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Alien Or Foreigner


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Well I know the word Alien and it is used to describe a human

which does not belong to a country or is from outer space...

One question nags me. I met with lot of guys not only from Canada, England, USA, Australia

who are offended by the word "alien"

Are you a "foreigner" or an "alien" in in Thailand? What is actually the difference.

Alien is the official word? Foreigner the polite expression?

In the newspapers tourists are always "foreigners".... So, I am an alien, because

I am on a 1y extension?


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From a legal perspective in respect of the proper noun that is used formally in thai law, official documents(banking etc...) you will read the word ชาวต่างประเทศ used most often. This means foreigner which is also a synonym for alien.

Edited by kiakaha
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Cartman Gets an Anal Probe

Episode 101 (Original Air Date: Aug 13, 1997)

While the boys are waiting for the school bus, Cartman explains the odd nightmare he had the previous night involving alien visitors abducting him from his bed. Meanwhile Kyle and Stan try to convince Cartman that the dream was in fact a reality.


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Well I know the word Alien and it is used to describe a human

which does not belong to a country or is from outer space...

So how many humans you have met from outer space?

Do you usually meet them on lower Sukhumvit?

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My Japanese ID card is referred to as "Alien Registration Card" and it's number is needed in most forms at banks, immigration, city council.

It has "Certification of Alien Registration" written on it.

There is no word for farang. Gaijin is used for all foreigners (black, white, Arab, Chinese).

Gai-koku = Foreign country

Gai-jin = citizen of foreigner country

Nihon-jin = Japanese

Australia-jin = Australian

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Here in Korea I have my "Certificate of alien registration".

In Malaysia I had my "Alien registration card".

So alien is what I am, but foreigner is fine and I don't take umbrage at farang. I've also been a Limey, a Gringo and a Gai-jin but I guess my favourite just has to be han-some man. :o

btw my alien registration card in Malaysia allowed me to use the Malaysian passport channels at KL. Don't know if the same applies here but the immigration at Incheon is so speedy it's hardly worth finding out. Shame Thailand doesn't do a similar thing, in addition to slipping through the airport quicker you don't have to carry your passport with you. But then Thailand doesn't want us bluddy foreigners anyway.

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My Thai wife has Japanese "Alien Card", re-entry permit on her 3 years visa and can use Japanese passport lane at airports.

Now, she can see, while being called akin of "farang" herself, she can still have the benefit of using Japanese passport facilities.

I asked her, how would she feel if she had to go to Immigration every year and report her address every 3 months - she said "now way, why would someone do that to me?".

Haha, who does that every day to everyone on their soil?

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what are reptilians called in thailand then??

They are called "Politicians"

Excuse me but my client's, the International Association of Reptiles, wish it known that they take extreme offense to the suggestion that any of their honorable members be considered in the same light as politicians of any race, creed, gender or species.

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Here in Korea I have my "Certificate of alien registration".

In Malaysia I had my "Alien registration card".

So alien is what I am, but foreigner is fine and I don't take umbrage at farang. I've also been a Limey, a Gringo and a Gai-jin but I guess my favourite just has to be han-some man. :o

btw my alien registration card in Malaysia allowed me to use the Malaysian passport channels at KL. Don't know if the same applies here but the immigration at Incheon is so speedy it's hardly worth finding out. Shame Thailand doesn't do a similar thing, in addition to slipping through the airport quicker you don't have to carry your passport with you. But then Thailand doesn't want us bluddy foreigners anyway.

But then Thailand doesn't want us bluddy foreigners anyway.

Sad but (almost) true.

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