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"God tells us that there are 10 rules in life: Sir Thomas Beecham, the conductor, maintained that there was only one – try everything except incest and folk dancing. Most people, however, reckon there are two. Never meet your heroes. And never turn your hobby into a job.

There is, however, a third rule. It’s a big one. It’s bigger than the one that says you should never meet Chuck Yeager, the US test pilot who became a hero for breaking the sound barrier, because he’ll turn out to be deeply unpleasant. It’s bigger than the one about not coveting your neighbour’s wife. It’s even bigger than not doing morris dancing.

It is known simply as Rule Three and what it says is this: do not, under any circumstances, become an expat"

How would he know?

Full comment here: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/c...icle5992555.ece


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Funny that. He does characterize many of the typical British expats in Pattaya to a t. Maybe many of expats of all nationalities are "failures" but there are ample compensations ... I find I could care less about such labels these days.


"God tells us that there are 10 rules in life: Sir Thomas Beecham, the conductor, maintained that there was only one – try everything except incest and folk dancing. Most people, however, reckon there are two. Never meet your heroes. And never turn your hobby into a job.

There is, however, a third rule. It’s a big one. It’s bigger than the one that says you should never meet Chuck Yeager, the US test pilot who became a hero for breaking the sound barrier, because he’ll turn out to be deeply unpleasant. It’s bigger than the one about not coveting your neighbour’s wife. It’s even bigger than not doing morris dancing.

It is known simply as Rule Three and what it says is this: do not, under any circumstances, become an expat"

How would he know?

Full comment here: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/c...icle5992555.ece



Rule #4....Never listen to a puffed up overpaid twit...like Sir Thomas Beecham.



I would not call a British expat a loser for becoming an expat in Thailand, but merely someone that is very smart in trying to escape from living their life in the drab. lousy climate in GB. Living in Hawaii and California as I do, is as close to paradise as I will probably ever get so I would definitely consider myself a loser if I ever traded it for the hot muggy weather in Thailand. For me, I love Thailand and it is a great place to visit a few months a year, but I will leave the 365 days a year thing to the expats that are smart enough to escape from the more miserable climates.


Clarkson again, for crying out loud, the man has never had the wherewithall to do what it takes to become an expat in the first place - he missed his life's calling purely by a stroke of luck and wealthy parents otherwise he would surely have had a career down the pit, which is surely where the man belongs!


and who the hel_l is jeremy clarkson?with a name like jeremy,he sounds like "an upper class twit" maybe he cant afford to leave england,then maybe he loves us all on thai visa and thought it might be a good stir.

I would not call a British expat a loser for becoming an expat in Thailand, but merely someone that is very smart in trying to escape from living their life in the drab. lousy climate in GB. Living in Hawaii and California as I do, is as close to paradise as I will probably ever get so I would definitely consider myself a loser if I ever traded it for the hot muggy weather in Thailand. For me, I love Thailand and it is a great place to visit a few months a year, but I will leave the 365 days a year thing to the expats that are smart enough to escape from the more miserable climates.

Well said !!


My ancestors came from Spain, France and Italy 800 years ago.

They settled in Holland, England, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand and America.

My 15th great grand father was Abraham Zacuto and a friend of Christopher Columbus, who was the inventor of the navigational instruments that were used to guide Columbus to the new world.

Americans can thank my lot for being Americans. What a great loss to the world it would have been if America was never discovered.

So I suppose in a way, we are all ex-pats, even in our home countries.

Clarkson is a king above all off us mere men!

I dont want to here another word said against him!

Clarkson is an opinionated buffoon and a very good reason to leave the UK.

and who the hel_l is jeremy clarkson?with a name like jeremy,he sounds like "an upper class twit" maybe he cant afford to leave england,then maybe he loves us all on thai visa and thought it might be a good stir.

Isn't he the bloke that does "Top Gear" on the BBC?


It is known simply as Rule Three and what it says is this: do not, under any circumstances, become an expat"

How would he know?

Full comment here: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/c...icle5992555.ece



Rule #4....Never listen to a puffed up overpaid twit...like Sir Thomas Beecham.


Rule #5, stick to your area of expertise and refrain from opinionated judgmental criticism on how other people choose to live their lives.

Jeremy, you're very entertaining on Top Gear, especially when giving stick to May and the Hamster, but methinks your opinions characterize you as a complete dolt off camera.


I was going to add rule #5 but Spee beat me to it so it will have to be:-

Rule #6 : Do not listen to the incoherent ramblings of incompetent tele-dweebs like Clarkson.

He is one of the growing band of "celebrities" who have zero talent and desperately try to keep their name in the headlines by being controversial. Jonathan Woss is another of these annoying little creeps but a large proportion of the British public love them. I think that speak volumes for the people judged by Clarkson to be sucesses.


the writer is obviously not talking about any of you guys and is using very broad strokes - but do you think Thailand really only attracts the best farangs from their respective countries?


He obviously has never worked in another country, and has never experienced some of the finer things in life. Bet he has never watched a tropical sunrise, been smiled at by almost everyone you look in the eye, had a good meal for less than a pound or be completely content.

But that is good, he and others like him can stay close to where they were born and believe they live in the only good place on earth. When essentially he just does not have the balls to get out of his own back yard.


He obviously hit a nerve or two.

And I cant' help having a chuckle at the Brits here attacking him for his crime of having had wealthy parents and an 'Upper Class Twit' name... That class thing, they can never get rid of it regardless of having emmigrated.


I've just passed that article to two expats sitting along the corridor from me - They're p1ssing themselves laughing at it...

It's perhaps a good thing to see ourselves through the eyes of others from time to time.... nes pas?!


alright people, if you want to discuss the meritsetc of being an expat, thats all fine

but lets leave out the attacks, insultsand the likes shall we?

else I will have to close this thread

cheers :o

Clarkson is a king above all off us mere men!

I dont want to here another word said against him!

Here's the truth. That's where he came from... :o

To keep myself sane, I’d have to keep reminding myself, by reminding absolutely everyone within earshot, constantly, that I couldn’t possibly live in Britain because it’s full of bloody foreigners who hadn’t bothered to learn English. Then I’d summon Manuel and, in English, order another pint of gin.

I was in Majorca last weekend, which is jammed full of British expats all of whom would begin their explanation of how they got there with the same thing: “Well, after I sold the cab . . .”

There they were, in their chips and footie bars with their desperate eyes and their booze-ruined noses, regaling everyone with their stuck-record views on life back in Blighty.

“Don’t know how you can live in Britain. Bloody weather. Bloody Muslims. Bloody Brown,” and then, after a wistful pause, “. . . you don’t have a copy of today’s Telegraph do you?”

Come on guys, be honest... that's bl00dy funny.

I reckopn he's been reading ThaiVisa... Just think how many times you read that kind of stuff on here.

He obviously hit a nerve or two.

And I cant' help having a chuckle at the Brits here attacking him for his crime of having had wealthy parents and an 'Upper Class Twit' name... That class thing, they can never get rid of it regardless of having emmigrated.

so true,the class thing is ingrained and one of the reasons i got out of the UK over 30 years ago.And your right he has hit a nerve,but its very easy for him to use this as a throw away line,the thais would call him a hi so,and while he's probably swimming in cash and can afford regular jaunts to the caribbean,others have their one house,pension,and have dreamed of a life in a warmer climate where their money goes further,and its to these people that he's really taking the piss.

hundreds of thousands have left the UK(maybe millions)over the centuries,and made great lives for themselves,in s.africa,australia,new zealand,canada etc,are these losers too,i dont think so,they got out of a drab,small minded nation,to a better life just as UK expats have done.Yes they complain in their new homes but thats the nature of the brit,they like to complain where ever they are(its just their nature)does n't mean they are unhappy with their lot.

He obviously has never worked in another country, and has never experienced some of the finer things in life. Bet he has never watched a tropical sunrise, been smiled at by almost everyone you look in the eye, had a good meal for less than a pound or be completely content.

But that is good, he and others like him can stay close to where they were born and believe they live in the only good place on earth. When essentially he just does not have the balls to get out of his own back yard.

but do you understand those smiles?

Clarkson is a king above all off us mere men!

I dont want to here another word said against him!

Indeed he is. But I like him more when he is in the dynamic trio. All the craziness they have done have sure been fun to watch so far :o . One must remember not to take Clarkson to serious. He say almost anything to make a stir. Anyone remember what he said about truck drivers ("Change gear, change gear, check mirror, murder a prostitute, change gear, change gear, murder. That's a lot of effort in a day") and the responses the comment got?


From what I read of the piece he seems to have formed this wonderful, all encompassing, opinion of expats based on stereotyical Brit expats in Spain.

Isn't that rather like writing an article on Thai culture based on Pattaya bar girls?

For sure there are expats who fit his mold, I have met a few myself, but I think if he were to travel further afield he'd meet the true expats living and working away from home and may come away with a different viewpoint. But that is not his style, he likes to wind people up because that's all he can do and not very cleverly at that.

Minor celebrities like him need to keep their name in the lights or they quickly get forgotten and the best way to stay in the public eye is be contraversial.

I would not call a British expat a loser for becoming an expat in Thailand, but merely someone that is very smart in trying to escape from living their life in the drab. lousy climate in GB. Living in Hawaii and California as I do, is as close to paradise as I will probably ever get so I would definitely consider myself a loser if I ever traded it for the hot muggy weather in Thailand. For me, I love Thailand and it is a great place to visit a few months a year, but I will leave the 365 days a year thing to the expats that are smart enough to escape from the more miserable climates.

except that that Hawaii and California are completely devoid of culture and human interaction.

From what I read of the piece he seems to have formed this wonderful, all encompassing, opinion of expats based on stereotyical Brit expats in Spain.

Isn't that rather like writing an article on Thai culture based on Pattaya bar girls?

For sure there are expats who fit his mold, I have met a few myself, but I think if he were to travel further afield he'd meet the true expats living and working away from home and may come away with a different viewpoint. But that is not his style, he likes to wind people up because that's all he can do and not very cleverly at that.

Minor celebrities like him need to keep their name in the lights or they quickly get forgotten and the best way to stay in the public eye is be contraversial.

well for a high proportion of expats in Thailand interaction with bar girls and associated workers and areas is about the extent of their experience of Thai culture - but of course none of them are TV posters :o

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