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These red and yellow shirts do not represent the views of the majority but they are tearing the country apart. Thier actions are going to completely destroy the tourist industry and have a grave impact on the thai economy which is already struggling. It is going to take years for Thailand to recover because of the actions of the last 6 months


It will take at least 50 years before tourist arrivals are reduced even to those of just five years ago and it may never happen. These hordes of tourists that plague Thailand's shores are all but inevitable to rise over time. The dreamers hope they will recede, but dream on.

Regular tv channels don't show the real situation at Din Deang this morning.

But you have the inside story, because you're in the thick of it, with your laptop and wifi. :o

Regular tv channels don't show the real situation at Din Deang this morning.

But you have the inside story, because you're in the thick of it, with your laptop and wifi. :o

There are no regular channels in Thailand.

No need of coup because those who become PM after coups don't know how to develop Thailand. They are just big people in society after pleasing the ruling class. Most of them are not capable for PM job.

Koo, do you mean to criticise PM-Samak and PM-Somchai like this, I would have thought you would have supported the PPP-led coalition-government ?

Whatever I would agree that they were not capable of doing the job, pity it took a year to find this out, as that delayed the country's response to the developing global economic-crisis. :o


I know this is dramatic times, but please refrain from suggestions and comments purporting violence.

there is already enough of that going on.

not only is it not productive, but also keep in mind that it is against forum rules.

Regular tv channels don't show the real situation at Din Deang this morning.

But you have the inside story, because you're in the thick of it, with your laptop and wifi. :o

There are no regular channels in Thailand.

All the serious world media seem to be taking the same line. Most mention:

Abhisit came in illegally.

Paid a known criminal to support him in parliament. (mentioned "Notorious Mobster!)

Same criminal organised a blue shirted militia that seemed to provoke the red shirts.

Army acting quicker than against PAD - shows who is in control and that we had a coup last year.

Double standard of him using these tactics (through PAD) to get into power.

Desperate rearguard action of failed aging power clique. Bet a lot of adult nappies are taking a soiling now!

ASTV on the other hand appear to be looking over their sholders and packing their bags.

Regular tv channels don't show the real situation at Din Deang this morning.

But you have the inside story, because you're in the thick of it, with your laptop and wifi. :o

There are no regular channels in Thailand.

hmmm .... jumnien, after reading your last few posts I have concluded that you are one of the wiser ones here ... !

Thanks for the sanity!

Some protesters join the Red, but DO NOT support Thaksin. Some just don't like the way the army stage a coup to kick elected governmant out, rewrite election rules, and place their people in high places, distribute tax money to themselves (double defense budget allocation), etc. Giles is a good example.

You're absolutely right. There is a will to change a century old system, very deep will, Thaksin is just the way. I'm sure that for every red that supports Thaksin there is a least one or two who is here because they oppose the PAD, the democrats and what they represent.

There is something much bigger going on but as the saying goes, don't be fooled by the tree hiding the forest.

Nice effort to sound like you know what you're talking about. In fact what the reds stand for is more of the same failed electoral system. It fails all parties since whoever gets in power by election is soon ejected by one faction or another who feel disenfranchised. Right now red support is at an all-time low and it appears that even if an election were held now, they would lose. But even if they win it will only be a short time before another mass protest begins, whether yellow or whatever color. Then when they get in power, the reds or whoever will come out, and so on without end. Thailand's electoral system is in bad need of reform. The PAD offered a way out of this vicious cycle in their New Politics but unfortunately their bad behaviour - now clearly outdone by the Reds - means no one listened. So we're back to square one, buying votes, buying parties, not proportional or social representation. This cycle is not new, it has been revolving since the 1940s. The red and Thaksin have no solution to offer at all.

The demonstrators that took to the streets last year, and when the army took control in 2006, called themselves the People's Alliance for Democracy but their goal was not to secure more democracy, but less. The group believed the rural poor – who tend to support Mr Thaksin – were too uneducated to be involved in politics and that some MPs should be appointed. They were backed by business interests and ex-army officers.


Some protesters join the Red, but DO NOT support Thaksin. Some just don't like the way the army stage a coup to kick elected governmant out, rewrite election rules, and place their people in high places, distribute tax money to themselves (double defense budget allocation), etc. Giles is a good example.

You're absolutely right. There is a will to change a century old system, very deep will, Thaksin is just the way. I'm sure that for every red that supports Thaksin there is a least one or two who is here because they oppose the PAD, the democrats and what they represent.

There is something much bigger going on but as the saying goes, don't be fooled by the tree hiding the forest.

Nice effort to sound like you know what you're talking about. In fact what the reds stand for is more of the same failed electoral system. It fails all parties since whoever gets in power by election is soon ejected by one faction or another who feel disenfranchised. Right now red support is at an all-time low and it appears that even if an election were held now, they would lose. But even if they win it will only be a short time before another mass protest begins, whether yellow or whatever color. Then when they get in power, the reds or whoever will come out, and so on without end. Thailand's electoral system is in bad need of reform. The PAD offered a way out of this vicious cycle in their New Politics but unfortunately their bad behaviour - now clearly outdone by the Reds - means no one listened. So we're back to square one, buying votes, buying parties, not proportional or social representation. This cycle is not new, it has been revolving since the 1940s. The red and Thaksin have no solution to offer at all.

The demonstrators that took to the streets last year, and when the army took control in 2006, called themselves the People's Alliance for Democracy but their goal was not to secure more democracy, but less. The group believed the rural poor – who tend to support Mr Thaksin – were too uneducated to be involved in politics and that some MPs should be appointed. They were backed by business interests and ex-army officers.


and again the old lies!

And even if it would be true it would be better than the target of the reds: Installing a criminal as dictator.

The demonstrators that took to the streets last year, and when the army took control in 2006, called themselves the People's Alliance for Democracy but their goal was not to secure more democracy, but less. The group believed the rural poor – who tend to support Mr Thaksin – were too uneducated to be involved in politics and that some MPs should be appointed. They were backed by business interests and ex-army officers.

Sorry, but I believe you are mistaken, the PAD were formed in 2005 (much earlier than you say) with many differing groups, all having the same over-riding objective of exposing Thaksin and TRT as not being quite all they claimed to be.

Following the coup some of their leaders began to speculate about reforms to the system, to improve the electoral-system, or make Thai democracy more resistant to Thaksin's efforts to water it down. Remember "Democracy is not my objective", from the man who now claims to be its defender, from the safety of Dubai or wherever ?

The interesting proposal to which you refer, which was never the unifying theme which some people claim, was an approach which yet might actually get some direct-representatives of the poor farmers/taxi-drivers/whatever into Parliament, something which has not been achieved by any side. Not that the theory was workable in the form outlined. But an interesting idea for discussion.

There is little doubt that the constitution needs further reform, this is agreed by Abhisit/Democrats/PAD/Red-Shirts/PTP, the problem seems to be getting the process underway, and bloody insurrection is most certainly not going to lead to a workable solution.

And the rural poor in many areas do not support Thaksin, as he was well aware, when he promised them that any provinces which voted against TRT need not hold their breaths, waiting for any government-support following his anticipated re-election. No wonder they don't like him !

Lastly, is there any political group in Thailand, which is not backed by business-interests or ex-military officers ? I doubt it. I don't necessarily agree with it, but that seems to be the way things work here, thus far.


Red Leader Jackracrap is on BBC now. - Claims that the reds are completely innocent and peaceful. They have done nothing to provoke the government. BBC anchor pressed him on stopping his group's aggressive behavior, but he denied they had done anything provocative. He is well and truly insane...

Red Leader Jackracrap is on BBC now. - Claims that the reds are completely innocent and peaceful. They have done nothing to provoke the government. BBC anchor pressed him on stopping his group's aggressive behavior, but he denied they had done anything provocative. He is well and truly insane...

Fair and Balanced!

Did they say anything about a Govenment henchman recruiting a militia and dressing them in blue shirts....

He is on because the main channals have already given Abhisit and his cronies the chance to prove to the world that they are a self interest group of pupets put in place to defend the status quo of the Bangkok so called elite. Most want to see more of what is driving a normally placid people to the streets of Bangkok.

Perhaps that doesn't fit in with the point you are making though.

Airports still open if you don't like the country and its people. Remember, there are a lot more rural poor than Bangkok Middle Class.

Red Leader Jackracrap is on BBC now. - Claims that the reds are completely innocent and peaceful. They have done nothing to provoke the government. BBC anchor pressed him on stopping his group's aggressive behavior, but he denied they had done anything provocative. He is well and truly insane...

Sound more an more like the Minister of Propaganda in Saddams last days... it wasn' t jakrapop but he and his "friend" on Al Jazeera" Sean Boon-something just the same...

Red Leader Jackracrap is on BBC now. - Claims that the reds are completely innocent and peaceful. They have done nothing to provoke the government. BBC anchor pressed him on stopping his group's aggressive behavior, but he denied they had done anything provocative. He is well and truly insane...

He's just a chip off the block then. :D

I have a good friend who was personally cheated by Jakrapob about a decade ago, so can vouch that this man has about as much integrity as a cornered spitting cobra. :D

Unfortunately, he's always seem to have been quite adept at pulling the wool over the eyes of innocent reporters, impressed by his SAIS education and cosmopolitan attitudes. Think his allure maybe slipping fast, a bit like that of his Master. :o

Jakaprob conducted himself very well and kept calm and smiling all the time.

In the eyes of Westerners watching him on TV he will have garnered a lot of support.

Thaksin in CNN right now.

Jakaprob conducted himself very well and kept calm and smiling all the time.

In the eyes of Westerners watching him on TV he will have garnered a lot of support.

Thaksin in CNN right now.

when one compares him with Apphisit or even Jakaprob he sounds like a spent force to me.

i expected more from him in an exclusive interview on a world stage like CNN

anybody but the most vehement thicksin supporter who sees this interview would wonder wether he really has the chops for a comeback

The guy sounded like a TOTAL FOOL on CNN. He had a very hard time explaining himself, and came out looking like an idiot. The interviewer did a good job

after that interview how can anyone think that Thaksin can sort this out?

he cannot even take care of his own affairs

i mean when you run away why the <deleted> would you leave 76 billion baht behind exposed to a state seizure especially after he had swindled the Thai tax payer out of millions, and left a trail of not so secret alliances and front companies behind me that a third rate accountant could easily have discovered.

if i were him, Thailand would be the last place i kept any of my money

there would not be a satang in the bank here nor any of my assets.

so why did the tactical financial genius Thaksin do that?

and based on that, why would you want a man who made so many glaring errors laundering his own money, to run a whole country?

he cannot even manage his own money

i certainly would not trust him to steer thailand out of this mess and with his financial record i fail to see how any sensible person could either.


Just to lay to rest the payment to the red shirts to protest;

- see it straight from the horses mouth of the convicted ex PM criminal - 500 Bht to protest - unfortunately it's in Thai - but at 40 seconds he makes the error in telling the world - the reaction when its pointed out he has blown it is priceless - Oh <deleted>!

Of course, now all the true reds will come on and defend it saying it's a government manipulated tape and it can not be true cause we know the ex crim is honest and wouldn't do it .


No PAD is charged and in jail so far. Let me guess reds will be charged real quick.

And you ask the reds to stay quiet so country will be peaceful.

What did Suthep and Newin talk in the dark?


A fascinating glimpse of the real politics behind Little Mark's squeaky-clean government, Koo.

I thought Newin was banned from politics - rightly so, as he represents all that is wrong with local bully boys ruling like warlords. He was a disgrace to TRT, and he is a disgrace to the Dems! Suthep's obvious reliance on this thugs' mob to do his work in Pattaya, shows up the utter depths to which Abhisit will stoop to cling to power.

No PAD is charged and in jail so far. Let me guess reds will be charged real quick.

And you ask the reds to stay quiet so country will be peaceful.

PAD reported on 30 March to the police station.

Now there case is at the courts

The yellows never tried to burn Bangkok down.....

I thought Newin was banned from politics - rightly so, as he represents all that is wrong with local bully boys ruling like warlords. He was a disgrace to TRT, and he is a disgrace to the Dems! Suthep's obvious reliance on this thugs' mob to do his work in Pattaya, shows up the utter depths to which Abhisit will stoop to cling to power.

Yes, Newin is banned from politics. And everything you say about him is correct - of course, that didn't prevent pure as snow Thaksin from sharing a bed with him.

Actually I believe he may have been banned at the same time as Thaksin - the very Thaksin who is the subject of this thread "Ready to Tear the Country Apart" :o

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