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I Need Creative Ways To Get Back At My Wife


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We could all go British and put a switch on each outlet (oh my aching back). But TV's are the main standby power user and all that I have do have an override switch that removes all power if you use it. But believe the green brigade may have missed out on the shorted life that these standby power systems are designed to prevent. What will be the extra energy used in having to make the replacement sooner? It really is not a clear case in my view.

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Shag her sister

When we were in the states, my wife did not do the "unplug" ritual, but she sure does here in Thailand.

Face this place is some kind of screwed up....

water will always be wet, so might at well just accept it... be grateful she shaves (assuming she does)

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There are some appliances that use electricity that you wouldnt think they did. Some blenders even switched off use a bit of electricity and list goes one with other appliances. Its almost impossible to know which appliances dont take in electricity as even some toasters do. It all depends on the makes and models.

Probably just safe to have them on a multiple adapter that has a switch, but even some adapter switched turned off take in small amouts of electricity.

I live in what looks to be a rather nice condo, but in reality, they scrimped on materials when they made them.  I wouldn't want to have lighting strike my place and trust the circuitry to protect my simple things such as my cooking burner or fan, much less my electronics.  And I didn't know that a blender uses a small amount of juice even when it is off, so why not unplug it?

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All Thais I know (and all Cambodians too) are taught from childhood not to leave unused appliances plugged in and it was always explained to me that this was a safety precaution aginst electrical fires, which if you consider the level of electrical safety in the wiring of most places, is not unreasonable.

My Cambodian nephew failed to do this a few years back when the family camne to visit me in Thailand.

It caight fire and not only burned down parts of their house but set off a conflagration that completely destroyed over 50 thatch/bamboo houses and damged many of the less flammable ones in the area. Front page news and we (read: I) had to pay subtsantial damages for the negligence.

I kid you not.

Not ev eryone may understand the reason for the custom, but it's a valid one.

(And even if it were not, the OP needs a chill pill not revenge!)

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There are some appliances that use electricity that you wouldnt think they did. Some blenders even switched off use a bit of electricity and list goes one with other appliances. Its almost impossible to know which appliances dont take in electricity as even some toasters do. It all depends on the makes and models.

Probably just safe to have them on a multiple adapter that has a switch, but even some adapter switched turned off take in small amouts of electricity.

The amount is truly small however (or due to defects). Most could be corrected by the use of polarized plugs but they are not being used here.

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Nokia reckons that 2/3 of power consumed by mobile phones are the result of leaving your charger plugged in after you have compelted recharging your battery. They are planning to have "warning signal" in their phones to remind you that battery is full and you should unplug your charger.

Load of different calculations around the net. As one charger does not make any difference on your eletricity bill, in global scale there effect is massive.

These guys reckon that the amount of electricity wasted from mobile phone chargers left on in the UK alone, is enough to power over 33,000 homes for a whole year. Link

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All Thais I know (and all Cambodians too) are taught from childhood not to leave unused appliances plugged in and it was always explained to me that this was a safety precaution aginst electrical fires, which if you consider the level of electrical safety in the wiring of most places, is not unreasonable.

My Cambodian nephew failed to do this a few years back when the family camne to visit me in Thailand.

It caight fire and not only burned down parts of their house but set off a conflagration that completely destroyed over 50 thatch/bamboo houses and damged many of the less flammable ones in the area. Front page news and we (read: I) had to pay subtsantial damages for the negligence.

I kid you not.

Not ev eryone may understand the reason for the custom, but it's a valid one.

(And even if it were not, the OP needs a chill pill not revenge!)

I really took his post as tongue in cheek rather than a real issue. I really think there is more danger in unplugging/plugging than in leaving plugged in. The less you handle electric cords the better.

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I just found out that the Bonobo monkey is the only animal that has sex face-to-face. Apparently, it's fallen out of favor with humans. Sorry about the off-topic.


There are some appliances that use electricity that you wouldnt think they did. Some blenders even switched off use a bit of electricity and list goes one with other appliances. Its almost impossible to know which appliances dont take in electricity as even some toasters do. It all depends on the makes and models.

Probably just safe to have them on a multiple adapter that has a switch, but even some adapter switched turned off take in small amouts of electricity.

I live in what looks to be a rather nice condo, but in reality, they scrimped on materials when they made them.  I wouldn't want to have lighting strike my place and trust the circuitry to protect my simple things such as my cooking burner or fan, much less my electronics.  And I didn't know that a blender uses a small amount of juice even when it is off, so why not unplug it?

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So, I need creative ways to piss her off,

try bringing a couple of bar girls home and bang them in her bed, that should do it! ok, not very creative, but effective

Then slap you wife on the bum and smile saying "your next", thats show's a true definition of confidence

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Super glue the plugs into the sockets.

picking up your idea...but modify it....

open the sockets, disconnect 1 wire and burn it with a lighter.

bribe an electric shop to repair it, but tell that this happened because of plugging in and out too many times and it almost burned down the house.

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Super glue the plugs into the sockets.

picking up your idea...but modify it....

open the sockets, disconnect 1 wire and burn it with a lighter.

bribe an electric shop to repair it, but tell that this happened because of plugging in and out too many times and it almost burned down the house.

my condo was hit by lightening, and the wiring for the tv, the tv itself, the dvd and the lights in the lounge plus the power points with plugs in them all had to be replaced after getting a few thousand volts I guess.

Unplug tv/dvd = would have saved about 20,000b for me.

Anyhow, with regards to revenge, the best plan would be to paint everything black and white and play the piano, so when she wakes she thinks she is starring in a silent movie.

A second option would be to force her to watch CSI with all the last 10 minutes of each show cut off, so she never knows who did what.

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Super glue the plugs into the sockets.

picking up your idea...but modify it....

open the sockets, disconnect 1 wire and burn it with a lighter.

bribe an electric shop to repair it, but tell that this happened because of plugging in and out too many times and it almost burned down the house.

my condo was hit by lightening, and the wiring for the tv, the tv itself, the dvd and the lights in the lounge plus the power points with plugs in them all had to be replaced after getting a few thousand volts I guess.

Unplug tv/dvd = would have saved about 20,000b for me.

Anyhow, with regards to revenge, the best plan would be to paint everything black and white and play the piano, so when she wakes she thinks she is starring in a silent movie.

A second option would be to force her to watch CSI with all the last 10 minutes of each show cut off, so she never knows who did what.

This is what I am talking about. You could also do it with House; NCIS and My name is Earl, or get her favourite Thai soapies dubbed into English - it will do her head in.

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Nokia reckons that 2/3 of power consumed by mobile phones are the result of leaving your charger plugged in after you have compelted recharging your battery. They are planning to have "warning signal" in their phones to remind you that battery is full and you should unplug your charger.


They already have.

I bought a new Nokia recently.

When fully loaded it states that the battery is fully loaded, and to please unplug in order to save energy.

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They say things like "Being ten kg's over weight takes 10 years off your life". I am pretty sure the stress of having to sigh and replug in the same fan 8 times in one day is taking time off of my life too.

Quite surprised the paranoid members of this forum who think that everything Thai is out to get them have not advised you to dump the wife, as that is her obvious intention.

The long term scam she is operating is foolproof, better not tell her about the life insurance policy, run for the hills, its been her intention all along etc etc....


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They say things like "Being ten kg's over weight takes 10 years off your life". I am pretty sure the stress of having to sigh and replug in the same fan 8 times in one day is taking time off of my life too.

Quite surprised the paranoid members of this forum who think that everything Thai is out to get them have not advised you to dump the wife, as that is her obvious intention.

The long term scam she is operating is foolproof, better not tell her about the life insurance policy, run for the hills, its been her intention all along etc etc....


You must have missed the post where someone suggested he throw her out the window.

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Except that turning on the power on appliences causes more shock to thesystem and shortens the life considerably. And means things like TV sets with cathode ray tubes retain some power so that they do not need degausingl

Some days I don't realize how fortunate I am, until I read stuff like this. Sure, you know about that, and I know about that...but so does my Issan wife! So nothing gets unplugged, life is good...except when I drive. She's never driven/ridden anything but a scooter, but obviously knows more than I've learned from over a million miles :D But she's ok now since I stopped the truck and told her to drive. Now on long drives she tends to sleep a lot to soft-music CDs.

So I gotta agree with a previous poster: just be yourself.

After all, nothing you could think of could be worse than that :o

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If this were the USA or other western country, I would say that a good way to get back at her would be to leave the toilet seat up all the time. According to some women I know, there is nothing worse than a woman putting her bottom down on cold porcelain in the middle of the night after a man has forgotten to lower the seat. But being this is Thailand and many women are used to squatting anyway, this idea might not work for you.

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