compared with other brands.

In case you mean something different, please accept my apologies for the misunderstanding.

Sterkte anyways,


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Agree with Keethsa and Phil Harris.

Moving to a new country/culture is a HUGE step and it is entirely normal, even desirable, that she would need to seriously think it over. Having been to visit she now has a clearer idea of what boith the place and her lifestyle there would be like, possibly both not up to her expectations or perhaps just how different it is from Thailand becam,e a reality to her.

I certainly would not hold it against a woman to need to give some careful thought before taking such a big step.

But if this cryptic "Money or (I assume of should be or) Survival is will choose number 2." remark is something she said\, I'd want to find out what she meant by "surviv al"as oposed to money??? ANd I'd be concerned about the money rfeference altogether.

In short her taking some time to think it over is a good idea IMO and so would be you trying to find out just what she meant by that remark.

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Thai's tend to have family and friends very close all the time. Whereas farangs often prefer to be more solitary (asides from socialising).

True this..

I think it is what makes westerners succesfull many times in business and accomplishment.

It;s not only a Thai thing - it's a general east asian culture /confucianism group thing. All asians focus on group harmony before individual happiness.

But I agree that it is annoying sometimes, how thais cannot do anything without a "support" group.

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Sorry Bart, many falangs learned it the hard way - guess it's your turn now. Just a few days ago, a Thai friend of mine who comes from Pathumthani went to Germany to visit her boyfriend. The last week before she flew out of Thailand she spent in Bangkok in my condo.

Hope you'll get the clue.

Yes because every Thai girl is the same, bet your momma's real proud Erap

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.................................. We talked alot and promised to each other to start a future here. ..................................................... Money of Survival is will choose number 2. ................................................... Anyhow she's not a bargirl, but a decent young lady.


I was a little confused by your post. I couldn't understand why she wouldn't want to locate to Bangkok. Underneath your avatar you have your location as Bangkok.

"Money of Survival is will choose number 2" - I'm sorry, but I have no idea what this means.

Many bargirls are decent young ladies

Many decent young ladies are hookers.

So you're on of the lucky ones who doesn't have to pay your gf when she stays with you

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we communicate in english, she can speak the dutch a little. She was here not so long ago, 6 days. She doesn't want to talk to me yet. She thinking about it i think. Very strange, since we agreed and talked about future here. I understand it's a change of culture, but why do they have problem here, and i don't have problem with thailand? Is it there culture?

She's found another Farang dude.

She's hedging her bets.

If the other farang can offer more...she'll go with him.


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Sounds like the OP is unemployed and is contemplating living on social security in Holland. Not exactly his girlfriend's idea of a new dream life, I guess.

One of the first things a woman asks a man is "What do you do?" They do this because they are attracted to men who have earning potential and who can provide security for them and their kids.

Unemployed men are considered unattractive, for the same reason.

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If it were me I wouldn't want to live in the Netherlands either. :o

I would love to live in Amsterdam a couple weeks at a time a couple times a year, great fun city, great cheese :D . but then its right back to pattaya. maybe she feels the same way

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Don't talk like there are a 1000 more. We love each other, I'm not thinking of another wife. She is not that strong on physical that's what i allready found out.

You are right. There are NOT 1,000's more. It's not that good here, particularly if you are looking for a quality woman, who is willing to get in a relationship with a foreigner. However, if she is not that good in "physical" as you call it (I assume you mean sex), I would think things over carefully. How old are you & how old is she?

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  • 1 month later...

Well to kick this topic up. It's still going, but last few weeks, we didn't have much contact. Seems the only reaction I get from her: I'm safe with my parents. Living in Pattani, one of the most southern regions, doens't make me feel happy to. When I hear things from here like: yesterday I woke up 4 am of some shooting, went out to look and saw nothing went back to sleep.

Atleast I wasn't so blind to send 10k baht a month to her bankaccount. I'm not the type of guy that just let go, i will take care of myself now for sure but just saying "bye bye" isn't a good reason for me.

I leave her to rest for know, and follow her actions, on what's her next move.

You guys may not believe it, she really loves me, but I think ( and heared others opinions) her parent's or family pressure is holding it back.

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Sorry Bart, many falangs learned it the hard way - guess it's your turn now. Just a few days ago, a Thai friend of mine who comes from Pathumthani went to Germany to visit her boyfriend. The last week before she flew out of Thailand she spent in Bangkok in my condo.

Hope you'll get the clue.

Yes because every Thai girl is the same, bet your momma's real proud Erap

LOL :D:)

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.................................. We talked alot and promised to each other to start a future here. ..................................................... Money of Survival is will choose number 2. ................................................... Anyhow she's not a bargirl, but a decent young lady.


I was a little confused by your post. I couldn't understand why she wouldn't want to locate to Bangkok. Underneath your avatar you have your location as Bangkok.

"Money of Survival is will choose number 2" - I'm sorry, but I have no idea what this means.

I maybe typed the opening post a bit quickly, I meaned: Money or Survival, I will choose number 2.

And I am in The Netherlands now.

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.................................. We talked alot and promised to each other to start a future here. ..................................................... Money of Survival is will choose number 2. ................................................... Anyhow she's not a bargirl, but a decent young lady.


I was a little confused by your post. I couldn't understand why she wouldn't want to locate to Bangkok. Underneath your avatar you have your location as Bangkok.

"Money of Survival is will choose number 2" - I'm sorry, but I have no idea what this means.

I maybe typed the opening post a bit quickly, I meaned: Money or Survival, I will choose number 2.

And I am in The Netherlands now.

Money or survival? You've said that visiting Thailand is really expensive and that you're having problems due to the recent problems in the economy overall.

So my guess is you mean more like choosing money versus happiness, or money versus love. No need to even bring Thai culture into this. This story plays out the world over. Sometimes love wins, sometimes money.

But in your case, you're throwing a long distance relationship on top of that, along with maybe not being so physically attracive(?). She's visited you at home and now is having second thoughts. No doubt weather, culture, and language are also big things that she's having to decide about now. I would imagine she also caught people staring at her and not in a nice way either. If her family is against you as well, you're playing long odds.

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Cold Feet :D another guy in the picture, who knows, I do know it takes time to know them, 1 year, two years whatever(?) Beware keep your baht close to your chest, the Thai Ladies are street smart and with a little sweet talk and a sweet smile you could be wiped out in a heartbeat. :):D:D

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I have had some train wreck relationships with American ladies and came to the conclusion (right, wrong or indifferent) what I needed in a woman to have a good relationship was someone with an equal education, same goals, similar morals and values and most important same financial and "class" background. It took a while until I found her and it just so happens she is Thai (not that it matters, I wasn't looking for a Thai woman) and live has been peachy keen for years now.

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