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I Need Creative Ways To Get Back At My Wife


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Except that turning on the power on appliences causes more shock to thesystem and shortens the life considerably. And means things like TV sets with cathode ray tubes retain some power so that they do not need degausingl

Some days I don't realize how fortunate I am, until I read stuff like this. Sure, you know about that, and I know about that...but so does my Issan wife! So nothing gets unplugged, life is good...except when I drive. She's never driven/ridden anything but a scooter, but obviously knows more than I've learned from over a million miles :D But she's ok now since I stopped the truck and told her to drive. Now on long drives she tends to sleep a lot to soft-music CDs.

So I gotta agree with a previous poster: just be yourself.

After all, nothing you could think of could be worse than that :D

Mine is also Isaan and a lifelong scooter driver... Before we came back to Australia I got her to do her driving test which she failed. I ended up asking the examiner how much it was going to cost me to "obtain" a driving licence for her.. 500 baht. Sorted. :o

She still doesn't drive.

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Where does it cost 3 bahts a day to leave things plugged in? Thailand? I certainly did not know that!! The thing is many people has weird obsessions over small house hold things like that, my mom being one of them and I learned that it can be hurtful to pick a fight over the silliest thing with someone you love so you just learn to live and accommodate them. What I think is I'd go much further to be able to be with someone I love..let alone plugging in the fan 8 times a day..just as long as they are not hurting themselves or other people I don't care if they want me to walk around carrying shit in my pocket because it doesnt make me miserable..what makes me miserable is when people I love are miserable :)

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Personally I think it is harmlessly amusing little topic and can highlight succinctly those little cultural differences that can be a touch frustrating but that deep down really don't bother us at all - kind of like an urban myth versus scientific reality... and as for the marriage counseling stuff, I reckon such little games keep life from becoming too tedious!

I am unsure myself whether switching the red light off on the multi plug is sufficient or should I take the plus out of the wall altogether ?? (as someone else mentioned, in a storm, can you stuff get zapped if its plugged in but not on???


So what as the OP again? I tend to find that just being a farang tends to wind up the TGF quite sufficiently - farang kit mark loei !!!!

Edited by Jim's_a_Thai_Fox
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Everyday I have to replug in appliances that are not on. Apparently, an appliance that is plugged in and turned off, costs about 3 baht a day, and despite having no problem spending 100,000 baht on a designer purse, my wife feels that this is a huge waste of money and that all of her dead Chinese relatives will be looking down at her from sky shocked at her disregard for wasted baht.

They say things like "Being ten kg's over weight takes 10 years off your life". I am pretty sure the stress of having to sigh and replug in the same fan 8 times in one day is taking time off of my life too.

So, I need creative ways to piss her off, which I can rationalize through some silly ethical stance or principle. I've got nothing thus far.

Divorce her and advertise for a new one that behaves herself.

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Mine is also Isaan and a lifelong scooter driver... Before we came back to Australia I got her to do her driving test which she failed. I ended up asking the examiner how much it was going to cost me to "obtain" a driving licence for her.. 500 baht. Sorted. :o

Lucky us.

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Not everyone may understand the reason for the custom, but it's a valid one.

The electrics in Thailand are scary.

My maid flips the switch or unplugs the washer/dry and other small appliances. Now she has me doing it (I even unplug the kettle as it has a mind of its own... I'd go to fill it in the morning and it'd be boiling hot).

If the washer/dryer is not switched off or unplugged (which I do when going offstation), then when the hot water in the kitchen sink is turned on it blows the fuse in the kitchen.

I had the contractor who did my reno look into this and other electric snafus many times. TIT.

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Super glue the plugs into the sockets.

picking up your idea...but modify it....

open the sockets, disconnect 1 wire and burn it with a lighter.

bribe an electric shop to repair it, but tell that this happened because of plugging in and out too many times and it almost burned down the house.

my condo was hit by lightening, and the wiring for the tv, the tv itself, the dvd and the lights in the lounge plus the power points with plugs in them all had to be replaced after getting a few thousand volts I guess.

Unplug tv/dvd = would have saved about 20,000b for me.

Anyhow, with regards to revenge, the best plan would be to paint everything black and white and play the piano, so when she wakes she thinks she is starring in a silent movie.

A second option would be to force her to watch CSI with all the last 10 minutes of each show cut off, so she never knows who did what.

And don't forget to unplug the aerial,why does every1 always forget to unplug the aerial (surely a prime target)

My TW insists on switching off her mobile phone during storms. Very insightful considering she once did it while holding a big metal umbrella outside.

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