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Drunk Air Rage Dad Jailed


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I was unfortunate to be on this flight sat near this idiot .

It was Bangkok to Manchester and this low life nearly put me off flying for life.

I've only just found out what happened to him as I've been out of the UK for a while.

He was shouting at one point about thai cops spliting his head open with a baton.

I can easily understand why.

A PLANE passenger who went on a drunken rampage after being served too much booze has been sent to prison for eight months.

"Mr Flanagan is a well-travelled man and has travelled many times before and never behaved like this.

"He has a child by a lady in Thailand that he has never seen.

"He sends £40 a week to Thailand for his son and has described his anguish of wanting to be reunited with his son."

Judge Jonathan Geake said: "You must recognise the level of upset and impact your behaviour had on your fellow passengers.

"You have, at the age of 43, a very poor criminal record.


Edited by rambrutri
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He has a very poor criminal record? Well is that a good thing or bad? Is having a good criminal record mean you have one listing as long as your arm and a bad one is a measly 2 or 3 crimes? Or vice versa?

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He has a very poor criminal record? Well is that a good thing or bad? Is having a good criminal record mean you have one listing as long as your arm and a bad one is a measly 2 or 3 crimes? Or vice versa?

:D Which would you rather have? :o

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"He has a child by a lady in Thailand that he has never seen.

Well he must have seen her some time. :o

It's scum like this that make it tough on the rest of us who like a drink whist travelling. Shame he didn't behave like this on the Bangkok to Abu Dhabi leg, I'm sure the authorities there would have provided tea and a sympathetic ear for him. I'm a little surprised firstly that the flight staff served him booze and secondly that they didn't cuff hiim.

Oh well another fine example of British gentlemanly behaviour, trouble is they won't even be able to confiscate his passport for a few years as it would be against his human rights. :D

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Just wondering if he will go on a 'blacklist' and will be refused travel out of England on ANY airline as a result of his behaviour. People who can't control themselves on aircraft do not deserve any sympathy once they reach 3 years of age. Being drunk is NO excuse.


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8 months is not enough with his criminal record,

The court heard he had 25 previous convictions for 44 offences which included assaults and public disorder.

Sounds like a real SCUM BAG! Its a pity somebody didnt sit him on his backside during the flight :o

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I was involved in an Air Rage incident flying back from BKK to Heathrow on a New Year's Eve a few Years back, i had to give a Drunk a good hiding & tied him to a Seat as he was threatening to open the Emergency Exit over the Indian Ocean & received a round of applause from the Passengers, Thai Airways Staff & a handshake from the OB Top Man at Heathrow, even made The Sun Newspaper, 100% truth... :o

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People who can't control themselves on aircraft do not deserve any sympathy once they reach 3 years of age. Being drunk is NO excuse.

People are not machines. Sometimes people break for no aparent reason. There is a reason why we have psychiatrists and mental hospitals. Flying is a stressfull situation, with lots of people close on you and alchohol can trigger deeper emotional reactions.

I can sympatise with those that get upset when a fellow passenger ruins their flight. Noone want anything out of rutine when flying. So take a step back, taste that feeling and realise that its probably the same feeling that sent this guy over the edge. Next time it could be YOU having a panic attack.

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Sounds like a real SCUM BAG! Its a pity somebody didnt sit him on his backside during the flight :o

Someone did when the plane landed just before the police got on.

There was a big cheer on the plane and was never mentioned to the police.

If this guy has never seen his kid its probably because there isnt one and some Beer bar girl is on £40 a week for free.

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