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Confiscated Perfumes And The Like At Airport Checkin


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"know for a fact, (don't ask)...security divides the confiscated liquids, gels and other prohibited items according to seniority."

"Don't ask"? You sound like the guy who had a "secret DVD that proved that BKK airport had to be torn done, the entire area excavated to 300 feet, and then rebuilt". Shhh, it's a secret! If someone wants a half-bottle of cola, and a half-used jar of hair gel, their lives really are desperate. Not nearly as desperate as someone who has a super, duper secret...

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"know for a fact, (don't ask)...security divides the confiscated liquids, gels and other prohibited items according to seniority."

"Don't ask"? You sound like the guy who had a "secret DVD that proved that BKK airport had to be torn done, the entire area excavated to 300 feet, and then rebuilt". Shhh, it's a secret! If someone wants a half-bottle of cola, and a half-used jar of hair gel, their lives really are desperate. Not nearly as desperate as someone who has a super, duper secret...

Maybe time to start filling old empty perfume bottle with Hydrocloric Acid.

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I had not flown for a long time so did not know the rules regarding taking liquids in hand luggage. Bought a bottle of Whiskey in Pattaya, to take home for my

Parents - got to check in, and this Security Officer found it in my bag, said I could not take it through, so I replied that I needed the Toilet immediately, will be back soon.

Emtied the entire contents down the Loo, Went back, and he said 'wheres the Whiskey' I pointed to my mouth.

He searched my bag again, then let me though, he looked fed up.

I would rather throw it away than someone else benefit from my expense.

Edited by pattaya_girl
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Don't blame the Thai. Blame the Americans. They set the rules.

If you don't want others to profit from it, empty it.

I had a sore thumb and have a small tube of medicle gel. The officer say so, so I squeeze empty the tube into the bin, messing everything in there.

I am thinking, have no courage to do it yet. Find an empty whiskey bottle. Fill up up with pee. Bring to the airport. Security say no. Empty the smelling stuff into the bin, messing everything else in there. ;-)

Edited by samgrowth
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"Customs...now has an incentive to arbitrarily sieze items that are then sold for profit or kept for personal use."

The list of items not allowed is well-publicized. For example: a 100ml bottle of perfume is allowed. A 250ml bottle with 100ml of perfume is not allowed.

There is nothing "arbitrary" about it.

Edited by hhgz
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Once while boarding a flight in Brazil I stupidly forgot to put my pocket knife in my checked bag.

A Victorinox Swiss Army knife, handy sized (not one of those with the spoon etc).

I realized it the moment I stuck my hand in my pocket at the security check. Oh well.

The young security guard, when he saw it, well he had that "child on Christmas morning" expression on his face, and it took him a few seconds to compose himself before he could explain that he has no choice but to confiscate it.

Stuff like that is only sold in tony shops down there and costs double what you'd pay in Europe.

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Bought a few lotions from Boots in BKK airport in an attempt to pass the time. Boots did not seal the package, tho I had a receipt :o . The row of guards demanded the surrender of these dangerous potions. They did not like it when I emptied the containers into the rubbish bin. (Should that not protect us all from harm?).

(You can, of course pay 5 times the normal price for bottled water once you pass Immigration).

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my old lady got clipped at samui airport, with two 110 un opened tubes of stupid expensive face cream..... Apparently it was my fault for not putting them in the checked luggage. One very happy security lady, our flight was then delayed for a hour, the missus decided she was gonna go get the face creams back and check her carry on. So back to security we go, and no one can find the creams.........25 minutes and a few choice words to the lil security girl and they re apear,

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This thread has sure brought some of the TV creeps out! Yes, get very angry about your own lack of knowledge, piss in the bottle so some security worker making 25B an hour can get a rude "lesson". By all means begrudge that person from using some shampoo that would cost them 2 hours of work to buy, it should just be wasted eh? Pathetic bunch.

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Many times I have seen irrate pasengers getting their expensive perfumes and after shaves confiscated at the departure gate bag checks.

I hear many times passengers pleading with customs that the bottles are [b]half full[/b] and the contents meet the allotted amount.

Allways to no avail, they allways point blank refuse to listen to any reason. I often wondered why they were so tough. Even when the bottle is clearly half empty!

Today I found out why. My Thai wife told me that on sanuk.com there are many "used" expensive perfumes for sale, all the expensive brands...EVERY DAY.

She also told me it is common knowledge amongst the Thai's that this is where they come from. No wonder customs are so forcefull, they are making a fortune out of it!

I was a bit shocked :D you think you've seen it all in Thailand but there is allways one more :o

Livinginexile passengers should not be irate they (customs) are looking after their safety.

Look at it this way:

Somebody in their wisdom worked out that 100ml or less was not enough to constitute a mixture that would cause a problem but if someone was to mix up a concoction of say 1000ml and then half fill say 20x100ml bottles spread them through say 5 extremists carry on luggage you have the potential for a situation probably highly unprobable but the possibility is there.

I know there are probably a thousand and one ways to get around the 100ml rule but at least they are doing something and it is highly publsized world wide so no reason for potential passengers to get irate.

Rather have >100ml confiscated, remove shoes put thru x-ray even have my privates trickled (preferably by young lass) than get blown out of the sky. :D

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The problem is when you when you are travelling on business normally two/three days I can pack all what I need into a small travel bag, this bag also contains my toiletries.

The idea of having only carry-on luggage apeals to me when I travel, less hassle having to wait on bags coming off the plane and carousel.

As a note it was also pointed out that the bottles are half empty and less than the allowance set by customs etc....

I too also like to travel as much as possible with carry on luggage only. All this means is that I have to buy the smaalest tube of toothpaste, smallest shower gel/shampoo etc etc that will last me when I arrive at destination. What's not used by the end of the trip is left behind. Okay it costs me a few quid but so what? It's not like it's going to break the bank.

A couple of times I've forgotten that an offending item is in my bag and I get stopped at the security check. No problem, a quick apology and let them take the stuff and if they want to take it home or sell it on the internet I really don't give a flying duck.

As for all the whingers out there who moan on about it being unnecessary as nobody has ever brought an airliner down with liquid explosives I can only say thank <deleted> you are nothing to do with airport security.

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It's all a crock anyway as you can buy liquids at Duty Free and take them on board.

Thankfully many countries are now relaxing these idiotic rules.

Ya hafta be careful if you are deplaned, transferred or even back on original plane'

Happens when transiting thru' OZ airports, they confiscat all liquids, even tho' they were bought airside in NZ........S.E.A........UK.

Ockors rate same as elsewhere, party after work.

:o ............ :D ............... :D

Edited by Zpete
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This thread has sure brought some of the TV creeps out! Yes, get very angry about your own lack of knowledge, piss in the bottle so some security worker making 25B an hour can get a rude "lesson". By all means begrudge that person from using some shampoo that would cost them 2 hours of work to buy, it should just be wasted eh? Pathetic bunch.

Its the principle - no stranger ever gave me anything for nothing, so why should i !!!

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The Saudi approach does at least seem fairer.

They will not allow any liquids to be brought into the country

and you have to pour it down a sink.........

No danger of re-sale that way. :D

Another approach is to say Ooops and drop the bottle,

hopefully it will smash and they can enjoy the scent for the rest of the day. :o

I emptied the container in question (sunscreen), at least i did the first time, there was no scond time because i learned the rules and it became a non issue.

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I've ranted many a time about the idiotic liquid laws.

They don't even let you pour some of the liquid out to be under the limit?

Where is the logic behind it, if i have a 120ml bottle of sun block, and clearly squirt half in a trash can....how can it possibly be more than the 100ml limit...

And not being allowed to bring water through when they only provide you with half a dixie cup during an 8 hour flight on the plane is ridiculous.

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I have not seen a travel size prepacked toilet bag yet.

I am surprised Boot's don't pack one for carry-on (male or female) containing in basic essentials in the right size containers that pack out the little bag to the max. Would piss off plently of security people that you are taking just the right size stuff of everything you need and there is nothing they can do about it!!

We need more travel size things, like shaving foam, really hard to find a mini bottle (yes they exist but not stocked much)......

As for the drink if you don't check your bag just buy Duty Free! obvious really....

If you know the rules these problems are very easy to avoid!

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I don't see the big deal the rule (as stupid as I think it is) is in place in all major airports... Don't bring a bottle half full or not that is larger than the allowed amount...

If they resell the item who cares? It’s not like the security guard made up the rules just to take your item...

I was just in the US on a visit with my 8month old son... and on my flight leaving the US we mistakenly put his large baby lotion bottle in the baby bag and not his small one... One airport security woman said sorry this is too large you can let us take it, or you can go back to check in and put it inside you check in luggage... I said no big deal just throw it away... She took it, we were not upset, then not even 30 seconds later another security officer comes with the same lotion and put it back in our baby bag and glared at the woman that took it away... It was interesting that the senior officer used his discretion and allow us to take more than the allowed amount....

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Seems to still be a lot of people around, and especially on TV that are not aware of the rules regarding liquids, etc, at the air ports.

Maybe I should light up a sig inside an air plane, then claim ignorance.


At least I will be able to have a few drags before I get stopped.


Joke aside,

When traveling over several longer legs, I normally buy a sealed cheap deodorant at one of the airports, which I use inside the airplane, when changing a shirt at the toilet.

This to make sure my fellow travellers do not suffer when they sit next to me. The cheap deo I just dump.

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I've ranted many a time about the idiotic liquid laws.

They don't even let you pour some of the liquid out to be under the limit?

Where is the logic behind it, if i have a 120ml bottle of sun block, and clearly squirt half in a trash can....how can it possibly be more than the 100ml limit...

And not being allowed to bring water through when they only provide you with half a dixie cup during an 8 hour flight on the plane is ridiculous.

No wonder you have "ranted many times about the idiotic liquid laws" you are obviously" a well travelled person and are used to travelling in style (half a dixie cup during an 8 hour flight) ????? remember next time you travel try asking nicely for another cup of water the response may suprise to say the least. (a further tip when travelling in these modern times is that they also have that frozen water stuff they call ice to fill the empty half of the dixie cup).

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